changeset 40
equal deleted inserted replaced
37:9d15b4fca316 40:676673dd931d
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3 Copyright 2016, 2019 Volker Freudenthaler
5 Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 only (the "Licence").
7 You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
8 A copy of the licence is distributed with the code. Alternatively, you may obtain
9 a copy of the Licence at:
13 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
14 under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
15 OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing
16 permissions and limitations under the Licence.
18 Equation reference:
19 With equations code from Appendix C
20 Python 3.7, seaborn 0.9.0
22 Code description:
24 From measured lidar signals we cannot directly determine the desired backscatter coefficient (F11) and the linear depolarization ratio (LDR)
25 because of the cross talk between the channles and systematic errors of a lidar system.
26 provides an analytical model for the description of these errors,
27 with which the measured signals can be corrected.
28 This code simulates the lidar measurements with "assumed true" model parameters from an input file, and calculates the correction parameters (G,H, and K).
29 The "assumed true" system parameters are the ones we think are the right ones, but in reality these parameters probably deviate from the assumed truth due to
30 uncertainties. The uncertainties of the "assumed true" parameters can be described in the input file. Then this code calculates the lidar signals and the
31 gain ratio eta* with all possible combinations of "errors", which represents the distribution of "possibly real" signals, and "corrects" them with the "assumed true"
32 GHK parameters (GT0, GR0, HT0, HR0, and K0) to derive finally the distributions of "possibly real" linear depolarization ratios (LDRCorr),
33 which are plotted for five different input linear depolarization ratios (LDRtrue). The red bars in the plots represent the input values of LDRtrue.
34 A complication arises from the fact that the correction parameter K = eta*/eta (Eq. 83) can depend on the LDR during the calibration measurement, i.e. LDRcal or aCal
35 in the code (see e.g. Eqs. (103), (115), and (141); mind the mistake in Eq. (116)). Therefor values of K for LDRcal = 0.004, 0.2, and 0.45 are calculated for
36 "assumed true" system parameters and printed in the output file behind the GH parameters. The full impact of the LDRcal dependent K can be considered in the error
37 calculation by specifying a range of possible LDRcal values in the input file. For the real calibration measurements a calibration range with low or no aerosol
38 content should be chosen, and the default in the input file is a range of LDRcal between 0.004 and 0.014 (i.e. 0.009 +-0.005).
40 Tip: In case you run the code with Spyder, all output text and plots can be displayed together in an IPython console, which can be saved as an html file.
42 Ver. 0.9.7: includes the random error (signal noise) of the calibration and standard measurements
43 Changes:
44 Line 1687 Eta = (TaR * TiR) / (TaT * TiT)
45 Line 1691 K = Etax / Eta # K of the real system; but correction in Line 1721 with K0 / Etax
46 should work with nTCalT = nTCalR = 0
47 Ver. 0.9.7b:
48 ToDo: include error due to TCalT und TCalR => determination of NCalT and NCalR etc. in error calculation line 1741ff
49 combined error loops iNI and INCal for signals
50 Ver. 0.9.7c: individual error loops for each of the six signals
51 Ver. 0.9.7c2: different calculation of the signal noise errors
52 Ver. 0.9.7c3: n.a.different calculation of the signal noise errors
53 Ver. 0.9.7c4: test to speed up the loops for error calculation by moving them just before the actual calculation: still some code errors
54 Ver. 0.9.8:
55 - correct calculation of Eta for cleaned anaylsers considering the combined transmission Eta = (TaT* TiT)(1 + cos2RotaT * DaT * DiT) and (TaR * TiR)(1 + cos2RotaR * DaR * DiR) according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
56 - calculation of the PLDR from LDR and BSR, BSR, and LDRm
57 - ND-filters can be added for the calibration measurements in the transmitted (TCalT) and the reflected path (TCalR) in order to include their uncertainties in the error calculation.
58 Ver. 0.9.8b: change from "TTa = TiT * TaT" to "TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT" etc. (compare ver 0.9.8 with 0.9.8b) removes
59 - the strong Tp dependence of the errors
60 - the factor 2 in the GH parameters
61 - see c:\technik\Optik\Polarizers\DepCal\ApplOpt\GH-parameters-190114.odt
62 Ver. 0.9.8c: includes error of Etax
63 Ver. 0.9.8d: Eta0, K0 etc in error loop replaced by Eta0y, K0y etc. Changes in signal noise calculations
64 Ver. 0.9.8e: ambiguous laser spec. DOLP (no discrimination between left and right circular polarisation) replaced by Stokes parameters Qin, Uin
65 Ver. 0.9.8e2: Added plot of LDRsim, Etax, Etapx, Etamx; LDRCorr and aLDRcorr consistently named
66 Ver. 0.9.8e3: Change of OutputFile name; Change of Ir and It noise if (CalcFrom0deg) = False; (Different calculation of error contributions tested but not implemented)
67 Ver. 0.9.8e4: text changed for y=+-1 (see line 274 ff and line 1044 ff
69 ========================================================
70 simulation: LDRsim = Ir / It with variable parameters (possible truths)
71 G,H,Eta,Etax,K
72 It = TaT * TiT * ATP1 * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT)
73 LDRsim = Ir / It
74 consistency test: is forward simulation and correction consistent?
75 LDRCorr = (LDRsim / Eta * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / Eta * (GT - HT)) => atrue?
76 assumed true: G0,H0,Eta0,Etax0,K0 => actual retrievals of LDRCorr
77 => correct possible truths with assumed true G0,H0,Eta0
78 measure: It, Ir, EtaX
79 coorect it with: G0,H0,K0
80 LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 + HT0) - (GR0 + HR0)) / ((GR0 - HR0) - LDRsim0 / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 - HT0))
81 """
82 # Comment: The code might works with Python 2.7 with the help of following line, which enables Python2 to correctly interpret the Python 3 print statements.
83 from __future__ import print_function
84 # !/usr/bin/env python3
86 import os
87 import sys
89 from scipy.stats import kurtosis
90 from scipy.stats import skew
91 # use: kurtosis(data, fisher=True,bias=False) => 0; skew(data,bias=False) => 0
92 # Comment: the seaborn library makes nicer plots, but the code works also without it.
93 import numpy as np
94 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
96 try:
97 import seaborn as sns
99 sns_loaded = True
100 except ImportError:
101 sns_loaded = False
103 # from time import clock # python 2
104 from timeit import default_timer as clock
106 # from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
107 # pdffile = '{}.pdf'.format('path')
108 # pp = PdfPages(pdffile)
109 ## pp.savefig can be called multiple times to save to multiple pages
110 # pp.savefig()
111 # pp.close()
113 from contextlib import contextmanager
115 @contextmanager
116 def redirect_stdout(new_target):
117 old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target # replace sys.stdout
118 try:
119 yield new_target # run some code with the replaced stdout
120 finally:
121 sys.stdout.flush()
122 sys.stdout = old_target # restore to the previous value
124 '''
125 real_raw_input = vars(__builtins__).get('raw_input',input)
126 '''
127 try:
128 import __builtin__
130 input = getattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input')
131 except (ImportError, AttributeError):
132 pass
134 from distutils.util import strtobool
137 def user_yes_no_query(question):
138 sys.stdout.write('%s [y/n]\n' % question)
139 while True:
140 try:
141 return strtobool(input().lower())
142 except ValueError:
143 sys.stdout.write('Please respond with \'y\' or \'n\'.\n')
146 # if user_yes_no_query('want to exit?') == 1: sys.exit()
148 abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
149 dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
150 fname = os.path.basename(abspath)
151 os.chdir(dname)
153 # PrintToOutputFile = True
155 sqr05 = 0.5 ** 0.5
157 # ---- Initial definition of variables; the actual values will be read in with exec(open('./').read()) below
158 # Do you want to calculate the errors? If not, just the GHK-parameters are determined.
159 Error_Calc = True
160 LID = "internal"
161 EID = "internal"
162 # --- IL Laser IL and +-Uncertainty
163 Qin, dQin, nQin = 1., 0.0, 0 # second Stokes vector parameter; default 1 => linear polarization
164 Vin, dVin, nVin = 0., 0.0, 0 # fourth Stokes vector parameter
165 RotL, dRotL, nRotL = 0.0, 0.0, 1 # alpha; rotation of laser polarization in degrees; default 0
166 # IL = 1e5 #photons in the laser beam, including detection efficiency of the telescope, atmodspheric and r^2 attenuation
167 # --- ME Emitter and +-Uncertainty
168 DiE, dDiE, nDiE = 0., 0.00, 1 # Diattenuation
169 TiE = 1. # Unpolarized transmittance
170 RetE, dRetE, nRetE = 0., 180.0, 0 # Retardance in degrees
171 RotE, dRotE, nRotE = 0., 0.0, 0 # beta: Rotation of optical element in degrees
172 # --- MO Receiver Optics including telescope
173 DiO, dDiO, nDiO = -0.055, 0.003, 1
174 TiO = 0.9
175 RetO, dRetO, nRetO = 0., 180.0, 2
176 RotO, dRotO, nRotO = 0., 0.1, 1 # gamma
177 # --- PBS MT transmitting path defined with (TS,TP); and +-Uncertainty
178 TP, dTP, nTP = 0.98, 0.02, 1
179 TS, dTS, nTS = 0.001, 0.001, 1
180 TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
181 DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
182 # PolFilter
183 RetT, dRetT, nRetT = 0., 180., 0
184 ERaT, dERaT, nERaT = 0.001, 0.001, 1
185 RotaT, dRotaT, nRotaT = 0., 3., 1
186 DaT = (1 - ERaT) / (1 + ERaT)
187 TaT = 0.5 * (1 + ERaT)
188 # --- PBS MR reflecting path defined with (RS,RP); and +-Uncertainty
189 RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = False
190 if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
191 RP, dRP, nRP = 1 - TP, 0.0, 0
192 RS, dRS, nRS = 1 - TS, 0.0, 0
193 else:
194 RP, dRP, nRP = 0.05, 0.01, 1
195 RS, dRS, nRS = 0.98, 0.01, 1
196 TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
197 DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
198 # PolFilter
199 RetR, dRetR, nRetR = 0., 180., 0
200 ERaR, dERaR, nERaR = 0.001, 0.001, 1
201 RotaR, dRotaR, nRotaR = 90., 3., 1
202 DaR = (1 - ERaR) / (1 + ERaR)
203 TaR = 0.5 * (1 + ERaR)
205 # +++ Orientation of the PBS with respect to the reference plane (see Polarisation-orientation.png and Polarisation-orientation-2.png in /system_settings)
206 # Y = +1: PBS incidence plane is parallel to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally transmitted.
207 # Y = -1: PBS incidence plane is perpendicular to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally reflected.
208 Y = 1.
210 # Calibrator = type defined by matrix values
211 LocC = 4 # location of calibrator: behind laser = 1; behind emitter = 2; before receiver = 3; before PBS = 4
213 # --- Additional attenuation (transmission of the ND-filter) during the calibration
214 TCalT, dTCalT, nTCalT = 1, 0., 0 # transmitting path; error calc not working yet
215 TCalR, dTCalR, nTCalR = 1, 0., 0 # reflecting path; error calc not working yet
217 # *** signal noise error calculation
218 # --- number of photon counts in the signal summed up in the calibration range during the calibration measurements
219 NCalT = 1e6 # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals
220 NCalR = 1e6 # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals
221 NILfac = 1.0 # duration of standard (0°) measurement relative to calibration measurements
222 nNCal = 0 # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
223 nNI = 0 # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
224 NI = 50000 #number of photon counts in the parallel 0°-signal
225 eFacT = 1.0 # rel. amplification of transmitted channel, approximate values are sufficient; def. = 1
226 eFacR = 10.0
227 IoutTp0, IoutTp, dIoutTp0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
228 IoutTm0, IoutTm, dIoutTm0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
229 IoutRp0, IoutRp, dIoutRp0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
230 IoutRm0, IoutRm, dIoutRm0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
231 It0, It, dIt0 = 1 , 1, 0
232 Ir0, Ir, dTr0 = 1 , 1, 0
233 CalcFrom0deg = True
235 TypeC = 3 # linear polarizer calibrator
236 # example with extinction ratio 0.001
237 DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 1.0, 0., 0 # ideal 1.0
238 TiC = 0.5 # ideal 0.5
239 RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 0.0, 0.0, 0
240 RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 0 # constant calibrator offset epsilon
241 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = False # is in general False for TypeC == 3 calibrator
243 # Rotation error without calibrator: if False, then epsilon = 0 for normal measurements
244 RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True
245 # BSR backscatter ratio
246 # BSR, dBSR, nBSR = 10, 0.05, 1
247 BSR = np.zeros(5)
248 BSR = [1.1, 2, 5, 10., 50.]
249 # theoretical molecular LDR LDRm
250 LDRm, dLDRm, nLDRm = 0.004, 0.001, 1
251 # LDRCal assumed atmospheric linear depolarization ratio during the calibration measurements (first guess)
252 LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal = 0.25, 0.04, 1
253 LDRCal = LDRCal0
254 # measured LDRm will be corrected with calculated parameters
255 LDRmeas = 0.015
256 # LDRtrue for simulation of measurement => LDRsim
257 LDRtrue = 0.004
258 LDRtrue2 = 0.004
259 LDRunCorr = 1.
260 # Initialize other values to 0
261 ER, nER, dER = 0.001, 0, 0.001
262 K = 0.
263 Km = 0.
264 Kp = 0.
265 LDRCorr = 0.
266 Eta = 0.
267 Ir = 0.
268 It = 0.
269 h = 1.
271 Loc = ['', 'behind laser', 'behind emitter', 'before receiver', 'before PBS']
272 Type = ['', 'mechanical rotator', 'hwp rotator', 'linear polarizer', 'qwp rotator', 'circular polarizer',
273 'real HWP +-22.5°']
275 bPlotEtax = False
277 # end of initial definition of variables
278 # *******************************************************************************************************************************
279 # --- Read actual lidar system parameters from (must be in the programs sub-directory 'system_settings')
280 # *******************************************************************************************************************************
282 # InputFile = ''
283 # InputFile = ''
284 # InputFile = ''
285 # InputFile = ''
286 InputFile = ''
287 InputFile = ''
288 InputFile = ''
289 InputFile = ''
290 InputFile = ''
291 InputFile = ''
292 # InputFile = ''
293 InputFile = ''
294 InputFile = ''
295 InputFile = ''
296 InputFile = ''
297 InputFile = ''
298 InputFile = ''
299 InputFile = ''
301 # *******************************************************************************************************************************
303 '''
304 print("From ", dname)
305 print("Running ", fname)
306 print("Reading input file ", InputFile, " for")
307 '''
308 input_path = os.path.join('.', 'system_settings', InputFile)
309 # this works with Python 2 and 3!
