
Sun, 04 Oct 2020 22:22:08 +0200

Volker Freudenthaler
Sun, 04 Oct 2020 22:22:08 +0200
changeset 47
parent 40

changed output_path commands should work now with LINUS

Volker@40 1 # This Python script will be executed from within the main
Volker@40 2 # Probably it will be better in the future to let the main script rather read a conguration file,
Volker@40 3 # which might improve the portability of the code within an executable.
Volker@40 4 # Due to problems I had with some two letter variables, most variables are now with at least
Volker@40 5 # three letters mixed small and capital.
Volker@40 6 # To be used with ver. 0.9.8e and larger
Volker@40 7
Volker@40 8 # Do you want to calculate the errors? If not, just the GHK-parameters are determined.
Volker@40 9 Error_Calc = True
Volker@40 10
Volker@40 11 # Header to identify the lidar system
Volker@40 12 EID = "xx" # Earlinet station ID
Volker@40 13 LID = "example lidar" # Additional lidar ID (short descriptive text)
Volker@40 14 print(" Lidar system :", EID, ", ", LID)
Volker@40 15
Volker@40 16 # +++ IL Laser and +-Uncertainty
Volker@40 17 Qin, dQin, nQin = 0.995, 0.005, 1 # second Stokes vector parameter; default 1 => linear polarization 0.999 => LDR = 0.0005
Volker@40 18 Vin, dVin, nVin = 0.0, 0.0, 0 # fourth Stokes vector parameter; default 0 => corresponds to LDR 0.0005 with DOP 1
Volker@40 19 RotL, dRotL, nRotL = 0., 2., 1 #alpha; rotation of laser polarization in degrees; default 0
Volker@40 20
Volker@40 21 # +++ ME Emitter optics and +-Uncertainty; default = no emitter optics
Volker@40 22 DiE, dDiE, nDiE = 0.0, 0.1, 0 # Diattenuation; default 0
Volker@40 23 TiE = 1.0 # Unpolarized transmittance; default 1
Volker@40 24 RetE, dRetE, nRetE = 0., 180., 0 # Retardance in degrees; default 0
Volker@40 25 RotE, dRotE, nRotE = 0., 1., 0 # beta: Rotation of optical element in degrees; default 0
Volker@40 26
Volker@40 27 # +++ MO Receiver optics including telescope
Volker@40 28 DiO, dDiO, nDiO = 0.0, 0.2, 1 # Diattenuation; default 0
Volker@40 29 TiO = 1.0 # Unpolarized transmittance; default 1
Volker@40 30 RetO, dRetO, nRetO = 0., 180., 0 # Retardance in degrees; default 0
Volker@40 31 RotO, dRotO, nRotO = 0., 0.1, 0 #gamma: Rotation of the optical element in degrees; default 0
Volker@40 32
Volker@40 33 # +++++ PBS MT Transmitting path defined with TS, TP, PolFilter extinction ratio ERaT, and +-Uncertainty
Volker@40 34 # --- Polarizing beam splitter transmitting path
Volker@40 35 TP, dTP, nTP = 0.95, 0.01, 1 # transmittance of the PBS for parallel polarized light
Volker@40 36 TS, dTS, nTS = 0.005, 0.001, 1 # transmittance of the PBS for cross polarized light
Volker@40 37 RetT, dRetT, nRetT = 0.0, 180., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 38 # --- Pol.Filter behind transmitted path of PBS
Volker@40 39 ERaT, dERaT, nERaT = 0.001, 0.001, 0 # Extinction ratio
Volker@40 40 RotaT, dRotaT, nRotaT = 0., 1., 0 # Rotation of the Pol.-filter in degrees; usually close to 0° because TP >> TS, but for PollyXTs it can also be close to 90°
Volker@40 41 # --
Volker@40 42 TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS) # do not change this
Volker@40 43 DiT = (TP-TS)/(TP+TS) # do not change this
Volker@40 44 DaT = (1-ERaT)/(1+ERaT) # do not change this
Volker@40 45 TaT = 0.5*(1+ERaT) # do not change this
Volker@40 46
Volker@40 47 # +++++ PBS MR Reflecting path defined with RS, RP, and cleaning PolFilter extinction ratio ERaR and +-Uncertainty
Volker@40 48 # ---- for PBS without absorption the change of RS and RP must depend on the change of TP and TS. Hence the values and uncertainties are not independent.
