First attempt to read the new, expanded, licel format.


Iannis <>
Mon, 21 Oct 2019 15:08:18 +0300
changeset 180
parent 179
child 181

First attempt to read the new, expanded, licel format.

atmospheric_lidar/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
atmospheric_lidar/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/atmospheric_lidar/	Mon Oct 21 15:07:48 2019 +0300
+++ b/atmospheric_lidar/	Mon Oct 21 15:08:18 2019 +0300
@@ -37,22 +37,27 @@
         self.raw_data = raw_data
         self.duration = duration
         self.use_id_as_name = use_id_as_name
-        self.adcbits = int(raw_info['ADCbits'])
- = int(raw_info['active'])
-        self.analog_photon = raw_info['analog_photon']
-        self.bin_width = float(raw_info['bin_width'])
-        self.data_points = int(raw_info['number_of_datapoints'])
+        self._assign_properties()
-        self.hv = float(raw_info['HV'])
- = raw_info['ID']
-        self.laser_used = int(raw_info['laser_used'])
-        self.number_of_shots = int(raw_info['number_of_shots'])
-        self.wavelength_str = raw_info['wavelength']
+    def _assign_properties(self):
+        """ Assign properties """
+        self.adcbits = int(self.raw_info['ADCbits'])
+ = int(self.raw_info['active'])
+        self.analog_photon = self.raw_info['analog_photon']
+        self.bin_width = float(self.raw_info['bin_width'])
+        self.data_points = int(self.raw_info['number_of_datapoints'])
+        self.hv = float(self.raw_info['HV'])
+ = self.raw_info['ID']
+        self.laser_used = int(self.raw_info['laser_used'])
+        self.number_of_shots = int(self.raw_info['number_of_shots'])
+        self.wavelength_str = self.raw_info['wavelength']
+        self.address = int([-1:], base=16)
         if self.is_analog:
-            self.discriminator = float(raw_info['discriminator']) * 1000  # Analog range in mV
+            self.discriminator = float(self.raw_info['discriminator']) * 1000  # Analog range in mV
-            self.discriminator = float(raw_info['discriminator'])
+            self.discriminator = float(self.raw_info['discriminator'])
     def is_photodiode(self):
@@ -103,8 +108,14 @@
         if self.analog_photon == '0':
             string = 'an'
+        elif self.analog_photon == '1':
+            string = 'ph'
+        elif self.analog_photon == '2':
+            string = 'std_an'
+        elif self.analog_photon == '3':
+            string = 'std_ph'
-            string = 'ph'
+            string = str(self.analaog_photon)
         return string
     def calculate_physical(self):
@@ -366,6 +377,10 @@
         with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as f:
+    @property
+    def has_photodiode(self):
+        return len(self.photodiodes) != 0
     def match_lines(f1, f2):
         list1 = f1.split()
@@ -394,7 +409,6 @@
         self.raw_info = []
         self.laser_shots = []
         self.duration = []
-        self.number_of_shots = []
         self.discriminator = []
         self.hv = [] = {}
@@ -409,12 +423,17 @@
 [current_file.start_time] =
-        self.laser_shots.append(file_channel.number_of_shots)
-        self.number_of_shots.append(file_channel.number_of_shots)
+        self.laser_shots.append(file_channel.laser_shots)
+    @property
+    def number_of_shots(self):
+        """ Redundant, kept here for backward compatibility """
+        return self.laser_shots
     def _assign_properties(self, current_file, file_channel):
         self._assign_unique_property('name', file_channel.channel_name)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/atmospheric_lidar/	Mon Oct 21 15:08:18 2019 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+import datetime
+import logging
+import copy
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import pytz
+from .licel import LicelFile, LicelChannelData, LicelChannel, LicelLidarMeasurement, PhotodiodeChannel
+from .diva import DivaConverterMixin
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+c = 299792458.0  # Speed of light
+class LicelChannelDataV2(LicelChannelData):
+    """ A class representing a single channel found in a single Licel file."""
+    def __init__(self, raw_info, raw_data, duration):
+        """
+        This is run when creating a new object.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        raw_info : dict
+           A dictionary containing raw channel information.