310 exec(open(input_path).read(), globals())
311 # end of read actual system parameters
314 # --- Manual Parameter Change ---
315 # (use for quick parameter changes without changing the input file )
316 # DiO = 0.
317 # LDRtrue = 0.45
318 # LDRtrue2 = 0.004
319 # Y = -1
320 # LocC = 4 #location of calibrator: 1 = behind laser; 2 = behind emitter; 3 = before receiver; 4 = before PBS
321 # #TypeC = 6 Don't change the TypeC here
322 # RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True
323 # LDRCal = 0.25
324 # # --- Errors
325 Qin0, dQin, nQin = Qin, dQin, nQin
326 Vin0, dVin, nVin = Vin, dVin, nVin
327 RotL0, dRotL, nRotL = RotL, dRotL, nRotL
329 DiE0, dDiE, nDiE = DiE, dDiE, nDiE
330 RetE0, dRetE, nRetE = RetE, dRetE, nRetE
331 RotE0, dRotE, nRotE = RotE, dRotE, nRotE
333 DiO0, dDiO, nDiO = DiO, dDiO, nDiO
334 RetO0, dRetO, nRetO = RetO, dRetO, nRetO
335 RotO0, dRotO, nRotO = RotO, dRotO, nRotO
337 DiC0, dDiC, nDiC = DiC, dDiC, nDiC
338 RetC0, dRetC, nRetC = RetC, dRetC, nRetC
339 RotC0, dRotC, nRotC = RotC, dRotC, nRotC
341 TP0, dTP, nTP = TP, dTP, nTP
342 TS0, dTS, nTS = TS, dTS, nTS
343 RetT0, dRetT, nRetT = RetT, dRetT, nRetT
345 ERaT0, dERaT, nERaT = ERaT, dERaT, nERaT
346 RotaT0, dRotaT, nRotaT = RotaT, dRotaT, nRotaT
348 RP0, dRP, nRP = RP, dRP, nRP
349 RS0, dRS, nRS = RS, dRS, nRS
350 RetR0, dRetR, nRetR = RetR, dRetR, nRetR
352 ERaR0, dERaR, nERaR = ERaR, dERaR, nERaR
353 RotaR0, dRotaR, nRotaR = RotaR, dRotaR, nRotaR
355 LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal = LDRCal, dLDRCal, nLDRCal
357 # BSR0, dBSR, nBSR = BSR, dBSR, nBSR
358 LDRm0, dLDRm, nLDRm = LDRm, dLDRm, nLDRm
359 # ---------- End of manual parameter change
361 RotL, RotE, RetE, DiE, RotO, RetO, DiO, RotC, RetC, DiC = RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0, RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0
362 TP, TS, RP, RS, ERaT, RotaT, RetT, ERaR, RotaR, RetR = TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0, ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0
363 LDRCal = LDRCal0
364 DTa0, TTa0, DRa0, TRa0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.
365 TCalT0, TCalR0 = TCalT, TCalR
367 TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
368 DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
369 ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2) ** 0.5
370 TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
371 DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
372 ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2) ** 0.5
374 C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotaT))
375 C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotaR))
376 ATPT = float(1. + C2aT * DaT * DiT)
377 ARPT = float(1. + C2aR * DaR * DiR)
378 TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT # unpolarized transmission
379 TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT # unpolarized transmission
380 Eta0 = TRa / TTa
382 # --- alternative texts for output
383 dY = ['perpendicular', '', 'parallel']
384 dY2 = ['reflected', '', 'transmitted']
385 if ((abs(RotL) < 45 and Y == 1) or (abs(RotL) >= 45 and Y == -1)):
386 dY3 = "Parallel laser polarisation is detected in transmitted channel"
387 else:
388 dY3 = "Parallel laser polarisation is detected in reflected channel"
390 # --- check input errors
391 if ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5) > 1:
392 print("Error: degree of polarisation of laser > 1. Check Qin and Vin! ")
393 sys.exit()
395 # --- this subroutine is for the calculation of the PLDR from LDR, BSR, and LDRm -------------------
396 def CalcPLDR(LDR, BSR, LDRm):
397 PLDR = (BSR * (1. + LDRm) * LDR - LDRm * (1. + LDR)) / (BSR * (1. + LDRm) - (1. + LDR))
398 return (PLDR)
399 # --- this subroutine is for the calculation with certain fixed parameters ------------------------
400 def Calc(TCalT, TCalR, NCalT, NCalR, Qin, Vin, RotL, RotE, RetE, DiE, RotO, RetO, DiO,
401 RotC, RetC, DiC, TP, TS, RP, RS,
402 ERaT, RotaT, RetT, ERaR, RotaR, RetR, LDRCal):
403 # ---- Do the calculations of bra-ket vectors
404 h = -1. if TypeC == 2 else 1
405 # from input file: assumed LDRCal for calibration measurements
406 aCal = (1. - LDRCal) / (1. + LDRCal)
407 atrue = (1. - LDRtrue) / (1. + LDRtrue)
409 # angles of emitter and laser and calibrator and receiver optics
410 # RotL = alpha, RotE = beta, RotO = gamma, RotC = epsilon
411 S2a = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
412 C2a = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
413 S2b = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
414 C2b = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
415 S2ab = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
416 C2ab = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
417 S2g = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
418 C2g = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
420 # Laser with Degree of linear polarization DOLP
421 IinL = 1.
422 QinL = Qin
423 UinL = 0.
424 VinL = Vin
425 # VinL = (1. - DOLP ** 2) ** 0.5
427 # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.4
428 A = C2a * QinL - S2a * UinL
429 B = S2a * QinL + C2a * UinL
430 # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.9
431 C = C2ab * QinL - S2ab * UinL
432 D = S2ab * QinL + C2ab * UinL
434 # emitter optics
435 CosE = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetE))
436 SinE = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetE))
437 ZiE = (1. - DiE ** 2) ** 0.5
438 WiE = (1. - ZiE * CosE)
440 # Stokes Input Vector after emitter optics equivalent to Eq. E.9 with already rotated input vector from Eq. E.4
441 # b = beta
442 IinE = (IinL + DiE * C)
443 QinE = (C2b * DiE * IinL + A + S2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
444 UinE = (S2b * DiE * IinL + B - C2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
445 VinE = (-ZiE * SinE * D + ZiE * CosE * VinL)
447 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
448 IinF = IinE
449 QinF = aCal * QinE
450 UinF = -aCal * UinE
451 VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
453 # receiver optics
454 CosO = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetO))
455 SinO = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetO))
456 ZiO = (1. - DiO ** 2) ** 0.5
457 WiO = (1. - ZiO * CosO)
459 # calibrator
460 CosC = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetC))
461 SinC = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetC))
462 ZiC = (1. - DiC ** 2) ** 0.5
463 WiC = (1. - ZiC * CosC)
465 # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
466 A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
467 B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
469 IinP = (IinE + DiO * aCal * A)
470 QinP = (C2g * DiO * IinE + aCal * QinE - S2g * (WiO * aCal * B + ZiO * SinO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE))
471 UinP = (S2g * DiO * IinE - aCal * UinE + C2g * (WiO * aCal * B + ZiO * SinO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE))
472 VinP = (ZiO * SinO * aCal * B + ZiO * CosO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE)
474 # -------------------------
475 # F11 assuemd to be = 1 => measured: F11m = IinP / IinE with atrue
476 # F11sim = TiO*(IinE + DiO*atrue*A)/IinE
477 # -------------------------
479 # analyser
480 if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
481 RS = 1. - TS
482 RP = 1. - TP
484 TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
485 DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
486 ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2) ** 0.5
487 TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
488 DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
489 ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2) ** 0.5
490 CosT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetT))
491 SinT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetT))
492 CosR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetR))
493 SinR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetR))
495 DaT = (1. - ERaT) / (1. + ERaT)
496 DaR = (1. - ERaR) / (1. + ERaR)
497 TaT = 0.5 * (1. + ERaT)
498 TaR = 0.5 * (1. + ERaR)
500 S2aT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotaT))
501 C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotaT))
502 S2aR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotaR))
503 C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotaR))
505 # Analyzer As before the PBS Eq. D.5; combined PBS and cleaning pol-filter
506 ATPT = (1. + C2aT * DaT * DiT) # unpolarized transmission correction
507 TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT # unpolarized transmission
508 ATP1 = 1.
509 ATP2 = Y * (DiT + C2aT * DaT) / ATPT
510 ATP3 = Y * S2aT * DaT * ZiT * CosT / ATPT
511 ATP4 = S2aT * DaT * ZiT * SinT / ATPT
512 ATP = np.array([ATP1, ATP2, ATP3, ATP4])
513 DTa = ATP2 * Y
515 ARPT = (1 + C2aR * DaR * DiR) # unpolarized transmission correction
516 TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT # unpolarized transmission
517 ARP1 = 1
518 ARP2 = Y * (DiR + C2aR * DaR) / ARPT
519 ARP3 = Y * S2aR * DaR * ZiR * CosR / ARPT
520 ARP4 = S2aR * DaR * ZiR * SinR / ARPT
521 ARP = np.array([ARP1, ARP2, ARP3, ARP4])
522 DRa = ARP2 * Y
525 # ---- Calculate signals and correction parameters for diffeent locations and calibrators
526 if LocC == 4: # Calibrator before the PBS
527 # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
529 # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
530 # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
531 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotC))
532 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
533 # rotated AinP by epsilon Eq. C.3
534 ATP2e = C2e * ATP2 + S2e * ATP3
535 ATP3e = C2e * ATP3 - S2e * ATP2
536 ARP2e = C2e * ARP2 + S2e * ARP3
537 ARP3e = C2e * ARP3 - S2e * ARP2
538 ATPe = np.array([ATP1, ATP2e, ATP3e, ATP4])
539 ARPe = np.array([ARP1, ARP2e, ARP3e, ARP4])
540 # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
541 A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
542 B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
543 # C = (WiO*aCal*B + ZiO*SinO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
544 Co = ZiO * SinO * VinE
545 Ca = (WiO * B - 2 * ZiO * SinO * VinE)
546 # C = Co + aCal*Ca
547 # IinP = (IinE + DiO*aCal*A)
548 # QinP = (C2g*DiO*IinE + aCal*QinE - S2g*C)
549 # UinP = (S2g*DiO*IinE - aCal*UinE + C2g*C)
550 # VinP = (ZiO*SinO*aCal*B + ZiO*CosO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
551 IinPo = IinE
552 QinPo = (C2g * DiO * IinE - S2g * Co)
553 UinPo = (S2g * DiO * IinE + C2g * Co)
554 VinPo = ZiO * CosO * VinE
556 IinPa = DiO * A
557 QinPa = QinE - S2g * Ca
558 UinPa = -UinE + C2g * Ca
559 VinPa = ZiO * (SinO * B - 2 * CosO * VinE)
561 IinP = IinPo + aCal * IinPa
562 QinP = QinPo + aCal * QinPa
563 UinP = UinPo + aCal * UinPa
564 VinP = VinPo + aCal * VinPa
565 # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
566 # QinPe = C2e*QinP + S2e*UinP
567 # UinPe = C2e*UinP - S2e*QinP
568 QinPoe = C2e * QinPo + S2e * UinPo
569 UinPoe = C2e * UinPo - S2e * QinPo
570 QinPae = C2e * QinPa + S2e * UinPa
571 UinPae = C2e * UinPa - S2e * QinPa
572 QinPe = C2e * QinP + S2e * UinP
573 UinPe = C2e * UinP - S2e * QinP
575 # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
576 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
577 # parameters for calibration with aCal
578 AT = ATP1 * IinP + h * ATP4 * VinP
579 BT = ATP3e * QinP - h * ATP2e * UinP
580 AR = ARP1 * IinP + h * ARP4 * VinP
581 BR = ARP3e * QinP - h * ARP2e * UinP
582 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
583 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
584 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
585 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
586 GT =, IS1)
587 GR =, IS1)
588 HT =, IS2)
589 HR =, IS2)
590 else:
591 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
592 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
593 GT =, IS1)
594 GR =, IS1)
595 HT =, IS2)
596 HR =, IS2)
597 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
598 # parameters for calibration with aCal
599 AT = ATP1 * IinP + ATP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ATP2e * QinPe + ATP4 * VinP)
600 BT = DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
601 AR = ARP1 * IinP + ARP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ARP2e * QinPe + ARP4 * VinP)
602 BR = DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
603 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
604 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
605 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
606 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
607 GT =, IS1)
608 GR =, IS1)
609 HT =, IS2)
610 HR =, IS2)
611 else:
612 IS1e = np.array([IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
613 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
614 IS2e = np.array([IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
615 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
616 GT =, IS1e)
617 GR =, IS1e)
618 HT =, IS2e)
619 HR =, IS2e)
620 elif (TypeC == 6): # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
621 # parameters for calibration with aCal
622 AT = ATP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * QinPe + ATP2e * IinP) + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * (
623 ATP2e * QinPe + ATP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (sqr05 * SinC * (ATP3e * VinP - ATP4 * UinPe) + ATP4 * CosC * VinP)
624 BT = sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
625 ATP2e * UinPe + ATP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
626 AR = ARP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * QinPe + ARP2e * IinP) + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * (
627 ARP2e * QinPe + ARP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (sqr05 * SinC * (ARP3e * VinP - ARP4 * UinPe) + ARP4 * CosC * VinP)
628 BR = sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
629 ARP2e * UinPe + ARP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
630 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
631 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
632 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
633 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
634 GT =, IS1)
635 GR =, IS1)
636 HT =, IS2)
637 HR =, IS2)
638 else:
639 IS1e = np.array([IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
640 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
641 IS2e = np.array([IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
642 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
643 GT =, IS1e)
644 GR =, IS1e)
645 HT =, IS2e)
646 HR =, IS2e)
647 else:
648 print("Calibrator not implemented yet")
649 sys.exit()
651 elif LocC == 3: # C before receiver optics Eq.57
653 # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
654 # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
655 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
656 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
658 # As with C before the receiver optics (rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