Volker@40 49 RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = True
Volker@40 50 # --- Polarizing beam splitter reflecting path
Volker@40 51 if(RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
Volker@40 52 RP, dRP, nRP = 1-TP, 0.00, 0 # do not change this
Volker@40 53 RS, dRS, nRS = 1-TS, 0.00, 0 # do not change this
Volker@40 54 else:
Volker@40 55 RP, dRP, nRP = 0.05, 0.01, 1 # change this if RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = False; reflectance of the PBS for parallel polarized light
Volker@40 56 RS, dRS, nRS = 0.98, 0.01, 1 # change this if RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = False; reflectance of the PBS for cross polarized light
Volker@40 57 RetR, dRetR, nRetR = 0.0, 180., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 58 # --- Pol.Filter behind reflected path of PBS
Volker@40 59 ERaR, dERaR, nERaR = 0.001, 0.001, 1 # Extinction ratio
Volker@40 60 RotaR, dRotaR, nRotaR = 90., 1., 1 # Rotation of the Pol.-filter in degrees; usually 90° because RS >> RP, but for PollyXTs it can also be 0°
Volker@40 61 # --
Volker@40 62 TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS) # do not change this
Volker@40 63 DiR = (RP-RS)/(RP+RS) # do not change this
Volker@40 64 DaR = (1-ERaR)/(1+ERaR) # do not change this
Volker@40 65 TaR = 0.5*(1+ERaR) # do not change this
Volker@40 66 # NEW --- Additional ND filter transmission (attenuation) during the calibration (only important for statistical errors)
Volker@40 67 TCalT, dTCalT, nTCalT = 1, 0.01, 0 # transmitting path, default 1, 0, 0
Volker@40 68 TCalR, dTCalR, nTCalR = 0.1, 0.001, 0 # reflecting path, default 1, 0, 0
Volker@40 69
Volker@40 70 # +++ Orientation of the PBS with respect to the reference plane (see Improvements_of_lidar_correction_ghk_ver.0.9.8_190124.pdf)
Volker@40 71 # Y = +1: polarisation in reference plane is finally transmitted,
Volker@40 72 # Y = -1: polarisation in reference plane is finally reflected.
Volker@40 73 Y = +1.
Volker@40 74
Volker@40 75 # +++ Calibrator
Volker@40 76 # --- Calibrator Type used; defined by matrix values below
Volker@40 77 TypeC = 3 #Type of calibrator: 1 = mechanical rotator; 2 = hwp rotator (fixed retardation); 3 = linear polarizer; 4 = qwp; 5 = circular polarizer; 6 = real HWP calibration +-22.5°
Volker@40 78 # --- Calibrator Location
Volker@40 79 LocC = 3 #location of calibrator: 1 = behind laser; 2 = behind emitter; 3 = before receiver; 4 = before PBS
Volker@40 80 # --- MC Calibrator parameters
Volker@40 81 if TypeC == 1: #mechanical rotator
Volker@40 82 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 0., 0., 0 # Diattenuation
Volker@40 83 TiC = 1.
Volker@40 84 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 0., 0., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 85 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0., 0.1, 1 #constant calibrator rotation offset epsilon
Volker@40 86 # Rotation error without calibrator: if False, then epsilon = 0 for normal measurements
Volker@40 87 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True # is in general True for TypeC == 1 calibrator
Volker@40 88 elif TypeC == 2: # HWP simulated by rotator without retardance!
