
Fri, 11 May 2012 13:27:13 +0200

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Fri, 11 May 2012 13:27:13 +0200
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Changed markdown to Restructured text.

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ulalume3@11 56 <div class="section" id="adding-a-system">
ulalume3@11 57 <h1>Adding a system<a class="headerlink" href="#adding-a-system" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
ulalume3@11 58 <p>After adding a station to the database, we need to add a new system.
ulalume3@11 59 To do this, click on the <strong>HOI systems</strong> in the <em>System settings</em> panel.
ulalume3@11 60 This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe systems that are connected with your stations. This list should
ulalume3@11 61 be empty if this is the first time you add a system.</p>
ulalume3@11 62 <div class="admonition note">
ulalume3@11 63 <p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
ulalume3@11 64 <p class="last">In the Single Calculus Chain, a <em>HOI System</em> represents a specific configuration of a lidar system.
ulalume3@11 65 For example, if you are operating a lidar system and you use different channels during daytime and nightime,
ulalume3@11 66 you will need to register <em>two different</em> systems in the database, one for each different configuration you use.</p>
ulalume3@11 67 </div>
ulalume3@11 68 <p>To add a new system to the database click on <strong>Add HOI system</strong> at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 69 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. As before, the fields in <strong>bold</strong>
ulalume3@11 70 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new system.</p>
ulalume3@11 71 <div class="admonition note">
ulalume3@11 72 <p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
ulalume3@11 73 <p class="last">Not every field that is present in the database is used in the in the Single Calculs Chain.
ulalume3@11 74 Many of them are part of the Handbook of Instruments.</p>
ulalume3@11 75 </div>
ulalume3@11 76 <p>For now you will need to fill in the following fields:</p>
ulalume3@11 77 <dl class="docutils">
ulalume3@11 78 <dt>Name</dt>
ulalume3@11 79 <dd>The name of your system.</dd>
ulalume3@11 80 <dt>Station (owner)</dt>
ulalume3@11 81 <dd>From the drop-down list, select the station which this system belongs to.</dd>
ulalume3@11 82 <dt>Configuration</dt>
ulalume3@11 83 <dd>The name of the specific configuration. For example you could specify &#8220;night time&#8221; if the system you are registering
ulalume3@11 84 correspond to the night-time configuration of your system</dd>
ulalume3@11 85 <dt>Pi</dt>
ulalume3@11 86 <dd>The principle investigator of this system</dd>
ulalume3@11 87 <dt>Height asl</dt>
ulalume3@11 88 <dd>The altitude of the system above sea level (in meters).</dd>
ulalume3@11 89 </dl>
ulalume3@11 90 <p>You can leave all the other fields empty. When you are done, press the <strong>save</strong> button at the bottom right of the page.
ulalume3@11 91 This will take you back to the list of your systems. If everything went OK your new system you just added should appear
ulalume3@11 92 in the list.</p>
ulalume3@11 93 <p>We don&#8217;t have to make any more changes in this part, so you can click on <strong>Home</strong>
ulalume3@11 94 on the top left of the page to return to the starting page of the <em>admin section</em>.</p>
ulalume3@11 95 </div>
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ulalume3@11 104 <p class="topless"><a href="adding_station.html"
ulalume3@11 105 title="previous chapter">Adding a station</a></p>
ulalume3@11 106 <h4>Next topic</h4>
ulalume3@11 107 <p class="topless"><a href="adding_telescopelaser.html"
ulalume3@11 108 title="next chapter">Adding equipment</a></p>
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