+        raw_data : dict
+           An array with raw channel data.
+        duration : float
+           Duration of the file, in seconds
+        """
+        super(LicelChannelDataV2, self).__init__(raw_info=raw_info,
+                         raw_data=raw_data,
+                         duration=duration,
+                         use_id_as_name=False)  # Obsolete
+    def _assign_properties(self):
+        """ Assign properties """
+        laser_polarizations = {0: "none",
+                               1: "vertical",
+                               2: "horizontal",
+                               3: "right circular",
+                               4: "left circular"}
+        self.laser_polarization_int = int(self.raw_info['laser_polarization'])
+        self.laser_polarization_str = laser_polarizations[self.laser_polarization_int]
+        self.bin_shift = self.raw_info['bin_shift']
+        self.bin_shift_decimal_places = self.raw_info['bin_shift_decimal_places']
+        super(LicelChannelDataV2, self)._assign_properties()
+    @property
+    def is_photodiode(self):
+        return[0:2] == 'PD'
+    @property
+    def is_powermeter(self):
+        return[0:2] == 'PM'
+    @property
+    def is_standard_deviation(self):
+        return[0:2] == 'S2'
+    @property
+    def channel_name(self):
+        """
+        Construct the channel name adding analog photon info to avoid duplicates
+        If use_id_as_name is True, the channel name will be the transient digitizer ID (e.g. BT01).
+        This could be useful if the lidar system has multiple telescopes, so the descriptive name is
+        not unique.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        channel_name : str
+           The channel name
+        """
+        return "{}_L{0.laser_used}_P{0.laser_polarization_int}".format(self)
+    def calculate_physical(self):
+        """ Calculate physically-meaningful data from raw channel data:
+        * In case of analog signals, the data are converted to mV.
+        * In case of photon counting signals, data are stored as number of photons.
+        In addition, some ancillary variables are also calculated (z, dz, number_of_bins).
+        """
+        data = self.raw_data
+        norm = data / float(self.number_of_shots)
+        dz = self.bin_width
+        if self.is_analog:
+            # If the channel is in analog mode
+            ADCrange = self.discriminator  # Discriminator value already in mV
+            if self.is_photodiode and (self.adcbits == 0):
+      "Assuming adcbits equal 1. This is a bug in current licel format when storing photodiode data.")
+                channel_data = norm * ADCrange / (2 ** self.adcbits)
+            else:
+                channel_data = norm * ADCrange / ((2 ** self.adcbits) - 1)  # Licel LabView code has a bug (does not account -1).
+        else:
+             channel_data = norm * self.number_of_shots
+        # Calculate Z
+        self.z = np.array([dz * bin_number + dz / 2.0 for bin_number in range(self.data_points)])
+ = dz
+ = channel_data
+    @property
+    def is_analog(self):
+        return self.analog_photon == '0'
+    @property
+    def is_photon(self):
+        return self.analog_photon == '1'
+class LicelFileV2(LicelFile):
+    """ A class representing a single binary Licel file. """
+    licel_file_header_format = ['filename',
+                                'start_date start_time end_date end_time altitude longitude latitude zenith_angle azimuth_angle custom_field',
+                                # Appart from Site that is read manually
+                                'LS1 rate_1 LS2 rate_2 number_of_datasets LS3 rate_3 0000000 0000 controller_timestamp' ]
+    licel_file_channel_format = 'active analog_photon laser_used number_of_datapoints laser_polarization HV bin_width wavelength d2 d3 bin_shift bin_shift_decimal_places ADCbits number_of_shots discriminator ID'
+    channel_data_class = LicelChannelDataV2
+    # If True, it corrects the old Raymetrics convention of zenith angle definition (zenith = -90 degrees)
+    fix_zenith_angle = False
+    def __init__(self, file_path, licel_timezone="UTC", import_now=True):
+        """
+        This is run when creating a new object.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        file_path : str
+           The path to the Licel file.
+        licel_timezone : str
+           The timezone of dates found in the Licel files. Should match the available
+           timezones in the TZ database.
+        import_now : bool
+           If True, the header and data are read immediately. If not, the user has to call the
+           corresponding methods directly. This is used to speed up reading files when only
+           header information are required.
