changeset 43
parent 42
child 44
--- a/	Fri May 29 23:57:43 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2899 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Copyright 2016, 2019 Volker Freudenthaler
-Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 only (the "Licence").
-You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
-A copy of the licence is distributed with the code. Alternatively, you may obtain
-a copy of the Licence at:
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
-under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
-OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing
-permissions and limitations under the Licence.
-Equation reference:
-With equations code from Appendix C
-Python 3.7, seaborn 0.9.0
-Code description:
-From measured lidar signals we cannot directly determine the desired backscatter coefficient (F11) and the linear depolarization ratio (LDR)
-because of the cross talk between the channles and systematic errors of a lidar system.
- provides an analytical model for the description of these errors,
-with which the measured signals can be corrected.
-This code simulates the lidar measurements with "assumed true" model parameters from an input file, and calculates the correction parameters (G,H, and K).
-The "assumed true" system parameters are the ones we think are the right ones, but in reality these parameters probably deviate from the assumed truth due to
-uncertainties. The uncertainties of the "assumed true" parameters can be described in the input file. Then this code calculates the lidar signals and the
-gain ratio eta* with all possible combinations of "errors", which represents the distribution of "possibly real" signals, and "corrects" them with the "assumed true"
-GHK parameters (GT0, GR0, HT0, HR0, and K0) to derive finally the distributions of "possibly real" linear depolarization ratios (LDRCorr),
-which are plotted for five different input linear depolarization ratios (LDRtrue). The red bars in the plots represent the input values of LDRtrue.
-A complication arises from the fact that the correction parameter K = eta*/eta (Eq. 83) can depend on the LDR during the calibration measurement, i.e. LDRcal or aCal
-in the code (see e.g. Eqs. (103), (115), and (141); mind the mistake in Eq. (116)). Therefor values of K for LDRcal = 0.004, 0.2, and 0.45 are calculated for
-"assumed true" system parameters and printed in the output file behind the GH parameters. The full impact of the LDRcal dependent K can be considered in the error
-calculation by specifying a range of possible LDRcal values in the input file. For the real calibration measurements a calibration range with low or no aerosol
-content should be chosen, and the default in the input file is a range of LDRcal between 0.004 and 0.014 (i.e. 0.009 +-0.005).
-Tip: In case you run the code with Spyder, all output text and plots can be displayed together in an IPython console, which can be saved as an html file.
-Ver. 0.9.7:  includes the random error (signal noise) of the calibration and standard measurements
-    Line 1687   Eta = (TaR * TiR) / (TaT * TiT)
-    Line 1691   K = Etax / Eta  # K of the real system; but correction in Line 1721 with K0 / Etax
-    should work with nTCalT = nTCalR = 0
-Ver. 0.9.7b:
-    ToDo: include error due to TCalT und TCalR => determination of NCalT and NCalR etc. in error calculation line 1741ff
-    combined error loops iNI and INCal for signals
-Ver. 0.9.7c: individual error loops for each of the six signals
-Ver. 0.9.7c2: different calculation of the signal noise errors
-Ver. 0.9.7c3: n.a.different calculation of the signal noise errors
-Ver. 0.9.7c4: test to speed up the loops for error calculation by moving them just before the actual calculation: still some code errors
-Ver. 0.9.8:
-    - correct calculation of Eta for cleaned anaylsers considering the combined transmission Eta = (TaT* TiT)(1 + cos2RotaT * DaT * DiT) and (TaR * TiR)(1 + cos2RotaR * DaR * DiR) according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
-    - calculation of the PLDR from LDR and BSR, BSR, and LDRm
-    - ND-filters can be added for the calibration measurements in the transmitted (TCalT) and the reflected path (TCalR) in order to include their uncertainties in the error calculation.
-Ver. 0.9.8b:  change from  "TTa = TiT * TaT"  to  "TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT" etc. (compare ver 0.9.8 with 0.9.8b) removes
-	- the strong Tp dependence of the errors
-	- the factor 2 in the GH parameters
-    - see c:\technik\Optik\Polarizers\DepCal\ApplOpt\GH-parameters-190114.odt
-Ver. 0.9.8c:  includes error of Etax
-Ver. 0.9.8d:  Eta0, K0 etc in error loop replaced by Eta0y, K0y etc. Changes in signal noise calculations
-Ver. 0.9.8e:  ambiguous laser spec. DOLP (no discrimination between left and right circular polarisation) replaced by Stokes parameters Qin, Uin
-Ver. 0.9.8e2:  Added plot of LDRsim, Etax, Etapx, Etamx;  LDRCorr and aLDRcorr consistently named
-Ver. 0.9.8e3:  Change of OutputFile name; Change of Ir and It noise if (CalcFrom0deg) = False;  (Different calculation of error contributions tested but not implemented)
-Ver. 0.9.8e4:  text changed for y=+-1 (see line 274 ff and line 1044 ff
- ========================================================
-simulation: LDRsim = Ir / It with variable parameters (possible truths)
-    G,H,Eta,Etax,K
-    It = TaT * TiT * ATP1 * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT)
-    LDRsim = Ir / It
-consistency test: is forward simulation and correction consistent?
-    LDRCorr = (LDRsim / Eta * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / Eta * (GT - HT)) => atrue?
-assumed true: G0,H0,Eta0,Etax0,K0 => actual retrievals of LDRCorr
-    => correct possible truths with assumed true G0,H0,Eta0
-    measure: It, Ir, EtaX
-    coorect it with: G0,H0,K0
-    LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 + HT0) - (GR0 + HR0)) / ((GR0 - HR0) - LDRsim0 / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 - HT0))
-# Comment:  The code might works with Python 2.7  with the help of following line, which enables Python2 to correctly interpret the Python 3 print statements.
-from __future__ import print_function
-# !/usr/bin/env python3
-import os
-import sys
-from scipy.stats import kurtosis
-from scipy.stats import skew
-# use: kurtosis(data, fisher=True,bias=False) => 0; skew(data,bias=False) => 0
-# Comment: the seaborn library makes nicer plots, but the code works also without it.
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import seaborn as sns
-    sns_loaded = True
-except ImportError:
-    sns_loaded = False
-# from time import clock # python 2
-from timeit import default_timer as clock
-# from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
-# pdffile = '{}.pdf'.format('path')
-# pp = PdfPages(pdffile)
-## pp.savefig can be called multiple times to save to multiple pages
-# pp.savefig()
-# pp.close()
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-def redirect_stdout(new_target):
-    old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target  # replace sys.stdout
-    try:
-        yield new_target  # run some code with the replaced stdout
-    finally:
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        sys.stdout = old_target  # restore to the previous value
-real_raw_input = vars(__builtins__).get('raw_input',input)
-    import __builtin__
-    input = getattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input')
-except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-    pass
-from distutils.util import strtobool
-def user_yes_no_query(question):
-    sys.stdout.write('%s [y/n]\n' % question)
-    while True:
-        try:
-            return strtobool(input().lower())
-        except ValueError:
-            sys.stdout.write('Please respond with \'y\' or \'n\'.\n')
-# if user_yes_no_query('want to exit?') == 1: sys.exit()
-abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
-dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
-fname = os.path.basename(abspath)
-# PrintToOutputFile = True
-sqr05 = 0.5 ** 0.5
-# ---- Initial definition of variables; the actual values will be read in with exec(open('./').read()) below
-# Do you want to calculate the errors? If not, just the GHK-parameters are determined.
-Error_Calc = True
-LID = "internal"
-EID = "internal"
-# --- IL Laser IL and +-Uncertainty
-Qin, dQin, nQin = 1., 0.0,  0	# second Stokes vector parameter; default 1 => linear polarization
-Vin, dVin, nVin = 0., 0.0,  0	# fourth Stokes vector parameter
-RotL, dRotL, nRotL = 0.0, 0.0, 1  # alpha; rotation of laser polarization in degrees; default 0
-# IL = 1e5      #photons in the laser beam, including detection efficiency of the telescope, atmodspheric and r^2 attenuation
-# --- ME Emitter and +-Uncertainty
-DiE, dDiE, nDiE = 0., 0.00, 1  # Diattenuation
-TiE = 1.  # Unpolarized transmittance
-RetE, dRetE, nRetE = 0., 180.0, 0  # Retardance in degrees
-RotE, dRotE, nRotE = 0., 0.0, 0  # beta: Rotation of optical element in degrees
-# --- MO Receiver Optics including telescope
-DiO, dDiO, nDiO = -0.055, 0.003, 1
-TiO = 0.9
-RetO, dRetO, nRetO = 0., 180.0, 2
-RotO, dRotO, nRotO = 0., 0.1, 1  # gamma
-# --- PBS MT transmitting path defined with (TS,TP);  and +-Uncertainty
-TP, dTP, nTP = 0.98, 0.02, 1
-TS, dTS, nTS = 0.001, 0.001, 1
-TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
-DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
-# PolFilter
-RetT, dRetT, nRetT = 0., 180., 0
-ERaT, dERaT, nERaT = 0.001, 0.001, 1
-RotaT, dRotaT, nRotaT = 0., 3., 1
-DaT = (1 - ERaT) / (1 + ERaT)
-TaT = 0.5 * (1 + ERaT)
-# --- PBS MR reflecting path defined with (RS,RP);  and +-Uncertainty
-RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = False
-if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
-    RP, dRP, nRP = 1 - TP, 0.0, 0
-    RS, dRS, nRS = 1 - TS, 0.0, 0
-    RP, dRP, nRP = 0.05, 0.01, 1
-    RS, dRS, nRS = 0.98, 0.01, 1
-TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
-DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
-# PolFilter
-RetR, dRetR, nRetR = 0., 180., 0
-ERaR, dERaR, nERaR = 0.001, 0.001, 1
-RotaR, dRotaR, nRotaR = 90., 3., 1
-DaR = (1 - ERaR) / (1 + ERaR)
-TaR = 0.5 * (1 + ERaR)
-# +++ Orientation of the PBS with respect to the reference plane (see Polarisation-orientation.png and Polarisation-orientation-2.png in /system_settings)
-#    Y = +1: PBS incidence plane is parallel to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally transmitted.
-#    Y = -1: PBS incidence plane is perpendicular to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally reflected.
-Y = 1.
-# Calibrator =  type defined by matrix values
-LocC = 4  # location of calibrator: behind laser = 1; behind emitter = 2; before receiver = 3; before PBS = 4
-# --- Additional attenuation (transmission of the ND-filter) during the calibration
-TCalT, dTCalT, nTCalT  = 1, 0., 0        # transmitting path; error calc not working yet
-TCalR, dTCalR, nTCalR = 1, 0., 0         # reflecting path; error calc not working yet
-# *** signal noise error calculation
-#   --- number of photon counts in the signal summed up in the calibration range during the calibration measurements
-NCalT = 1e6     # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals
-NCalR = 1e6     # default 1e6, assumed the same in +45° and -45° signals
-NILfac = 1.0    # duration of standard (0°) measurement relative to calibration measurements
-nNCal = 0           # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
-nNI   = 0           # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
-NI = 50000 #number of photon counts in the parallel 0°-signal
-eFacT = 1.0                     			# rel. amplification of transmitted channel, approximate values are sufficient; def. = 1
-eFacR = 10.0
-IoutTp0, IoutTp, dIoutTp0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
-IoutTm0, IoutTm, dIoutTm0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
-IoutRp0, IoutRp, dIoutRp0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
-IoutRm0, IoutRm, dIoutRm0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
-It0, It, dIt0 = 1 , 1, 0
-Ir0, Ir, dTr0 = 1 , 1, 0
-CalcFrom0deg = True
-TypeC = 3  # linear polarizer calibrator
-# example with extinction ratio 0.001
-DiC, dDiC, nDiC = 1.0, 0., 0  # ideal 1.0
-TiC = 0.5  # ideal 0.5
-RetC, dRetC, nRetC = 0.0, 0.0, 0
-RotC, dRotC, nRotC = 0.0, 0.1, 0  # constant calibrator offset epsilon
-RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = False  # is in general False for TypeC == 3 calibrator
-# Rotation error without calibrator: if False, then epsilon = 0 for normal measurements
-RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True
-# BSR backscatter ratio
-# BSR, dBSR, nBSR = 10, 0.05, 1
-BSR = np.zeros(5)
-BSR = [1.1, 2, 5, 10., 50.]
-# theoretical molecular LDR  LDRm
-LDRm, dLDRm, nLDRm = 0.004, 0.001, 1
-# LDRCal assumed atmospheric linear depolarization ratio during the calibration measurements (first guess)
-LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal = 0.25, 0.04, 1
-LDRCal = LDRCal0
-# measured LDRm will be corrected with calculated parameters
-LDRmeas = 0.015
-# LDRtrue for simulation of measurement => LDRsim
-LDRtrue = 0.004
-LDRtrue2 = 0.004
-LDRunCorr = 1.
-# Initialize other values to 0
-ER, nER, dER = 0.001, 0, 0.001
-K = 0.
-Km = 0.
-Kp = 0.
-LDRCorr = 0.
-Eta = 0.
-Ir = 0.
-It = 0.
-h = 1.
-Loc = ['', 'behind laser', 'behind emitter', 'before receiver', 'before PBS']
-Type = ['', 'mechanical rotator', 'hwp rotator', 'linear polarizer', 'qwp rotator', 'circular polarizer',
-        'real HWP +-22.5°']
-bPlotEtax = False
-#  end of initial definition of variables
-# *******************************************************************************************************************************
-# --- Read actual lidar system parameters from  (must be in the programs sub-directory 'system_settings')
-# *******************************************************************************************************************************
-# InputFile = ''
-# InputFile = ''
-# InputFile = ''
-# InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-# InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-InputFile = ''
-# *******************************************************************************************************************************
-print("From ", dname)
-print("Running ", fname)
-print("Reading input file ", InputFile, " for")
-input_path = os.path.join('.', 'system_settings', InputFile)
-# this works with Python 2 and 3!
-exec(open(input_path).read(), globals())
-#  end of read actual system parameters
-# --- Manual Parameter Change ---
-#  (use for quick parameter changes without changing the input file )
-# DiO = 0.
