
Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:49:04 +0200

Iannis <>
Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:49:04 +0200
changeset 59
parent 55
child 61

More details on preprocessing exit code 21.

binietoglou@23 1 Frequently asked questions
binietoglou@23 2 ==========================
binietoglou@23 3
ioannis@39 4
ioannis@39 5 Using an ancillary file
ioannis@39 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 7
ioannis@39 8 Q: I use the “Quick upload” to submit a measurement file together with an ancillary
ioannis@40 9 file. Will this ancillary file be used in the processing of my measurement.
ioannis@39 10
ioannis@39 11 A: No. Which ancillary file is used when processing a measurement is defined in the
ioannis@39 12 measurement netcdf file. If your new ancillary file is not mentioned in the measurement
ioannis@39 13 file, it will not be used.
ioannis@39 14
ioannis@39 15
ioannis@39 16 Reusing an ancillary file
ioannis@39 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 18
ioannis@39 19 Q: I want to use one ancillary file (ex. an overlap file) in the processing of multiple
ioannis@39 20 measurements. Do I need to submit it multiple times?
ioannis@39 21
ioannis@39 22 A: No. You just need to define the file name of the file to use in the measurements
ioannis@39 23 netcdf file.
ioannis@39 24
ioannis@39 25
ioannis@39 26 Deleting an ancillary file
ioannis@39 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 28
ioannis@39 29 Q: I want to delete an uploaded ancillary file but in the "Admin" interface I can't
ioannis@39 30 find a "Delete" button.
ioannis@39 31
ioannis@39 32 A: Probably the ancillary file you are trying to delete is needed by some uploaded
ioannis@39 33 measurement, and for this reason you are not allowed to delete it. You will need
ioannis@39 34 to delete the corresponding measurements first, before deleting the ancillary file.
ioannis@39 35
ioannis@39 36
ioannis@39 37
binietoglou@24 38 Clouds in the data
binietoglou@24 39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@23 40
binietoglou@29 41 Q: Is it necessary to provide only measurement periods with cloud free conditions and
binietoglou@29 42 homogeneous atmosphere or is this part of ELDA or the pre-processing of the data?
binietoglou@24 43 For example in cases with scattered low cumulus clouds.
binietoglou@24 44
binietoglou@24 45 A: At moment you should provide cloud free data because the automatic cloud screening
binietoglou@23 46 is not yet implemented in the SCC. We are working on this issue and hopefully the new
ioannis@39 47 module will be implemented at the end of ACTRIS project.
binietoglou@23 48
binietoglou@23 49
binietoglou@24 50 High/low range channels
binietoglou@24 51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 52 Q: What is the definition of low range, ultra near range and high range channels?
binietoglou@24 53 Are there any threshold values?
binietoglou@24 54
binietoglou@24 55 A: There are no threshold values defined for the different range types. This information
binietoglou@23 56 is used only in the gluing procedures just to identify which channel should be taken
binietoglou@23 57 as low range and which one as far range. If no gluing is applied by the SCC the range
binietoglou@23 58 id flags are not taken into account.
binietoglou@23 59
binietoglou@24 60 Variable depolarization factor
binietoglou@24 61 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 62
binietoglou@29 63 Q: Due to changes in the settings of our lidar system, the depolarization factor can
binietoglou@24 64 change during the measurement. Is it necessary to provide one SCC-file for each settings
binietoglou@24 65 or is it possible to set the Depolarization_Factor variable time dependent?
binietoglou@23 66
binietoglou@24 67 A: Unfortunately it is not possible to have time dependence on Depolarization_Factor variable.
binietoglou@23 68 So if this parameter changes you should provide different SCC files for each setting.
binietoglou@23 69
binietoglou@24 70 Extra netcdf parameters
binietoglou@24 71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 72 Q: Is it possible for documentation purposes to put own parameters in the SCC-NetCDF file?
binietoglou@24 73 For example who created the file.... Are there any reasons against this?
binietoglou@23 74
binietoglou@24 75 A: Technically as long as you use not standard SCC variables for your own parameters there are
binietoglou@23 76 no problems for the SCC. It will just ignore these not standard variables.
binietoglou@23 77
binietoglou@23 78
binietoglou@24 79 Netcdf version
binietoglou@24 80 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 81 Q: Which NetCDF version is to use? NetCDF3, NetCDF3 Classic, NetCDF4, NetCDF4 Classic?
binietoglou@24 82
binietoglou@24 83 A: The NetCDF libraries 4.1.3 are used in all the SCC modules. So all the NetCDF formats you
binietoglou@23 84 have indicated should be compatible with the SCC (we have tested NetCDF3 and NetCDF4).
binietoglou@23 85
binietoglou@24 86 Lidar ratio
binietoglou@24 87 ~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 88 Q: What are the values for the lidar ratio used in the SCC_DB?
binietoglou@23 89
binietoglou@24 90 A: The values of (fixed) lidar ratio used by the SCC in the elastic retrieval can be set by
binietoglou@23 91 the user using the SCC web interface. In particular you can define a lidar ratio value for
binietoglou@24 92 each elastic backscatter product: in the product page there is the section "Elastic Backscatter
binietoglou@24 93 options" in which there is the field "Fixed lr". In case you want to use a lidar ratio profile
binietoglou@23 94 you should set LR_Input accordingly and provide an external LR profile NetCDF file
binietoglou@23 95 (see documentation on SCC file format).
binietoglou@23 96
binietoglou@29 97 Calculation of Raman and elastic backscatter
binietoglou@29 98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 99 Q: In cases of measurements where Raman channels are available, the SCC will calculate the Raman