+        """
+        super(LicelFileV2, self).__init__(file_path=file_path,
+                         use_id_as_name=False,  # Obsolete
+                         licel_timezone=licel_timezone,
+                         import_now=import_now)
+    def _assign_properties(self):
+        """ Assign properties from the raw_info dictionary. """
+        self.number_of_datasets = int(self.raw_info['number_of_datasets'])
+        self.altitude = float(self.raw_info['altitude'])
+        self.longitude = float(self.raw_info['longitude'])
+        self.latitude = float(self.raw_info['latitude'])
+        self.zenith_angle_raw = float(self.raw_info['zenith_angle'])
+        logger.debug('Fix zenith angle? %s' % self.fix_zenith_angle)
+        if self.fix_zenith_angle:
+            logger.debug('Fixing zenith angle.')
+            self.zenith_angle = self._correct_zenith_angle(self.zenith_angle_raw)
+        else:
+            self.zenith_angle = self.zenith_angle_raw
+        self.azimuth_angle = float(self.raw_info['azimuth_angle'])
+        if "custom_field" in self.raw_info.keys():
+            self.custom_field = self.raw_info['custom_field'].strip('"')
+        self.laser1_shots = self.raw_info['LS1']
+        self.laser1_reprate = self.raw_info['rate_1']
+        self.laser2_shots = self.raw_info['LS2']
+        self.laser2_reprate = self.raw_info['rate_2']
+        self.laser3_shots = self.raw_info['LS3']
+        self.laser3_reprate = self.raw_info['rate_3']
+        if 'controller_timestamp' in self.raw_info.keys():
+            self.controller_timestamp = self.raw_info['controller_timestamp']
+    def import_file(self):
+        """ Read the header info and data of the Licel file.
+        """
+        channels = {}
+        photodiodes = {}
+        powermeters = {}
+        standard_deviations = {}
+        with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as f:
+            self.read_header(f)
+            # Check the complete header is read
+            f.readline()
+            # Import the data
+            for current_channel_info in self.channel_info:
+                raw_data = np.fromfile(f, 'i4', int(current_channel_info['number_of_datapoints']))
+                a = np.fromfile(f, 'b', 1)
+                b = np.fromfile(f, 'b', 1)
+                if (a[0] != 13) | (b[0] != 10):
+                    logger.warning("No end of line found after record. File could be corrupt: %s" % self.file_path)
+                    logger.warning('a: {0}, b: {1}.'.format(a, b))
+                channel = self.channel_data_class(current_channel_info, raw_data, self.duration())
+                # Assign the channel either as normal channel or photodiode
+                if channel.is_photodiode:
+                    if channel.channel_name in photodiodes.keys():
+                        # Check if current naming convention produces unique files
+                        raise IOError('Trying to import two photodiodes with the same name')
+                    photodiodes[channel.channel_name] = channel
+                elif channel.is_powermeter:
+                    if channel.channel_name in powermeters.keys():
+                        # Check if current naming convention produces unique files
+                        raise IOError('Trying to import two powermeters with the same name')
+                    powermeters[channel.channel_name] = channel
+                elif channel.is_standard_deviation:
+                    if channel.channel_name in channels.keys():
+                        # Check if current naming convention does not produce unique files
+                        raise IOError('Trying to import two standard deviations with the same name')
+                    standard_deviations[channel.channel_name] = channel
+                else:
+                    if channel.channel_name in channels.keys():
+                        # Check if current naming convention does not produce unique files
+                        raise IOError('Trying to import two channels with the same name')
+                    channels[channel.channel_name] = channel
+        self.channels = channels
+        self.photodiodes = photodiodes
+        self.powermeters = powermeters
+        self.standard_deviations = standard_deviations
+        self._calculate_physical()
+    def _calculate_physical(self):
+        """ Calculate physical quantities from raw data for all channels in the file. """
+        for channel in self.channels.values():
+            channel.calculate_physical()
+        for photodiode in self.photodiodes.values():
+            photodiode.calculate_physical()
+        for powermeter in self.powermeters.values():
+            powermeter.calculate_physical()
