Added option to read just header from licel file.

Added tag 0.3.4 for changeset 151049bea91e

Added missing variable First_Signal_Rangebin in the supported variables for licel2scc convertion.

Added tag 0.3.3 for changeset a478ededaa6a

Added changes to changelog.

Fixed confusing warning message about Laser_Shots.

Version 0.3.3

Bug fix: wrong name of properties when saving netcdf file.

Added tag 0.3.2 for changeset d0c5608bfddd

Numpydoc in readthedocs requirements.

Added MANIFEST, to fix bug when installing non-wheel package.

Added tag 0.3.0 for changeset 037bca53472b

Improved documentation, changelong, and support for numpy doc strings.

Improved exposure of handling properties in handling level.

Improved handling of photodiodes in licel files.

Updates to raymetrics reading routines.

Update to integrate automatic cloud masking in licel convertion.

Merge from 126:41f7e71ea296

licel2scc small bug.

Adding first attempts to support Raymetrics-only files artifacts:

Attempt to add cloudmasking options.

Bug fix: wrong dicionary name.

* Added PI name and email in DIVA global attributes

Attempt to read overlap file names from settings file.

Added tag 0.2.14 for changeset e285527196b4

Added warning about subset_by_time in licel files.

Adding changelog.

Fixed bugs when subsetting licel files.

Major changes in Licel-related classes, to better expose all information to top-level classes.

Minor update.

Initial assignments and tests of diva variables

* Ancillary variable group

Some thoughts on DIVA file format parameters.

Merge from 110:98a19fb7c6ac

PDF documentation formated for one-sided print.

New requirement.

Adding files to be used for diva format development. Nothing working yet.


Add initial support for licel2scc_depol dark measurements command line option.

Some documentation to the file.


When subsetting measurements (either by channel, time, or bins) the dark measurements were not tranfered to the new object.

Bug in definition of licel_timezone.

First attempt to support timezones in licel files.

New mock

Mock matplotlib in for read the docs.

Testing Mocking for read the docs.

Readthedocs requirement file.

New version and ignores.

New documentation files.

Adding systems in Is it needed?

Updated documentation and cleanup of the LidarChannel class.

Improved documentation and clean-up of BaseLidarMeasurement class.

Merge from 89:c7ed2540212a

Styling changes to CLI script.

Initialize Python submodules for different systems.

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