-# LDRtrue = 0.45
-# LDRtrue2 = 0.004
-# Y = -1
-# LocC = 4 #location of calibrator: 1 = behind laser; 2 = behind emitter; 3 = before receiver; 4 = before PBS
-# #TypeC = 6  Don't change the TypeC here
-# RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements = True
-# LDRCal = 0.25
-# # --- Errors
-Qin0, dQin, nQin = Qin, dQin, nQin
-Vin0, dVin, nVin = Vin, dVin, nVin
-RotL0, dRotL, nRotL = RotL, dRotL, nRotL
-DiE0, dDiE, nDiE = DiE, dDiE, nDiE
-RetE0, dRetE, nRetE = RetE, dRetE, nRetE
-RotE0, dRotE, nRotE = RotE, dRotE, nRotE
-DiO0, dDiO, nDiO = DiO, dDiO, nDiO
-RetO0, dRetO, nRetO = RetO, dRetO, nRetO
-RotO0, dRotO, nRotO = RotO, dRotO, nRotO
-DiC0, dDiC, nDiC = DiC, dDiC, nDiC
-RetC0, dRetC, nRetC = RetC, dRetC, nRetC
-RotC0, dRotC, nRotC = RotC, dRotC, nRotC
-TP0, dTP, nTP = TP, dTP, nTP
-TS0, dTS, nTS = TS, dTS, nTS
-RetT0, dRetT, nRetT = RetT, dRetT, nRetT
-ERaT0, dERaT, nERaT = ERaT, dERaT, nERaT
-RotaT0, dRotaT, nRotaT = RotaT, dRotaT, nRotaT
-RP0, dRP, nRP = RP, dRP, nRP
-RS0, dRS, nRS = RS, dRS, nRS
-RetR0, dRetR, nRetR = RetR, dRetR, nRetR
-ERaR0, dERaR, nERaR = ERaR, dERaR, nERaR
-RotaR0, dRotaR, nRotaR = RotaR, dRotaR, nRotaR
-LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal = LDRCal, dLDRCal, nLDRCal
-# BSR0, dBSR, nBSR = BSR, dBSR, nBSR
-LDRm0, dLDRm, nLDRm = LDRm, dLDRm, nLDRm
-# ---------- End of manual parameter change
-RotL, RotE, RetE, DiE, RotO, RetO, DiO, RotC, RetC, DiC = RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0, RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0
-TP, TS, RP, RS, ERaT, RotaT, RetT, ERaR, RotaR, RetR = TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0, ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0
-LDRCal = LDRCal0
-DTa0, TTa0, DRa0, TRa0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.
-TCalT0, TCalR0 = TCalT, TCalR
-TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
-DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
-ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2) ** 0.5
-TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
-DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
-ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2) ** 0.5
-C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotaT))
-C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotaR))
-ATPT = float(1. + C2aT * DaT * DiT)
-ARPT = float(1. + C2aR * DaR * DiR)
-TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT  # unpolarized transmission
-TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT  # unpolarized transmission
-Eta0 = TRa / TTa
-# --- alternative texts for output
-dY = ['perpendicular', '', 'parallel']
-dY2 = ['reflected', '', 'transmitted']
-if ((abs(RotL) < 45 and Y == 1) or (abs(RotL) >= 45 and Y == -1)):
-    dY3 = "Parallel laser polarisation is detected in transmitted channel"
-    dY3 = "Parallel laser polarisation is detected in reflected channel"
-# --- check input errors
-if ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5) > 1:
-    print("Error: degree of polarisation of laser > 1. Check Qin and Vin! ")
-    sys.exit()
-# --- this subroutine is for the calculation of the PLDR from LDR, BSR, and LDRm -------------------
-def CalcPLDR(LDR, BSR, LDRm):
-    PLDR = (BSR * (1. + LDRm) * LDR - LDRm * (1. + LDR)) / (BSR * (1. + LDRm) - (1. + LDR))
-    return (PLDR)
-# --- this subroutine is for the calculation with certain fixed parameters ------------------------
-def Calc(TCalT, TCalR, NCalT, NCalR, Qin, Vin, RotL, RotE, RetE, DiE, RotO, RetO, DiO,
-         RotC, RetC, DiC, TP, TS, RP, RS,
-         ERaT, RotaT, RetT, ERaR, RotaR, RetR, LDRCal):
-    # ---- Do the calculations of bra-ket vectors
-    h = -1. if TypeC == 2 else 1
-    # from input file:  assumed LDRCal for calibration measurements
-    aCal = (1. - LDRCal) / (1. + LDRCal)
-    atrue = (1. - LDRtrue) / (1. + LDRtrue)
-    # angles of emitter and laser and calibrator and receiver optics
-    # RotL = alpha, RotE = beta, RotO = gamma, RotC = epsilon
-    S2a = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
-    C2a = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
-    S2b = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
-    C2b = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
-    S2ab = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
-    C2ab = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
-    S2g = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
-    C2g = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
-    # Laser with Degree of linear polarization DOLP
-    IinL = 1.
-    QinL = Qin
-    UinL = 0.
-    VinL = Vin
-    # VinL = (1. - DOLP ** 2) ** 0.5
-    # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.4
-    A = C2a * QinL - S2a * UinL
-    B = S2a * QinL + C2a * UinL
-    # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.9
-    C = C2ab * QinL - S2ab * UinL
-    D = S2ab * QinL + C2ab * UinL
-    # emitter optics
-    CosE = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetE))
-    SinE = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetE))
-    ZiE = (1. - DiE ** 2) ** 0.5
-    WiE = (1. - ZiE * CosE)
-    # Stokes Input Vector after emitter optics equivalent to Eq. E.9 with already rotated input vector from Eq. E.4
-    # b = beta
-    IinE = (IinL + DiE * C)
-    QinE = (C2b * DiE * IinL + A + S2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
-    UinE = (S2b * DiE * IinL + B - C2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
-    VinE = (-ZiE * SinE * D + ZiE * CosE * VinL)
-    # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-    IinF = IinE
-    QinF = aCal * QinE
-    UinF = -aCal * UinE
-    VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
-    # receiver optics
-    CosO = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetO))
-    SinO = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetO))
-    ZiO = (1. - DiO ** 2) ** 0.5
-    WiO = (1. - ZiO * CosO)
-    # calibrator
-    CosC = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetC))
-    SinC = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetC))
-    ZiC = (1. - DiC ** 2) ** 0.5
-    WiC = (1. - ZiC * CosC)
-    # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
-    A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
-    B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
-    IinP = (IinE + DiO * aCal * A)
-    QinP = (C2g * DiO * IinE + aCal * QinE - S2g * (WiO * aCal * B + ZiO * SinO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE))
-    UinP = (S2g * DiO * IinE - aCal * UinE + C2g * (WiO * aCal * B + ZiO * SinO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE))
-    VinP = (ZiO * SinO * aCal * B + ZiO * CosO * (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE)
-    # -------------------------
-    # F11 assuemd to be = 1  => measured: F11m = IinP / IinE with atrue
-    # F11sim = TiO*(IinE + DiO*atrue*A)/IinE
-    # -------------------------
-    # analyser
-    if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
-        RS = 1. - TS
-        RP = 1. - TP
-    TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
-    DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
-    ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2) ** 0.5
-    TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
-    DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
-    ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2) ** 0.5
-    CosT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetT))
-    SinT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetT))
-    CosR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetR))
-    SinR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetR))
-    DaT = (1. - ERaT) / (1. + ERaT)
-    DaR = (1. - ERaR) / (1. + ERaR)
-    TaT = 0.5 * (1. + ERaT)
-    TaR = 0.5 * (1. + ERaR)
-    S2aT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotaT))
-    C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotaT))
-    S2aR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotaR))
-    C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotaR))
-    # Analyzer As before the PBS Eq. D.5; combined PBS and cleaning pol-filter
-    ATPT = (1. + C2aT * DaT * DiT)  # unpolarized transmission correction
-    TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT  # unpolarized transmission
-    ATP1 = 1.
-    ATP2 = Y * (DiT + C2aT * DaT) / ATPT
-    ATP3 = Y * S2aT * DaT * ZiT * CosT / ATPT
-    ATP4 = S2aT * DaT * ZiT * SinT / ATPT
-    ATP = np.array([ATP1, ATP2, ATP3, ATP4])
-    DTa = ATP2 * Y
-    ARPT = (1 + C2aR * DaR * DiR)  # unpolarized transmission correction
-    TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT  # unpolarized transmission
-    ARP1 = 1
-    ARP2 = Y * (DiR + C2aR * DaR) / ARPT
-    ARP3 = Y * S2aR * DaR * ZiR * CosR / ARPT
-    ARP4 = S2aR * DaR * ZiR * SinR / ARPT
-    ARP = np.array([ARP1, ARP2, ARP3, ARP4])
-    DRa = ARP2 * Y
-    # ---- Calculate signals and correction parameters for diffeent locations and calibrators
-    if LocC == 4:  # Calibrator before the PBS
-        # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
-        # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
-        # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
-        S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotC))
-        C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-        # rotated AinP by epsilon Eq. C.3
-        ATP2e = C2e * ATP2 + S2e * ATP3
-        ATP3e = C2e * ATP3 - S2e * ATP2
-        ARP2e = C2e * ARP2 + S2e * ARP3
-        ARP3e = C2e * ARP3 - S2e * ARP2
-        ATPe = np.array([ATP1, ATP2e, ATP3e, ATP4])
-        ARPe = np.array([ARP1, ARP2e, ARP3e, ARP4])
-        # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
-        A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
-        B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
-        # C = (WiO*aCal*B + ZiO*SinO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
-        Co = ZiO * SinO * VinE
-        Ca = (WiO * B - 2 * ZiO * SinO * VinE)
-        # C = Co + aCal*Ca
-        # IinP = (IinE + DiO*aCal*A)
-        # QinP = (C2g*DiO*IinE + aCal*QinE - S2g*C)
-        # UinP = (S2g*DiO*IinE - aCal*UinE + C2g*C)
-        # VinP = (ZiO*SinO*aCal*B + ZiO*CosO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
-        IinPo = IinE
-        QinPo = (C2g * DiO * IinE - S2g * Co)
-        UinPo = (S2g * DiO * IinE + C2g * Co)
-        VinPo = ZiO * CosO * VinE
-        IinPa = DiO * A
-        QinPa = QinE - S2g * Ca
-        UinPa = -UinE + C2g * Ca
-        VinPa = ZiO * (SinO * B - 2 * CosO * VinE)
-        IinP = IinPo + aCal * IinPa
-        QinP = QinPo + aCal * QinPa
-        UinP = UinPo + aCal * UinPa
-        VinP = VinPo + aCal * VinPa
-        # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
-        # QinPe = C2e*QinP + S2e*UinP
-        # UinPe = C2e*UinP - S2e*QinP
-        QinPoe = C2e * QinPo + S2e * UinPo
-        UinPoe = C2e * UinPo - S2e * QinPo
-        QinPae = C2e * QinPa + S2e * UinPa
-        UinPae = C2e * UinPa - S2e * QinPa
-        QinPe = C2e * QinP + S2e * UinP
-        UinPe = C2e * UinP - S2e * QinP
-        # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-        if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-            # parameters for calibration with aCal
-            AT = ATP1 * IinP + h * ATP4 * VinP
-            BT = ATP3e * QinP - h * ATP2e * UinP
-            AR = ARP1 * IinP + h * ARP4 * VinP
-            BR = ARP3e * QinP - h * ARP2e * UinP
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-            else:
-                IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-        elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-            # parameters for calibration with aCal
-            AT = ATP1 * IinP + ATP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ATP2e * QinPe + ATP4 * VinP)
-            BT = DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
-            AR = ARP1 * IinP + ARP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ARP2e * QinPe + ARP4 * VinP)
-            BR = DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-            else:
-                IS1e = np.array([IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
-                IS2e = np.array([IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
-                GT =, IS1e)
-                GR =, IS1e)
-                HT =, IS2e)
-                HR =, IS2e)
-        elif (TypeC == 6):  # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-            # parameters for calibration with aCal
-            AT = ATP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * QinPe + ATP2e * IinP) + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * (
-            ATP2e * QinPe + ATP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (sqr05 * SinC * (ATP3e * VinP - ATP4 * UinPe) + ATP4 * CosC * VinP)
-            BT = sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
-            ATP2e * UinPe + ATP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
-            AR = ARP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * QinPe + ARP2e * IinP) + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * (
-            ARP2e * QinPe + ARP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (sqr05 * SinC * (ARP3e * VinP - ARP4 * UinPe) + ARP4 * CosC * VinP)
-            BR = sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
-            ARP2e * UinPe + ARP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-            else:
-                IS1e = np.array([IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
-                IS2e = np.array([IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
-                GT =, IS1e)
-                GR =, IS1e)
-                HT =, IS2e)
-                HR =, IS2e)
-        else:
-            print("Calibrator not implemented yet")
-            sys.exit()
-    elif LocC == 3:  # C before receiver optics Eq.57
-        # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
-        # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
-        S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
-        C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
-        # As with C before the receiver optics (rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
-        AF1 = np.array([1., C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0.])
-        AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1. - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
-        AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1. - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
-        AF4 = np.array([0., S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
-        ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
-        ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
-        ATF2 = ATF[1]
-        ATF3 = ATF[2]
-        ARF2 = ARF[1]
-        ARF3 = ARF[2]
-        # rotated AinF by epsilon
-        ATF1 = ATF[0]
-        ATF4 = ATF[3]
-        ATF2e = C2e * ATF[1] + S2e * ATF[2]
-        ATF3e = C2e * ATF[2] - S2e * ATF[1]
-        ARF1 = ARF[0]
-        ARF4 = ARF[3]
-        ARF2e = C2e * ARF[1] + S2e * ARF[2]
-        ARF3e = C2e * ARF[2] - S2e * ARF[1]
-        ATFe = np.array([ATF1, ATF2e, ATF3e, ATF4])
-        ARFe = np.array([ARF1, ARF2e, ARF3e, ARF4])
-        QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
-        UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
-        # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-        IinF = IinE
-        QinF = aCal * QinE
-        UinF = -aCal * UinE
-        VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
-        IinFo = IinE
-        QinFo = 0.
-        UinFo = 0.
-        VinFo = VinE
-        IinFa = 0.
-        QinFa = QinE
-        UinFa = -UinE
-        VinFa = -2. * VinE
-        # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
-        QinFe = C2e * QinF + S2e * UinF
-        UinFe = C2e * UinF - S2e * QinF
-        QinFoe = C2e * QinFo + S2e * UinFo
-        UinFoe = C2e * UinFo - S2e * QinFo
-        QinFae = C2e * QinFa + S2e * UinFa
-        UinFae = C2e * UinFa - S2e * QinFa
-        # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-        if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-            # parameters for calibration with aCal
-            AT = ATF1 * IinF + ATF4 * h * VinF
-            BT = ATF3e * QinF - ATF2e * h * UinF
-            AR = ARF1 * IinF + ARF4 * h * VinF
-            BR = ARF3e * QinF - ARF2e * h * UinF
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * VinE
-                GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * VinE
-                HT = ATF2 * QinE - ATF3 * UinE - ATF4 * 2 * VinE
-                HR = ARF2 * QinE - ARF3 * UinE - ARF4 * 2 * VinE
-            else:
-                GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * h * VinE
-                GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * h * VinE
-                HT = ATF2e * QinE - ATF3e * h * UinE - ATF4 * h * 2 * VinE
-                HR = ARF2e * QinE - ARF3e * h * UinE - ARF4 * h * 2 * VinE
-        elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-            # p = +45°, m = -45°
-            IF1e = np.array([IinF, ZiC * CosC * QinFe, UinFe, ZiC * CosC * VinF])
-            IF2e = np.array([DiC * UinFe, -ZiC * SinC * VinF, DiC * IinF, ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
-            AT =, IF1e)
-            AR =, IF1e)
-            BT =, IF2e)
-            BR =, IF2e)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR  --- the same as for TypeC = 6
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                IS1 = np.array([IinE, 0., 0., VinE])
-                IS2 = np.array([0., QinE, -UinE, -2. * VinE])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-            else:
-                IS1e = np.array([IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
-                IS2e = np.array([IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
-                GT =, IS1e)
-                GR =, IS1e)
-                HT =, IS2e)
-                HR =, IS2e)
-        elif (TypeC == 6):  # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-            # parameters for calibration with aCal
-            IF1e = np.array([IinF + sqr05 * DiC * QinFe, sqr05 * DiC * IinF + (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * QinFe,
-                             (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * UinFe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
-                             -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinFe + ZiC * CosC * VinF])
-            IF2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinFe, 0.5 * WiC * UinFe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
-                             sqr05 * DiC * IinF + 0.5 * WiC * QinFe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
-            AT =, IF1e)
-            AR =, IF1e)
-            BT =, IF2e)
-            BR =, IF2e)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                # IS1 = np.array([IinE,0,0,VinE])
-                # IS2 = np.array([0,QinE,-UinE,-2*VinE])
-                IS1 = np.array([IinFo, 0., 0., VinFo])
-                IS2 = np.array([0., QinFa, UinFa, VinFa])
-                GT =, IS1)
-                GR =, IS1)
-                HT =, IS2)
-                HR =, IS2)
-            else:
-                IS1e = np.array([IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
-                IS2e = np.array([IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
-                # IS1e = np.array([IinFo,0,0,VinFo])
-                # IS2e = np.array([0,QinFae,UinFae,VinFa])
-                GT =, IS1e)
-                GR =, IS1e)
-                HT =, IS2e)
-                HR =, IS2e)
-        else:
-            print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
-            sys.exit()
-    elif LocC == 2:  # C behind emitter optics Eq.57 -------------------------------------------------------
-        # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
-        S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
-        C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2. * RotC))
-        # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
-        AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0.])