Volker@40 89 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 0., 0., 0 # Diattenuation; ideal 0.0
Volker@40 90 TiC = 1.
Volker@40 91 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 180., 0., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 92 #NOTE: use here twice the HWP-rotation-angle
Volker@40 93 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 1 #constant calibrator rotation offset epsilon
Volker@40 94 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True # is in general True for TypeC == 2 calibrator
Volker@40 95 elif TypeC == 3: # linear polarizer calibrator. Diattenuation DiC = (1-ERC)/(1+ERC); ERC = extinction ratio of calibrator
Volker@40 96 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 0.9998, 0.00019, 1 # Diattenuation; ideal 1.0
Volker@40 97 TiC = 0.4 # ideal 0.5
Volker@40 98 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 0., 180., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 99 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 0 #constant calibrator rotation offset epsilon
Volker@40 100 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = False # is in general False for TypeC == 3 calibrator
Volker@40 101 elif TypeC == 4: # QWP calibrator
Volker@40 102 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 0.0, 0., 0 # Diattenuation; ideal 0.0
Volker@40 103 TiC = 1.0 # ideal 0.5
Volker@40 104 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 90., 0., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 105 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 1 #constant calibrator rotation offset epsilon
Volker@40 106 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = False # is False for TypeC == 4 calibrator
Volker@40 107 elif TypeC == 6: # real half-wave plate rotator calibration at +-22.5° => rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
Volker@40 108 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 0., 0., 0 # Diattenuation; ideal 0.0
Volker@40 109 TiC = 1.
Volker@40 110 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 180., 0., 0 # Retardance in degrees
Volker@40 111 #Note: use real HWP angles here
Volker@40 112 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 1 #constant calibrator rotation offset epsilon
Volker@40 113 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True # is in general True for TypeC == 6 calibrator
Volker@40 114 else:
Volker@40 115 print ('calibrator not implemented yet')
Volker@40 116 sys.exit()
Volker@40 117
Volker@40 118 # --- LDRCal assumed atmospheric linear depolarization ratio during the calibration measurements in calibration range with almost clean air (first guess)
Volker@40 119 LDRCal,dLDRCal,nLDRCal= 0.2, 0.15, 1 # spans most of the atmospheric depolarisation variability
Volker@40 120 # LDRCal,dLDRCal,nLDRCal= 0.009, 0.005, 1 # spans the interference filter influence
Volker@40 121
Volker@40 122 # ====================================================
Volker@40 123 # NOTE: there is no need to change anything below.
Volker@40 124 # ====================================================
Volker@40 125 # !!! don't change anything in this section !!!
Volker@40 126 bPlotEtax = False # plot error histogramms for Etax
Volker@40 127 # NEW *** Only for signal noise errors ***
Volker@40 128 nNCal = 0 # error nNCal, calibration signals: one-sigma (fixed) in nNCal steps to left and right
Volker@40 129 nNI = 0 # error nNI, 0° signals: one-sigma (fixed) in nNI steps to left and right; NI signals are calculated from NCalT and NCalR in main programm, but noise is assumed to be independent.
Volker@40 130
Volker@40 131 # --- number of photon counts in the signal summed up in the calibration range during the calibration measurements
Volker@40 132 NCalT = 28184 # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals; counts with ND-filter TCalT
Volker@40 133 NCalR = 28184 # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals; counts with ND-filter TCalR
Volker@40 134 NILfac = 2 # (relative duration (laser shots) of standard (0°) measurement to calibration measurements) * (range of std. meas. smoothing / calibration range); example: 100000#/5000# * 100/1000 = 2
Volker@40 135 # LDRmeas below will be used to calculate IR and IT of 0° signals.
