Adding first attempts to support Raymetrics-only files artifacts:


Iannis <>
Tue, 20 Feb 2018 18:07:28 +0200
changeset 125
parent 124
child 127

Adding first attempts to support Raymetrics-only files artifacts:
* New header lines for scanning measurements
* Photodiode channels.

atmospheric_lidar/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
atmospheric_lidar/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/atmospheric_lidar/	Fri Feb 16 14:39:54 2018 +0200
+++ b/atmospheric_lidar/	Tue Feb 20 18:07:28 2018 +0200
@@ -9,18 +9,20 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-licel_file_header_format = ['Filename',
-                            'StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Altitude Longtitude Latitude ZenithAngle',
-                            # Appart from Site that is read manually
-                            'LS1 Rate1 LS2 Rate2 DataSets', ]
-licel_file_channel_format = 'Active AnalogPhoton LaserUsed DataPoints 1 HV BinW Wavelength d1 d2 d3 d4 ADCbits NShots Discriminator ID'
 c = 299792458.0  # Speed of light
 class LicelFile:
     """ A class representing a single binary Licel file. """
+    licel_file_header_format = ['Filename',
+                                'StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Altitude Longtitude Latitude ZenithAngle',
+                                # Appart from Site that is read manually
+                                'LS1 Rate1 LS2 Rate2 DataSets', ]
+    licel_file_channel_format = 'Active AnalogPhoton LaserUsed DataPoints 1 HV BinW Wavelength d1 d2 d3 d4 ADCbits NShots Discriminator ID'
+    file_channel_class = LicelFileChannel
     def __init__(self, file_path, use_id_as_name=False, licel_timezone="UTC"):
         This is run when creating a new object.
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@
                 if (a[0] != 13) | (b[0] != 10):
                     logging.warning("No end of line found after record. File could be corrupt: %s" % file_path)
-                channel = LicelFileChannel(current_channel_info, raw_data, self.duration(),
+                channel = self.file_channel_class(current_channel_info, raw_data, self.duration(),
                 channel_name = channel.channel_name
@@ -102,23 +104,9 @@
         # Read first line
         raw_info['Filename'] = f.readline().strip()
-        # Read second line
-        second_line = f.readline()
-        # Many Licel files don't follow the licel standard. Specifically, the
-        # measurement site is not always 8 characters, and can include white
-        # spaces. For this, the site name is detect everything before the first 
-        # date. For efficiency, the first date is found by the first '/'.
-        # e.g. assuming a string like 'Site name 01/01/2010 ...' 
+        raw_info.update(self._read_second_header_line(f))
-        site_name = second_line.split('/')[0][:-2]
-        clean_site_name = site_name.strip()
-        raw_info['Site'] = clean_site_name
-        raw_info.update(self.match_lines(second_line[len(clean_site_name) + 1:], licel_file_header_format[1]))
-        # Read third line
-        third_line = f.readline()
-        raw_info.update(self.match_lines(third_line, licel_file_header_format[2]))
+        raw_info.update(self._read_rest_of_header(f))
         # Update the object properties based on the raw info
         start_string = '%s %s' % (raw_info['StartDate'], raw_info['StartTime'])
@@ -144,11 +132,36 @@
         # Read the rest of the header.
         for c1 in range(int(raw_info['DataSets'])):
-            channel_info.append(self.match_lines(f.readline(), licel_file_channel_format))
+            channel_info.append(self.match_lines(f.readline(), self.licel_file_channel_format))
         self.raw_info = raw_info
         self.channel_info = channel_info
+    def _read_second_header_line(self, f):
+        """ Read the second line of a licel file. """
+        raw_info = {}
+        second_line = f.readline()
+        # Many Licel files don't follow the licel standard. Specifically, the
+        # measurement site is not always 8 characters, and can include white
+        # spaces. For this, the site name is detect everything before the first
+        # date. For efficiency, the first date is found by the first '/'.
+        # e.g. assuming a string like 'Site name 01/01/2010 ...'
+        site_name = second_line.split('/')[0][:-2]
+        clean_site_name = site_name.strip()
+        raw_info['Site'] = clean_site_name
+        raw_info.update(self.match_lines(second_line[len(clean_site_name) + 1:], self.licel_file_header_format[1]))
+        return raw_info
+    def _read_rest_of_header(self, f):
+        """ Read the rest of the header lines, after line 2. """
+        # Read third line
+        third_line = f.readline()
+        raw_dict = self.match_lines(third_line, self.licel_file_header_format[2])
+        return raw_dict
     def duration(self):
         """ Return the duration of the file. 
@@ -278,8 +291,8 @@
         if self.raw_info['AnalogPhoton'] == '0':
             # If the channel is in analog mode
-            ADCrange = self.discriminator * 1000  # Value in mV
-            channel_data = norm * ADCrange / ((2 ** self.adcbits) - 1)
+            ADCrange = self.discriminator  # Discriminator value already in mV
+            channel_data = norm * ADCrange / ((2 ** self.adcbits) - 1)  # TODO: Check this. Agrees with Licel docs, but differs from their LabView code.
             # print ADCb, ADCRange,cdata,norm
@@ -306,6 +319,9 @@
 class LicelLidarMeasurement(BaseLidarMeasurement):
+    file_class = LicelFile
+    channel_class = LicelChannel
     def __init__(self, file_list=None, use_id_as_name=False, licel_timezone='UTC'):
         self.raw_info = {}  # Keep the raw info from the files
         self.durations = {}  # Keep the duration of the files
@@ -320,20 +336,24 @@
             logger.warning("File has been imported already: %s" % filename)
             logger.debug('Importing file {0}'.format(filename))
-            current_file = LicelFile(filename, use_id_as_name=self.use_id_as_name, licel_timezone=self.licel_timezone)