-        AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1. - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
-        AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1. - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
-        AF4 = np.array([0., S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
-        ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
-        ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
-        ATF1 = ATF[0]
-        ATF2 = ATF[1]
-        ATF3 = ATF[2]
-        ATF4 = ATF[3]
-        ARF1 = ARF[0]
-        ARF2 = ARF[1]
-        ARF3 = ARF[2]
-        ARF4 = ARF[3]
-        # AS with C behind the emitter
-        # terms without aCal
-        ATE1o, ARE1o = ATF1, ARF1
-        ATE2o, ARE2o = 0., 0.
-        ATE3o, ARE3o = 0., 0.
-        ATE4o, ARE4o = ATF4, ARF4
-        # terms with aCal
-        ATE1a, ARE1a = 0., 0.
-        ATE2a, ARE2a = ATF2, ARF2
-        ATE3a, ARE3a = -ATF3, -ARF3
-        ATE4a, ARE4a = -2. * ATF4, -2. * ARF4
-        # rotated AinEa by epsilon
-        ATE2ae = C2e * ATF2 + S2e * ATF3
-        ATE3ae = -S2e * ATF2 - C2e * ATF3
-        ARE2ae = C2e * ARF2 + S2e * ARF3
-        ARE3ae = -S2e * ARF2 - C2e * ARF3
-        ATE1 = ATE1o
-        ATE2e = aCal * ATE2ae
-        ATE3e = aCal * ATE3ae
-        ATE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ATF4
-        ARE1 = ARE1o
-        ARE2e = aCal * ARE2ae
-        ARE3e = aCal * ARE3ae
-        ARE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ARF4
-        # rotated IinE
-        QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
-        UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
-        # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-        if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # +++++++++ rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-            AT = ATE1o * IinE + (ATE4o + aCal * ATE4a) * h * VinE
-            BT = aCal * (ATE3ae * QinEe - ATE2ae * h * UinEe)
-            AR = ARE1o * IinE + (ARE4o + aCal * ARE4a) * h * VinE
-            BR = aCal * (ARE3ae * QinEe - ARE2ae * h * UinEe)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-                GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
-                GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
-                HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
-                HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
-            else:
-                GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
-                GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
-                HT = ATE2ae * QinE + ATE3ae * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
-                HR = ARE2ae * QinE + ARE3ae * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
-        elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # +++++++++ linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-            # p = +45°, m = -45°
-            AT = ATE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ATE2e * QinEe + ATE4 * VinE) + ATE3e * UinEe
-            BT = DiC * (ATE1 * UinEe + ATE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ATE4 * QinEe - ATE2e * VinE)
-            AR = ARE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ARE2e * QinEe + ARE4 * VinE) + ARE3e * UinEe
-            BR = DiC * (ARE1 * UinEe + ARE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ARE4 * QinEe - ARE2e * VinE)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-                GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
-                GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
-                HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
-                HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
-            else:
-                D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
-                A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
-                B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
-                C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
-                GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
-                GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
-                HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
-                HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
-        elif (TypeC == 6):  # real HWP calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-            # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
-            IE1e = np.array([IinE + sqr05 * DiC * QinEe, sqr05 * DiC * IinE + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinEe,
-                             (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * UinEe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
-                             -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinEe + ZiC * CosC * VinE])
-            IE2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinEe, 0.5 * WiC * UinEe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
-                             sqr05 * DiC * IinE + 0.5 * WiC * QinEe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinEe])
-            ATEe = np.array([ATE1, ATE2e, ATE3e, ATE4])
-            AREe = np.array([ARE1, ARE2e, ARE3e, ARE4])
-            AT =, IE1e)
-            AR =, IE1e)
-            BT =, IE2e)
-            BR =, IE2e)
-            # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-            if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
-                GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
-                HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
-                HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
-            else:
-                D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
-                A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
-                B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
-                C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
-                GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
-                GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
-                HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
-                HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
-        else:
-            print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
-            sys.exit()
-    else:
-        print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
-        sys.exit()
-    # Determination of the correction K of the calibration factor.
-    IoutTp = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT + BT)
-    IoutTm = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT - BT)
-    IoutRp = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR + BR)
-    IoutRm = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR - BR)
-    # --- Results and Corrections; electronic etaR and etaT are assumed to be 1
-    Etapx = IoutRp / IoutTp
-    Etamx = IoutRm / IoutTm
-    Etax = (Etapx * Etamx) ** 0.5
-    Eta = (TRa / TTa) # = TRa / TTa; Eta = Eta*/K  Eq. 84 => K = Eta* / Eta; equation corrected according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
-    K = Etax / Eta
-    #  For comparison with Volkers Libreoffice Müller Matrix spreadsheet
-    # Eta_test_p = (IoutRp/IoutTp)
-    # Eta_test_m = (IoutRm/IoutTm)
-    # Eta_test = (Eta_test_p*Eta_test_m)**0.5
-    # ----- random error calculation ----------
-    # noise must be calculated with the photon counts of measured signals;
-    # relative standard deviation of calibration signals with LDRcal; assumed to be statisitcally independent
-    # normalised noise errors
-    if (CalcFrom0deg):
-        dIoutTp = (NCalT * IoutTp) ** -0.5
-        dIoutTm = (NCalT * IoutTm) ** -0.5
-        dIoutRp = (NCalR * IoutRp) ** -0.5
-        dIoutRm = (NCalR * IoutRm) ** -0.5
-    else:
-        dIoutTp = (NCalT ** -0.5)
-        dIoutTm = (NCalT ** -0.5)
-        dIoutRp = (NCalR ** -0.5)
-        dIoutRm = (NCalR ** -0.5)
-    # Forward simulated 0°-signals with LDRCal with atrue; from input file
-    It = TTa * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT)
-    Ir = TRa * TiO * TiE * (GR + atrue * HR)
-    # relative standard deviation of standard signals with LDRmeas; assumed to be statisitcally independent
-    if (CalcFrom0deg):	# this works!
-        dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
-        dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
-        '''
-        dIt = ((NCalT * It / IoutTp * NILfac / TCalT) ** -0.5)
-        dIr = ((NCalR * Ir / IoutRp * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
-        '''
-    else:	# does this work? Why not as above?
-        dIt = ((NCalT * 2 * NILfac / TCalT ) ** -0.5)
-        dIr = ((NCalR * 2 * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
-        # ----- Forward simulated LDRsim = 1/Eta*Ir/It  # simulated LDR* with Y from input file
-    LDRsim = Ir / It  # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
-    # Corrected LDRsimCorr from forward simulated LDRsim (atrue)
-    # LDRsimCorr = (1./Eta*LDRsim*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-1./Eta*LDRsim*(GT-HT))
-    '''
-    if ((Y == -1.) and (abs(RotL0) < 45)) or ((Y == +1.) and (abs(RotL0) > 45)):
-        LDRsimx = 1. / LDRsim / Etax
-    else:
-        LDRsimx = LDRsim / Etax
-    '''
-    LDRsimx = LDRsim
-    # The following is correct without doubt
-    # LDRCorr = (LDRsim/(Etax/K)*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-LDRsim/(Etax/K)*(GT-HT))
-    # The following is a test whether the equations for calibration Etax and normal  signal (GHK, LDRsim) are consistent
-    LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K) * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / (Etax / K) * (GT - HT))
-    # here we could also use Eta instead of Etax / K => how to test whether Etax is correct? => comparison with MüllerMatrix simulation!
-    # Without any correction: only measured It, Ir, EtaX are used
-    LDRunCorr = LDRsim / Etax
-    # LDRunCorr = (LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) + HT / abs(HT)) - (GR / abs(GR) + HR / abs(HR))) / ((GR / abs(GR) - HR / abs(HR)) - LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) - HT / abs(HT)))
-    #LDRCorr = LDRsimx  # for test only
-    F11sim = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * ((HR * Eta * It - HT * Ir) / (HR * GT - HT * GR))  # IL = 1, Etat = Etar = 1  ;  AMT Eq.64; what is Etax/K? => see about 20 lines above: = Eta
-    return (IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr,
-            GT, HT, GR, HR, K, Eta, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa, DRa, TTa, TRa, F11sim, LDRunCorr)
-# *******************************************************************************************************************************
-# --- CALC with assumed true parameters from the input file
-LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
-IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
-GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-Calc(TCalT, TCalR, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-     RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-     ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
-Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
-Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
-Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
-# --- Print parameters to console and output file
-OutputFile = 'output_' + InputFile[0:-3] + '_' + fname[0:-3] +'.dat'
-with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'w') as f:
-    with redirect_stdout(f):
-        print("From ", dname)
-        print("Running ", fname)
-        print("Reading input file ", InputFile)  # , "  for Lidar system :", EID, ", ", LID)
-        print("for Lidar system: ", EID, ", ", LID)
-        # --- Print iput information*********************************
-        print(" --- Input parameters: value ±error / ±steps  ----------------------")
-        print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("Laser: ", "Qin =", Qin0, dQin, nQin))
-        print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("", "Vin =", Vin0, dVin, nVin))
-        print("{0:7}{1:17} {2:6.4f}±{3:7.4f}/{4:2d}".format("", "Rotation alpha = ", RotL0, dRotL, nRotL))
-        print("{0:7}{1:15} {2:8.4f} {3:17}".format("", "=> DOP", ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5), " (degree of polarisation)"))
-        print("Optic:        Diatt.,                 Tunpol,   Retard.,   Rotation (deg)")
-        print("{0:12} {1:7.4f}  ±{2:7.4f}  /{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
-            "Emitter    ", DiE0, dDiE, TiE, RetE0, dRetE, RotE0, dRotE, nDiE, nRetE, nRotE))
-        print("{0:12} {1:7.4f}  ±{2:7.4f}  /{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
-            "Receiver   ", DiO0, dDiO, TiO, RetO0, dRetO, RotO0, dRotO, nDiO, nRetO, nRotO))
-        print("{0:12} {1:9.6f}±{2:9.6f}/{8:2d}, {3:7.4f}, {4:3.0f}±{5:3.0f}/{9:2d}, {6:7.4f}±{7:7.4f}/{10:2d}".format(
-            "Calibrator ", DiC0, dDiC, TiC, RetC0, dRetC, RotC0, dRotC, nDiC, nRetC, nRotC))
-        print("{0:12}".format(" Pol.-filter ------ "))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
-            "ERT, RotT       :", ERaT0, dERaT, nERaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, nRotaT))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
-             "ERR, RotR       :", ERaR0, dERaR, nERaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, nRotaR))
-        print("{0:12}".format(" PBS ------ "))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
-              "TP,TS           :", TP0, dTP, nTP, TS0, dTS, nTS))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
-              "RP,RS           :", RP0, dRP, nRP, RS0, dRS, nRS))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}, {3:7.4f},{4:7.4f}, {5:1.0f}".format(
-              "DT,TT,DR,TR,Y   :", DiT, TiT, DiR, TiR, Y))
-        print("{0:12}".format(" Combined PBS + Pol.-filter ------ "))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}, {3:7.4f},{4:7.4f}".format(
-              "DT,TT,DR,TR     :", DTa0, TTa0, DRa0, TRa0))
-        print("{0:26}: {1:6.3f}± {2:5.3f}/{3:2d}".format(
-              "LDRCal during calibration in calibration range", LDRCal0, dLDRCal, nLDRCal))
-        print("{0:12}".format(" --- Additional ND filter attenuation (transmission) during the calibration ---"))
-        print("{0:12}{1:7.4f}±{2:7.4f}/{3:2d}, {4:7.4f}±{5:7.4f}/{6:2d}".format(
-              "TCalT,TCalR      :", TCalT0, dTCalT, nTCalT, TCalR0, dTCalR, nTCalR))
-        print()
-        print("Rotation Error Epsilon For Normal Measurements = ", RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements)
-        print(Type[TypeC], Loc[LocC])
-        print("PBS incidence plane is ", dY[int(Y + 1)], "to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally", dY2[int(Y + 1)])
-        print(dY3)
-        print("RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP = ", RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP)
-        #  end of print actual system parameters
-        # ******************************************************************************
-        print()
-        K0List = np.zeros(7)
-        LDRsimxList = np.zeros(7)
-        LDRCalList = 0.0, 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45
-        # The loop over LDRCalList is ony for checking whether and how much the LDR depends on the LDRCal during calibration and whether the corrections work.
-        # Still with assumed true parameters in input file
-        '''
-        facIt = NCalT / TCalT0 * NILfac
-        facIr = NCalR / TCalR0 * NILfac
-        '''
-        facIt = NI * eFacT
-        facIr = NI * eFacR
-        if (bPlotEtax):
-            # check error signals
-            # dIs are relative stdevs
-            print("LDRCal, IoutTp,   IoutTm,     IoutRp,        IoutRm,         It,          Ir,      dIoutTp,dIoutTm,dIoutRp,dIoutRm,dIt,   dIr")
-        for i, LDRCal in enumerate(LDRCalList):
-            IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
-            GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-            Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-                 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-                 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal)
-            K0List[i] = K0
-            LDRsimxList[i] = LDRsimx
-            if (bPlotEtax):
-                # check error signals
-                print( "{:0.2f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(LDRCal, IoutTp * NCalT, IoutTm * NCalT, IoutRp * NCalR, IoutRm * NCalR, It * facIt, Ir * facIr, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
-                #print( "{:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
-                # end check error signals
-        print('===========================================================================================================')
-        print("{0:8},{1:8},{2:8},{3:8},{4:9},{5:8},{6:9},{7:9},{8:9},{9:9},{10:9}".format(
-            " GR", " GT", " HR", " HT", "  K(0.000)", "  K(0.004)", " K(0.02)", "  K(0.1)", "  K(0.2)", "  K(0.3)", "  K(0.45)"))
-        print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f},{3:8.5f},{4:9.5f},{5:9.5f},{6:9.5f},{7:9.5f},{8:9.5f},{9:9.5f},{10:9.5f}".format(
-            GR0, GT0, HR0, HT0, K0List[0], K0List[1], K0List[2], K0List[3], K0List[4], K0List[5], K0List[6]))
-        print('===========================================================================================================')
-        print()
-        print("Errors from neglecting GHK corrections and/or calibration:")
-        print("{0:>10},{1:>10},{2:>10},{3:>10},{4:>10},{5:>10}".format(
-            "LDRtrue", "LDRunCorr", "1/LDRunCorr", "LDRsimx", "1/LDRsimx", "LDRCorr"))
-        aF11sim0 = np.zeros(5)
-        LDRrange = np.zeros(5)
-        LDRsim0 = np.zeros(5)
-        LDRrange = [0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.3, 0.45]  # list
-        LDRrange[0] = LDRtrue2  # value in the input file; default 0.004
-        # The loop over LDRtrueList is only for checking how much the uncorrected LDRsimx deviates from LDRtrue ... and whether the corrections work.
