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- Changelog and version update.2018-10-10, by Iannis
- Fixed bug in Licel depol scripts.2018-10-10, by Iannis
- Removed experimnetal cloudmask feature. Improved CLI help text.2018-10-10, by Iannis
- Added vertical lidar measurement class.2018-09-25, by Ioannis
- Improvment on telecover.2018-09-25, by Ioannis
- First ideas for licel-to-telecover converter.2018-09-14, by Iannis
- Merge from 151:d89be5efc39c2018-09-13, by Iannis B
- Print channels manual copy.2018-09-13, by Iannis B
- Start of telecover conversion function (just for merging).2018-09-13, by Iannis B
- New raymetrics file2018-09-06, by Iannis
- Added pring channel method to LicelLidarMeasurement.2018-08-28, by Iannis
- A start for reading DIVA files.2018-08-24, by Iannis
- Merge from 148:e422bc5fcc7e2018-06-21, by Iannis
- Spliting draw function.2018-05-21, by Ioannis
- Changed photodiode bug level from warning to info.2018-04-12, by Iannis
- Minor change in colorbar and warning messages.2018-03-29, by Iannis B
- Change for reading new lines for both Windows and Linux2018-03-27, by Ioannis
- Added option to read just header from licel file.2018-03-23, by Iannis B
- Added tag 0.3.4 for changeset 151049bea91e2018-03-22, by Iannis B
- Added missing variable First_Signal_Rangebin in the supported variables for licel2scc convertion.2018-03-22, by Iannis B
- Added tag 0.3.3 for changeset a478ededaa6a2018-03-18, by Iannis B
- Added changes to changelog.2018-03-18, by Iannis B
- Fixed confusing warning message about Laser_Shots.2018-03-18, by Iannis
- Version 0.3.32018-03-18, by Iannis
- Bug fix: wrong name of properties when saving netcdf file.2018-03-18, by Iannis
- Added tag 0.3.2 for changeset d0c5608bfddd2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Numpydoc in readthedocs requirements.2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Added MANIFEST, to fix bug when installing non-wheel package.2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Added tag 0.3.0 for changeset 037bca53472b2018-02-28, by Iannis
- Improved documentation, changelong, and support for numpy doc strings.2018-02-28, by Iannis