659 AF1 = np.array([1., C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0.])
660 AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1. - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
661 AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1. - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
662 AF4 = np.array([0., S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
664 ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
665 ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
666 ATF2 = ATF[1]
667 ATF3 = ATF[2]
668 ARF2 = ARF[1]
669 ARF3 = ARF[2]
671 # rotated AinF by epsilon
672 ATF1 = ATF[0]
673 ATF4 = ATF[3]
674 ATF2e = C2e * ATF[1] + S2e * ATF[2]
675 ATF3e = C2e * ATF[2] - S2e * ATF[1]
676 ARF1 = ARF[0]
677 ARF4 = ARF[3]
678 ARF2e = C2e * ARF[1] + S2e * ARF[2]
679 ARF3e = C2e * ARF[2] - S2e * ARF[1]
681 ATFe = np.array([ATF1, ATF2e, ATF3e, ATF4])
682 ARFe = np.array([ARF1, ARF2e, ARF3e, ARF4])
684 QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
685 UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
687 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
688 IinF = IinE
689 QinF = aCal * QinE
690 UinF = -aCal * UinE
691 VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
693 IinFo = IinE
694 QinFo = 0.
695 UinFo = 0.
696 VinFo = VinE
698 IinFa = 0.
699 QinFa = QinE
700 UinFa = -UinE
701 VinFa = -2. * VinE
703 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
704 QinFe = C2e * QinF + S2e * UinF
705 UinFe = C2e * UinF - S2e * QinF
706 QinFoe = C2e * QinFo + S2e * UinFo
707 UinFoe = C2e * UinFo - S2e * QinFo
708 QinFae = C2e * QinFa + S2e * UinFa
709 UinFae = C2e * UinFa - S2e * QinFa
711 # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
712 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
713 # parameters for calibration with aCal
714 AT = ATF1 * IinF + ATF4 * h * VinF
715 BT = ATF3e * QinF - ATF2e * h * UinF
716 AR = ARF1 * IinF + ARF4 * h * VinF
717 BR = ARF3e * QinF - ARF2e * h * UinF
718 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
719 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
720 GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * VinE
721 GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * VinE
722 HT = ATF2 * QinE - ATF3 * UinE - ATF4 * 2 * VinE
723 HR = ARF2 * QinE - ARF3 * UinE - ARF4 * 2 * VinE
724 else:
725 GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * h * VinE
726 GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * h * VinE
727 HT = ATF2e * QinE - ATF3e * h * UinE - ATF4 * h * 2 * VinE
728 HR = ARF2e * QinE - ARF3e * h * UinE - ARF4 * h * 2 * VinE
729 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
730 # p = +45°, m = -45°
731 IF1e = np.array([IinF, ZiC * CosC * QinFe, UinFe, ZiC * CosC * VinF])
732 IF2e = np.array([DiC * UinFe, -ZiC * SinC * VinF, DiC * IinF, ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
733 AT =, IF1e)
734 AR =, IF1e)
735 BT =, IF2e)
736 BR =, IF2e)
738 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR --- the same as for TypeC = 6
739 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
740 IS1 = np.array([IinE, 0., 0., VinE])
741 IS2 = np.array([0., QinE, -UinE, -2. * VinE])
742 GT =, IS1)
743 GR =, IS1)
744 HT =, IS2)
745 HR =, IS2)
746 else:
747 IS1e = np.array([IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
748 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
749 IS2e = np.array([IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
750 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
751 GT =, IS1e)
752 GR =, IS1e)
753 HT =, IS2e)
754 HR =, IS2e)
756 elif (TypeC == 6): # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
757 # parameters for calibration with aCal
758 IF1e = np.array([IinF + sqr05 * DiC * QinFe, sqr05 * DiC * IinF + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * QinFe,
759 (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * UinFe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
760 -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinFe + ZiC * CosC * VinF])
761 IF2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinFe, 0.5 * WiC * UinFe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
762 sqr05 * DiC * IinF + 0.5 * WiC * QinFe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
763 AT =, IF1e)
764 AR =, IF1e)
765 BT =, IF2e)
766 BR =, IF2e)
768 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
769 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
770 # IS1 = np.array([IinE,0,0,VinE])
771 # IS2 = np.array([0,QinE,-UinE,-2*VinE])
772 IS1 = np.array([IinFo, 0., 0., VinFo])
773 IS2 = np.array([0., QinFa, UinFa, VinFa])
774 GT =, IS1)
775 GR =, IS1)
776 HT =, IS2)
777 HR =, IS2)
778 else:
779 IS1e = np.array([IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
780 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
781 IS2e = np.array([IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
782 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
783 # IS1e = np.array([IinFo,0,0,VinFo])
784 # IS2e = np.array([0,QinFae,UinFae,VinFa])
785 GT =, IS1e)
786 GR =, IS1e)
787 HT =, IS2e)
788 HR =, IS2e)
790 else:
791 print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
792 sys.exit()
794 elif LocC == 2: # C behind emitter optics Eq.57 -------------------------------------------------------
795 # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
796 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
797 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
799 # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
800 AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0.])
801 AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1. - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
802 AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1. - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
803 AF4 = np.array([0., S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
805 ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
806 ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
807 ATF1 = ATF[0]
808 ATF2 = ATF[1]
809 ATF3 = ATF[2]
810 ATF4 = ATF[3]
811 ARF1 = ARF[0]
812 ARF2 = ARF[1]
813 ARF3 = ARF[2]
814 ARF4 = ARF[3]
816 # AS with C behind the emitter
817 # terms without aCal
818 ATE1o, ARE1o = ATF1, ARF1
819 ATE2o, ARE2o = 0., 0.
820 ATE3o, ARE3o = 0., 0.
821 ATE4o, ARE4o = ATF4, ARF4
822 # terms with aCal
823 ATE1a, ARE1a = 0., 0.
824 ATE2a, ARE2a = ATF2, ARF2
825 ATE3a, ARE3a = -ATF3, -ARF3
826 ATE4a, ARE4a = -2. * ATF4, -2. * ARF4
827 # rotated AinEa by epsilon
828 ATE2ae = C2e * ATF2 + S2e * ATF3
829 ATE3ae = -S2e * ATF2 - C2e * ATF3
830 ARE2ae = C2e * ARF2 + S2e * ARF3
831 ARE3ae = -S2e * ARF2 - C2e * ARF3
833 ATE1 = ATE1o
834 ATE2e = aCal * ATE2ae
835 ATE3e = aCal * ATE3ae
836 ATE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ATF4
837 ARE1 = ARE1o
838 ARE2e = aCal * ARE2ae
839 ARE3e = aCal * ARE3ae
840 ARE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ARF4
842 # rotated IinE
843 QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
844 UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
846 # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
847 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # +++++++++ rotator calibration Eq. C.4
848 AT = ATE1o * IinE + (ATE4o + aCal * ATE4a) * h * VinE
849 BT = aCal * (ATE3ae * QinEe - ATE2ae * h * UinEe)
850 AR = ARE1o * IinE + (ARE4o + aCal * ARE4a) * h * VinE
851 BR = aCal * (ARE3ae * QinEe - ARE2ae * h * UinEe)
853 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
854 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
855 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
856 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
857 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
858 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
859 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
860 else:
861 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
862 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
863 HT = ATE2ae * QinE + ATE3ae * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
864 HR = ARE2ae * QinE + ARE3ae * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
866 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # +++++++++ linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
867 # p = +45°, m = -45°
868 AT = ATE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ATE2e * QinEe + ATE4 * VinE) + ATE3e * UinEe
869 BT = DiC * (ATE1 * UinEe + ATE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ATE4 * QinEe - ATE2e * VinE)
870 AR = ARE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ARE2e * QinEe + ARE4 * VinE) + ARE3e * UinEe
871 BR = DiC * (ARE1 * UinEe + ARE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ARE4 * QinEe - ARE2e * VinE)
873 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
874 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
875 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
876 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
877 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
878 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
879 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
880 else:
881 D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
882 A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
883 B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
884 C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
885 GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
886 GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
887 HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
888 HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
890 elif (TypeC == 6): # real HWP calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
891 # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
892 IE1e = np.array([IinE + sqr05 * DiC * QinEe, sqr05 * DiC * IinE + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinEe,
893 (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * UinEe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
894 -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinEe + ZiC * CosC * VinE])
895 IE2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinEe, 0.5 * WiC * UinEe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
896 sqr05 * DiC * IinE + 0.5 * WiC * QinEe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinEe])
897 ATEe = np.array([ATE1, ATE2e, ATE3e, ATE4])
898 AREe = np.array([ARE1, ARE2e, ARE3e, ARE4])
899 AT =, IE1e)
900 AR =, IE1e)
901 BT =, IE2e)
902 BR =, IE2e)
904 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
905 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
906 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
907 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
908 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
909 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
910 else:
911 D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
912 A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
913 B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
914 C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
915 GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
916 GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
917 HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
918 HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
920 else:
921 print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
922 sys.exit()
924 else:
925 print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
926 sys.exit()
928 # Determination of the correction K of the calibration factor.
929 IoutTp = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT + BT)
930 IoutTm = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT - BT)
931 IoutRp = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR + BR)
932 IoutRm = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR - BR)
933 # --- Results and Corrections; electronic etaR and etaT are assumed to be 1
934 Etapx = IoutRp / IoutTp
935 Etamx = IoutRm / IoutTm
936 Etax = (Etapx * Etamx) ** 0.5
938 Eta = (TRa / TTa) # = TRa / TTa; Eta = Eta*/K Eq. 84 => K = Eta* / Eta; equation corrected according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
939 K = Etax / Eta
941 # For comparison with Volkers Libreoffice Müller Matrix spreadsheet
942 # Eta_test_p = (IoutRp/IoutTp)
943 # Eta_test_m = (IoutRm/IoutTm)
944 # Eta_test = (Eta_test_p*Eta_test_m)**0.5
946 # ----- random error calculation ----------
947 # noise must be calculated with the photon counts of measured signals;
948 # relative standard deviation of calibration signals with LDRcal; assumed to be statisitcally independent
949 # normalised noise errors
950 if (CalcFrom0deg):
951 dIoutTp = (NCalT * IoutTp) ** -0.5
952 dIoutTm = (NCalT * IoutTm) ** -0.5
953 dIoutRp = (NCalR * IoutRp) ** -0.5
954 dIoutRm = (NCalR * IoutRm) ** -0.5
955 else:
956 dIoutTp = (NCalT ** -0.5)
957 dIoutTm = (NCalT ** -0.5)
958 dIoutRp = (NCalR ** -0.5)
959 dIoutRm = (NCalR ** -0.5)
960 # Forward simulated 0°-signals with LDRCal with atrue; from input file
962 It = TTa * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT)
963 Ir = TRa * TiO * TiE * (GR + atrue * HR)
964 # relative standard deviation of standard signals with LDRmeas; assumed to be statisitcally independent
965 if (CalcFrom0deg): # this works!
966 dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
967 dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
968 '''
969 dIt = ((NCalT * It / IoutTp * NILfac / TCalT) ** -0.5)
970 dIr = ((NCalR * Ir / IoutRp * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
971 '''
972 else: # does this work? Why not as above?
973 dIt = ((NCalT * 2 * NILfac / TCalT ) ** -0.5)
974 dIr = ((NCalR * 2 * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
976 # ----- Forward simulated LDRsim = 1/Eta*Ir/It # simulated LDR* with Y from input file
977 LDRsim = Ir / It # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
978 # Corrected LDRsimCorr from forward simulated LDRsim (atrue)
979 # LDRsimCorr = (1./Eta*LDRsim*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-1./Eta*LDRsim*(GT-HT))
980 '''
981 if ((Y == -1.) and (abs(RotL0) < 45)) or ((Y == +1.) and (abs(RotL0) > 45)):
982 LDRsimx = 1. / LDRsim / Etax
983 else:
984 LDRsimx = LDRsim / Etax
985 '''
986 LDRsimx = LDRsim
988 # The following is correct without doubt
989 # LDRCorr = (LDRsim/(Etax/K)*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-LDRsim/(Etax/K)*(GT-HT))
991 # The following is a test whether the equations for calibration Etax and normal signal (GHK, LDRsim) are consistent
992 LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K) * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / (Etax / K) * (GT - HT))
993 # here we could also use Eta instead of Etax / K => how to test whether Etax is correct? => comparison with MüllerMatrix simulation!
994 # Without any correction: only measured It, Ir, EtaX are used
995 LDRunCorr = LDRsim / Etax
996 # LDRunCorr = (LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) + HT / abs(HT)) - (GR / abs(GR) + HR / abs(HR))) / ((GR / abs(GR) - HR / abs(HR)) - LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) - HT / abs(HT)))
998 #LDRCorr = LDRsimx # for test only
1000 F11sim = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * ((HR * Eta * It - HT * Ir) / (HR * GT - HT * GR)) # IL = 1, Etat = Etar = 1 ; AMT Eq.64; what is Etax/K? => see about 20 lines above: = Eta
1002 return (IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr,
1003 GT, HT, GR, HR, K, Eta, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa, DRa, TTa, TRa, F11sim, LDRunCorr)
1007 # *******************************************************************************************************************************
1009 # --- CALC with assumed true parameters from the input file
1010 LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
1011 IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
1012 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1013 Calc(TCalT, TCalR, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1014 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1015 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
1016 Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
1017 Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
1018 Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
1019 # --- Print parameters to console and output file
1020 OutputFile = 'output_' + InputFile[0:-3] + '_' + fname[0:-3] +'.dat'
1021 with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'w') as f:
1022 with redirect_stdout(f):
1023 print("From ", dname)
1024 print("Running ", fname)
1025 print("Reading input file ", InputFile) # , " for Lidar system :", EID, ", ", LID)
1026 print("for Lidar system: ", EID, ", ", LID)
1027 # --- Print iput information*********************************
1028 print(" --- Input parameters: value ±error / ±steps ----------------------")
1029 print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("Laser: ", "Qin =", Qin0, dQin, nQin))
1030 print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("", "Vin =", Vin0, dVin, nVin))
1031 print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("", "Rotation alpha = ", RotL0, dRotL, nRotL))
1032 print("{0:7}{1:15} {2:8.4f} {3:17}".format("", "=> DOP", ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5), " (degree of polarisation)"))
1034 print("Optic: Diatt., Tunpol, Retard., Rotation (deg)")
1035 print("{0:12} {1:7.4f} ±{2:7.4f} /{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
1036 "Emitter ", DiE0, dDiE, TiE, RetE0, dRetE, RotE0, dRotE, nDiE, nRetE, nRotE))
1037 print("{0:12} {1:7.4f} ±{2:7.4f} /{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
1038 "Receiver ", DiO0, dDiO, TiO, RetO0, dRetO, RotO0, dRotO, nDiO, nRetO, nRotO))
1039 print("{0:12} {1:9.6f}±{2:9.6f}/{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
1040 "Calibrator ", DiC0, dDiC, TiC, RetC0, dRetC, RotC0, dRotC, nDiC, nRetC, nRotC))
1041 print("{0:12}".format(" Pol.-filter ------ "))
1042 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
1043 "ERT, RotT :", ERaT0, dERaT, nERaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, nRotaT))
1044 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
1045 "ERR, RotR :", ERaR0, dERaR, nERaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, nRotaR))
1046 print("{0:12}".format(" PBS ------ "))
1047 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
1048 "TP,TS :", TP0, dTP, nTP, TS0, dTS, nTS))
1049 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
1050 "RP,RS :", RP0, dRP, nRP, RS0, dRS, nRS))
1051 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}, {3:7.4f},{4:7.4f}, {5:1.0f}".format(
1052 "DT,TT,DR,TR,Y :", DiT, TiT, DiR, TiR, Y))
1053 print("{0:12}".format(" Combined PBS + Pol.-filter ------ "))
1054 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}, {3:7.4f},{4:7.4f}".format(
1055 "DT,TT,DR,TR :", DTa0, TTa0, DRa0, TRa0))
1056 print("{0:26}: {1:6.3f}± {2:5.3f}/{3:2d}".format(
1057 "LDRCal during calibration in calibration range", LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal))
1058 print("{0:12}".format(" --- Additional ND filter attenuation (transmission) during the calibration ---"))
1059 print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
1060 "TCalT,TCalR :", TCalT0, dTCalT, nTCalT, TCalR0, dTCalR, nTCalR))
1061 print()
1062 print("Rotation Error Epsilon For Normal Measurements = ", RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements)
1063 print(Type[TypeC], Loc[LocC])
1064 print("PBS incidence plane is ", dY[int(Y + 1)], "to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally", dY2[int(Y + 1)])
1065 print(dY3)
1066 print("RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = ", RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP)
1067 # end of print actual system parameters
1068 # ******************************************************************************
1071 print()
1073 K0List = np.zeros(7)
1074 LDRsimxList = np.zeros(7)
1075 LDRCalList = 0.0, 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45
1076 # The loop over LDRCalList is ony for checking whether and how much the LDR depends on the LDRCal during calibration and whether the corrections work.