-        # LDRsimx = LDRsim = Ir / It    or      1/LDRsim
-        # Still with assumed true parameters in input file
-        for i, LDRtrue in enumerate(LDRrange):
-        #for LDRtrue in LDRrange:
-            IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
-            GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-            Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-                 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-                 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
-            print("{0:10.5f},{1:10.5f},{2:10.5f},{3:10.5f},{4:10.5f},{5:10.5f}".format(LDRtrue, LDRunCorr, 1/LDRunCorr, LDRsimx, 1/LDRsimx, LDRCorr))
-            aF11sim0[i] = F11sim0
-            LDRsim0[i] = Ir / It
-            # the assumed true aF11sim0 results will be used below to calc the deviation from the real signals
-        print("LDRsimx = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals without  calibration and GHK-corrections")
-        print("LDRunCorr = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals with calibration but without  GHK-corrections; electronic amplifications = 1 assumed")
-        print("LDRCorr = LDR calibrated and GHK-corrected")
-        print()
-        print("Errors from signal noise:")
-        print("Signal counts: NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, stdev(NI)/NI = {0:10.0f},{1:10.0f},{2:10.0f},{3:3.0f},{4:2.0f},{5:2.0f},{6:8.5f}".format(
-            NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, 1.0 / NI ** 0.5))
-        print()
-        print()
-        '''# das muß wieder weg
-        print("IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It    , Ir    , dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr")
-        LDRCal = 0.01
-        for i, LDRtrue in enumerate(LDRrange):
-            IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, It, Ir, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr, \
-            GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-            Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, DOLP0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-                 RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-                 ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
-            print( "{:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}, {:0.4f}".format(
-                IoutTp * NCalT, IoutTm * NCalT, IoutRp * NCalR, IoutRm * NCalR, It * facIt, Ir * facIr,
-                dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm, dIt, dIr))
-            aF11sim0[i] = F11sim0
-            # the assumed true aF11sim0 results will be used below to calc the deviation from the real signals
-        # bis hierher weg
-        '''
-file = open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'r')
-# --- CALC again assumed truth with LDRCal0 and with assumed true parameters in input file to reset all 0-values
-LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
-IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
-GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-     RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-     ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
-Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
-Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
-Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
-    f = open('output_ver7.dat', 'w')
-    old_target = sys.stdout
-    sys.stdout = f
-    print("something")
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    f.close
-    sys.stdout = old_target
-if (Error_Calc):
-    # --- CALC again assumed truth with LDRCal0 and with assumed true parameters in input file to reset all 0-values
-    LDRtrue = LDRtrue2
-    IoutTp0, IoutTm0, IoutRp0, IoutRm0, It0, Ir0, dIoutTp0, dIoutTm0, dIoutRp0, dIoutRm0, dIt0, dIr0, \
-    GT0, HT0, GR0, HR0, K0, Eta0, LDRsimx, LDRCorr, DTa0, DRa0, TTa0, TRa0, F11sim0, LDRunCorr = \
-    Calc(TCalT0, TCalR0, NCalT, NCalR, Qin0, Vin0, RotL0, RotE0, RetE0, DiE0,
-         RotO0, RetO0, DiO0, RotC0, RetC0, DiC0, TP0, TS0, RP0, RS0,
-         ERaT0, RotaT0, RetT0, ERaR0, RotaR0, RetR0, LDRCal0)
-    Etax0 = K0 * Eta0
-    Etapx0 = IoutRp0 / IoutTp0
-    Etamx0 = IoutRm0 / IoutTm0
-    # --- Start Error calculation with variable parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
-    # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
-    iN = -1
-    N = ((nTCalT * 2 + 1) * (nTCalR * 2 + 1) *
-         (nNCal * 2 + 1) ** 4 * (nNI * 2 + 1) ** 2 *
-         (nQin * 2 + 1) * (nVin * 2 + 1) * (nRotL * 2 + 1) *
-         (nRotE * 2 + 1) * (nRetE * 2 + 1) * (nDiE * 2 + 1) *
-         (nRotO * 2 + 1) * (nRetO * 2 + 1) * (nDiO * 2 + 1) *
-         (nRotC * 2 + 1) * (nRetC * 2 + 1) * (nDiC * 2 + 1) *
-         (nTP * 2 + 1) * (nTS * 2 + 1) * (nRP * 2 + 1) * (nRS * 2 + 1) * (nERaT * 2 + 1) * (nERaR * 2 + 1) *
-         (nRotaT * 2 + 1) * (nRotaR * 2 + 1) * (nRetT * 2 + 1) * (nRetR * 2 + 1) * (nLDRCal * 2 + 1))
-    print("number of system variations N = ", N, " ", end="")
-    if N > 1e6:
-        if user_yes_no_query('Warning: processing ' + str(
-            N) + ' samples will take very long. Do you want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
-    if N > 5e6:
-        if user_yes_no_query('Warning: the memory required for ' + str(N) + ' samples might be ' + '{0:5.1f}'.format(
-                    N / 4e6) + ' GB. Do you anyway want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
-    # if user_yes_no_query('Warning: processing' + str(N) + ' samples will take very long. Do you want to proceed?') == 0: sys.exit()
-    # --- Arrays for plotting ------
-    LDRmin = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRmax = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRstd = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRmean = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRmedian = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRskew = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRkurt = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRsimmin = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRsimmax = np.zeros(5)
-    LDRsimmean = np.zeros(5)
-    F11min = np.zeros(5)
-    F11max = np.zeros(5)
-    Etaxmin = np.zeros(5)
-    Etaxmax = np.zeros(5)
-    aQin = np.zeros(N)
-    aVin = np.zeros(N)
-    aERaT = np.zeros(N)
-    aERaR = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotaT = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotaR = np.zeros(N)
-    aRetT = np.zeros(N)
-    aRetR = np.zeros(N)
-    aTP = np.zeros(N)
-    aTS = np.zeros(N)
-    aRP = np.zeros(N)
-    aRS = np.zeros(N)
-    aDiE = np.zeros(N)
-    aDiO = np.zeros(N)
-    aDiC = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotC = np.zeros(N)
-    aRetC = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotL = np.zeros(N)
-    aRetE = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotE = np.zeros(N)
-    aRetO = np.zeros(N)
-    aRotO = np.zeros(N)
-    aLDRCal = np.zeros(N)
-    aNCalTp = np.zeros(N)
-    aNCalTm = np.zeros(N)
-    aNCalRp = np.zeros(N)
-    aNCalRm = np.zeros(N)
-    aNIt = np.zeros(N)
-    aNIr = np.zeros(N)
-    aTCalT = np.zeros(N)
-    aTCalR = np.zeros(N)
-    # each np.zeros((LDRrange, N)) array has the same N-dependency
-    aLDRcorr = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aLDRsim = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aF11corr = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aPLDR = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aEtax = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aEtapx = np.zeros((5, N))
-    aEtamx = np.zeros((5, N))
-    # np.zeros((GHKs, N))
-    aGHK = np.zeros((5, N))
-    atime = clock()
-    dtime = clock()
-    # --- Calc Error signals
-    # ---- Do the calculations of bra-ket vectors
-    h = -1. if TypeC == 2 else 1
-    for iLDRCal in range(-nLDRCal, nLDRCal + 1):
-        # from input file:  LDRCal for calibration measurements
-        LDRCal = LDRCal0
-        if nLDRCal > 0:
-            LDRCal = LDRCal0 + iLDRCal * dLDRCal / nLDRCal
-            # provides the intensities of the calibration measurements at various LDRCal for signal noise errors
-            # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm, dIoutTp, dIoutTm, dIoutRp, dIoutRm
-        aCal = (1. - LDRCal) / (1. + LDRCal)
-        for iQin, iVin, iRotL, iRotE, iRetE, iDiE \
-                in [(iQin, iVin, iRotL, iRotE, iRetE, iDiE)
-                    for iQin in range(-nQin, nQin + 1)
-                    for iVin in range(-nVin, nVin + 1)
-                    for iRotL in range(-nRotL, nRotL + 1)
-                    for iRotE in range(-nRotE, nRotE + 1)
-                    for iRetE in range(-nRetE, nRetE + 1)
-                    for iDiE in range(-nDiE, nDiE + 1)]:
-            if nQin > 0: Qin = Qin0 + iQin * dQin / nQin
-            if nVin > 0: Vin = Vin0 + iVin * dVin / nVin
-            if nRotL > 0: RotL = RotL0 + iRotL * dRotL / nRotL
-            if nRotE > 0: RotE = RotE0 + iRotE * dRotE / nRotE
-            if nRetE > 0: RetE = RetE0 + iRetE * dRetE / nRetE
-            if nDiE > 0:  DiE = DiE0 + iDiE * dDiE / nDiE
-            if ((Qin ** 2 + Vin ** 2) ** 0.5) > 1.0:
-                print("Error: degree of polarisation of laser > 1. Check Qin and Vin! ")
-                sys.exit()
-            # angles of emitter and laser and calibrator and receiver optics
-            # RotL = alpha, RotE = beta, RotO = gamma, RotC = epsilon
-            S2a = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
-            C2a = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotL))
-            S2b = np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
-            C2b = np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(RotE))
-            S2ab = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
-            C2ab = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotL - 2 * RotE))
-            # Laser with Degree of linear polarization DOLP
-            IinL = 1.
-            QinL = Qin
-            UinL = 0.
-            VinL = Vin
-            # VinL = (1. - DOLP ** 2) ** 0.5
-            # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.4
-            A = C2a * QinL - S2a * UinL
-            B = S2a * QinL + C2a * UinL
-            # Stokes Input Vector rotation Eq. E.9
-            C = C2ab * QinL - S2ab * UinL
-            D = S2ab * QinL + C2ab * UinL
-            # emitter optics
-            CosE = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetE))
-            SinE = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetE))
-            ZiE = (1. - DiE ** 2) ** 0.5
-            WiE = (1. - ZiE * CosE)
-            # Stokes Input Vector after emitter optics equivalent to Eq. E.9 with already rotated input vector from Eq. E.4
-            # b = beta
-            IinE = (IinL + DiE * C)
-            QinE = (C2b * DiE * IinL + A + S2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
-            UinE = (S2b * DiE * IinL + B - C2b * (WiE * D - ZiE * SinE * VinL))
-            VinE = (-ZiE * SinE * D + ZiE * CosE * VinL)
-            # -------------------------
-            # F11 assuemd to be = 1  => measured: F11m = IinP / IinE with atrue
-            # F11sim = (IinE + DiO*atrue*(C2g*QinE - S2g*UinE))/IinE
-            # -------------------------
-            for iRotO, iRetO, iDiO, iRotC, iRetC, iDiC, iTP, iTS, iRP, iRS, iERaT, iRotaT, iRetT, iERaR, iRotaR, iRetR \
-                    in [
-                (iRotO, iRetO, iDiO, iRotC, iRetC, iDiC, iTP, iTS, iRP, iRS, iERaT, iRotaT, iRetT, iERaR, iRotaR, iRetR)
-                for iRotO in range(-nRotO, nRotO + 1)
-                for iRetO in range(-nRetO, nRetO + 1)
-                for iDiO in range(-nDiO, nDiO + 1)
-                for iRotC in range(-nRotC, nRotC + 1)
-                for iRetC in range(-nRetC, nRetC + 1)
-                for iDiC in range(-nDiC, nDiC + 1)
-                for iTP in range(-nTP, nTP + 1)
-                for iTS in range(-nTS, nTS + 1)
-                for iRP in range(-nRP, nRP + 1)
-                for iRS in range(-nRS, nRS + 1)
-                for iERaT in range(-nERaT, nERaT + 1)
-                for iRotaT in range(-nRotaT, nRotaT + 1)
-                for iRetT in range(-nRetT, nRetT + 1)
-                for iERaR in range(-nERaR, nERaR + 1)
-                for iRotaR in range(-nRotaR, nRotaR + 1)
-                for iRetR in range(-nRetR, nRetR + 1)]:
-                if nRotO > 0: RotO = RotO0 + iRotO * dRotO / nRotO
-                if nRetO > 0: RetO = RetO0 + iRetO * dRetO / nRetO
-                if nDiO > 0:  DiO = DiO0 + iDiO * dDiO / nDiO
-                if nRotC > 0: RotC = RotC0 + iRotC * dRotC / nRotC
-                if nRetC > 0: RetC = RetC0 + iRetC * dRetC / nRetC
-                if nDiC > 0:  DiC = DiC0 + iDiC * dDiC / nDiC
-                if nTP > 0:   TP = TP0 + iTP * dTP / nTP
-                if nTS > 0:   TS = TS0 + iTS * dTS / nTS
-                if nRP > 0:   RP = RP0 + iRP * dRP / nRP
-                if nRS > 0:   RS = RS0 + iRS * dRS / nRS
-                if nERaT > 0: ERaT = ERaT0 + iERaT * dERaT / nERaT
-                if nRotaT > 0: RotaT = RotaT0 + iRotaT * dRotaT / nRotaT
-                if nRetT > 0: RetT = RetT0 + iRetT * dRetT / nRetT
-                if nERaR > 0: ERaR = ERaR0 + iERaR * dERaR / nERaR
-                if nRotaR > 0: RotaR = RotaR0 + iRotaR * dRotaR / nRotaR
-                if nRetR > 0: RetR = RetR0 + iRetR * dRetR / nRetR
-                # print("{0:5.2f}, {1:5.2f}, {2:5.2f}, {3:10d}".format(RotL, RotE, RotO, iN))
-                # receiver optics
-                CosO = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetO))
-                SinO = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetO))
-                ZiO = (1. - DiO ** 2) ** 0.5
-                WiO = (1. - ZiO * CosO)
-                S2g = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
-                C2g = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotO))
-                # calibrator
-                CosC = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetC))
-                SinC = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetC))
-                ZiC = (1. - DiC ** 2) ** 0.5
-                WiC = (1. - ZiC * CosC)
-                # analyser
-                # For POLLY_XTs
-                if (RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP):
-                    RS = 1.0 - TS
-                    RP = 1.0 - TP
-                TiT = 0.5 * (TP + TS)
-                DiT = (TP - TS) / (TP + TS)
-                ZiT = (1. - DiT ** 2.) ** 0.5
-                TiR = 0.5 * (RP + RS)
-                DiR = (RP - RS) / (RP + RS)
-                ZiR = (1. - DiR ** 2.) ** 0.5
-                CosT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetT))
-                SinT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetT))
-                CosR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(RetR))
-                SinR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(RetR))
-                # cleaning pol-filter
-                DaT = (1.0 - ERaT) / (1.0 + ERaT)
-                DaR = (1.0 - ERaR) / (1.0 + ERaR)
-                TaT = 0.5 * (1.0 + ERaT)
-                TaR = 0.5 * (1.0 + ERaR)
-                S2aT = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2.0 * RotaT))
-                C2aT = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * RotaT))
-                S2aR = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2.0 * RotaR))
-                C2aR = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * RotaR))
-                # Analyzer As before the PBS Eq. D.5; combined PBS and cleaning pol-filter
-                ATPT = (1 + C2aT * DaT * DiT) # unpolarized transmission correction
-                TTa = TiT * TaT * ATPT # unpolarized transmission
-                ATP1 = 1.0
-                ATP2 = Y * (DiT + C2aT * DaT) / ATPT
-                ATP3 = Y * S2aT * DaT * ZiT * CosT / ATPT
-                ATP4 = S2aT * DaT * ZiT * SinT / ATPT
-                ATP = np.array([ATP1, ATP2, ATP3, ATP4])
-                DTa = ATP2 * Y
-                ARPT = (1 + C2aR * DaR * DiR) # unpolarized transmission correction
-                TRa = TiR * TaR * ARPT # unpolarized transmission
-                ARP1 = 1
-                ARP2 = Y * (DiR + C2aR * DaR) / ARPT
-                ARP3 = Y * S2aR * DaR * ZiR * CosR / ARPT