Volker@40 136 # calculate signal counts only from parallel 0° signal assuming the same electronic amplification in both channels; overwrites above values
Volker@40 137 CalcFrom0deg = True
Volker@40 138 NI = 1e5 #number of photon counts in the parallel 0°-signal
Volker@40 139
Volker@40 140 if(CalcFrom0deg):
Volker@40 141 # either eFactT or eFacR is = 1 => rel. amplification
Volker@40 142 eFacT = 1 # rel. amplification of transmitted channel, approximate values are sufficient; def. = 1
Volker@40 143 eFacR = 10 # rel. amplification of reflected channel, approximate values are sufficient; def. = 1
Volker@40 144 NILfac = 2 # (relative duration (laser shots) of standard (0°) measurement to calibration measurements) * (range of std. meas. smoothing / calibration range); example: 100000#/5000# * 100/1000 = 2
Volker@40 145
Volker@40 146 NCalT = NI / NILfac * TCalT * eFacT # photon counts in transmitted signal during calibration
Volker@40 147 NCalR = NI / NILfac * TCalR * eFacR # photon counts in reflected signal during calibration
Volker@40 148 # LDRmeas below will be used to calculate IR and IT of 0° signals.
Volker@40 149 # NEW *** End of signal noise error parameters ***
Volker@40 150
Volker@40 151
Volker@40 152 # --- LDRtrue for simulation of measurement => LDRsim
Volker@40 153 LDRtrue = 0.004
Volker@40 154 LDRtrue2 = 0.004
Volker@40 155
Volker@40 156 # --- measured LDRm will be corrected with calculated parameters GHK
Volker@40 157 LDRmeas = 0.3
Volker@40 158
Volker@40 159 # --- this is just for correct transfer of the variables to the main file
Volker@40 160 Qin0, dQin, nQin = Qin, dQin, nQin
Volker@40 161 Vin0, dVin, nVin = Vin, dVin, nVin
Volker@40 162 RotL0, dRotL, nRotL = RotL, dRotL, nRotL
Volker@40 163 # Emitter
Volker@40 164 DiE0, dDiE, nDiE = DiE, dDiE, nDiE
Volker@40 165 RetE0, dRetE, nRetE = RetE, dRetE, nRetE
Volker@40 166 RotE0, dRotE, nRotE = RotE, dRotE, nRotE
Volker@40 167 # Receiver
Volker@40 168 DiO0, dDiO, nDiO = DiO, dDiO, nDiO
Volker@40 169 RetO0, dRetO, nRetO = RetO, dRetO, nRetO
Volker@40 170 RotO0, dRotO, nRotO = RotO, dRotO, nRotO
Volker@40 171 # Calibrator
Volker@40 172 DiC0, dDiC, nDiC = DiC, dDiC, nDiC
Volker@40 173 RetC0, dRetC, nRetC = RetC, dRetC, nRetC
Volker@40 174 RotC0, dRotC, nRotC = RotC, dRotC, nRotC
Volker@40 175 # PBS
Volker@40 176 TP0, dTP, nTP = TP, dTP, nTP
Volker@40 177 TS0, dTS, nTS = TS, dTS, nTS
Volker@40 178 RetT0, dRetT, nRetT = RetT, dRetT, nRetT
Volker@40 179
Volker@40 180 ERaT0, dERaT, nERaT = ERaT, dERaT, nERaT
Volker@40 181 RotaT0,dRotaT,nRotaT= RotaT,dRotaT,nRotaT
Volker@40 182
Volker@40 183 RP0, dRP, nRP = RP, dRP, nRP
Volker@40 184 RS0, dRS, nRS = RS, dRS, nRS
Volker@40 185 RetR0, dRetR, nRetR = RetR, dRetR, nRetR
Volker@40 186
Volker@40 187 ERaR0, dERaR, nERaR = ERaR, dERaR, nERaR
Volker@40 188 RotaR0,dRotaR,nRotaR= RotaR,dRotaR,nRotaR
Volker@40 189
Volker@40 190 LDRCal0,dLDRCal,nLDRCal=LDRCal,dLDRCal,nLDRCal