1077 # Still with assumed true parameters in input file
1079 '''
1080 facIt = NCalT / TCalT0 * NILfac
1081 facIr = NCalR / TCalR0 * NILfac
1082 '''
1083 facIt = NI * eFacT
1084 facIr = NI * eFacR
1085 if (bPlotEtax):
1086 # check error signals
1087 # dIs are relative stdevs
1088 print("LDRCal, IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp,dIoutTm,dIoutRp,dIoutRm,dIt, dIr")
1090 for i, LDRCal in enumerate(LDRCalList):
1091 IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
1092 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1093 Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1094 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1095 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal)
1096 K0List[i] = K0
1097 LDRsimxList[i] = LDRsimx
1099 if (bPlotEtax):
1100 # check error signals
1101 print( "{:0.2f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(LDRCal, IoutTp * NCalT, IoutTm * NCalT, IoutRp * NCalR, IoutRm * NCalR, It * facIt, Ir * facIr, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
1102 #print( "{:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
1103 # end check error signals
1104 print('===========================================================================================================')
1105 print("{0:8},{1:8},{2:8},{3:8},{4:9},{5:8},{6:9},{7:9},{8:9},{9:9},{10:9}".format(
1106 " GR", " GT", " HR", " HT", " K(0.000)", " K(0.004)", " K(0.02)", " K(0.1)", " K(0.2)", " K(0.3)", " K(0.45)"))
1107 print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f},{3:8.5f},{4:9.5f},{5:9.5f},{6:9.5f},{7:9.5f},{8:9.5f},{9:9.5f},{10:9.5f}".format(
1108 GR0, GT0, HR0, HT0, K0List[0], K0List[1], K0List[2], K0List[3], K0List[4], K0List[5], K0List[6]))
1109 print('===========================================================================================================')
1110 print()
1111 print("Errors from neglecting GHK corrections and/or calibration:")
1112 print("{0:>10},{1:>10},{2:>10},{3:>10},{4:>10},{5:>10}".format(
1113 "LDRtrue", "LDRunCorr", "1/LDRunCorr", "LDRsimx", "1/LDRsimx", "LDRCorr"))
1115 aF11sim0 = np.zeros(5)
1116 LDRrange = np.zeros(5)
1117 LDRsim0 = np.zeros(5)
1118 LDRrange = [0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.3, 0.45] # list
1119 LDRrange[0] = LDRtrue2 # value in the input file; default 0.004
1121 # The loop over LDRtrueList is only for checking how much the uncorrected LDRsimx deviates from LDRtrue ... and whether the corrections work.
1122 # LDRsimx = LDRsim = Ir / It or 1/LDRsim
1123 # Still with assumed true parameters in input file
1124 for i, LDRtrue in enumerate(LDRrange):
1125 #for LDRtrue in LDRrange:
1126 IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
1127 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1128 Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1129 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1130 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
1131 print("{0:10.5f},{1:10.5f},{2:10.5f},{3:10.5f},{4:10.5f},{5:10.5f}".format(LDRtrue, LDRunCorr, 1/LDRunCorr, LDRsimx, 1/LDRsimx, LDRCorr))
1132 aF11sim0[i] = F11sim0
1133 LDRsim0[i] = Ir / It
1134 # the assumed true aF11sim0 results will be used below to calc the deviation from the real signals
1135 print("LDRsimx = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals without calibration and GHK-corrections")
1136 print("LDRunCorr = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals with calibration but without GHK-corrections; electronic amplifications = 1 assumed")
1137 print("LDRCorr = LDR calibrated and GHK-corrected")
1138 print()
1139 print("Errors from signal noise:")
1140 print("Signal counts: NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, stdev(NI)/NI = {0:10.0f},{1:10.0f},{2:10.0f},{3:3.0f},{4:2.0f},{5:2.0f},{6:8.5f}".format(
1141 NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, 1.0 / NI ** 0.5))
1142 print()
1143 print()
1144 '''# das muß wieder weg
1145 print("IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It , Ir , dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr")
1146 LDRCal = 0.01
1147 for i, LDRtrue in enumerate(LDRrange):
1148 IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
1149 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1150 Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, DOLP0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1151 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1152 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
1153 print( "{:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(
1154 IoutTp * NCalT, IoutTm * NCalT, IoutRp * NCalR, IoutRm * NCalR, It * facIt, Ir * facIr,
1155 dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
1156 aF11sim0[i] = F11sim0
1157 # the assumed true aF11sim0 results will be used below to calc the deviation from the real signals
1158 # bis hierher weg
1159 '''
1161 file = open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'r')
1162 print(
1163 file.close()
1165 # --- CALC again assumed truth with LDRCal0 and with assumed true parameters in input file to reset all 0-values
1166 LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
1167 IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
1168 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1169 Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1170 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1171 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
1172 Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
1173 Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
1174 Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
1175 '''
1176 if(PrintToOutputFile):
1177 f = open('output_ver7.dat', 'w')
1178 old_target = sys.stdout
1179 sys.stdout = f
1181 print("something")
1183 if(PrintToOutputFile):
1184 sys.stdout.flush()
1185 f.close
1186 sys.stdout = old_target
1187 '''
1188 if (Error_Calc):
1189 # --- CALC again assumed truth with LDRCal0 and with assumed true parameters in input file to reset all 0-values
1190 LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
1191 IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
1192 GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
1193 Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
1194 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
1195 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
1196 Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
1197 Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
1198 Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
1200 # --- Start Error calculation with variable parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------
1201 # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
1202 # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
1204 iN = -1
1205 N = ((nTCalT * 2 + 1) * (nTCalR * 2 + 1) *
1206 (nNCal * 2 + 1) ** 4 * (nNI * 2 + 1) ** 2 *
1207 (nQin * 2 + 1) * (nVin * 2 + 1) * (nRotL * 2 + 1) *
1208 (nRotE * 2 + 1) * (nRetE * 2 + 1) * (nDiE * 2 + 1) *
1209 (nRotO * 2 + 1) * (nRetO * 2 + 1) * (nDiO * 2 + 1) *
1210 (nRotC * 2 + 1) * (nRetC * 2 + 1) * (nDiC * 2 + 1) *
1211 (nTP * 2 + 1) * (nTS * 2 + 1) * (nRP * 2 + 1) * (nRS * 2 + 1) * (nERaT * 2 + 1) * (nERaR * 2 + 1) *
1212 (nRotaT * 2 + 1) * (nRotaR * 2 + 1) * (nRetT * 2 + 1) * (nRetR * 2 + 1) * (nLDRCal * 2 + 1))
1213 print("number of system variations N = ", N, " ", end="")
1215 if N > 1e6:
1216 if user_yes_no_query('Warning: processing ' + str(
1217 N) + ' samples will take very long. Do you want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
1218 if N > 5e6:
1219 if user_yes_no_query('Warning: the memory required for ' + str(N) + ' samples might be ' + '{0:5.1f}'.format(
1220 N / 4e6) + ' GB. Do you anyway want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
1222 # if user_yes_no_query('Warning: processing' + str(N) + ' samples will take very long. Do you want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
1224 # --- Arrays for plotting ------
1225 LDRmin = np.zeros(5)
1226 LDRmax = np.zeros(5)
1227 LDRstd = np.zeros(5)
1228 LDRmean = np.zeros(5)
1229 LDRmedian = np.zeros(5)
1230 LDRskew = np.zeros(5)
1231 LDRkurt = np.zeros(5)
1232 LDRsimmin = np.zeros(5)
1233 LDRsimmax = np.zeros(5)
1234 LDRsimmean = np.zeros(5)
1236 F11min = np.zeros(5)
1237 F11max = np.zeros(5)
1238 Etaxmin = np.zeros(5)
1239 Etaxmax = np.zeros(5)
1241 aQin = np.zeros(N)
1242 aVin = np.zeros(N)
1243 aERaT = np.zeros(N)
1244 aERaR = np.zeros(N)
1245 aRotaT = np.zeros(N)
1246 aRotaR = np.zeros(N)
1247 aRetT = np.zeros(N)
1248 aRetR = np.zeros(N)
1249 aTP = np.zeros(N)
1250 aTS = np.zeros(N)
1251 aRP = np.zeros(N)
1252 aRS = np.zeros(N)
1253 aDiE = np.zeros(N)
1254 aDiO = np.zeros(N)
1255 aDiC = np.zeros(N)
1256 aRotC = np.zeros(N)
1257 aRetC = np.zeros(N)
1258 aRotL = np.zeros(N)
1259 aRetE = np.zeros(N)
1260 aRotE = np.zeros(N)
1261 aRetO = np.zeros(N)
1262 aRotO = np.zeros(N)
1263 aLDRCal = np.zeros(N)
1264 aNCalTp = np.zeros(N)
1265 aNCalTm = np.zeros(N)
1266 aNCalRp = np.zeros(N)
1267 aNCalRm = np.zeros(N)
1268 aNIt = np.zeros(N)
1269 aNIr = np.zeros(N)
1270 aTCalT = np.zeros(N)
1271 aTCalR = np.zeros(N)
1273 # each np.zeros((LDRrange, N)) array has the same N-dependency
1274 aLDRcorr = np.zeros((5, N))
1275 aLDRsim = np.zeros((5, N))
1276 aF11corr = np.zeros((5, N))
1277 aPLDR = np.zeros((5, N))
1278 aEtax = np.zeros((5, N))
1279 aEtapx = np.zeros((5, N))
1280 aEtamx = np.zeros((5, N))
1282 # np.zeros((GHKs, N))
1283 aGHK = np.zeros((5, N))
1285 atime = clock()
1286 dtime = clock()
1288 # --- Calc Error signals
1289 # ---- Do the calculations of bra-ket vectors
1290 h = -1. if TypeC == 2 else 1
1292 for iLDRCal in range(-nLDRCal, nLDRCal + 1):
1293 # from input file: LDRCal for calibration measurements
1294 LDRCal = LDRCal0
1295 if nLDRCal > 0:
1296 LDRCal = LDRCal0 + iLDRCal * dLDRCal / nLDRCal
1297 # provides the intensities of the calibration measurements at various LDRCal for signal noise errors
1298 # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm
1300 aCal = (1. - LDRCal) / (1. + LDRCal)
1301 for iQin, iVin, iRotL, iRotE, iRetE, iDiE \
1302 in [(iQin, iVin, iRotL, iRotE, iRetE, iDiE)
1303 for iQin in range(-nQin, nQin + 1)
1304 for iVin in range(-nVin, nVin + 1)
1305 for iRotL in range(-nRotL, nRotL + 1)
1306 for iRotE in range(-nRotE, nRotE + 1)
1307 for iRetE in range(-nRetE, nRetE + 1)
1308 for iDiE in range(-nDiE, nDiE + 1)]:
1310 if nQin > 0: Qin = Qin0 + iQin * dQin / nQin
1311 if nVin > 0: Vin = Vin0 + iVin * dVin / nVin
1312 if nRotL > 0: RotL = RotL0 + iRotL * dRotL / nRotL
1313 if nRotE > 0: RotE = RotE0 + iRotE * dRotE / nRotE
1314 if nRetE > 0: RetE = RetE0 + iRetE * dRetE / nRetE
1315 if nDiE > 0: DiE = DiE0 + iDiE * dDiE / nDiE
1317 if ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5) > 1.0:
1318 print("Error: degree of polarisation of laser > 1. Check Qin and Vin! ")
1319 sys.exit()