-                ARP4 = S2aR * DaR * ZiR * SinR / ARPT
-                ARP = np.array([ARP1, ARP2, ARP3, ARP4])
-                DRa = ARP2 * Y
-                # ---- Calculate signals and correction parameters for diffeent locations and calibrators
-                if LocC == 4:  # Calibrator before the PBS
-                    # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
-                    # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
-                    # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO + h*2*RotC))
-                    S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(h * 2 * RotC))
-                    C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-                    # rotated AinP by epsilon Eq. C.3
-                    ATP2e = C2e * ATP2 + S2e * ATP3
-                    ATP3e = C2e * ATP3 - S2e * ATP2
-                    ARP2e = C2e * ARP2 + S2e * ARP3
-                    ARP3e = C2e * ARP3 - S2e * ARP2
-                    ATPe = np.array([ATP1, ATP2e, ATP3e, ATP4])
-                    ARPe = np.array([ARP1, ARP2e, ARP3e, ARP4])
-                    # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter Eq. E.31
-                    A = C2g * QinE - S2g * UinE
-                    B = S2g * QinE + C2g * UinE
-                    # C = (WiO*aCal*B + ZiO*SinO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
-                    Co = ZiO * SinO * VinE
-                    Ca = (WiO * B - 2 * ZiO * SinO * VinE)
-                    # C = Co + aCal*Ca
-                    # IinP = (IinE + DiO*aCal*A)
-                    # QinP = (C2g*DiO*IinE + aCal*QinE - S2g*C)
-                    # UinP = (S2g*DiO*IinE - aCal*UinE + C2g*C)
-                    # VinP = (ZiO*SinO*aCal*B + ZiO*CosO*(1-2*aCal)*VinE)
-                    IinPo = IinE
-                    QinPo = (C2g * DiO * IinE - S2g * Co)
-                    UinPo = (S2g * DiO * IinE + C2g * Co)
-                    VinPo = ZiO * CosO * VinE
-                    IinPa = DiO * A
-                    QinPa = QinE - S2g * Ca
-                    UinPa = -UinE + C2g * Ca
-                    VinPa = ZiO * (SinO * B - 2 * CosO * VinE)
-                    IinP = IinPo + aCal * IinPa
-                    QinP = QinPo + aCal * QinPa
-                    UinP = UinPo + aCal * UinPa
-                    VinP = VinPo + aCal * VinPa
-                    # Stokes Input Vector before the polarising beam splitter rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
-                    # QinPe = C2e*QinP + S2e*UinP
-                    # UinPe = C2e*UinP - S2e*QinP
-                    QinPoe = C2e * QinPo + S2e * UinPo
-                    UinPoe = C2e * UinPo - S2e * QinPo
-                    QinPae = C2e * QinPa + S2e * UinPa
-                    UinPae = C2e * UinPa - S2e * QinPa
-                    QinPe = C2e * QinP + S2e * UinP
-                    UinPe = C2e * UinP - S2e * QinP
-                    # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-                    if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-                        # parameters for calibration with aCal
-                        AT = ATP1 * IinP + h * ATP4 * VinP
-                        BT = ATP3e * QinP - h * ATP2e * UinP
-                        AR = ARP1 * IinP + h * ARP4 * VinP
-                        BR = ARP3e * QinP - h * ARP2e * UinP
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                            IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                        else:
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                            IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                    elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-                        # parameters for calibration with aCal
-                        AT = ATP1 * IinP + ATP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ATP2e * QinPe + ATP4 * VinP)
-                        BT = DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
-                        AR = ARP1 * IinP + ARP3e * UinPe + ZiC * CosC * (ARP2e * QinPe + ARP4 * VinP)
-                        BR = DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) - ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                            IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                        else:
-                            IS1e = np.array(
-                                [IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
-                            IS2e = np.array(
-                                [IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
-                            GT =, IS1e)
-                            GR =, IS1e)
-                            HT =, IS2e)
-                            HR =, IS2e)
-                    elif (TypeC == 6):  # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-                        # parameters for calibration with aCal
-                        AT = ATP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * QinPe + ATP2e * IinP) + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * (
-                        ATP2e * QinPe + ATP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (
-                        sqr05 * SinC * (ATP3e * VinP - ATP4 * UinPe) + ATP4 * CosC * VinP)
-                        BT = sqr05 * DiC * (ATP1 * UinPe + ATP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
-                        ATP2e * UinPe + ATP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ATP2e * VinP - ATP4 * QinPe)
-                        AR = ARP1 * IinP + sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * QinPe + ARP2e * IinP) + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * (
-                        ARP2e * QinPe + ARP3e * UinPe) + ZiC * (
-                        sqr05 * SinC * (ARP3e * VinP - ARP4 * UinPe) + ARP4 * CosC * VinP)
-                        BR = sqr05 * DiC * (ARP1 * UinPe + ARP3e * IinP) + 0.5 * WiC * (
-                        ARP2e * UinPe + ARP3e * QinPe) - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * (ARP2e * VinP - ARP4 * QinPe)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinPo, QinPo, UinPo, VinPo])
-                            IS2 = np.array([IinPa, QinPa, UinPa, VinPa])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                        else:
-                            IS1e = np.array(
-                                [IinPo + DiC * QinPoe, DiC * IinPo + QinPoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinPoe + SinC * VinPo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPoe - CosC * VinPo)])
-                            IS2e = np.array(
-                                [IinPa + DiC * QinPae, DiC * IinPa + QinPae, ZiC * (CosC * UinPae + SinC * VinPa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinPae - CosC * VinPa)])
-                            GT =, IS1e)
-                            GR =, IS1e)
-                            HT =, IS2e)
-                            HR =, IS2e)
-                    else:
-                        print("Calibrator not implemented yet")
-                        sys.exit()
-                elif LocC == 3:  # C before receiver optics Eq.57
-                    # S2ge = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
-                    # C2ge = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2*RotO - 2*RotC))
-                    S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-                    C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-                    # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
-                    AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0])
-                    AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1 - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
-                    AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1 - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
-                    AF4 = np.array([0, S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
-                    ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
-                    ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
-                    ATF1 = ATF[0]
-                    ATF2 = ATF[1]
-                    ATF3 = ATF[2]
-                    ATF4 = ATF[3]
-                    ARF1 = ARF[0]
-                    ARF2 = ARF[1]
-                    ARF3 = ARF[2]
-                    ARF4 = ARF[3]
-                    # rotated AinF by epsilon
-                    ATF2e = C2e * ATF[1] + S2e * ATF[2]
-                    ATF3e = C2e * ATF[2] - S2e * ATF[1]
-                    ARF2e = C2e * ARF[1] + S2e * ARF[2]
-                    ARF3e = C2e * ARF[2] - S2e * ARF[1]
-                    ATFe = np.array([ATF1, ATF2e, ATF3e, ATF4])
-                    ARFe = np.array([ARF1, ARF2e, ARF3e, ARF4])
-                    QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
-                    UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
-                    # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-                    IinF = IinE
-                    QinF = aCal * QinE
-                    UinF = -aCal * UinE
-                    VinF = (1. - 2. * aCal) * VinE
-                    IinFo = IinE
-                    QinFo = 0.
-                    UinFo = 0.
-                    VinFo = VinE
-                    IinFa = 0.
-                    QinFa = QinE
-                    UinFa = -UinE
-                    VinFa = -2. * VinE
-                    # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics rotated by epsilon Eq. C.3
-                    QinFe = C2e * QinF + S2e * UinF
-                    UinFe = C2e * UinF - S2e * QinF
-                    QinFoe = C2e * QinFo + S2e * UinFo
-                    UinFoe = C2e * UinFo - S2e * QinFo
-                    QinFae = C2e * QinFa + S2e * UinFa
-                    UinFae = C2e * UinFa - S2e * QinFa
-                    # Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-                    if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-                        AT = ATF1 * IinF + ATF4 * h * VinF
-                        BT = ATF3e * QinF - ATF2e * h * UinF
-                        AR = ARF1 * IinF + ARF4 * h * VinF
-                        BR = ARF3e * QinF - ARF2e * h * UinF
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                            GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * VinE
-                            GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * VinE
-                            HT = ATF2 * QinE - ATF3 * UinE - ATF4 * 2 * VinE
-                            HR = ARF2 * QinE - ARF3 * UinE - ARF4 * 2 * VinE
-                        else:
-                            GT = ATF1 * IinE + ATF4 * h * VinE
-                            GR = ARF1 * IinE + ARF4 * h * VinE
-                            HT = ATF2e * QinE - ATF3e * h * UinE - ATF4 * h * 2 * VinE
-                            HR = ARF2e * QinE - ARF3e * h * UinE - ARF4 * h * 2 * VinE
-                    elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-                        # p = +45°, m = -45°
-                        IF1e = np.array([IinF, ZiC * CosC * QinFe, UinFe, ZiC * CosC * VinF])
-                        IF2e = np.array([DiC * UinFe, -ZiC * SinC * VinF, DiC * IinF, ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
-                        AT =, IF1e)
-                        AR =, IF1e)
-                        BT =, IF2e)
-                        BR =, IF2e)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR  --- the same as for TypeC = 6
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinE, 0, 0, VinE])
-                            IS2 = np.array([0, QinE, -UinE, -2 * VinE])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                        else:
-                            IS1e = np.array(
-                                [IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
-                            IS2e = np.array(
-                                [IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
-                            GT =, IS1e)
-                            GR =, IS1e)
-                            HT =, IS2e)
-                            HR =, IS2e)
-                    elif (TypeC == 6):  # diattenuator calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-                        # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
-                        IF1e = np.array([IinF + sqr05 * DiC * QinFe, sqr05 * DiC * IinF + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinFe,
-                                         (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * UinFe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
-                                         -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinFe + ZiC * CosC * VinF])
-                        IF2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinFe, 0.5 * WiC * UinFe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinF,
-                                         sqr05 * DiC * IinF + 0.5 * WiC * QinFe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinFe])
-                        AT =, IF1e)
-                        AR =, IF1e)
-                        BT =, IF2e)
-                        BR =, IF2e)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            # IS1 = np.array([IinE,0,0,VinE])
-                            # IS2 = np.array([0,QinE,-UinE,-2*VinE])
-                            IS1 = np.array([IinFo, 0, 0, VinFo])
-                            IS2 = np.array([0, QinFa, UinFa, VinFa])
-                            GT =, IS1)
-                            GR =, IS1)
-                            HT =, IS2)
-                            HR =, IS2)
-                        else:
-                            # IS1e = np.array([IinE,DiC*IinE,ZiC*SinC*VinE,ZiC*CosC*VinE])
-                            # IS2e = np.array([DiC*QinEe,QinEe,-ZiC*(CosC*UinEe+2*SinC*VinE),ZiC*(SinC*UinEe-2*CosC*VinE)])
-                            IS1e = np.array(
-                                [IinFo + DiC * QinFoe, DiC * IinFo + QinFoe, ZiC * (CosC * UinFoe + SinC * VinFo),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFoe - CosC * VinFo)])
-                            IS2e = np.array(
-                                [IinFa + DiC * QinFae, DiC * IinFa + QinFae, ZiC * (CosC * UinFae + SinC * VinFa),
-                                 -ZiC * (SinC * UinFae - CosC * VinFa)])
-                            GT =, IS1e)
-                            GR =, IS1e)
-                            HT =, IS2e)
-                            HR =, IS2e)
-                    else:
-                        print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
-                        sys.exit()
-                elif LocC == 2:  # C behind emitter optics Eq.57
-                    # print("Calibrator location not implemented yet")
-                    S2e = np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-                    C2e = np.cos(np.deg2rad(2 * RotC))
-                    # AS with C before the receiver optics (see document rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt)
-                    AF1 = np.array([1, C2g * DiO, S2g * DiO, 0])
-                    AF2 = np.array([C2g * DiO, 1 - S2g ** 2 * WiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, -S2g * ZiO * SinO])
-                    AF3 = np.array([S2g * DiO, S2g * C2g * WiO, 1 - C2g ** 2 * WiO, C2g * ZiO * SinO])
-                    AF4 = np.array([0, S2g * SinO, -C2g * SinO, CosO])
-                    ATF = (ATP1 * AF1 + ATP2 * AF2 + ATP3 * AF3 + ATP4 * AF4)
-                    ARF = (ARP1 * AF1 + ARP2 * AF2 + ARP3 * AF3 + ARP4 * AF4)
-                    ATF1 = ATF[0]
-                    ATF2 = ATF[1]
-                    ATF3 = ATF[2]
-                    ATF4 = ATF[3]
-                    ARF1 = ARF[0]
-                    ARF2 = ARF[1]
-                    ARF3 = ARF[2]
-                    ARF4 = ARF[3]
-                    # AS with C behind the emitter  --------------------------------------------
-                    # terms without aCal
-                    ATE1o, ARE1o = ATF1, ARF1
-                    ATE2o, ARE2o = 0., 0.
-                    ATE3o, ARE3o = 0., 0.
-                    ATE4o, ARE4o = ATF4, ARF4
-                    # terms with aCal
-                    ATE1a, ARE1a = 0., 0.
