
Sun, 03 Dec 2023 16:39:00 +0100

Claudio Dema <>
Sun, 03 Dec 2023 16:39:00 +0100
changeset 73
parent 52

Changed: Transfer to EARLINET DB for measurements from lidar configuration with Automatic Upload set to True

i@11 1 # This file contains the user-specific settings for the scc_access script.
i@11 2 #
i@15 3 # You should rename the file settings_sample.yaml (e.g. to settings.yaml) and move it outside the module repository. Take care to set the
i@11 4 # minimum required permissions, as this file contains SCC access codes. For website login, it is recommended to
i@11 5 # use credential for a user without station-management privileges.
i@11 6 basic_credentials: ['username', 'password'] # The HTTP user name and password that is needed to access the SCC site.
i@11 7 website_credentials: ['username', 'password'] # The user-name and password that is needed to log in to the SCC site.
i@11 8 output_dir: /path/to/files/scc_output/ # The directory to download the files
i@11 9 base_url: # SCC base URL. Normally you shouldn't need to change that.