1320 # angles of emitter and laser and calibrator and receiver optics
1321 # RotL = alpha, RotE = beta, RotO = gamma, RotC = epsilon
1322 S2a = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
1323 C2a = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
1324 S2b = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
1325 C2b = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
1326 S2ab = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
1327 C2ab = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
1329 # Laser with Degree of linear polarization DOLP
1330 IinL = 1.
1331 QinL = Qin
1332 UinL = 0.
1333 VinL = Vin
1334 # VinL = (1. - DOLP ** 2) ** 0.5
1336 # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.4
1337 A = C2a * QinL - S2a * UinL
1338 B = S2a * QinL + C2a * UinL
1339 # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.9
1340 C = C2ab * QinL - S2ab * UinL
1341 D = S2ab * QinL + C2ab * UinL
1343 # emitter optics
1344 CosE = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetE))
1345 SinE = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetE))
1346 ZiE = (1. - DiE ** 2) ** 0.5
1347 WiE = (1. - ZiE * CosE)
1349 # Stokes Input Vector after emitter optics equivalent to Eq. E.9 with already rotated input vector from Eq. E.4
1350 # b = beta
1351 IinE = (IinL + DiE * C)
1352 QinE = (C2b * DiE * IinL + A + S2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
1353 UinE = (S2b * DiE * IinL + B - C2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
1354 VinE = (-ZiE * SinE * D + ZiE * CosE * VinL)
1356 # -------------------------
1357 # F11 assuemd to be = 1 => measured: F11m = IinP / IinE with atrue
1358 # F11sim = (IinE + DiO*atrue*(C2g*QinE - S2g*UinE))/IinE
1359 # -------------------------
1361 for iRotO, iRetO, iDiO, iRotC, iRetC, iDiC, iTP, iTS, iRP, iRS, iERaT, iRotaT, iRetT, iERaR, iRotaR, iRetR \
1362 in [
1363 (iRotO, iRetO, iDiO, iRotC, iRetC, iDiC, iTP, iTS, iRP, iRS, iERaT, iRotaT, iRetT, iERaR, iRotaR, iRetR)
1364 for iRotO in range(-nRotO, nRotO + 1)
1365 for iRetO in range(-nRetO, nRetO + 1)
1366 for iDiO in range(-nDiO, nDiO + 1)
1367 for iRotC in range(-nRotC, nRotC + 1)
1368 for iRetC in range(-nRetC, nRetC + 1)
1369 for iDiC in range(-nDiC, nDiC + 1)
1370 for iTP in range(-nTP, nTP + 1)
1371 for iTS in range(-nTS, nTS + 1)
1372 for iRP in range(-nRP, nRP + 1)
1373 for iRS in range(-nRS, nRS + 1)
1374 for iERaT in range(-nERaT, nERaT + 1)
1375 for iRotaT in range(-nRotaT, nRotaT + 1)
1376 for iRetT in range(-nRetT, nRetT + 1)
1377 for iERaR in range(-nERaR, nERaR + 1)
1378 for iRotaR in range(-nRotaR, nRotaR + 1)
1379 for iRetR in range(-nRetR, nRetR + 1)]:
1381 if nRotO > 0: RotO = RotO0 + iRotO * dRotO / nRotO
1382 if nRetO > 0: RetO = RetO0 + iRetO * dRetO / nRetO
1383 if nDiO > 0: DiO = DiO0 + iDiO * dDiO / nDiO
1384 if nRotC > 0: RotC = RotC0 + iRotC * dRotC / nRotC
1385 if nRetC > 0: RetC = RetC0 + iRetC * dRetC / nRetC
1386 if nDiC > 0: DiC = DiC0 + iDiC * dDiC / nDiC
1387 if nTP > 0: TP = TP0 + iTP * dTP / nTP
1388 if nTS > 0: TS = TS0 + iTS * dTS / nTS
1389 if nRP > 0: RP = RP0 + iRP * dRP / nRP
1390 if nRS > 0: RS = RS0 + iRS * dRS / nRS
1391 if nERaT > 0: ERaT = ERaT0 + iERaT * dERaT / nERaT
1392 if nRotaT > 0: RotaT = RotaT0 + iRotaT * dRotaT / nRotaT
1393 if nRetT > 0: RetT = RetT0 + iRetT * dRetT / nRetT
1394 if nERaR > 0: ERaR = ERaR0 + iERaR * dERaR / nERaR
1395 if nRotaR > 0: RotaR = RotaR0 + iRotaR * dRotaR / nRotaR
1396 if nRetR > 0: RetR = RetR0 + iRetR * dRetR / nRetR
1398 # print("{0:5.2f}, {1:5.2f}, {2:5.2f}, {3:10d}".format(RotL, RotE, RotO, iN))
1400 # receiver optics
1401 CosO = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetO))
1402 SinO = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetO))
1403 ZiO = (1. - DiO ** 2) ** 0.5
1404 WiO = (1. - ZiO * CosO)
1405 S2g = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
1406 C2g = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
1407 # calibrator
1408 CosC = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetC))
1409 SinC = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetC))
1410 ZiC = (1. - DiC ** 2) ** 0.5
1411 WiC = (1. - ZiC * CosC)
1413 # analyser
1414 # For POLLY_XTs
1415 if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
1416 RS = 1.0 - TS
1417 RP = 1.0 - TP
1418 TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
1419 DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
1420 ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2.) ** 0.5
1421 TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
1422 DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
1423 ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2.) ** 0.5
1424 CosT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetT))
1425 SinT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetT))
1426 CosR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetR))
1427 SinR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetR))
1429 # cleaning pol-filter
1430 DaT = (1.0 - ERaT) / (1.0 + ERaT)
1431 DaR = (1.0 - ERaR) / (1.0 + ERaR)
1432 TaT = 0.5 * (1.0 + ERaT)
1433 TaR = 0.5 * (1.0 + ERaR)
1435 S2aT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2.0 * RotaT))
1436 C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * RotaT))
1437 S2aR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2.0 * RotaR))
1438 C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * RotaR))
1440 # Analyzer As before the PBS Eq. D.5; combined PBS and cleaning pol-filter
1441 ATPT = (1 + C2aT * DaT * DiT) # unpolarized transmission correction
1442 TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT # unpolarized transmission
1443 ATP1 = 1.0
1444 ATP2 = Y * (DiT + C2aT * DaT) / ATPT
1445 ATP3 = Y * S2aT * DaT * ZiT * CosT / ATPT
1446 ATP4 = S2aT * DaT * ZiT * SinT / ATPT
1447 ATP = np.array([ATP1, ATP2, ATP3, ATP4])
1448 DTa = ATP2 * Y
1450 ARPT = (1 + C2aR * DaR * DiR) # unpolarized transmission correction
1451 TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT # unpolarized transmission
1452 ARP1 = 1
1453 ARP2 = Y * (DiR + C2aR * DaR) / ARPT
1454 ARP3 = Y * S2aR * DaR * ZiR * CosR / ARPT
1455 ARP4 = S2aR * DaR * ZiR * SinR / ARPT
1456 ARP = np.array([ARP1, ARP2, ARP3, ARP4])
1457 DRa = ARP2 * Y
1459 # ---- Calculate signals and correction parameters for diffeent locations and calibrators
1460 if LocC == 4: # Calibrator before the PBS
1461 # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
1463 # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
1464 # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
1465 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotC))
1466 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
1467 # rotated AinP by epsilon Eq. C.3
1468 ATP2e = C2e * ATP2 + S2e * ATP3
1469 ATP3e = C2e * ATP3 - S2e * ATP2
1470 ARP2e = C2e * ARP2 + S2e * ARP3
1471 ARP3e = C2e * ARP3 - S2e * ARP2
1472 ATPe = np.array([ATP1, ATP2e, ATP3e, ATP4])
1473 ARPe = np.array([ARP1, ARP2e, ARP3e, ARP4])
1474 # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
1475 A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
1476 B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
1477 # C = (WiO*aCal*B + ZiO*SinO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
1478 Co = ZiO * SinO * VinE
1479 Ca = (WiO * B - 2 * ZiO * SinO * VinE)
1480 # C = Co + aCal*Ca
1481 # IinP = (IinE + DiO*aCal*A)
1482 # QinP = (C2g*DiO*IinE + aCal*QinE - S2g*C)
1483 # UinP = (S2g*DiO*IinE - aCal*UinE + C2g*C)
1484 # VinP = (ZiO*SinO*aCal*B + ZiO*CosO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
1485 IinPo = IinE
1486 QinPo = (C2g * DiO * IinE - S2g * Co)
1487 UinPo = (S2g * DiO * IinE + C2g * Co)
1488 VinPo = ZiO * CosO * VinE
1490 IinPa = DiO * A
1491 QinPa = QinE - S2g * Ca
1492 UinPa = -UinE + C2g * Ca
1493 VinPa = ZiO * (SinO * B - 2 * CosO * VinE)
1495 IinP = IinPo + aCal * IinPa
1496 QinP = QinPo + aCal * QinPa
1497 UinP = UinPo + aCal * UinPa
1498 VinP = VinPo + aCal * VinPa
1499 # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
1500 # QinPe = C2e*QinP + S2e*UinP
1501 # UinPe = C2e*UinP - S2e*QinP
1502 QinPoe = C2e * QinPo + S2e * UinPo
1503 UinPoe = C2e * UinPo - S2e * QinPo
1504 QinPae = C2e * QinPa + S2e * UinPa
1505 UinPae = C2e * UinPa - S2e * QinPa
1506 QinPe = C2e * QinP + S2e * UinP
1507 UinPe = C2e * UinP - S2e * QinP
1509 # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
1510 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
1511 # parameters for calibration with aCal
1512 AT = ATP1 * IinP + h * ATP4 * VinP
1513 BT = ATP3e * QinP - h * ATP2e * UinP
1514 AR = ARP1 * IinP + h * ARP4 * VinP
1515 BR = ARP3e * QinP - h * ARP2e * UinP
1516 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1517 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1518 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
1519 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
1520 GT =, IS1)
1521 GR =, IS1)
1522 HT =, IS2)
1523 HR =, IS2)
1524 else:
1525 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
1526 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
1527 GT =, IS1)
1528 GR =, IS1)
1529 HT =, IS2)
1530 HR =, IS2)
1531 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
1532 # parameters for calibration with aCal
1533 AT = ATP1 * IinP + ATP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ATP2e * QinPe + ATP4 * VinP)
1534 BT = DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
1535 AR = ARP1 * IinP + ARP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ARP2e * QinPe + ARP4 * VinP)
1536 BR = DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
1537 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1538 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1539 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
1540 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
1541 GT =, IS1)
1542 GR =, IS1)
1543 HT =, IS2)
1544 HR =, IS2)
1545 else:
1546 IS1e = np.array(
1547 [IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
1548 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
1549 IS2e = np.array(
1550 [IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
1551 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
1552 GT =, IS1e)
1553 GR =, IS1e)
1554 HT =, IS2e)
1555 HR =, IS2e)
1556 elif (TypeC == 6): # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
1557 # parameters for calibration with aCal
1558 AT = ATP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * QinPe + ATP2e * IinP) + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * (
1559 ATP2e * QinPe + ATP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (
1560 sqr05 * SinC * (ATP3e * VinP - ATP4 * UinPe) + ATP4 * CosC * VinP)
1561 BT = sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
1562 ATP2e * UinPe + ATP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
1563 AR = ARP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * QinPe + ARP2e * IinP) + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * (
1564 ARP2e * QinPe + ARP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (
1565 sqr05 * SinC * (ARP3e * VinP - ARP4 * UinPe) + ARP4 * CosC * VinP)
1566 BR = sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
1567 ARP2e * UinPe + ARP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
1568 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1569 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1570 IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
1571 IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
1572 GT =, IS1)
1573 GR =, IS1)
1574 HT =, IS2)
1575 HR =, IS2)
1576 else:
1577 IS1e = np.array(
1578 [IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
1579 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
1580 IS2e = np.array(
1581 [IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
1582 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
1583 GT =, IS1e)
1584 GR =, IS1e)
1585 HT =, IS2e)
1586 HR =, IS2e)
1587 else:
1588 print("Calibrator not implemented yet")
1589 sys.exit()
