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- Added missing variable First_Signal_Rangebin in the supported variables for licel2scc convertion.2018-03-22, by Iannis B
- Added tag 0.3.3 for changeset a478ededaa6a2018-03-18, by Iannis B
- Added changes to changelog.2018-03-18, by Iannis B
- Fixed confusing warning message about Laser_Shots.2018-03-18, by Iannis
- Version 0.3.32018-03-18, by Iannis
- Bug fix: wrong name of properties when saving netcdf file.2018-03-18, by Iannis
- Added tag 0.3.2 for changeset d0c5608bfddd2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Numpydoc in readthedocs requirements.2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Added MANIFEST, to fix bug when installing non-wheel package.2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Added tag 0.3.0 for changeset 037bca53472b2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Improved documentation, changelong, and support for numpy doc strings.2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Improved exposure of handling properties in handling level.2018-02-27, by Iannis
- Improved handling of photodiodes in licel files.2018-02-26, by Iannis
- Updates to raymetrics reading routines.2018-02-26, by Iannis
- Update to integrate automatic cloud masking in licel convertion.2018-02-23, by Iannis
- Merge from 126:41f7e71ea2962018-02-23, by Iannis
- licel2scc small bug.2018-02-23, by Iannis
- Adding first attempts to support Raymetrics-only files artifacts:2018-02-20, by Iannis
- Attempt to add cloudmasking options.2018-02-16, by Iannis
- Bug fix: wrong dicionary name.2018-02-16, by Iannis
- * Added PI name and email in DIVA global attributes2018-02-09, by Iannis
- Attempt to read overlap file names from settings file.2018-01-18, by Iannis
- Added tag 0.2.14 for changeset e285527196b42018-01-10, by Iannis
- Added warning about subset_by_time in licel files.2018-01-10, by Iannis
- Adding changelog.2018-01-10, by Iannis
- Fixed bugs when subsetting licel files.2018-01-10, by Iannis
- Major changes in Licel-related classes, to better expose all information to top-level classes.2018-01-06, by Iannis
- Minor update.2018-01-04, by Iannis
- Initial assignments and tests of diva variables2018-01-04, by Iannis
- * Ancillary variable group2017-12-15, by Iannis
- Some thoughts on DIVA file format parameters.2017-12-15, by Iannis
- Merge from 110:98a19fb7c6ac2017-12-15, by Iannis
- PDF documentation formated for one-sided print.2017-12-15, by Iannis
- New requirement.2017-12-14, by Iannis
- Adding files to be used for diva format development. Nothing working yet.2017-12-14, by Iannis
- Merge.2017-12-14, by Victor Nicolae
- Add initial support for licel2scc_depol dark measurements command line option.2017-12-14, by Victor Nicolae
- Some documentation to the file.2017-12-13, by Iannis
- Licel2017-12-12, by Iannis
- When subsetting measurements (either by channel, time, or bins) the dark measurements were not tranfered to the new object.2017-12-12, by Iannis
- Bug in definition of licel_timezone.2017-12-12, by Iannis
- First attempt to support timezones in licel files.2017-12-12, by Iannis
- New mock2017-12-07, by Iannis
- Mock matplotlib in for read the docs.2017-12-07, by Iannis
- Testing Mocking for read the docs.2017-12-07, by Iannis
- Readthedocs requirement file.2017-12-07, by Iannis
- New version and ignores.2017-12-07, by Iannis
- New documentation files.2017-12-07, by Iannis
- Adding systems in Is it needed?2017-12-07, by Iannis
- Updated documentation and cleanup of the LidarChannel class.2017-12-06, by Iannis
- Improved documentation and clean-up of BaseLidarMeasurement class.2017-12-06, by Iannis
- Merge from 89:c7ed2540212a2017-12-06, by Iannis
- Styling changes to CLI script.2017-12-06, by Iannis
- Initialize Python submodules for different systems.2017-11-20, by Victor Nicolae
- Consolidate file structure for different systems.2017-11-20, by Victor Nicolae
- Initial commit for reading general parameters from Licel file headers.2017-11-20, by Victor Nicolae
- Fix 'files' command line option being optional.2017-11-10, by Victor Nicolae
- Add command line option for dark measurements.2017-11-10, by Victor Nicolae
- Include more parameters from licel input files in the NetCDF output file.2017-11-10, by Victor Nicolae
- Typo2017-11-07, by Iannis