+        for standard_deviations in self.standard_deviations.values():
+            standard_deviations.calculate_physical()
+    @property
+    def has_powermeter(self):
+        return len(self.powermeters) != 0
+    @property
+    def has_standard_deviations(self):
+        return len(self.standard_deviations) != 0
+class LicelChannelV2(LicelChannel):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.laser_polarization_int = None
+        self.laser_polarization_str = None
+        self.bin_shift = None
+        self.bin_shift_decimal_places = None
+        super(LicelChannelV2, self).__init__()
+    def append_file(self, current_file, file_channel):
+        """ Append file to the current object """
+        self._assign_properties(current_file, file_channel)
+        self.binwidth = self.resolution * 2. / c  # in seconds
+        self.z = file_channel.z
+[current_file.start_time] =
+        self.raw_info.append(file_channel.raw_info)
+        self.laser_shots.append(file_channel.number_of_shots)
+        self.duration.append(file_channel.duration)
+        self.number_of_shots.append(file_channel.number_of_shots)
+        self.discriminator.append(file_channel.discriminator)
+        self.hv.append(file_channel.hv)
+    def _assign_properties(self, current_file, file_channel):
+        self._assign_unique_property('laser_polarization_int', file_channel.laser_polarization_int)
+        self._assign_unique_property('laser_polarization_str', file_channel.laser_polarization_str)
+        self._assign_unique_property('bin_shift', file_channel.bin_shift)
+        self._assign_unique_property('bin_shift_decimal_places', file_channel.bin_shift_decimal_places)
+        super(LicelChannelV2, self)._assign_properties(current_file, file_channel)
+    @property
+    def is_analog(self):
+        return self.analog_photon_string == 'an'
+    @property
+    def is_photon_counting(self):
+        return self.analog_photon_string == 'ph'
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return "<Licel channel: %s>" %
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self).encode('utf-8')
+class LicelLidarMeasurementV2(LicelLidarMeasurement):
+    file_class = LicelFileV2
+    channel_class = LicelChannelV2
+    photodiode_class = PhotodiodeChannel
+    powermeter_class = PhotodiodeChannel
+    standard_deviation_class = LicelChannelV2
+    def __init__(self, file_list=None, licel_timezone='UTC'):
+        self.standard_deviations = {}
+        self.powermeters = {}
+        super(LicelLidarMeasurementV2, self).__init__(file_list=file_list,
+                                                      use_id_as_name=False,
+                                                      licel_timezone=licel_timezone)
+    def _create_or_append_channel(self, current_file):
+        for channel_name, channel in current_file.channels.items():
+            if channel_name not in self.channels:
+                self.channels[channel_name] = self.channel_class()
+            self.channels[channel_name].append_file(current_file, channel)
+        for photodiode_name, photodiode in current_file.photodiodes.items():
+            if photodiode_name not in self.photodiodes:
+                self.photodiodes[photodiode_name] = self.photodiode_class()
+            self.photodiodes[photodiode_name].append_file(current_file, photodiode)
+        for powermeter_name, powermeter in current_file.powermeters.items():
+            if powermeter_name not in self.powermeters:
+                self.powermeters[powermeter_name] = self.powermeter_class()
+            self.powermeters[powermeter_name].append_file(current_file, powermeter)
+        for std_deviation_name, std_deviation in current_file.standard_deviations.items():
+            if std_deviation_name not in self.photodiodes:
+                self.standard_deviations[std_deviation_name] = self.standard_deviation_class()
+            self.standard_deviations[std_deviation_name].append_file(current_file, std_deviation)
+    def _import_file(self, filename):
+        if filename in self.files:
+            logger.warning("File has been imported already: %s" % filename)
+        else:
+            logger.debug('Importing file {0}'.format(filename))
+            current_file = self.file_class(filename, licel_timezone=self.licel_timezone)
+            self.raw_info[current_file.file_path] = current_file.raw_info
+            self.durations[current_file.file_path] = current_file.duration()
+            file_laser_shots = []
+            self._create_or_append_channel(current_file)
+            self.laser_shots.append(file_laser_shots)
+            self.files.append(current_file.file_path)
\ No newline at end of file
