
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:42:30 +0200

Volker Freudenthaler
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:42:30 +0200
changeset 49

2nd order polynomial fits to
- K(LDRCal) and
- LDR-uncertainty max. and min depending on LDRtrue

From  C:\Projects\Earlinet-Asos\Lidarsystems\calc_lidar_correction_parameters
Reading input file
for Lidar system:  li ,  PollyXT Cyprus 210429 532 approx 4
 --- Input parameters: value ±error / ±steps  ----------------------
Laser: Qin =             0.9672± 0.0100/ 1
       Vin =             0.0000± 0.0000/ 0
       Rotation alpha =  91.6500± 0.2400/ 1
       => DOP            0.9672  (degree of polarisation)
Optic:        Diatt.,                 Tunpol,   Retard.,   Rotation (deg)
Emitter       0.0000  ± 0.0200  / 0,  1.0000,   0±180/ 0,  0.0000± 1.0000/ 0
Receiver      0.0000  ± 0.0200  / 0,  1.0000,   0±180/ 0,  0.0000± 0.5000/ 0
Calibrator    0.999280± 0.000210/ 1,  0.4000,   0±  0/ 0,  0.0000± 0.1000/ 0
 Pol.-filter ------ 
ERT, RotT       : 1.0000± 0.0000/ 0,  0.0000± 1.0000/ 1
ERR, RotR       : 1.0000± 0.0000/ 0,  0.0000± 1.0000/ 0
 PBS ------ 
TP,TS           : 0.5000± 0.0100/ 1,  0.5000± 0.0100/ 1
RP,RS           : 0.0020± 0.0010/ 1,  0.9980± 0.0010/ 1
DT,TT,DR,TR,Y   : 0.0000, 0.5000, -0.9960, 0.5000, -1
 Combined PBS + Pol.-filter ------ 
DT,TT,DR,TR     : 0.0000, 0.5000, -0.9960, 0.5000
LDRCal during calibration in calibration range:  0.110± 0.100/ 1
 --- Additional ND filter attenuation (transmission) during the calibration ---
TCalT,TCalR      : 1.0000± 0.0100/ 0,  1.0000± 0.0001/ 0

Linear polarizer calibrator is located before the receiver
Rotation error epsilon is considered also for normal measurements =  False
The PBS incidence plane is  perpendicular to the reference plane
The laser polarisation in the reference plane is finally reflected => the parallel laser polarisation is detected in the transmitted channel.
RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP =  False

 GR     , GT     , HR     , HT     ,  K(0.110),  K(0.004), K(0.05) ,  K(0.1) ,  K(0.2) ,  K(0.3) ,  K(0.45)
 1.00000, 1.00000,-0.96173, 0.00000,  0.97068 ,  0.96369,  0.96690,   0.97008,  0.97564,  0.98033,  0.98615

2nd order polyfit: K(LDRcal) = a + (b * LDRcal) + (c * LDRcal^2)
(LDRcal is the volume linear depolarisation ratio in the range used for the polarisation calibration)
 a =  0.96352
 b =  0.06904
 c =  -0.04188

Errors from neglecting GHK corrections and/or calibration:
   LDRtrue, LDRunCorr,1/LDRunCorr,   LDRsimx, 1/LDRsimx,   LDRCorr
   0.00400,   0.04732,  21.13427,   0.04593,  21.77255,   0.00400
   0.02000,   0.07828,  12.77531,   0.07598,  13.16114,   0.02000
   0.10000,   0.21956,   4.55449,   0.21313,   4.69204,   0.10000
   0.30000,   0.49670,   2.01327,   0.48214,   2.07407,   0.30000
   0.45000,   0.65439,   1.52814,   0.63520,   1.57430,   0.45000
LDRsimx = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals without  calibration and GHK-corrections
LDRunCorr = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals with calibration but without  GHK-corrections; electronic amplifications = 1 assumed
LDRCorr = LDR calibrated and GHK-corrected

Errors from signal noise:
Signal counts: NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, stdev(NI)/NI =  100000000, 100000000, 100000000,  1, 0, 0, 0.00010

Lidar ID: PollyXT Cyprus 210429 532 approx 4

Correction K(LDRCal in calibration range)
0.004,  0.96369
0.050,  0.96690
0.100,  0.97008
0.200,  0.97564
0.300,  0.98033
0.450,  0.98615

minimum and maximum values of the distributions of possibly measured LDR for different LDRtrue
LDRtrue  , LDRmin, LDRmax
 0.0040,-0.0029, 0.0114
 0.0200, 0.0127, 0.0279
 0.1000, 0.0906, 0.1102
 0.3000, 0.2863, 0.3151
 0.4500, 0.4340, 0.4679

LDRCal is the volume linear depolarisation ratio in the range used for the polarisation calibration. K(LDRCal) is the variability of K depending on LDRCal.
If LDRCal is not known, its uncertainty has to be included in the input file for the error calcualtion below.
LDR_min-true(LDR_true) and LDR_max-true(LDR_true) are the difference between the lowest and highest possible retrieved LDR, respectively, and the true LDR depending on the true LDR. They represent the negative and positive uncertainty of the retrieved LDR resulting from all known uncertainties of the optical input parameters.
2nd order polyfit = a + (b * LDR) + (c * LDR^2)
fit-parameter, K(LDRCal), LDR_min-true(LDRtrue), LDR_max-true(LDRtrue)
 a,  +0.96352, -0.00674, +0.00727
 b,  +0.06904, -0.02805, +0.03080
 c,  -0.04188, +0.01659, -0.01587