-                    ATE2a, ARE2a = ATF2, ARF2
-                    ATE3a, ARE3a = -ATF3, -ARF3
-                    ATE4a, ARE4a = -2 * ATF4, -2 * ARF4
-                    # rotated AinEa by epsilon
-                    ATE2ae = C2e * ATF2 + S2e * ATF3
-                    ATE3ae = -S2e * ATF2 - C2e * ATF3
-                    ARE2ae = C2e * ARF2 + S2e * ARF3
-                    ARE3ae = -S2e * ARF2 - C2e * ARF3
-                    ATE1 = ATE1o
-                    ATE2e = aCal * ATE2ae
-                    ATE3e = aCal * ATE3ae
-                    ATE4 = (1 - 2 * aCal) * ATF4
-                    ARE1 = ARE1o
-                    ARE2e = aCal * ARE2ae
-                    ARE3e = aCal * ARE3ae
-                    ARE4 = (1. - 2. * aCal) * ARF4
-                    # rotated IinE
-                    QinEe = C2e * QinE + S2e * UinE
-                    UinEe = C2e * UinE - S2e * QinE
-                    # --- Calibration signals and Calibration correction K from measurements with LDRCal / aCal
-                    if (TypeC == 2) or (TypeC == 1):  # +++++++++ rotator calibration Eq. C.4
-                        AT = ATE1o * IinE + (ATE4o + aCal * ATE4a) * h * VinE
-                        BT = aCal * (ATE3ae * QinEe - ATE2ae * h * UinEe)
-                        AR = ARE1o * IinE + (ARE4o + aCal * ARE4a) * h * VinE
-                        BR = aCal * (ARE3ae * QinEe - ARE2ae * h * UinEe)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                            # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-                            GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
-                            GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
-                            HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
-                            HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
-                        else:
-                            GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * h * VinE
-                            GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * h * VinE
-                            HT = ATE2ae * QinE + ATE3ae * h * UinEe + ATE4a * h * VinE
-                            HR = ARE2ae * QinE + ARE3ae * h * UinEe + ARE4a * h * VinE
-                    elif (TypeC == 3) or (TypeC == 4):  # +++++++++ linear polariser calibration Eq. C.5
-                        # p = +45°, m = -45°
-                        AT = ATE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ATE2e * QinEe + ATE4 * VinE) + ATE3e * UinEe
-                        BT = DiC * (ATE1 * UinEe + ATE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ATE4 * QinEe - ATE2e * VinE)
-                        AR = ARE1 * IinE + ZiC * CosC * (ARE2e * QinEe + ARE4 * VinE) + ARE3e * UinEe
-                        BR = DiC * (ARE1 * UinEe + ARE3e * IinE) + ZiC * SinC * (ARE4 * QinEe - ARE2e * VinE)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):
-                            # Stokes Input Vector before receiver optics Eq. E.19 (after atmosphere F)
-                            GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
-                            GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
-                            HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
-                            HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
-                        else:
-                            D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
-                            A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
-                            B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
-                            C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
-                            GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
-                            GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
-                            HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
-                            HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
-                    elif (TypeC == 6):  # real HWP calibration +-22.5° rotated_diattenuator_X22x5deg.odt
-                        # p = +22.5°, m = -22.5°
-                        IE1e = np.array([IinE + sqr05 * DiC * QinEe, sqr05 * DiC * IinE + (1 - 0.5 * WiC) * QinEe,
-                                         (1. - 0.5 * WiC) * UinEe + sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
-                                         -sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * UinEe + ZiC * CosC * VinE])
-                        IE2e = np.array([sqr05 * DiC * UinEe, 0.5 * WiC * UinEe - sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * VinE,
-                                         sqr05 * DiC * IinE + 0.5 * WiC * QinEe, sqr05 * ZiC * SinC * QinEe])
-                        ATEe = np.array([ATE1, ATE2e, ATE3e, ATE4])
-                        AREe = np.array([ARE1, ARE2e, ARE3e, ARE4])
-                        AT =, IE1e)
-                        AR =, IE1e)
-                        BT =, IE2e)
-                        BR =, IE2e)
-                        # Correction parameters for normal measurements; they are independent of LDR
-                        if (not RotationErrorEpsilonForNormalMeasurements):  # calibrator taken out
-                            GT = ATE1o * IinE + ATE4o * VinE
-                            GR = ARE1o * IinE + ARE4o * VinE
-                            HT = ATE2a * QinE + ATE3a * UinE + ATE4a * VinE
-                            HR = ARE2a * QinE + ARE3a * UinE + ARE4a * VinE
-                        else:
-                            D = IinE + DiC * QinEe
-                            A = DiC * IinE + QinEe
-                            B = ZiC * (CosC * UinEe + SinC * VinE)
-                            C = -ZiC * (SinC * UinEe - CosC * VinE)
-                            GT = ATE1o * D + ATE4o * C
-                            GR = ARE1o * D + ARE4o * C
-                            HT = ATE2a * A + ATE3a * B + ATE4a * C
-                            HR = ARE2a * A + ARE3a * B + ARE4a * C
-                    else:
-                        print('Calibrator not implemented yet')
-                        sys.exit()
-                for iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr \
-                        in [
-                    (iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr)
-                    for iTCalT in range(-nTCalT, nTCalT + 1) # Etax
-                    for iTCalR in range(-nTCalR, nTCalR + 1) # Etax
-                    for iNCalTp in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
-                    for iNCalTm in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
-                    for iNCalRp in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
-                    for iNCalRm in range(-nNCal, nNCal + 1) # noise error of calibration signals => Etax
-                    for iNIt in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)
-                    for iNIr in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)]:
-                    # Calibration signals with aCal => Determination of the correction K of the real calibration factor
-                    IoutTp = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT + BT)
-                    IoutTm = TTa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AT - BT)
-                    IoutRp = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR + BR)
-                    IoutRm = TRa * TiC * TiO * TiE * (AR - BR)
-                    if nTCalT > 0: TCalT = TCalT0 + iTCalT * dTCalT / nTCalT
-                    if nTCalR > 0: TCalR = TCalR0 + iTCalR * dTCalR / nTCalR
-                    # signal noise errors
-                        # ----- random error calculation ----------
-                        # noise must be calculated from/with the actually measured signals; influence of TCalT, TCalR errors on noise are not considered ?
-                        # actually measured signal counts are in input file and don't change
-                        # relative standard deviation of calibration signals with LDRcal; assumed to be statisitcally independent
-                        # error nNCal: one-sigma in steps to left and right for calibration signals
-                    if nNCal > 0:
-                        if (CalcFrom0deg):
-                            dIoutTp = (NCalT * IoutTp) ** -0.5
-                            dIoutTm = (NCalT * IoutTm) ** -0.5
-                            dIoutRp = (NCalR * IoutRp) ** -0.5
-                            dIoutRm = (NCalR * IoutRm) ** -0.5
-                        else:
-                            dIoutTp = dIoutTp0 * (IoutTp / IoutTp0)
-                            dIoutTm = dIoutTm0 * (IoutTm / IoutTm0)
-                            dIoutRp = dIoutRp0 * (IoutRp / IoutRp0)
-                            dIoutRm = dIoutRm0 * (IoutRm / IoutRm0)
-                        # print(iTCalT, iTCalR, iNCalTp, iNCalTm, iNCalRp, iNCalRm, iNIt, iNIr, IoutTp, dIoutTp)
-                        IoutTp = IoutTp * (1. + iNCalTp * dIoutTp / nNCal)
-                        IoutTm = IoutTm * (1. + iNCalTm * dIoutTm / nNCal)
-                        IoutRp = IoutRp * (1. + iNCalRp * dIoutRp / nNCal)
-                        IoutRm = IoutRm * (1. + iNCalRm * dIoutRm / nNCal)
-                    IoutTp = IoutTp * TCalT / TCalT0
-                    IoutTm = IoutTm * TCalT / TCalT0
-                    IoutRp = IoutRp * TCalR / TCalR0
-                    IoutRm = IoutRm * TCalR / TCalR0
-                    # --- Results and Corrections; electronic etaR and etaT are assumed to be 1 for true and assumed true systems
-                    # calibration factor
-                    Eta = (TRa / TTa) # = TRa / TTa; Eta = Eta*/K  Eq. 84; corrected according to the papers supplement Eqs. (S.10.10.1) ff
-                    # possibly real calibration factor
-                    Etapx = IoutRp / IoutTp
-                    Etamx = IoutRm / IoutTm
-                    Etax = (Etapx * Etamx) ** 0.5
-                    K = Etax / Eta
-                    # print("{0:6.3f},{1:6.3f},{2:6.3f},{3:6.3f},{4:6.3f},{5:6.3f},{6:6.3f},{7:6.3f},{8:6.3f},{9:6.3f},{10:6.3f}".format(AT, BT, AR, BR, DiC, ZiC, RetO, TP, TS, Kp, Km))
-                    # print("{0:6.3f},{1:6.3f},{2:6.3f},{3:6.3f}".format(DiC, ZiC, Kp, Km))
-                    #  For comparison with Volkers Libreoffice Müller Matrix spreadsheet
-                    # Eta_test_p = (IoutRp/IoutTp)
-                    # Eta_test_m = (IoutRm/IoutTm)
-                    # Eta_test = (Eta_test_p*Eta_test_m)**0.5
-                    '''
-                    for iIt, iIr \
-                            in [(iIt, iIr)
-                                for iIt in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)
-                                for iIr in range(-nNI, nNI + 1)]:
-                    '''
-                    iN = iN + 1
-                    if (iN == 10001):
-                        ctime = clock()
-                        print(" estimated time ", "{0:4.2f}".format(N / 10000 * (ctime - atime)), "sec ")  # , end="")
-                        print("\r elapsed time ", "{0:5.0f}".format((ctime - atime)), "sec ", end="\r")
-                    ctime = clock()
-                    if ((ctime - dtime) > 10):
-                        print("\r elapsed time ", "{0:5.0f}".format((ctime - atime)), "sec ", end="\r")
-                        dtime = ctime
-                    # *** loop for different real LDRs **********************************************************************
-                    iLDR = -1
-                    for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                        iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                        atrue = (1. - LDRTrue) / (1. + LDRTrue)
-                        # ----- Forward simulated signals and LDRsim with atrue; from input file; not considering TiC.
-                        It = TTa * TiO * TiE * (GT + atrue * HT)  # TaT*TiT*TiC*TiO*IinL*(GT+atrue*HT)
-                        Ir = TRa * TiO * TiE * (GR + atrue * HR)  # TaR*TiR*TiC*TiO*IinL*(GR+atrue*HR)
-                        # # signal noise errors; standard deviation of signals; assumed to be statisitcally independent
-                        # because the signals depend on LDRtrue, the errors dIt and dIr must be calculated for each LDRtrue
-                        if (CalcFrom0deg):
-                            '''
-                            dIt = ((NCalT * It / IoutTp * NILfac / TCalT) ** -0.5)
-                            dIr = ((NCalR * Ir / IoutRp * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
-                            '''
-                            dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
-                            dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
-                        else:
-                            dIt = ((It * NI * eFacT) ** -0.5)
-                            dIr = ((Ir * NI * eFacR) ** -0.5)
-                            '''
-                            # does this work? Why not as above?
-                            dIt = ((NCalT * 2. * NILfac / TCalT ) ** -0.5)
-                            dIr = ((NCalR * 2. * NILfac / TCalR) ** -0.5)
-                            '''
-                        # error nNI: one-sigma in steps to left and right for 0° signals
-                        if nNI > 0:
-                            It = It * (1. + iNIt * dIt / nNI)
-                            Ir = Ir * (1. + iNIr * dIr / nNI)
-                        # LDRsim = 1/Eta*Ir/It  # simulated LDR* with Y from input file
-                        LDRsim = Ir / It  # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
-                        # ----- Backward correction
-                        # Corrected LDRCorr  with assumed true G0,H0,K0,Eta0 from forward simulated (real) LDRsim(atrue)
-                        LDRCorr = (LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 + HT0) - (GR0 + HR0)) / ((GR0 - HR0) - LDRsim / (Etax / K0) * (GT0 - HT0))
-                        # The following is a test whether the equations for calibration Etax and normal  signal (GHK, LDRsim) are consistent
-                        # LDRCorr = (LDRsim / Eta * (GT + HT) - (GR + HR)) / ((GR - HR) - LDRsim / Eta * (GT - HT))
-                        # Without any correction
-                        LDRunCorr = LDRsim / Etax
-                        # LDRunCorr = (LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) + HT / abs(HT)) - (GR / abs(GR) + HR / abs(HR))) / ((GR / abs(GR) - HR / abs(HR)) - LDRsim / Etax * (GT / abs(GT) - HT / abs(HT)))
-                        '''
-                        # -- F11corr from It and Ir and calibration EtaX
-                        Text1 = "!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!  F11corr from It and Ir with calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) / F11corr(LDRtrue = 0.004) - 1"
-                        F11corr = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * (
-                        (HR0 * Etax / K0 * It / TTa - HT0 * Ir / TRa) / (HR0 * GT0 - HT0 * GR0))  # IL = 1  Eq.(64); Etax/K0 = Eta0.
-                        '''
-                        # Corrected F11corr  with assumed true G0,H0,K0 from forward simulated (real) It and Ir (atrue)
-                        Text1 = "!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!  F11corr from real It and Ir with real calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) / aF11sim0(LDRtrue) - 1"
-                        F11corr = 1 / (TiO * TiE) * (
-                        (HR0 * Etax / K0 * It / TTa - HT0 * Ir / TRa) / (HR0 * GT0 - HT0 * GR0))  # IL = 1  Eq.(64); Etax/K0 = Eta0.
-                        # Text1 = "F11corr from It and Ir without corrections but with calibration EtaX: x-axis: F11corr(LDRtrue) devided by F11corr(LDRtrue = 0.004)"
-                        # F11corr = 0.5/(TiO*TiE)*(Etax*It/TTa+Ir/TRa)    # IL = 1  Eq.(64)
-                        # -- It from It only with atrue without corrections - for BERTHA (and PollyXTs)
-                        # Text1 = " x-axis: IT(LDRtrue) / IT(LDRtrue = 0.004) - 1"
-                        # F11corr = It/(TaT*TiT*TiO*TiE)   #/(TaT*TiT*TiO*TiE*(GT0+atrue*HT0))
-                        # ! see below line 1673ff
-                        aF11corr[iLDR, iN] = F11corr
-                        aLDRcorr[iLDR, iN] = LDRCorr # LDRCorr # LDRsim # for test only
-                        aLDRsim[iLDR, iN] = LDRsim # LDRCorr # LDRsim # for test only
-                        # aPLDR[iLDR, iN] = CalcPLDR(LDRCorr, BSR[iLDR], LDRm0)
-                        aEtax[iLDR, iN] = Etax
-                        aEtapx[iLDR, iN] = Etapx
-                        aEtamx[iLDR, iN] = Etamx
-                        aGHK[0, iN] = GR
-                        aGHK[1, iN] = GT
-                        aGHK[2, iN] = HR
-                        aGHK[3, iN] = HT
-                        aGHK[4, iN] = K
-                        aLDRCal[iN] = iLDRCal
-                        aQin[iN] = iQin
-                        aVin[iN] = iVin
-                        aERaT[iN] = iERaT
-                        aERaR[iN] = iERaR
-                        aRotaT[iN] = iRotaT
-                        aRotaR[iN] = iRotaR
-                        aRetT[iN] = iRetT
-                        aRetR[iN] = iRetR
-                        aRotL[iN] = iRotL
-                        aRotE[iN] = iRotE
-                        aRetE[iN] = iRetE
-                        aRotO[iN] = iRotO
-                        aRetO[iN] = iRetO
-                        aRotC[iN] = iRotC
-                        aRetC[iN] = iRetC
-                        aDiO[iN] = iDiO
-                        aDiE[iN] = iDiE
-                        aDiC[iN] = iDiC
-                        aTP[iN] = iTP
-                        aTS[iN] = iTS
-                        aRP[iN] = iRP
-                        aRS[iN] = iRS
-                        aTCalT[iN] = iTCalT
-                        aTCalR[iN] = iTCalR
-                        aNCalTp[iN] = iNCalTp   # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
-                        aNCalTm[iN] = iNCalTm   # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
-                        aNCalRp[iN] = iNCalRp   # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
-                        aNCalRm[iN] = iNCalRm   # IoutTp, IoutTm, IoutRp, IoutRm => Etax
-                        aNIt[iN] = iNIt       # It, Tr
-                        aNIr[iN] = iNIr       # It, Tr
-    # --- END loop
-    btime = clock()
-    # print("\r done in      ", "{0:5.0f}".format(btime - atime), "sec.      => producing plots now .... some more seconds ..."),  # , end="\r");
-    print(" done in      ", "{0:5.0f}".format(btime - atime), "sec.      => producing plots now .... some more seconds ...")