1591 elif LocC == 3: # C before receiver optics Eq.57
1593 # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
1594 # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
1595 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
1596 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
1598 # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
1599 AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0])
1600 AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1 - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
1601 AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1 - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
1602 AF4 = np.array([0, S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
1604 ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
1605 ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
1606 ATF1 = ATF[0]
1607 ATF2 = ATF[1]
1608 ATF3 = ATF[2]
1609 ATF4 = ATF[3]
1610 ARF1 = ARF[0]
1611 ARF2 = ARF[1]
1612 ARF3 = ARF[2]
1613 ARF4 = ARF[3]
1615 # rotated AinF by epsilon
1616 ATF2e = C2e * ATF[1] + S2e * ATF[2]
1617 ATF3e = C2e * ATF[2] - S2e * ATF[1]
1618 ARF2e = C2e * ARF[1] + S2e * ARF[2]
1619 ARF3e = C2e * ARF[2] - S2e * ARF[1]
1621 ATFe = np.array([ATF1, ATF2e, ATF3e, ATF4])
1622 ARFe = np.array([ARF1, ARF2e, ARF3e, ARF4])
1624 QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
1625 UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
1627 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
1628 IinF = IinE
1629 QinF = aCal * QinE
1630 UinF = -aCal * UinE
1631 VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
1633 IinFo = IinE
1634 QinFo = 0.
1635 UinFo = 0.
1636 VinFo = VinE
1638 IinFa = 0.
1639 QinFa = QinE
1640 UinFa = -UinE
1641 VinFa = -2. * VinE
1643 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
1644 QinFe = C2e * QinF + S2e * UinF
1645 UinFe = C2e * UinF - S2e * QinF
1646 QinFoe = C2e * QinFo + S2e * UinFo
1647 UinFoe = C2e * UinFo - S2e * QinFo
1648 QinFae = C2e * QinFa + S2e * UinFa
1649 UinFae = C2e * UinFa - S2e * QinFa
1651 # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
1652 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
1653 AT = ATF1 * IinF + ATF4 * h * VinF
1654 BT = ATF3e * QinF - ATF2e * h * UinF
1655 AR = ARF1 * IinF + ARF4 * h * VinF
1656 BR = ARF3e * QinF - ARF2e * h * UinF
1658 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1659 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
1660 GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * VinE
1661 GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * VinE
1662 HT = ATF2 * QinE - ATF3 * UinE - ATF4 * 2 * VinE
1663 HR = ARF2 * QinE - ARF3 * UinE - ARF4 * 2 * VinE
1664 else:
1665 GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * h * VinE
1666 GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * h * VinE
1667 HT = ATF2e * QinE - ATF3e * h * UinE - ATF4 * h * 2 * VinE
1668 HR = ARF2e * QinE - ARF3e * h * UinE - ARF4 * h * 2 * VinE
1670 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
1671 # p = +45°, m = -45°
1672 IF1e = np.array([IinF, ZiC * CosC * QinFe, UinFe, ZiC * CosC * VinF])
1673 IF2e = np.array([DiC * UinFe, -ZiC * SinC * VinF, DiC * IinF, ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
1675 AT =, IF1e)
1676 AR =, IF1e)
1677 BT =, IF2e)
1678 BR =, IF2e)
1680 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR --- the same as for TypeC = 6
1681 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1682 IS1 = np.array([IinE, 0, 0, VinE])
1683 IS2 = np.array([0, QinE, -UinE, -2 * VinE])
1685 GT =, IS1)
1686 GR =, IS1)
1687 HT =, IS2)
1688 HR =, IS2)
1689 else:
1690 IS1e = np.array(
1691 [IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
1692 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
1693 IS2e = np.array(
1694 [IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
1695 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
1696 GT =, IS1e)
1697 GR =, IS1e)
1698 HT =, IS2e)
1699 HR =, IS2e)
1701 elif (TypeC == 6): # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
1702 # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
1703 IF1e = np.array([IinF + sqr05 * DiC * QinFe, sqr05 * DiC * IinF + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinFe,
1704 (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * UinFe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
1705 -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinFe + ZiC * CosC * VinF])
1706 IF2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinFe, 0.5 * WiC * UinFe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
1707 sqr05 * DiC * IinF + 0.5 * WiC * QinFe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
1709 AT =, IF1e)
1710 AR =, IF1e)
1711 BT =, IF2e)
1712 BR =, IF2e)
1714 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1715 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1716 # IS1 = np.array([IinE,0,0,VinE])
1717 # IS2 = np.array([0,QinE,-UinE,-2*VinE])
1718 IS1 = np.array([IinFo, 0, 0, VinFo])
1719 IS2 = np.array([0, QinFa, UinFa, VinFa])
1720 GT =, IS1)
1721 GR =, IS1)
1722 HT =, IS2)
1723 HR =, IS2)
1724 else:
1725 # IS1e = np.array([IinE,DiC*IinE,ZiC*SinC*VinE,ZiC*CosC*VinE])
1726 # IS2e = np.array([DiC*QinEe,QinEe,-ZiC*(CosC*UinEe+2*SinC*VinE),ZiC*(SinC*UinEe-2*CosC*VinE)])
1727 IS1e = np.array(
1728 [IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
1729 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
1730 IS2e = np.array(
1731 [IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
1732 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
1733 GT =, IS1e)
1734 GR =, IS1e)
1735 HT =, IS2e)
1736 HR =, IS2e)
1739 else:
1740 print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
1741 sys.exit()
1743 elif LocC == 2: # C behind emitter optics Eq.57
1744 # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
1745 S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
1746 C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
1748 # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
1749 AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0])
1750 AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1 - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
1751 AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1 - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
1752 AF4 = np.array([0, S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
1754 ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
1755 ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
1756 ATF1 = ATF[0]
1757 ATF2 = ATF[1]
1758 ATF3 = ATF[2]
1759 ATF4 = ATF[3]
1760 ARF1 = ARF[0]
1761 ARF2 = ARF[1]
1762 ARF3 = ARF[2]
1763 ARF4 = ARF[3]
1765 # AS with C behind the emitter --------------------------------------------
1766 # terms without aCal
1767 ATE1o, ARE1o = ATF1, ARF1
1768 ATE2o, ARE2o = 0., 0.
1769 ATE3o, ARE3o = 0., 0.
1770 ATE4o, ARE4o = ATF4, ARF4
1771 # terms with aCal
1772 ATE1a, ARE1a = 0., 0.
1773 ATE2a, ARE2a = ATF2, ARF2
1774 ATE3a, ARE3a = -ATF3, -ARF3
1775 ATE4a, ARE4a = -2 * ATF4, -2 * ARF4
1776 # rotated AinEa by epsilon
1777 ATE2ae = C2e * ATF2 + S2e * ATF3
1778 ATE3ae = -S2e * ATF2 - C2e * ATF3
1779 ARE2ae = C2e * ARF2 + S2e * ARF3
1780 ARE3ae = -S2e * ARF2 - C2e * ARF3
1782 ATE1 = ATE1o
1783 ATE2e = aCal * ATE2ae
1784 ATE3e = aCal * ATE3ae
1785 ATE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ATF4
1786 ARE1 = ARE1o
1787 ARE2e = aCal * ARE2ae
1788 ARE3e = aCal * ARE3ae
1789 ARE4 = (1. - 2. * aCal) * ARF4
1791 # rotated IinE
1792 QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
1793 UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
1795 # --- Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
1796 if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1): # +++++++++ rotator calibration Eq. C.4
1797 AT = ATE1o * IinE + (ATE4o + aCal * ATE4a) * h * VinE
1798 BT = aCal * (ATE3ae * QinEe - ATE2ae * h * UinEe)
1799 AR = ARE1o * IinE + (ARE4o + aCal * ARE4a) * h * VinE
1800 BR = aCal * (ARE3ae * QinEe - ARE2ae * h * UinEe)
1802 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1803 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
1804 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
1805 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
1806 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
1807 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
1808 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
1809 else:
1810 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
1811 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
1812 HT = ATE2ae * QinE + ATE3ae * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
1813 HR = ARE2ae * QinE + ARE3ae * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
1815 elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4): # +++++++++ linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
1816 # p = +45°, m = -45°
1817 AT = ATE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ATE2e * QinEe + ATE4 * VinE) + ATE3e * UinEe
1818 BT = DiC * (ATE1 * UinEe + ATE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ATE4 * QinEe - ATE2e * VinE)
1819 AR = ARE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ARE2e * QinEe + ARE4 * VinE) + ARE3e * UinEe
1820 BR = DiC * (ARE1 * UinEe + ARE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ARE4 * QinEe - ARE2e * VinE)
1822 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1823 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
1824 # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
1825 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
1826 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
1827 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
1828 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
1829 else:
1830 D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
1831 A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
1832 B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
1833 C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
1834 GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
1835 GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
1836 HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
1837 HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
1839 elif (TypeC == 6): # real HWP calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
1840 # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
1841 IE1e = np.array([IinE + sqr05 * DiC * QinEe, sqr05 * DiC * IinE + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinEe,
1842 (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * UinEe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
1843 -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinEe + ZiC * CosC * VinE])
1844 IE2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinEe, 0.5 * WiC * UinEe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
1845 sqr05 * DiC * IinE + 0.5 * WiC * QinEe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinEe])
1846 ATEe = np.array([ATE1, ATE2e, ATE3e, ATE4])
1847 AREe = np.array([ARE1, ARE2e, ARE3e, ARE4])
1848 AT =, IE1e)
1849 AR =, IE1e)
1850 BT =, IE2e)
1851 BR =, IE2e)
1853 # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
1854 if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements): # calibrator taken out
1855 GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
1856 GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
1857 HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
1858 HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
1859 else:
1860 D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
1861 A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
1862 B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
1863 C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
1864 GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
1865 GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
1866 HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
1867 HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
1868 else:
1869 print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
1870 sys.exit()
1872 for iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr \
1873 in [
1874 (iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr)
1875 for iTCalT in range(-nTCalT, nTCalT + 1) # Etax
1876 for iTCalR in range(-nTCalR, nTCalR + 1) # Etax
1877 for iNCalTp in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
1878 for iNCalTm in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
1879 for iNCalRp in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
1880 for iNCalRm in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
1881 for iNIt in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)
1882 for iNIr in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)]:
1884 # Calibration signals with aCal => Determination of the correction K of the real calibration factor
1885 IoutTp = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT + BT)
1886 IoutTm = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT - BT)
1887 IoutRp = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR + BR)
1888 IoutRm = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR - BR)
1890 if nTCalT > 0: TCalT = TCalT0 + iTCalT * dTCalT / nTCalT
1891 if nTCalR > 0: TCalR = TCalR0 + iTCalR * dTCalR / nTCalR
1892 # signal noise errors
1893 # ----- random error calculation ----------
1894 # noise must be calculated from/with the actually measured signals; influence of TCalT, TCalR errors on noise are not considered ?
1895 # actually measured signal counts are in input file and don't change
1896 # relative standard deviation of calibration signals with LDRcal; assumed to be statisitcally independent
1897 # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
1898 if nNCal > 0:
1899 if (CalcFrom0deg):
1900 dIoutTp = (NCalT * IoutTp) ** -0.5
1901 dIoutTm = (NCalT * IoutTm) ** -0.5
1902 dIoutRp = (NCalR * IoutRp) ** -0.5
1903 dIoutRm = (NCalR * IoutRm) ** -0.5
1904 else:
1905 dIoutTp = dIoutTp0 * (IoutTp / IoutTp0)
1906 dIoutTm = dIoutTm0 * (IoutTm / IoutTm0)
1907 dIoutRp = dIoutRp0 * (IoutRp / IoutRp0)
1908 dIoutRm = dIoutRm0 * (IoutRm / IoutRm0)
1909 # print(iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr, IoutTp, dIoutTp)
1910 IoutTp = IoutTp * (1. + iNCalTp * dIoutTp / nNCal)
1911 IoutTm = IoutTm * (1. + iNCalTm * dIoutTm / nNCal)
1912 IoutRp = IoutRp * (1. + iNCalRp * dIoutRp / nNCal)
1913 IoutRm = IoutRm * (1. + iNCalRm * dIoutRm / nNCal)
1915 IoutTp = IoutTp * TCalT / TCalT0
1916 IoutTm = IoutTm * TCalT / TCalT0
1917 IoutRp = IoutRp * TCalR / TCalR0
1918 IoutRm = IoutRm * TCalR / TCalR0
1919 # --- Results and Corrections; electronic etaR and etaT are assumed to be 1 for true and assumed true systems
1920 # calibration factor
1921 Eta = (TRa / TTa) # = TRa / TTa; Eta = Eta*/K Eq. 84; corrected according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
1922 # possibly real calibration factor
1923 Etapx = IoutRp / IoutTp
1924 Etamx = IoutRm / IoutTm
1925 Etax = (Etapx * Etamx) ** 0.5
1926 K = Etax / Eta
1927 # print("{0:6.3f},{1:6.3f},{2:6.3f},{3:6.3f},{4:6.3f},{5:6.3f},{6:6.3f},{7:6.3f},{8:6.3f},{9:6.3f},{10:6.3f}".format(AT, BT, AR, BR, DiC, ZiC, RetO, TP, TS, Kp, Km))
1928 # print("{0:6.3f},{1:6.3f},{2:6.3f},{3:6.3f}".format(DiC, ZiC, Kp, Km))
1930 # For comparison with Volkers Libreoffice Müller Matrix spreadsheet
1931 # Eta_test_p = (IoutRp/IoutTp)
1932 # Eta_test_m = (IoutRm/IoutTm)
1933 # Eta_test = (Eta_test_p*Eta_test_m)**0.5
1934 '''
1935 for iIt, iIr \
1936 in [(iIt, iIr)
1937 for iIt in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)
1938 for iIr in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)]:
1939 '''
1941 iN = iN + 1
1942 if (iN == 10001):
1943 ctime = clock()
1944 print(" estimated time ", "{0:4.2f}".format(N / 10000 * (ctime - atime)), "sec ") # , end="")
1945 print("\r elapsed time ", "{0:5.0f}".format((ctime - atime)), "sec ", end="\r")
1946 ctime = clock()
1947 if ((ctime - dtime) > 10):
1948 print("\r elapsed time ", "{0:5.0f}".format((ctime - atime)), "sec ", end="\r")
1949 dtime = ctime
1951 # *** loop for different real LDRs **********************************************************************
1952 iLDR = -1
1953 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
1954 iLDR = iLDR + 1
1955 atrue = (1. - LDRTrue) / (1. + LDRTrue)
1956 # ----- Forward simulated signals and LDRsim with atrue; from input file; not considering TiC.
1957 It = TTa * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT) # TaT*TiT*TiC*TiO*IinL*(GT+atrue*HT)
1958 Ir = TRa * TiO * TiE * (GR + atrue * HR) # TaR*TiR*TiC*TiO*IinL*(GR+atrue*HR)
1959 # # signal noise errors; standard deviation of signals; assumed to be statisitcally independent
1960 # because the signals depend on LDRtrue, the errors dIt and dIr must be calculated for each LDRtrue
1961 if (CalcFrom0deg):
1962 '''
1963 dIt = ((NCalT * It / IoutTp * NILfac / TCalT) ** -0.5)
1964 dIr = ((NCalR * Ir / IoutRp * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
1965 '''
1966 dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
1967 dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
1968 else:
1969 dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
1970 dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
1971 '''
1972 # does this work? Why not as above?
1973 dIt = ((NCalT * 2. * NILfac / TCalT ) ** -0.5)
1974 dIr = ((NCalR * 2. * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
1975 '''
1976 # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
1977 if nNI > 0:
1978 It = It * (1. + iNIt * dIt / nNI)
1979 Ir = Ir * (1. + iNIr * dIr / nNI)
1981 # LDRsim = 1/Eta*Ir/It # simulated LDR* with Y from input file
1982 LDRsim = Ir / It # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
1984 # ----- Backward correction
1985 # Corrected LDRCorr with assumed true G0,H0,K0,Eta0 from forward simulated (real) LDRsim(atrue)
1986 LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 + HT0) - (GR0 + HR0)) / ((GR0 - HR0) - LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 - HT0))
1988 # The following is a test whether the equations for calibration Etax and normal signal (GHK, LDRsim) are consistent
1989 # LDRCorr = (LDRsim / Eta * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / Eta * (GT - HT))
1990 # Without any correction
1991 LDRunCorr = LDRsim / Etax
1992 # LDRunCorr = (LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) + HT / abs(HT)) - (GR / abs(GR) + HR / abs(HR))) / ((GR / abs(GR) - HR / abs(HR)) - LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) - HT / abs(HT)))
1995 '''
1996 # -- F11corr from It and Ir and calibration EtaX
1997 Text1 = "!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!! F11corr from It and Ir with calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) / F11corr(LDRtrue = 0.004) - 1"
1998 F11corr = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * (
1999 (HR0 * Etax / K0 * It / TTa - HT0 * Ir / TRa) / (HR0 * GT0 - HT0 * GR0)) # IL = 1 Eq.(64); Etax/K0 = Eta0.
2000 '''
2001 # Corrected F11corr with assumed true G0,H0,K0 from forward simulated (real) It and Ir (atrue)
2002 Text1 = "!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!! F11corr from real It and Ir with real calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) / aF11sim0(LDRtrue) - 1"
2003 F11corr = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * (
2004 (HR0 * Etax / K0 * It / TTa - HT0 * Ir / TRa) / (HR0 * GT0 - HT0 * GR0)) # IL = 1 Eq.(64); Etax/K0 = Eta0.
