i@118: Changelog i@118: ========= i@118: i@118: Unreleased i@118: ---------- ioannis@142: 0.3.4 - 2018-03-22 ioannis@142: ------------------ ioannis@142: Fixed ioannis@142: ~~~~~ ioannis@142: - Added First_Signal_Rangebin in supported channel variables. ioannis@142: ioannis@142: Added ioannis@142: ~~~~~ ioannis@142: - Plotting of cloud-mask ioannis@142: ioannis@140: 0.3.3 - 2018-03-18 ioannis@140: ------------------ ioannis@140: Fixed ioannis@140: ~~~~~ ioannis@140: - Fixed bug when saving SCC NetCDF file. ioannis@140: - Fixed confusing error message when saving SCC NetCDF and Laser_Shots are read from Licel file. i@118: i@135: 0.3.2 - 2018-02-28 i@135: ------------------ i@135: Fixed i@135: ~~~~~ i@135: - Fixed installation of non-wheel package i@135: i@132: 0.3.0 - 2018-02-28 i@132: ------------------ i@132: Fixed i@132: ~~~~~ i@132: - Bug when calculating physical units for Licel analog signals i@132: i@132: Added i@132: ~~~~~ i@132: - Initial support of Raymetrics scanning files. i@132: - Initial experimental support of cloud masking when converting licel to SCC format. i@132: - Added support for overlap and lidar ratio file names in SCC format. i@132: i@132: i@132: Changed i@132: ~~~~~~~ i@132: - Improvements on DIVA format. i@132: i@118: 0.2.14 - 2018-01-10 i@118: ------------------- i@118: Fixed i@118: ~~~~~ i@118: - Correct reading of measurement parameters from Licel files. i@118: - Fixed possible problems with class-level parameters in Licel measurement class. i@118: i@118: Added i@118: ~~~~~ i@118: - First ideas for a DIVA netCDF format.