-    # --- Plot -----------------------------------------------------------------
-    print("Errors from GHK correction uncertainties:")
-    if (sns_loaded):
-        sns.set_style("whitegrid")
-        sns.set_palette("bright6", 6)
-        # for older seaborn versions use:
-        # sns.set_palette("bright", 6)
-    '''
-    fig2 = plt.figure()
-    plt.plot(aLDRcorr[2,:],'b.')
-    plt.plot(aLDRcorr[3,:],'r.')
-    plt.plot(aLDRcorr[4,:],'g.')
-    #plt.plot(aLDRcorr[6,:],'c.')
-    '''
-    # Plot LDR
-    def PlotSubHist(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            LDRmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-            LDRmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-            if (LDRmax[iLDR] > 10): LDRmax[iLDR] = 10
-            if (LDRmin[iLDR] < -10): LDRmin[iLDR] = -10
-            Rmin = LDRmin[iLDR] * 0.995  # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            Rmax = LDRmax[iLDR] * 1.005  # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            meanDist = 0.0
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aLDRcorr[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
-            meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (LDRmax[iLDR] - LDRmin[iLDR]) * 100
-            plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],
-                                          bins=100, log=False,
-                                          range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                                          alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-                # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR, aX == iaX],
-                         range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                         bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
-                         label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2):
-                    leg = plt.legend()
-                    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
-            plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-            plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
-            plt.gca().set_xlabel('LDRtrue', color="red")
-        # plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=10)
-        # plt.xlabel('LDRCorr', fontsize=10)
-        # fig.tight_layout()
-        fig.suptitle(LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
-        #
-        # fig.savefig(LID + '_' + aVar + '.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
-        # plt.close
-        return
-    def PlotLDRsim(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRsim which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            # print("LDRsimmin[iLDR], LDRsimmax[iLDR] = ", LDRsimmin[iLDR], LDRsimmax[iLDR])
-            # if (LDRsimmax[iLDR] > 10): LDRsimmax[iLDR] = 10
-            # if (LDRsimmin[iLDR] < -10): LDRsimmin[iLDR] = -10
-            Rmin = LDRsimmin[iLDR] * 0.995  # np.min(aLDRsim[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            Rmax = LDRsimmax[iLDR] * 1.005  # np.max(aLDRsim[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            # print("Rmin, Rmax = ", Rmin, Rmax)
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            meanDist = 0.0
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
-            meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (LDRsimmax[iLDR] - LDRsimmin[iLDR]) * 100
-            plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRsim[iLDR, :],
-                                          bins=100, log=False,
-                                          range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                                          alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-                # mean LDRCorr value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                plt.hist(aLDRsim[iLDR, aX == iaX],
-                         range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                         bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
-                         label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2):
-                    leg = plt.legend()
-                    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
-            plt.plot([LDRsim0[iLDR], LDRsim0[iLDR]], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-            plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
-            plt.gca().set_xlabel('LDRsim0', color="red")
-        fig.suptitle('LDRsim - ' +LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
-        return
-    # Plot Etax
-    def PlotEtax(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            Rmin = Etaxmin * 0.995  # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            Rmax = Etaxmax * 1.005  # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            meanDist = 0.0
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean Etax value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of Etax
-            meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etaxmax - Etaxmin) * 100
-            plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtax[iLDR, :],
-                                          bins=50, log=False,
-                                          range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                                          alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-                plt.hist(aEtax[iLDR, aX == iaX],
-                         range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                         bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
-                         label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2):
-                    leg = plt.legend()
-                    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
-            plt.plot([Etax0, Etax0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-            plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
-            plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etax0', color="red")
-        fig.suptitle('Etax - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
-        return
-    def PlotEtapx(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            Rmin = Etapxmin * 0.995  # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            Rmax = Etapxmax * 1.005  # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            meanDist = 0.0
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean Etapx value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of Etapx
-            meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etapxmax - Etapxmin) * 100
-            plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtapx[iLDR, :],
-                                          bins=50, log=False,
-                                          range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                                          alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-                plt.hist(aEtapx[iLDR, aX == iaX],
-                         range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                         bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
-                         label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2):
-                    leg = plt.legend()
-                    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
-            plt.plot([Etapx0, Etapx0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-            plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
-            plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etapx0', color="red")
-        fig.suptitle('Etapx - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
-        return
-    def PlotEtamx(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aLDRcorr which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: PlotSubHist("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP)
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            Rmin = Etamxmin * 0.995  # np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            Rmax = Etamxmax * 1.005  # np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            meanDist = 0.0
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean Etamx value for certain error (iaX) of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of Etamx
-            meanDist = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / (Etamxmax - Etamxmin) * 100
-            plt.subplot(1, 5, iLDR + 1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aEtamx[iLDR, :],
-                                          bins=50, log=False,
-                                          range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                                          alpha=0.5, density=False, color='0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-                plt.hist(aEtamx[iLDR, aX == iaX],
-                         range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                         bins=50, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled',
-                         label=str(round(X0 + iaX * daX / naX, 5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2):
-                    leg = plt.legend()
-                    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.1)
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
-            plt.plot([Etamx0, Etamx0], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-            plt.gca().set_title("{0:3.0f}%".format(meanDist))
-            plt.gca().set_xlabel('Etamx0', color="red")
-        fig.suptitle('Etamx - ' + LID + ' with ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]) + ' - ' + aVar + ' error contribution', fontsize=14, y=1.10)
-        return
-    # calc contribution of the error of aVar = aX  to aY for each LDRtrue
-    def Contribution(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX, aY, Ysum, widthSum):
-        # aVar is the name of the parameter and aX is the subset of aY which is coloured in the plot
-        # example: Contribution("DOLP", aDOLP, DOLP0, dDOLP, iDOLP, nDOLP, aLDRcorr, DOLPcontr)
-        iLDR = -1
-        # Ysum, widthSum = np.zeros(5)
-        meanDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
-        widthDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            aXmean = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            aXwidth = np.zeros(2 * naX + 1)
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            # total width of distribution
-            aYmin = np.amin(aY[iLDR, :])
-            aYmax = np.amax(aY[iLDR, :])
-            aYwidth = aYmax - aYmin
-            # Determine mean distance of all aXmean from each other for each iLDR
-            for iaX in range(-naX, naX + 1):
-            # mean LDRCorr value for all errors iaX of parameter aVar
-                aXmean[iaX + naX] = np.mean(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-                aXwidth[iaX + naX] = np.max(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX]) - np.min(aY[iLDR, aX == iaX])
-            # relative to absolute spread of LDRCorrs
-            meanDist[iLDR] = (np.max(aXmean) - np.min(aXmean)) / aYwidth * 1000
-            # meanDist[iLDR] = (aYwidth - aXwidth[naX]) / aYwidth * 1000
-            widthDist[iLDR] = (np.max(aXwidth) - aXwidth[naX]) / aYwidth * 1000
-        print("{:12}{:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}    {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}"\
-              .format(aVar,meanDist[0],meanDist[1],meanDist[2],meanDist[3],meanDist[4],widthDist[0],widthDist[1],widthDist[2],widthDist[3],widthDist[4]))
-        Ysum = Ysum + meanDist
-        widthSum = widthSum + widthDist
-        return(Ysum, widthSum)
-        # print(.format(LDRrangeA[iLDR],))
-    # error contributions to a certain output aY; loop over all variables
-    def Contribution_aY(aYvar, aY):
-        Ysum = np.zeros(5)
-        widthSum = np.zeros(5)
-        # meanDist = np.zeros(5) # iLDR
-        LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-        print()
-        print(aYvar + ": contribution to the total error (per mill)")
-        print("          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors")
-        print(" at LDRtrue {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f}    {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f}"\
-              .format(LDRrangeA[0],LDRrangeA[1],LDRrangeA[2],LDRrangeA[3],LDRrangeA[4],LDRrangeA[0],LDRrangeA[1],LDRrangeA[2],LDRrangeA[3],LDRrangeA[4]))
-        print()
-        if (nQin > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nVin > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotL > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRetE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nDiE > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRetO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nDiO > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nDiC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRetC > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nTP > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nTS > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRP > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRS > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRetT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRetR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nERaT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nERaR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotaT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nRotaR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nLDRCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nTCalT > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nTCalR > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNCal > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNI > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        if (nNI > 0): Ysum, widthSum = Contribution("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI, aY, Ysum, widthSum)
-        print("{:12}{:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}    {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:5.0f}"\
-              .format("Sum ",Ysum[0],Ysum[1],Ysum[2],Ysum[3],Ysum[4],widthSum[0],widthSum[1],widthSum[2],widthSum[3],widthSum[4]))
-    # Plot LDR histograms
-    if (nQin > 0): PlotSubHist("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-    if (nVin > 0): PlotSubHist("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-    if (nRotL > 0): PlotSubHist("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-    if (nRetE > 0): PlotSubHist("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-    if (nRotE > 0): PlotSubHist("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-    if (nDiE > 0): PlotSubHist("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-    if (nRetO > 0): PlotSubHist("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-    if (nRotO > 0): PlotSubHist("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-    if (nDiO > 0): PlotSubHist("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-    if (nDiC > 0): PlotSubHist("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-    if (nRotC > 0): PlotSubHist("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-    if (nRetC > 0): PlotSubHist("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-    if (nTP > 0): PlotSubHist("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-    if (nTS > 0): PlotSubHist("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-    if (nRP > 0): PlotSubHist("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-    if (nRS > 0): PlotSubHist("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-    if (nRetT > 0): PlotSubHist("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-    if (nRetR > 0): PlotSubHist("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-    if (nERaT > 0): PlotSubHist("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-    if (nERaR > 0): PlotSubHist("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-    if (nRotaT > 0): PlotSubHist("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-    if (nRotaR > 0): PlotSubHist("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-    if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotSubHist("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-    if (nTCalT > 0): PlotSubHist("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-    if (nTCalR > 0): PlotSubHist("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-    if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
-    if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
-    if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
-    if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHist("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
-    if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHist("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
-    if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHist("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
-    plt.close
-    # --- Plot LDRmin, LDRmax
-    iLDR = -1
-    for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-        iLDR = iLDR + 1
-        LDRmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-        LDRmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-        LDRstd[iLDR] = np.std(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-        LDRmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-        LDRmedian[iLDR] = np.median(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :])
-        LDRskew[iLDR] = skew(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],bias=False)
-        LDRkurt[iLDR] = kurtosis(aLDRcorr[iLDR, :],fisher=True,bias=False)
-    fig2 = plt.figure()
-    LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-    if((np.amax(LDRmax - LDRrangeA)-np.amin(LDRmin - LDRrangeA)) < 0.001):
-        plt.ylim(-0.001,0.001)
-    plt.plot(LDRrangeA, LDRmax - LDRrangeA, linewidth=2.0, color='b')
-    plt.plot(LDRrangeA, LDRmin - LDRrangeA, linewidth=2.0, color='g')
-    plt.xlabel('LDRtrue', fontsize=18)
-    plt.ylabel('LDRTrue-LDRmin, LDRTrue-LDRmax', fontsize=14)
-    plt.title(LID + ' ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC]), fontsize=18)
-    # plt.ylimit(-0.07, 0.07)
-    plt.close
-    # --- Save LDRmin, LDRmax to file
-    #
-    with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'a') as f:
-    # with open('output_files\\' + LID + '-' + InputFile[0:-3] + '-LDR_min_max.dat', 'w') as f:
-        with redirect_stdout(f):
-            print("Lidar ID: " + LID)
-            print()
-            print("minimum and maximum values of the distributions of possibly measured LDR for different LDRtrue")
-            print("LDRtrue  , LDRmin, LDRmax")
-            for i in range(len(LDRrangeA)):
-                print("{0:7.4f},{1:7.4f},{2:7.4f}".format(LDRrangeA[i], LDRmin[i], LDRmax[i]))
-            print()
-            # Print LDR statistics
-            print("LDRtrue ,  mean  ,  median,    max-mean,  min-mean, std,   excess_kurtosis, skewness")
-            iLDR = -1
-            LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-            for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f},    {3:8.5f},{4:8.5f},{5:8.5f},   {6:8.5f},{7:8.5f}"\
-                      .format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmean[iLDR], LDRmedian[iLDR], LDRmax[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], \
-                              LDRmin[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRstd[iLDR], LDRkurt[iLDR], LDRskew[iLDR]))
-            print()
-            # Calculate and print statistics for calibration factors
-            print("minimum and maximum values of the distributions of signal ratios and calibration factors for different LDRtrue")
-            iLDR = -1
-            LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-            print("LDRtrue  , LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr")
-            for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-                LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-                # LDRsimstd = np.std(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-                LDRsimmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-                # LDRsimmedian = np.median(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-                print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR],LDRsimmean[iLDR],(LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2,(LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2/LDRsimmean[iLDR]))
-            iLDR = -1
-            print("LDRtrue  , Etax   , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-            for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-                Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-                # Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-                Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-                # Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-                print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etaxmean, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2/Etaxmean))
-            iLDR = -1
-            print("LDRtrue  , Etapx  , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-            for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-                Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-                # Etapxstd = np.std(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-                Etapxmean = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-                # Etapxmedian = np.median(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-                print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etapxmean, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2/Etapxmean))
-            iLDR = -1
-            print("LDRtrue  , Etamx  , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-            for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-                iLDR = iLDR + 1
-                Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-                Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-                # Etamxstd = np.std(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-                Etamxmean = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-                # Etamxmedian = np.median(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-                print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etamxmean, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2/Etamxmean))
-    # Print LDR statistics
-    print("LDRtrue ,  mean  ,  median,    max-mean,  min-mean, std,   excess_kurtosis, skewness")