2006 # Text1 = "F11corr from It and Ir without corrections but with calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) devided by F11corr(LDRtrue = 0.004)"
2007 # F11corr = 0.5/(TiO*TiE)*(Etax*It/TTa+Ir/TRa) # IL = 1 Eq.(64)
2009 # -- It from It only with atrue without corrections - for BERTHA (and PollyXTs)
2010 # Text1 = " x-axis: IT(LDRtrue) / IT(LDRtrue = 0.004) - 1"
2011 # F11corr = It/(TaT*TiT*TiO*TiE) #/(TaT*TiT*TiO*TiE*(GT0+atrue*HT0))
2012 # ! see below line 1673ff
2014 aF11corr[iLDR, iN] = F11corr
2015 aLDRcorr[iLDR, iN] = LDRCorr # LDRCorr # LDRsim # for test only
2016 aLDRsim[iLDR, iN] = LDRsim # LDRCorr # LDRsim # for test only
2017 # aPLDR[iLDR, iN] = CalcPLDR(LDRCorr, BSR[iLDR], LDRm0)
2018 aEtax[iLDR, iN] = Etax
2019 aEtapx[iLDR, iN] = Etapx
2020 aEtamx[iLDR, iN] = Etamx
2022 aGHK[0, iN] = GR
2023 aGHK[1, iN] = GT
2024 aGHK[2, iN] = HR
2025 aGHK[3, iN] = HT
2026 aGHK[4, iN] = K
2028 aLDRCal[iN] = iLDRCal
2029 aQin[iN] = iQin
2030 aVin[iN] = iVin
2031 aERaT[iN] = iERaT
2032 aERaR[iN] = iERaR
2033 aRotaT[iN] = iRotaT
2034 aRotaR[iN] = iRotaR
2035 aRetT[iN] = iRetT
2036 aRetR[iN] = iRetR
2038 aRotL[iN] = iRotL
2039 aRotE[iN] = iRotE
2040 aRetE[iN] = iRetE
2041 aRotO[iN] = iRotO
2042 aRetO[iN] = iRetO
2043 aRotC[iN] = iRotC
2044 aRetC[iN] = iRetC
2045 aDiO[iN] = iDiO
2046 aDiE[iN] = iDiE
2047 aDiC[iN] = iDiC
2048 aTP[iN] = iTP
2049 aTS[iN] = iTS
2050 aRP[iN] = iRP
2051 aRS[iN] = iRS
2052 aTCalT[iN] = iTCalT
2053 aTCalR[iN] = iTCalR
2055 aNCalTp[iN] = iNCalTp # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
2056 aNCalTm[iN] = iNCalTm # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
2057 aNCalRp[iN] = iNCalRp # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
2058 aNCalRm[iN] = iNCalRm # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
2059 aNIt[iN] = iNIt # It, Tr
2060 aNIr[iN] = iNIr # It, Tr
2062 # --- END loop
2063 btime = clock()
2064 # print("\r done in ", "{0:5.0f}".format(btime - atime), "sec. => producing plots now .... some more seconds ..."), # , end="\r");
2065 print(" done in ", "{0:5.0f}".format(btime - atime), "sec. => producing plots now .... some more seconds ...")
2066 # --- Plot -----------------------------------------------------------------
2067 print("Errors from GHK correction uncertainties:")
2068 if (sns_loaded):
2069 sns.set_style("whitegrid")
2070 sns.set_palette("bright6", 6)
2071 # for older seaborn versions use:
2072 # sns.set_palette("bright", 6)
2074 '''
2075 fig2 = plt.figure()
2076 plt.plot(aLDRcorr[2,:],'b.')
2077 plt.plot(aLDRcorr[3,:],'r.')
2078 plt.plot(aLDRcorr[4,:],'g.')
2079 #plt.plot(aLDRcorr[6,:],'c.')
2081 '''
2083 # Plot LDR
2084 def PlotSubHist(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2085 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
2086 # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
2087 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2088 iLDR = -1
2089 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2090 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2091 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2092 LDRmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2093 LDRmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2094 if (LDRmax[iLDR] > 10): LDRmax[iLDR] = 10
2095 if (LDRmin[iLDR] < -10): LDRmin[iLDR] = -10
2096 Rmin = LDRmin[iLDR] * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2097 Rmax = LDRmax[iLDR] * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2099 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2100 meanDist = 0.0
2101 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2102 # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2103 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aLDRcorr[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2104 # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
2105 meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (LDRmax[iLDR] - LDRmin[iLDR]) * 100
2107 plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
2108 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],
2109 bins=100, log=False,
2110 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2111 alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2113 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2114 # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2115 plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR, aX == iaX],
2116 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2117 bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
2118 label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
2120 if (iLDR == 2):
2121 leg = plt.legend()
2122 leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
2124 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
2125 plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2126 plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
2127 plt.gca().set_xlabel('LDRtrue', color="red")
2129 # plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=10)
2130 # plt.xlabel('LDRCorr', fontsize=10)
2131 # fig.tight_layout()
2132 fig.suptitle(LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
2133 #
2134 # fig.savefig(LID + '_' + aVar + '.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
2135 # plt.close
2136 return
2138 def PlotLDRsim(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2139 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRsim which is coloured in the plot
2140 # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
2141 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2142 iLDR = -1
2143 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2144 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2145 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2146 LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2147 LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2148 # print("LDRsimmin[iLDR], LDRsimmax[iLDR] = ", LDRsimmin[iLDR], LDRsimmax[iLDR])
2149 # if (LDRsimmax[iLDR] > 10): LDRsimmax[iLDR] = 10
2150 # if (LDRsimmin[iLDR] < -10): LDRsimmin[iLDR] = -10
2151 Rmin = LDRsimmin[iLDR] * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRsim[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2152 Rmax = LDRsimmax[iLDR] * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRsim[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2153 # print("Rmin, Rmax = ", Rmin, Rmax)
2155 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2156 meanDist = 0.0
2157 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2158 # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2159 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2160 # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
2161 meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (LDRsimmax[iLDR] - LDRsimmin[iLDR]) * 100
2163 plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
2164 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRsim[iLDR, :],
2165 bins=100, log=False,
2166 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2167 alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2169 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2170 # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2171 plt.hist(aLDRsim[iLDR, aX == iaX],
2172 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2173 bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
2174 label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
2176 if (iLDR == 2):
2177 leg = plt.legend()
2178 leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
2180 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
2181 plt.plot([LDRsim0[iLDR], LDRsim0[iLDR]], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2182 plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
2183 plt.gca().set_xlabel('LDRsim0', color="red")
2185 fig.suptitle('LDRsim - ' +LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
2186 return
2189 # Plot Etax
2190 def PlotEtax(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2191 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
2192 # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
2193 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2194 iLDR = -1
2195 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2196 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2197 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2198 Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2199 Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2200 Rmin = Etaxmin * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2201 Rmax = Etaxmax * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2203 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2204 meanDist = 0.0
2205 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2206 # mean Etax value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2207 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2208 # relative to absolute spread of Etax
2209 meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etaxmax - Etaxmin) * 100
2211 plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
2212 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtax[iLDR, :],
2213 bins=50, log=False,
2214 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2215 alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2216 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2217 plt.hist(aEtax[iLDR, aX == iaX],
2218 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2219 bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
2220 label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
2221 if (iLDR == 2):
2222 leg = plt.legend()
2223 leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
2224 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
2225 plt.plot([Etax0, Etax0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2226 plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
2227 plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etax0', color="red")
2228 fig.suptitle('Etax - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
2229 return
2231 def PlotEtapx(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2232 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
2233 # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
2234 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2235 iLDR = -1
2236 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2237 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2238 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2239 Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2240 Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2241 Rmin = Etapxmin * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2242 Rmax = Etapxmax * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2244 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2245 meanDist = 0.0
2246 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2247 # mean Etapx value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2248 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2249 # relative to absolute spread of Etapx
2250 meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etapxmax - Etapxmin) * 100
2252 plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
2253 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtapx[iLDR, :],
2254 bins=50, log=False,
2255 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2256 alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2257 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2258 plt.hist(aEtapx[iLDR, aX == iaX],
2259 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2260 bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
2261 label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
2262 if (iLDR == 2):
2263 leg = plt.legend()
2264 leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
2265 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
2266 plt.plot([Etapx0, Etapx0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2267 plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
2268 plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etapx0', color="red")
2269 fig.suptitle('Etapx - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
2270 return
2272 def PlotEtamx(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2273 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
2274 # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
2275 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2276 iLDR = -1
2277 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2278 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2279 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2280 Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2281 Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2282 Rmin = Etamxmin * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2283 Rmax = Etamxmax * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2285 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2286 meanDist = 0.0
2287 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2288 # mean Etamx value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
2289 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2290 # relative to absolute spread of Etamx
2291 meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etamxmax - Etamxmin) * 100
2293 plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
2294 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtamx[iLDR, :],
2295 bins=50, log=False,
2296 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2297 alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2298 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2299 plt.hist(aEtamx[iLDR, aX == iaX],
2300 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2301 bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
2302 label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
2303 if (iLDR == 2):
2304 leg = plt.legend()
2305 leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
2306 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
2307 plt.plot([Etamx0, Etamx0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2308 plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
2309 plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etamx0', color="red")
2310 fig.suptitle('Etamx - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
2311 return
2313 # calc contribution of the error of aVar = aX to aY for each LDRtrue
2314 def Contribution(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX, aY, Ysum, widthSum):
2315 # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aY which is coloured in the plot
2316 # example: Contribution("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP, aLDRcorr, DOLPcontr)
2317 iLDR = -1
2318 # Ysum, widthSum = np.zeros(5)
2319 meanDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
2320 widthDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
2321 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2322 aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2323 aXwidth = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
2324 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2325 # total width of distribution
2326 aYmin = np.amin(aY[iLDR, :])
2327 aYmax = np.amax(aY[iLDR, :])
2328 aYwidth = aYmax - aYmin
2329 # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
2330 for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
2331 # mean LDRCorr value for all errors iaX of parameter aVar
2332 aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2333 aXwidth[iaX + naX] = np.max(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX]) - np.min(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX])
2334 # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
2335 meanDist[iLDR] = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / aYwidth * 1000
2336 # meanDist[iLDR] = (aYwidth - aXwidth[naX]) / aYwidth * 1000
2337 widthDist[iLDR] = (np.max(aXwidth) - aXwidth[naX]) / aYwidth * 1000
2339 print("{:12}{:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}"\
2340 .format(aVar,meanDist[0],meanDist[1],meanDist[2],meanDist[3],meanDist[4],widthDist[0],widthDist[1],widthDist[2],widthDist[3],widthDist[4]))
2341 Ysum = Ysum + meanDist
2342 widthSum = widthSum + widthDist
2343 return(Ysum, widthSum)
2345 # print(.format(LDRrangeA[iLDR],))
2347 # error contributions to a certain output aY; loop over all variables
2348 def Contribution_aY(aYvar, aY):
2349 Ysum = np.zeros(5)
2350 widthSum = np.zeros(5)
2351 # meanDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
2352 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2353 print()
2354 print(aYvar + ": contribution to the total error (per mill)")
2355 print(" of individual parameter errors of combined parameter errors")
2356 print(" at LDRtrue {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f}"\
2357 .format(LDRrangeA[0],LDRrangeA[1],LDRrangeA[2],LDRrangeA[3],LDRrangeA[4],LDRrangeA[0],LDRrangeA[1],LDRrangeA[2],LDRrangeA[3],LDRrangeA[4]))
2358 print()
2359 if (nQin > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2360 if (nVin > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2361 if (nRotL > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2362 if (nRetE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2363 if (nRotE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2364 if (nDiE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2365 if (nRetO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2366 if (nRotO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2367 if (nDiO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2368 if (nDiC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2369 if (nRotC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2370 if (nRetC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2371 if (nTP > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2372 if (nTS > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2373 if (nRP > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2374 if (nRS > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2375 if (nRetT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2376 if (nRetR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2377 if (nERaT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2378 if (nERaR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2379 if (nRotaT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2380 if (nRotaR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2381 if (nLDRCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2382 if (nTCalT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2383 if (nTCalR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2384 if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2385 if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2386 if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2387 if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2388 if (nNI > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2389 if (nNI > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
2390 print("{:12}{:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}"\
2391 .format("Sum ",Ysum[0],Ysum[1],Ysum[2],Ysum[3],Ysum[4],widthSum[0],widthSum[1],widthSum[2],widthSum[3],widthSum[4]))
2394 # Plot LDR histograms
2395 if (nQin > 0): PlotSubHist("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2396 if (nVin > 0): PlotSubHist("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2397 if (nRotL > 0): PlotSubHist("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2398 if (nRetE > 0): PlotSubHist("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2399 if (nRotE > 0): PlotSubHist("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2400 if (nDiE > 0): PlotSubHist("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2401 if (nRetO > 0): PlotSubHist("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2402 if (nRotO > 0): PlotSubHist("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2403 if (nDiO > 0): PlotSubHist("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2404 if (nDiC > 0): PlotSubHist("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2405 if (nRotC > 0): PlotSubHist("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2406 if (nRetC > 0): PlotSubHist("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2407 if (nTP > 0): PlotSubHist("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2408 if (nTS > 0): PlotSubHist("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2409 if (nRP > 0): PlotSubHist("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2410 if (nRS > 0): PlotSubHist("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2411 if (nRetT > 0): PlotSubHist("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2412 if (nRetR > 0): PlotSubHist("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2413 if (nERaT > 0): PlotSubHist("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2414 if (nERaR > 0): PlotSubHist("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2415 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotSubHist("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2416 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotSubHist("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2417 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotSubHist("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2418 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotSubHist("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2419 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotSubHist("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2420 if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
2421 if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
2422 if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
2423 if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
2424 if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHist("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
2425 if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHist("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
2427 plt.close
2431 # --- Plot LDRmin, LDRmax
2432 iLDR = -1
2433 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2434 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2435 LDRmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2436 LDRmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2437 LDRstd[iLDR] = np.std(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2438 LDRmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2439 LDRmedian[iLDR] = np.median(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
2440 LDRskew[iLDR] = skew(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],bias=False)
2441 LDRkurt[iLDR] = kurtosis(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],fisher=True,bias=False)
2443 fig2 = plt.figure()
2444 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2445 if((np.amax(LDRmax - LDRrangeA)-np.amin(LDRmin - LDRrangeA)) < 0.001):
2446 plt.ylim(-0.001,0.001)
2447 plt.plot(LDRrangeA, LDRmax - LDRrangeA, linewidth=2.0, color='b')
2448 plt.plot(LDRrangeA, LDRmin - LDRrangeA, linewidth=2.0, color='g')
2450 plt.xlabel('LDRtrue', fontsize=18)
2451 plt.ylabel('LDRTrue-LDRmin, LDRTrue-LDRmax', fontsize=14)
2452 plt.title(LID + ' ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]), fontsize=18)
2453 # plt.ylimit(-0.07, 0.07)
2455 plt.close
2457 # --- Save LDRmin, LDRmax to file
2458 #
2459 with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'a') as f:
2460 # with open('output_files\\' + LID + '-' + InputFile[0:-3] + '-LDR_min_max.dat', 'w') as f:
2461 with redirect_stdout(f):
2462 print("Lidar ID: " + LID)
2463 print()
2464 print("minimum and maximum values of the distributions of possibly measured LDR for different LDRtrue")
2465 print("LDRtrue , LDRmin, LDRmax")
2466 for i in range(len(LDRrangeA)):
2467 print("{0:7.4f},{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}".format(LDRrangeA[i], LDRmin[i], LDRmax[i]))
2468 print()
2469 # Print LDR statistics
2470 print("LDRtrue , mean , median, max-mean, min-mean, std, excess_kurtosis, skewness")
2471 iLDR = -1
2472 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2473 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2474 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2475 print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f},{4:8.5f},{5:8.5f}, {6:8.5f},{7:8.5f}"\
2476 .format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmean[iLDR], LDRmedian[iLDR], LDRmax[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], \
2477 LDRmin[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRstd[iLDR], LDRkurt[iLDR], LDRskew[iLDR]))
2478 print()
2479 # Calculate and print statistics for calibration factors
2480 print("minimum and maximum values of the distributions of signal ratios and calibration factors for different LDRtrue")
2481 iLDR = -1
2482 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2483 print("LDRtrue , LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr")
2484 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2485 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2486 LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2487 LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2488 # LDRsimstd = np.std(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2489 LDRsimmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2490 # LDRsimmedian = np.median(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2491 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR],LDRsimmean[iLDR],(LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2,(LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2/LDRsimmean[iLDR]))
2492 iLDR = -1
