Small bug in range correcting signal with pre-trigger regions.

Added tag 0.5.0 for changeset 16fd0e469bdb

Added save_as_csv method to Licel files.

Minor change for code clarity

Activated internal compression in output netcdf files.

Added tag 0.4.3 for changeset c729d977bd1c

Version 0.4.3

Bug fixes in reading LicelLidarMeasurements.

Added tag 0.4.2 for changeset ffef9fd98e7e

Version 0.4.2

Support of naming channels by order. In principle should not be required.

More flexible scan plots.

Removed wrong change in raymetrics fix pointing files.

Correct handling of azimuth angle in FixedPoint measurement files.

Fixing bug in reading number of shots for each channel.

Initial thoughts on plotting lidar data on lat/lon coordinates.

First attempt to read the new, expanded, licel format.

Simplistic first signal bin correction when calculating range-corrected signal for plotting.

Added support for fixed point measuremtns of scanning files.

Azimuth and elevation corrections, and some plots.

First attempt for RHI plot from scanning lidar. Axes are still reversed.


Functionality for plotting scanning lidar functions.

Better handling of scanning azimuth and zenith angles.


Added tag 0.4.1 for changeset e2fc90bce910

* Python 2 to 3 bug: licel header lines not decoded from bytes.

Added tag 0.4.0 for changeset c267d0221244

First attempt for python 3 compatibility.

Emission wavelength and optinal arguments.

More changes on Diva channels.

Initial classed to read diva L0 data format.

Fixed use of dark measurements in licel2scc-depol script.

More things TODO

Added tag 0.3.5 for changeset d3516001a4ce

Changelog and version update.

Fixed bug in Licel depol scripts.

Removed experimnetal cloudmask feature. Improved CLI help text.

Added vertical lidar measurement class.

Improvment on telecover.

First ideas for licel-to-telecover converter.

Merge from 151:d89be5efc39c

Print channels manual copy.

Start of telecover conversion function (just for merging).

New raymetrics file

Added pring channel method to LicelLidarMeasurement.

A start for reading DIVA files.

Merge from 148:e422bc5fcc7e

Spliting draw function.

Changed photodiode bug level from warning to info.

Minor change in colorbar and warning messages.

Change for reading new lines for both Windows and Linux

Added option to read just header from licel file.

Added tag 0.3.4 for changeset 151049bea91e

Added missing variable First_Signal_Rangebin in the supported variables for licel2scc convertion.

Added tag 0.3.3 for changeset a478ededaa6a

Added changes to changelog.

Fixed confusing warning message about Laser_Shots.

Version 0.3.3

Bug fix: wrong name of properties when saving netcdf file.

(0) -100 -60 tip
