
Sat, 05 Nov 2016 21:03:38 +0000

Ioannis Binietoglou <>
Sat, 05 Nov 2016 21:03:38 +0000
changeset 45
parent 43
child 56

readme.rst edited online with Bitbucket

Basic instructions

These classes can be used to handle lidar input data. They are still in a very initial stage. There are many features probably not working, but they work for some specific tasks. They work with Licel input files (and also with the Raymetrics modified format).

Set up

Parameter file
Before using the classes you need to setup some channel parameters, that are used when converting the lidar data to Single Calculus Chain format. 

All the parameters are read from an external file stored in the same folder as the code. You can start by changing the file “” that describe such parameters for the Clermont Ferrand  lidar. 

System class
The next thing you need to create a class that describes you system. This is very simple if your lidar data are in the Licel format, as you only need to specify the external file with the extra SCC parameters. You can use as an example the file “”:
    .. code:: python
       from licel import LicelLidarMeasurement
       import cf_netcdf_parameters
       class CfLidarMeasurement(LicelLidarMeasurement):
           extra_netcdf_parameters = cf_netcdf_parameters

Using the class

Once you have made the above setup you can start using it. The best way to understand how it works is through an interactive shell (I suggest [ipython](  In the following example I use the cf_raymetrics setup:
    .. code:: python
       import glob # This is needed to read a list of filenames
       from lidar import cf_raymetrics #If you have saved the files in a directrory called “lidar”

       # Go to the folder where you files are stored
       cd /path/to/lidar/files

       # Read the filenames
       files  = glob.glob("*") # The * reads all the files in the folder.

       #Read the files
       my_measurement = cf_raymetrics.CfLidarMeasurement(files)

       #Now the data have been read, and you have a measurement object to work with:
       # See what channels are present
       print my_measurement.channels

       # Quicklooks of all the channels

Converting to SCC format

There are some extra info you need to put in before converting to SCC format, "Measurement_ID", "Temperature", "Pressure":
    .. code:: python["Measurement_ID"] = "20101229op00"["Temperature"] = "14"["Pressure"] = "1010"

You can use standard values of temperature and pressure by just calling:
    .. code:: python

The standard values can be changed in Search the  get_PT method and change of what is appropriate for your station. If you have an external source of temperature and pressure information (a meteorological station) you can automate this by overriding the get_PT method in your system"s class (in our example in the file).

After you have used this extra input, you save the file using this command:

    .. code:: python

where you change the filename to the filename you want to use.