-    iLDR = -1
-    LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-    for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-        iLDR = iLDR + 1
-        print("{0:8.5f},{1:8.5f},{2:8.5f},    {3:8.5f},{4:8.5f},{5:8.5f},   {6:8.5f},{7:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmean[iLDR], LDRmedian[iLDR], LDRmax[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRmin[iLDR]-LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRstd[iLDR],LDRkurt[iLDR],LDRskew[iLDR]))
-    with open('output_files\\' + OutputFile, 'a') as f:
-    # with open('output_files\\' + LID + '-' + InputFile[0:-3] + '-LDR_min_max.dat', 'a') as f:
-        with redirect_stdout(f):
-            Contribution_aY("LDRCorr", aLDRcorr)
-            Contribution_aY("LDRsim", aLDRsim)
-            Contribution_aY("EtaX, D90", aEtax)
-            Contribution_aY("Etapx, +45°", aEtapx)
-            Contribution_aY("Etamx -45°", aEtamx)
-    # Plot other histograms
-    if (bPlotEtax):
-        if (nQin > 0): PlotLDRsim("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-        if (nVin > 0): PlotLDRsim("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-        if (nRotL > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-        if (nRetE > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-        if (nRotE > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-        if (nDiE > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-        if (nRetO > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-        if (nRotO > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-        if (nDiO > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-        if (nDiC > 0): PlotLDRsim("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-        if (nRotC > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-        if (nRetC > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-        if (nTP > 0): PlotLDRsim("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-        if (nTS > 0): PlotLDRsim("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-        if (nRP > 0): PlotLDRsim("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-        if (nRS > 0): PlotLDRsim("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-        if (nRetT > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-        if (nRetR > 0): PlotLDRsim("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-        if (nERaT > 0): PlotLDRsim("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-        if (nERaR > 0): PlotLDRsim("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-        if (nRotaT > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-        if (nRotaR > 0): PlotLDRsim("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-        if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-        if (nTCalT > 0): PlotLDRsim("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-        if (nTCalR > 0): PlotLDRsim("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotLDRsim("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotLDRsim("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotLDRsim("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
-        plt.close
-        print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
-        if (nQin > 0): PlotEtax("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-        if (nVin > 0): PlotEtax("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-        if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtax("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-        if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtax("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-        if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtax("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-        if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtax("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-        if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtax("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-        if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtax("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-        if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtax("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-        if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtax("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-        if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtax("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-        if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtax("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-        if (nTP > 0): PlotEtax("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-        if (nTS > 0): PlotEtax("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-        if (nRP > 0): PlotEtax("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-        if (nRS > 0): PlotEtax("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-        if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtax("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-        if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtax("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-        if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtax("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-        if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtax("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-        if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtax("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-        if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtax("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-        if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtax("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-        if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtax("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-        if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtax("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtax("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtax("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtax("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
-        plt.close
-        print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
-        if (nQin > 0): PlotEtapx("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-        if (nVin > 0): PlotEtapx("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-        if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtapx("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-        if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtapx("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-        if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtapx("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-        if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtapx("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-        if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtapx("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-        if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtapx("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-        if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtapx("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-        if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtapx("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-        if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtapx("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-        if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtapx("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-        if (nTP > 0): PlotEtapx("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-        if (nTS > 0): PlotEtapx("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-        if (nRP > 0): PlotEtapx("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-        if (nRS > 0): PlotEtapx("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-        if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtapx("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-        if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtapx("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-        if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtapx("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-        if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtapx("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-        if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtapx("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-        if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtapx("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-        if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtapx("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-        if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtapx("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-        if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtapx("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtapx("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtapx("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtapx("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
-        plt.close
-        print("---------------------------------------...producing more plots...------------------------------------------------------------------")
-        if (nQin > 0): PlotEtamx("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-        if (nVin > 0): PlotEtamx("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-        if (nRotL > 0): PlotEtamx("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-        if (nRetE > 0): PlotEtamx("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-        if (nRotE > 0): PlotEtamx("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-        if (nDiE > 0): PlotEtamx("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-        if (nRetO > 0): PlotEtamx("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-        if (nRotO > 0): PlotEtamx("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-        if (nDiO > 0): PlotEtamx("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-        if (nDiC > 0): PlotEtamx("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-        if (nRotC > 0): PlotEtamx("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-        if (nRetC > 0): PlotEtamx("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-        if (nTP > 0): PlotEtamx("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-        if (nTS > 0): PlotEtamx("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-        if (nRP > 0): PlotEtamx("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-        if (nRS > 0): PlotEtamx("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-        if (nRetT > 0): PlotEtamx("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-        if (nRetR > 0): PlotEtamx("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-        if (nERaT > 0): PlotEtamx("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-        if (nERaR > 0): PlotEtamx("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-        if (nRotaT > 0): PlotEtamx("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-        if (nRotaR > 0): PlotEtamx("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-        if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotEtamx("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-        if (nTCalT > 0): PlotEtamx("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-        if (nTCalR > 0): PlotEtamx("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseTp", aNCalTp, 0, 1, iNCalTp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseTm", aNCalTm, 0, 1, iNCalTm, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseRp", aNCalRp, 0, 1, iNCalRp, nNCal)
-        if (nNCal > 0): PlotEtamx("CalNoiseRm", aNCalRm, 0, 1, iNCalRm, nNCal)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtamx("SigNoiseIt", aNIt, 0, 1, iNIt, nNI)
-        if (nNI > 0): PlotEtamx("SigNoiseIr", aNIr, 0, 1, iNIr, nNI)
-        plt.close
-        # Print Etax statistics
-        Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[1, :])
-        Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[1, :])
-        Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[1, :])
-        Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[1, :])
-        Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[1, :])
-        print("Etax      , max-mean, min-mean, median, mean ± std, eta")
-        print("{0:8.5f} ±({1:8.5f},{2:8.5f}),{3:8.5f},{4:8.5f}±{5:8.5f},{6:8.5f}".format(Etax0, Etaxmax-Etax0, Etaxmin-Etax0, Etaxmedian, Etaxmean, Etaxstd, Etax0 / K0))
-        print()
-        # Calculate and print statistics for calibration factors
-        iLDR = -1
-        LDRrangeA = np.array(LDRrange)
-        print("LDR...., LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr")
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            LDRsimmin[iLDR] = np.amin(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            LDRsimmax[iLDR] = np.amax(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            # LDRsimstd = np.std(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            LDRsimmean[iLDR] = np.mean(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            # LDRsimmedian = np.median(aLDRsim[iLDR, :])
-            print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], LDRsimmean[iLDR], (LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2,  (LDRsimmax[iLDR]-LDRsimmin[iLDR])/2/LDRsimmean[iLDR]))
-        iLDR = -1
-        print("LDR...., Etax   , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etaxmin = np.amin(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            Etaxmax = np.amax(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            # Etaxstd = np.std(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            Etaxmean = np.mean(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            # Etaxmedian = np.median(aEtax[iLDR, :])
-            print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etaxmean, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2, (Etaxmax-Etaxmin)/2/Etaxmean))
-        iLDR = -1
-        print("LDR...., Etapx  , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etapxmin = np.amin(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            Etapxmax = np.amax(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            # Etapxstd = np.std(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            Etapxmean = np.mean(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            # Etapxmedian = np.median(aEtapx[iLDR, :])
-            print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etapxmean, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2, (Etapxmax-Etapxmin)/2/Etapxmean))
-        iLDR = -1
-        print("LDR...., Etamx  , (max-min)/2, relerr")
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            Etamxmin = np.amin(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            Etamxmax = np.amax(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            # Etamxstd = np.std(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            Etamxmean = np.mean(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            # Etamxmedian = np.median(aEtamx[iLDR, :])
-            print("{0:8.5f}, {1:8.5f}, {2:8.5f}, {3:8.5f}".format(LDRrangeA[iLDR], Etamxmean, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2, (Etamxmax-Etamxmin)/2/Etamxmean))
-    f.close()
-    # --- Plot F11 histograms
-    print()
-    print(" ############################################################################## ")
-    print(Text1)
-    print()
-    iLDR = 5
-    for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-        iLDR = iLDR - 1
-        #aF11corr[iLDR,:] = aF11corr[iLDR,:] / aF11corr[0,:] - 1.0
-        aF11corr[iLDR,:] = aF11corr[iLDR,:] / aF11sim0[iLDR] - 1.0
-    # Plot F11
-    def PlotSubHistF11(aVar, aX, X0, daX, iaX, naX):
-        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(25, 2))
-        iLDR = -1
-        for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-            iLDR = iLDR + 1
-            #F11min[iLDR] = np.min(aF11corr[iLDR,:])
-            #F11max[iLDR] = np.max(aF11corr[iLDR,:])
-            #Rmin = F11min[iLDR] * 0.995 #  np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.995
-            #Rmax = F11max[iLDR] * 1.005 #  np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.005
-            #Rmin = 0.8
-            #Rmax = 1.2
-            #plt.subplot(5,2,iLDR+1)
-            plt.subplot(1,5,iLDR+1)
-            (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aF11corr[iLDR,:],
-                     bins=100, log=False,
-                     alpha=0.5, density=False, color = '0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-            for iaX in range(-naX,naX+1):
-                plt.hist(aF11corr[iLDR,aX == iaX],
-                         bins=100, log=False, alpha=0.3, density=False, histtype='stepfilled', label = str(round(X0 + iaX*daX/naX,5)))
-                if (iLDR == 2): plt.legend()
-            plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9)
-            #plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-        #plt.title(LID + '  ' + aVar, fontsize=18)
-        #plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=10)
-        #plt.xlabel('LDRCorr', fontsize=10)
-        #fig.tight_layout()
-        fig.suptitle(LID + '  ' + str(Type[TypeC]) + ' ' + str(Loc[LocC])  + ' - ' + aVar, fontsize=14, y=1.05)
-        #fig.savefig(LID + '_' + aVar + '.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
-        #plt.close
-        return
-    if (nQin > 0): PlotSubHistF11("Qin", aQin, Qin0, dQin, iQin, nQin)
-    if (nVin > 0): PlotSubHistF11("Vin", aVin, Vin0, dVin, iVin, nVin)
-    if (nRotL > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotL", aRotL, RotL0, dRotL, iRotL, nRotL)
-    if (nRetE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetE", aRetE, RetE0, dRetE, iRetE, nRetE)
-    if (nRotE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotE", aRotE, RotE0, dRotE, iRotE, nRotE)
-    if (nDiE > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiE", aDiE, DiE0, dDiE, iDiE, nDiE)
-    if (nRetO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetO", aRetO, RetO0, dRetO, iRetO, nRetO)
-    if (nRotO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotO", aRotO, RotO0, dRotO, iRotO, nRotO)
-    if (nDiO > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiO", aDiO, DiO0, dDiO, iDiO, nDiO)
-    if (nDiC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("DiC", aDiC, DiC0, dDiC, iDiC, nDiC)
-    if (nRotC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotC", aRotC, RotC0, dRotC, iRotC, nRotC)
-    if (nRetC > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetC", aRetC, RetC0, dRetC, iRetC, nRetC)
-    if (nTP > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TP", aTP, TP0, dTP, iTP, nTP)
-    if (nTS > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TS", aTS, TS0, dTS, iTS, nTS)
-    if (nRP > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RP", aRP, RP0, dRP, iRP, nRP)
-    if (nRS > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RS", aRS, RS0, dRS, iRS, nRS)
-    if (nRetT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetT", aRetT, RetT0, dRetT, iRetT, nRetT)
-    if (nRetR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RetR", aRetR, RetR0, dRetR, iRetR, nRetR)
-    if (nERaT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("ERaT", aERaT, ERaT0, dERaT, iERaT, nERaT)
-    if (nERaR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("ERaR", aERaR, ERaR0, dERaR, iERaR, nERaR)
-    if (nRotaT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotaT", aRotaT, RotaT0, dRotaT, iRotaT, nRotaT)
-    if (nRotaR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("RotaR", aRotaR, RotaR0, dRotaR, iRotaR, nRotaR)
-    if (nLDRCal > 0): PlotSubHistF11("LDRCal", aLDRCal, LDRCal0, dLDRCal, iLDRCal, nLDRCal)
-    if (nTCalT > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TCalT", aTCalT, TCalT0, dTCalT, iTCalT, nTCalT)
-    if (nTCalR > 0): PlotSubHistF11("TCalR", aTCalR, TCalR0, dTCalR, iTCalR, nTCalR)
-    if (nNCal > 0): PlotSubHistF11("CalNoise", aNCal, 0, 1/nNCal, iNCal, nNCal)
-    if (nNI > 0): PlotSubHistF11("SigNoise", aNI, 0, 1/nNI, iNI, nNI)
-    plt.close
-    '''
-    # only histogram
-    #print("******************* " + aVar + " *******************")
-    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 10))
-    iLDR = -1
-    for LDRTrue in LDRrange:
-        iLDR = iLDR + 1
-        LDRmin[iLDR] = np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])
-        LDRmax[iLDR] = np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])
-        Rmin = np.min(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 0.999
-        Rmax = np.max(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:])    * 1.001
-        plt.subplot(5,2,iLDR+1)
-        (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(aLDRcorr[iLDR,:],
-                 range=[Rmin, Rmax],
-                 bins=200, log=False, alpha=0.2, density=False, color = '0.5', histtype='stepfilled')
-        plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=9)
-        plt.plot([LDRTrue, LDRTrue], [0, np.max(n)], 'r-', lw=2)
-    plt.close
-     # --- End of Plot F11 histograms
-    '''
-    # --- Plot K over LDRCal
-    fig3 = plt.figure()
-    plt.plot(LDRCal0+aLDRCal*dLDRCal/nLDRCal,aGHK[4,:], linewidth=2.0, color='b')
-    plt.xlabel('LDRCal', fontsize=18)
-    plt.ylabel('K', fontsize=14)
-    plt.title(LID, fontsize=18)
-    plt.close
-    '''
-# Additional plot routines ======>
-# 1. Plot LDRCorrected - LDR(measured Icross/Iparallel)
-LDRa = np.arange(1.,100.)*0.005
-LDRCorra = np.arange(1.,100.)
-if Y == - 1.: LDRa = 1./LDRa
-LDRCorra = (1./Eta*LDRa*(GT+HT)-(GR+HR))/((GR-HR)-1./Eta*LDRa*(GT-HT))
-if Y == - 1.: LDRa = 1./LDRa
-#fig = plt.figure()
-plt.suptitle('LDRCorrected - LDR(measured Icross/Iparallel)', fontsize=16)
-plt.xlabel('LDR', fontsize=18)
-plt.ylabel('LDRCorr - LDR', fontsize=16)
-# 2. Plot LDRsim (simulated measurements without corrections = Icross/Iparallel) over LDRtrue
-LDRa = np.arange(1.,100.)*0.005
-LDRsima = np.arange(1.,100.)
-atruea = (1.-LDRa)/(1+LDRa)
-Ita = TiT*TiO*IinL*(GT+atruea*HT)
-Ira = TiR*TiO*IinL*(GR+atruea*HR)
-LDRsima = Ira/Ita  # simulated uncorrected LDR with Y from input file
-if Y == -1.: LDRsima = 1./LDRsima
-#fig = plt.figure()
-plt.suptitle('LDRsim (simulated measurements without corrections = Icross/Iparallel) over LDRtrue', fontsize=10)
-plt.xlabel('LDRtrue', fontsize=18)
-plt.ylabel('LDRsim', fontsize=16)
\ No newline at end of file