2493 print("LDRtrue , Etax , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2494 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2495 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2496 Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2497 Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2498 # Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2499 Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2500 # Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2501 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etaxmean, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2/Etaxmean))
2502 iLDR = -1
2503 print("LDRtrue , Etapx , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2504 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2505 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2506 Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2507 Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2508 # Etapxstd = np.std(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2509 Etapxmean = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2510 # Etapxmedian = np.median(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2511 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etapxmean, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2/Etapxmean))
2512 iLDR = -1
2513 print("LDRtrue , Etamx , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2514 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2515 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2516 Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2517 Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2518 # Etamxstd = np.std(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2519 Etamxmean = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2520 # Etamxmedian = np.median(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2521 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etamxmean, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2/Etamxmean))
2523 # Print LDR statistics
2524 print("LDRtrue , mean , median, max-mean, min-mean, std, excess_kurtosis, skewness")
2525 iLDR = -1
2526 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2527 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2528 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2529 print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f},{4:8.5f},{5:8.5f}, {6:8.5f},{7:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmean[iLDR], LDRmedian[iLDR], LDRmax[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmin[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRstd[iLDR],LDRkurt[iLDR],LDRskew[iLDR]))
2532 with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'a') as f:
2533 # with open('output_files\\' + LID + '-' + InputFile[0:-3] + '-LDR_min_max.dat', 'a') as f:
2534 with redirect_stdout(f):
2535 Contribution_aY("LDRCorr", aLDRcorr)
2536 Contribution_aY("LDRsim", aLDRsim)
2537 Contribution_aY("EtaX, D90", aEtax)
2538 Contribution_aY("Etapx, +45°", aEtapx)
2539 Contribution_aY("Etamx -45°", aEtamx)
2542 # Plot other histograms
2543 if (bPlotEtax):
2545 if (nQin > 0): PlotLDRsim("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2546 if (nVin > 0): PlotLDRsim("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2547 if (nRotL > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2548 if (nRetE > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2549 if (nRotE > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2550 if (nDiE > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2551 if (nRetO > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2552 if (nRotO > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2553 if (nDiO > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2554 if (nDiC > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2555 if (nRotC > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2556 if (nRetC > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2557 if (nTP > 0): PlotLDRsim("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2558 if (nTS > 0): PlotLDRsim("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2559 if (nRP > 0): PlotLDRsim("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2560 if (nRS > 0): PlotLDRsim("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2561 if (nRetT > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2562 if (nRetR > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2563 if (nERaT > 0): PlotLDRsim("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2564 if (nERaR > 0): PlotLDRsim("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2565 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2566 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2567 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2568 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotLDRsim("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2569 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotLDRsim("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2570 if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
2571 if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
2572 if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
2573 if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
2574 if (nNI > 0): PlotLDRsim("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
2575 if (nNI > 0): PlotLDRsim("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
2577 plt.close
2578 print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
2580 if (nQin > 0): PlotEtax("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2581 if (nVin > 0): PlotEtax("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2582 if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtax("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2583 if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtax("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2584 if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtax("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2585 if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtax("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2586 if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtax("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2587 if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtax("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2588 if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtax("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2589 if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtax("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2590 if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtax("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2591 if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtax("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2592 if (nTP > 0): PlotEtax("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2593 if (nTS > 0): PlotEtax("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2594 if (nRP > 0): PlotEtax("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2595 if (nRS > 0): PlotEtax("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2596 if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtax("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2597 if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtax("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2598 if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtax("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2599 if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtax("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2600 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtax("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2601 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtax("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2602 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtax("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2603 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtax("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2604 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtax("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2605 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
2606 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
2607 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
2608 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
2609 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtax("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
2610 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtax("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
2612 plt.close
2613 print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
2615 if (nQin > 0): PlotEtapx("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2616 if (nVin > 0): PlotEtapx("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2617 if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtapx("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2618 if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtapx("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2619 if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtapx("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2620 if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtapx("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2621 if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtapx("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2622 if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtapx("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2623 if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtapx("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2624 if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtapx("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2625 if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtapx("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2626 if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtapx("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2627 if (nTP > 0): PlotEtapx("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2628 if (nTS > 0): PlotEtapx("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2629 if (nRP > 0): PlotEtapx("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2630 if (nRS > 0): PlotEtapx("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2631 if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtapx("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2632 if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtapx("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2633 if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtapx("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2634 if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtapx("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2635 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtapx("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2636 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtapx("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2637 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtapx("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2638 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtapx("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2639 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtapx("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2640 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
2641 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
2642 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
2643 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
2644 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtapx("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
2645 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtapx("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
2647 plt.close
2648 print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
2650 if (nQin > 0): PlotEtamx("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2651 if (nVin > 0): PlotEtamx("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2652 if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtamx("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2653 if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtamx("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2654 if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtamx("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2655 if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtamx("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2656 if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtamx("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2657 if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtamx("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2658 if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtamx("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2659 if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtamx("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2660 if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtamx("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2661 if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtamx("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2662 if (nTP > 0): PlotEtamx("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2663 if (nTS > 0): PlotEtamx("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2664 if (nRP > 0): PlotEtamx("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2665 if (nRS > 0): PlotEtamx("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2666 if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtamx("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2667 if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtamx("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2668 if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtamx("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2669 if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtamx("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2670 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtamx("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2671 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtamx("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2672 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtamx("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2673 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtamx("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2674 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtamx("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2675 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
2676 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
2677 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
2678 if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
2679 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtamx("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
2680 if (nNI > 0): PlotEtamx("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
2682 plt.close
2684 # Print Etax statistics
2685 Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[1, :])
2686 Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[1, :])
2687 Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[1, :])
2688 Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[1, :])
2689 Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[1, :])
2690 print("Etax , max-mean, min-mean, median, mean ± std, eta")
2691 print("{0:8.5f} ±({1:8.5f},{2:8.5f}),{3:8.5f},{4:8.5f}±{5:8.5f},{6:8.5f}".format(Etax0, Etaxmax-Etax0, Etaxmin-Etax0, Etaxmedian, Etaxmean, Etaxstd, Etax0 / K0))
2692 print()
2694 # Calculate and print statistics for calibration factors
2695 iLDR = -1
2696 LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
2697 print("LDR...., LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr")
2698 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2699 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2700 LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2701 LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2702 # LDRsimstd = np.std(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2703 LDRsimmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2704 # LDRsimmedian = np.median(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
2705 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRsimmean[iLDR], (LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2, (LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2/LDRsimmean[iLDR]))
2706 iLDR = -1
2707 print("LDR...., Etax , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2708 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2709 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2710 Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2711 Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2712 # Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2713 Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2714 # Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[iLDR, :])
2715 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etaxmean, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2/Etaxmean))
2716 iLDR = -1
2717 print("LDR...., Etapx , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2718 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2719 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2720 Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2721 Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2722 # Etapxstd = np.std(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2723 Etapxmean = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2724 # Etapxmedian = np.median(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
2725 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etapxmean, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2/Etapxmean))
2726 iLDR = -1
2727 print("LDR...., Etamx , (max-min)/2, relerr")
2728 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2729 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2730 Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2731 Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2732 # Etamxstd = np.std(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2733 Etamxmean = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2734 # Etamxmedian = np.median(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
2735 print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etamxmean, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2/Etamxmean))
2737 f.close()
2740 '''
2741 # --- Plot F11 histograms
2742 print()
2743 print(" ############################################################################## ")
2744 print(Text1)
2745 print()
2747 iLDR = 5
2748 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2749 iLDR = iLDR - 1
2750 #aF11corr[iLDR,:] = aF11corr[iLDR,:] / aF11corr[0,:] - 1.0
2751 aF11corr[iLDR,:] = aF11corr[iLDR,:] / aF11sim0[iLDR] - 1.0
2752 # Plot F11
2753 def PlotSubHistF11(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
2754 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
2755 iLDR = -1
2756 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2757 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2759 #F11min[iLDR] = np.min(aF11corr[iLDR,:])
2760 #F11max[iLDR] = np.max(aF11corr[iLDR,:])
2761 #Rmin = F11min[iLDR] * 0.995 # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.995
2762 #Rmax = F11max[iLDR] * 1.005 # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.005
2764 #Rmin = 0.8
2765 #Rmax = 1.2
2767 #plt.subplot(5,2,iLDR+1)
2768 plt.subplot(1,5,iLDR+1)
2769 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aF11corr[iLDR,:],
2770 bins=100, log=False,
2771 alpha=0.5, density=False, color = '0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2773 for iaX in range(-naX,naX+1):
2774 plt.hist(aF11corr[iLDR,aX == iaX],
2775 bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled', label = str(round(X0 + iaX*daX/naX,5)))
2777 if (iLDR == 2): plt.legend()
2779 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9)
2780 #plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2782 #plt.title(LID + ' ' + aVar, fontsize=18)
2783 #plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=10)
2784 #plt.xlabel('LDRCorr', fontsize=10)
2785 #fig.tight_layout()
2786 fig.suptitle(LID + ' ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar, fontsize=14, y=1.05)
2788 #fig.savefig(LID + '_' + aVar + '.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
2789 #plt.close
2790 return
2792 if (nQin > 0): PlotSubHistF11("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
2793 if (nVin > 0): PlotSubHistF11("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
2794 if (nRotL > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
2795 if (nRetE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
2796 if (nRotE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
2797 if (nDiE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
2798 if (nRetO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
2799 if (nRotO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
2800 if (nDiO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
2801 if (nDiC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
2802 if (nRotC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
2803 if (nRetC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
2804 if (nTP > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
2805 if (nTS > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
2806 if (nRP > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
2807 if (nRS > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
2808 if (nRetT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
2809 if (nRetR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
2810 if (nERaT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
2811 if (nERaR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
2812 if (nRotaT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
2813 if (nRotaR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
2814 if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotSubHistF11("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
2815 if (nTCalT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
2816 if (nTCalR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
2817 if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHistF11("CalNoise", aNCal, 0, 1/nNCal, iNCal, nNCal)
2818 if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHistF11("SigNoise", aNI, 0, 1/nNI, iNI, nNI)
2822 plt.close
2824 '''
2825 '''
2826 # only histogram
2827 #print("******************* " + aVar + " *******************")
2828 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 10))
2829 iLDR = -1
2830 for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
2831 iLDR = iLDR + 1
2832 LDRmin[iLDR] = np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])
2833 LDRmax[iLDR] = np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])
2834 Rmin = np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 0.999
2835 Rmax = np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:]) * 1.001
2836 plt.subplot(5,2,iLDR+1)
2837 (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:],
2838 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
2839 bins=200, log=False, alpha=0.2, density=False, color = '0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
2840 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9)
2841 plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
2843 plt.close
2844 # --- End of Plot F11 histograms
2845 '''
2848 '''
2849 # --- Plot K over LDRCal
2850 fig3 = plt.figure()
2851 plt.plot(LDRCal0+aLDRCal*dLDRCal/nLDRCal,aGHK[4,:], linewidth=2.0, color='b')
2853 plt.xlabel('LDRCal', fontsize=18)
2854 plt.ylabel('K', fontsize=14)
2855 plt.title(LID, fontsize=18)
2857 plt.close
2858 '''
2860 # Additional plot routines ======>
2861 '''
2862 #******************************************************************************
2863 # 1. Plot LDRCorrected - LDR(measured Icross/Iparallel)
2864 LDRa = np.arange(1.,100.)*0.005
2865 LDRCorra = np.arange(1.,100.)
2866 if Y == - 1.: LDRa = 1./LDRa
2867 LDRCorra = (1./Eta*LDRa*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-1./Eta*LDRa*(GT-HT))
2868 if Y == - 1.: LDRa = 1./LDRa
2869 #
2870 #fig = plt.figure()
2871 plt.plot(LDRa,LDRCorra-LDRa)
2872 plt.plot([0.,0.5],[0.,0.5])
2873 plt.suptitle('LDRCorrected - LDR(measured Icross/Iparallel)', fontsize=16)
2874 plt.xlabel('LDR', fontsize=18)
2875 plt.ylabel('LDRCorr - LDR', fontsize=16)
2876 #plt.savefig('test.png')
2877 #
2878 '''
2879 '''
2880 #******************************************************************************
2881 # 2. Plot LDRsim (simulated measurements without corrections = Icross/Iparallel) over LDRtrue
2882 LDRa = np.arange(1.,100.)*0.005
2883 LDRsima = np.arange(1.,100.)
2885 atruea = (1.-LDRa)/(1+LDRa)
2886 Ita = TiT*TiO*IinL*(GT+atruea*HT)
2887 Ira = TiR*TiO*IinL*(GR+atruea*HR)
2888 LDRsima = Ira/Ita # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
2889 if Y == -1.: LDRsima = 1./LDRsima
2890 #
2891 #fig = plt.figure()
2892 plt.plot(LDRa,LDRsima)
2893 plt.plot([0.,0.5],[0.,0.5])
2894 plt.suptitle('LDRsim (simulated measurements without corrections = Icross/Iparallel) over LDRtrue', fontsize=10)
2895 plt.xlabel('LDRtrue', fontsize=18)
2896 plt.ylabel('LDRsim', fontsize=16)
2897 #plt.savefig('test.png')
2898 #
2899 '''