Further statistical analyses of the uncertainties, their distribution and sources:

LDRtrue ,  mean  ,  median,    max-mean,  min-mean, std,   excess_kurtosis, skewness
 0.00400, 0.00404, 0.00402,     0.00739,-0.00685, 0.00431,   -1.37505, 0.01060
 0.02000, 0.02004, 0.02003,     0.00788,-0.00729, 0.00432,   -1.35168, 0.01361
 0.10000, 0.10006, 0.10001,     0.01019,-0.00938, 0.00447,   -1.11574, 0.02519
 0.30000, 0.30013, 0.30010,     0.01508,-0.01366, 0.00523,   -0.47128, 0.06082
 0.45000, 0.45018, 0.45000,     0.01792,-0.01600, 0.00607,   -0.34137, 0.12718

minimum and maximum values of the distributions of signal ratios and calibration factors for different LDRtrue
LDRtrue  , LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  0.04596,  0.01325,  0.28826
 0.02000,  0.07602,  0.01353,  0.17791
 0.10000,  0.21319,  0.01478,  0.06935
 0.30000,  0.48224,  0.01725,  0.03578
 0.45000,  0.63531,  0.01866,  0.02937
LDRtrue  , Etax   , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  0.97066,  0.03207,  0.03304
 0.02000,  0.97066,  0.03207,  0.03304
 0.10000,  0.97066,  0.03207,  0.03304
 0.30000,  0.97066,  0.03207,  0.03304
 0.45000,  0.97066,  0.03207,  0.03304
LDRtrue  , Etapx  , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  0.97203,  0.03152,  0.03243
 0.02000,  0.97203,  0.03152,  0.03243
 0.10000,  0.97203,  0.03152,  0.03243
 0.30000,  0.97203,  0.03152,  0.03243
 0.45000,  0.97203,  0.03152,  0.03243
LDRtrue  , Etamx  , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  0.96930,  0.03303,  0.03408
 0.02000,  0.96930,  0.03303,  0.03408
 0.10000,  0.96930,  0.03303,  0.03408
 0.30000,  0.96930,  0.03303,  0.03408
 0.45000,  0.96930,  0.03303,  0.03408

LDRCorr: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin           725   680   519   318   230       21    19    13     4     0
RotL           34    32    25    15    12        1     1     1     1     1
DiC            15    24    62   133   185        7     8    15    28    37
TP             31    49   104   145   138        9     9     7     3     0
TS             31    49   104   145   138        9     9     7     3     0
RP            141   132   101    62    45        4     4     3     1     0
RS              0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
RotaT           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal         21    33    84   182   252       10    12    19    34    44
Sum           999   999   999   999  1000       61    62    64    74    83

LDRsim: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin           745   706   550   310   202       15    14    11     6     4
RotL           35    33    26    14     9        0     0     0     0     0
DiC             0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
TP             68   108   258   425   465       18    17    13     9     9
TS              2     4    30   134   216        1     1     4     8     9
RP            148   143   121    88    73        2     2     2     1     1
RS              3     5    14    28    34        1     1     1     1     1
RotaT           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal          0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
Sum          1000  1000  1000  1000  1000       37    35    30    26    25

EtaX, D90: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin            10    10    10    10    10        3     3     3     3     3
RotL            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
DiC           136   136   136   136   136       24    24    24    24    24
TP            312   312   312   312   312        7     7     7     7     7
TS            294   294   294   294   294       13    13    13    13    13
RP             32    32    32    32    32        0     0     0     0     0
RS             30    30    30    30    30        1     1     1     1     1
RotaT           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal        186   186   186   186   186       29    29    29    29    29
Sum          1000  1000  1000  1000  1000       78    78    78    78    78

Etapx, +45°: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin             9     9     9     9     9        3     3     3     3     3
RotL            6     6     6     6     6        3     3     3     3     3
DiC           132   132   132   132   132       23    23    23    23    23
TP            317   317   317   317   317        7     7     7     7     7
TS            300   300   300   300   300       13    13    13    13    13
RP             33    33    33    33    33        0     0     0     0     0
RS             31    31    31    31    31        1     1     1     1     1
RotaT           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal        172   172   172   172   172       28    28    28    28    28
Sum          1000  1000  1000  1000  1000       79    79    79    79    79

Etamx -45°: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin            10    10    10    10    10        4     4     4     4     4
RotL            6     6     6     6     6        4     4     4     4     4
DiC           139   139   139   139   139       27    27    27    27    27
TP            303   303   303   303   303        7     7     7     7     7
TS            284   284   284   284   284       13    13    13    13    13
RP             31    31    31    31    31        0     0     0     0     0
RS             29    29    29    29    29        1     1     1     1     1
RotaT           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal        197   197   197   197   197       33    33    33    33    33
Sum           999   999   999   999   999       89    89    89    89    89