+            current_file = self.file_class(filename, use_id_as_name=self.use_id_as_name, licel_timezone=self.licel_timezone)
             self.raw_info[current_file.filename] = current_file.raw_info
             self.durations[current_file.filename] = current_file.duration()
             file_laser_shots = []
-            for channel_name, channel in current_file.channels.items():
-                if channel_name not in self.channels:
-                    self.channels[channel_name] = LicelChannel()
-                self.channels[channel_name].append_file(current_file.start_time, channel)
+            self._create_or_append_channel(current_file)
+    def _create_or_append_channel(self, current_file):
+        for channel_name, channel in current_file.channels.items():
+            if channel_name not in self.channels:
+                self.channels[channel_name] = self.channel_class()
+            self.channels[channel_name].append_file(current_file.start_time, channel)
     def append(self, other):
@@ -468,15 +488,7 @@
     def append_file(self, file_start_time, file_channel):
         """ Append file to the current object """
-        self._assign_unique_property('name', file_channel.channel_name)
-        self._assign_unique_property('resolution',
-        self._assign_unique_property('wavelength', file_channel.wavelength)
-        self._assign_unique_property('points', file_channel.data_points)
-        self._assign_unique_property('adcbits', file_channel.adcbits)
-        self._assign_unique_property('active',
-        self._assign_unique_property('laser_user', file_channel.laser_user)
-        self._assign_unique_property('adcbints', file_channel.adcbits)
-        self._assign_unique_property('analog_photon_string', file_channel.analog_photon_string)
+        self._assign_properties(file_channel)
         self.binwidth = self.resolution * 2. / c  # in seconds
         self.z = file_channel.z
@@ -489,6 +501,17 @@
+    def _assign_properties(self, file_channel):
+        self._assign_unique_property('name', file_channel.channel_name)
+        self._assign_unique_property('resolution',
+        self._assign_unique_property('wavelength', file_channel.wavelength)
+        self._assign_unique_property('points', file_channel.data_points)
+        self._assign_unique_property('adcbits', file_channel.adcbits)
+        self._assign_unique_property('active',
+        self._assign_unique_property('laser_user', file_channel.laser_user)
+        self._assign_unique_property('adcbints', file_channel.adcbits)
+        self._assign_unique_property('analog_photon_string', file_channel.analog_photon_string)
     def _assign_unique_property(self, property_name, value):
         current_value = getattr(self, property_name, None)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/atmospheric_lidar/	Tue Feb 20 18:07:28 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+""" Code to read Raymetrics version of Licel binary files."""
+import datetime
+import logging
+import pytz
+from .licel import LicelFile, LicelLidarMeasurement, LicelChannel
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RaymetricsLidarMeasurement(LicelLidarMeasurement):
+    def __init__(self, file_list=None, use_id_as_name=False, licel_timezone='UTC'):
+        self.photodiodes = {}  # Add photodiode dictionary
+        super(RaymetricsLidarMeasurement, self).__init__(file_list=file_list,
+                                                         use_id_as_name=use_id_as_name,
+                                                         licel_timezone=licel_timezone)
+    def _create_or_append_channel(self, current_file):
+        for channel_name, channel in current_file.channels.items():
+            if channel_name[0:2] == 'PD':
+                if channel_name not in self.photodiodes:
+                    self.photodiodes[channel_name] = PhotodiodeChannel()
+                self.photodiodes[channel_name].append_file(current_file.start_time, channel)
+            else:
+                if channel_name not in self.channels:
+                    self.channels[channel_name] = self.channel_class()
+                self.channels[channel_name].append_file(current_file.start_time, channel)
+class ScanningFile(LicelFile):
+    licel_file_header_format = ['Filename',
+                                'StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Altitude Longtitude Latitude ZenithAngle Temperature Pressure', # Appart from Site that is read manually
+                                'azimuth_start azimuth_finish azimuth_step zenith_start zenith_finish zenith_step azimuth_offset',
+                                'LS1 Rate1 LS2 Rate2 DataSets', ]
+    licel_file_channel_format = 'Active AnalogPhoton LaserUsed DataPoints 1 HV BinW Wavelength d1 d2 d3 d4 ADCbits NShots Discriminator ID'
+    def _read_rest_of_header(self, f):
+        """ Read the rest of the header lines, after line 2. """
+        raw_info = {}
+        third_line = f.readline()
+        raw_info.update(self.match_lines(third_line, self.licel_file_header_format[2]))
+        fourth_line = f.readline()
+        raw_info.update(self.match_lines(fourth_line, self.licel_file_header_format[3]))
+        return raw_info
+class ScanningLidarMeasurement(RaymetricsLidarMeasurement):
+    file_class = ScanningFile
+    channel_class = LicelChannel
+class PhotodiodeChannel(LicelChannel):
+    def _assign_properties(self, file_channel):
+        """ In contrast with normal channels, don't check for constant points."""
+        self._assign_unique_property('name', file_channel.channel_name)
+        self._assign_unique_property('resolution',
+        self._assign_unique_property('wavelength', file_channel.wavelength)
+        self._assign_unique_property('adcbits', file_channel.adcbits)
+        self._assign_unique_property('active',
+        self._assign_unique_property('laser_user', file_channel.laser_user)
+        self._assign_unique_property('adcbints', file_channel.adcbits)
+        self._assign_unique_property('analog_photon_string', file_channel.analog_photon_string)
\ No newline at end of file