binietoglou@24 100 backscatter profile. If I want to retrieve Klett-retrievals for this channel, too (e.g 532nm)
binietoglou@24 101 is it sufficient to set the value in LR_input(channels) to 1 or 0 plus a LR-profile to get
binietoglou@24 102 both retrievals?
binietoglou@23 103
binietoglou@24 104 A: No. In general, for each lidar configuration you can define a set of optical products to be calculated
binietoglou@23 105 for that configuration using the SCC web interface. So suppose you have a system with 532nm and 607nm
binietoglou@23 106 channels. In this case you have 2 options:
binietoglou@24 107
binietoglou@24 108 1. Raman backscatter and extinction in the e532 file and Raman backscatter (full resolution) in the b532
binietoglou@24 109 file. In this case you should associate to the configuration a product of type "lidar ratio and will
binietoglou@24 110 produce the e532 file and a product of type "Raman backscatter" which will produce the b532 file
binietoglou@24 111 2. Raman backscatter and extinction in the e532 file and elastic backscatter in the b532 file.
binietoglou@24 112 In this case you should associate to the configuration a product of type "lidar ratio and extinction"
binietoglou@24 113 which will produce the e532 file and a product of type "elastic backscatter" which will produce the b532 file
binietoglou@23 114
binietoglou@23 115 Note: you cannot calculate a b532 file containing the Raman and elastic backscatters at the same time.
binietoglou@23 116 The reason is that the 2 products will produce an output file with the same name (according to the EARLINET rules).
binietoglou@23 117 Moreover in general, it makes no sense to calculate the elastic backscatter when you can calculate the Raman
binietoglou@23 118 one which usually is better.
binietoglou@23 119
binietoglou@24 120 Filename conventions
binietoglou@24 121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@54 122 Q: What are the conventions for the filenames for the various files that need to be uploaded?
binietoglou@23 123
ioannis@54 124 A: The following definitions apply:
binietoglou@23 125
binietoglou@29 126 SCC raw lidar data file
binietoglou@29 127 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@29 128
ioannis@55 129 In the current version of the SCC there is not limit in the name of the raw
ioannis@55 130 data file. We suggest, however, that this file is named <measurement_id>.nc.
ioannis@55 131 For example, if your measurement had a measurement ID of 20130101cc00 the
ioannis@55 132 corresponding NetCDF file should be named
binietoglou@23 133
binietoglou@24 134 Sounding file
binietoglou@24 135 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 136
binietoglou@23 137 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 138
binietoglou@29 139 In this case you should also set the global attribute Sounding_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@23 140
binietoglou@29 141
binietoglou@23 142
binietoglou@24 143 Lidar ratio file
binietoglou@24 144 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 145 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 146
binietoglou@29 147 In this case you should also set the global attribute LR_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@23 148
binietoglou@29 149
binietoglou@23 150
binietoglou@24 151 Overlap file
binietoglou@24 152 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 153 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 154
binietoglou@29 155 In this case you should also set the global attribute Overlap_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@29 156
binietoglou@29 157
binietoglou@29 158
binietoglou@29 159
binietoglou@29 160 Photocounting values should be integers
binietoglou@29 161 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@29 162 Q: In one of my measurements I get an error concerning the photoncounting values::
binietoglou@29 163
binietoglou@29 164 Pre processing (177): Found no integer values in photoncounting signal
binietoglou@29 165
binietoglou@29 166 The Raw_Lidar_Data variable in the NetCDF-file is defined as double. So is it necessary for Photoncounting signals to only provide integer values?
binietoglou@29 167
binietoglou@29 168 A: Two important considerations:
binietoglou@23 169
binietoglou@29 170 1. The Raw_Lidar_Data array should contain your *real* raw data.
binietoglou@29 171 This means that *no corrections/operations* should be made on your signals
binietoglou@29 172 before filling the Raw_Lidar_Data array. This is particularly important because *all*
binietoglou@29 173 the operations and corrections should be applied by the SCC and not by the user before
binietoglou@29 174 the submission. In this way we can keep track of all the operations made on the signals
binietoglou@29 175 (for QA purposes) and moreover we are sure that all the corrections are applied in a
binietoglou@29 176 correct order (this is particularly important for non linear operations, think for example to the dead time correction).
binietoglou@29 177
binietoglou@29 178 2. The analog signals should be expressed in mV and the photoncounting signals in raw counts
binietoglou@29 179
binietoglou@29 180 So if your photoncounting values are not integers they are not expressed in raw counts (which of course should be integers).
binietoglou@29 181 So the point here is not how to convert them in integers but to submit the right quantity in the right units.
binietoglou@29 182
binietoglou@29 183 So please check carefully your converter and be sure to really submit raw counts for photoncounting channels and raw mV for the analog ones.
binietoglou@29 184
binietoglou@29 185
binietoglou@29 186 Preprocessing failed but no Exit code is provided
binietoglou@29 187 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@29 188 Q: The preprocessing of one of my measurements failed (I get a status -127). However, when I check the Exit codes
binietoglou@29 189 to see the description of the problem, I get an empty value (-). What does this mean?
binietoglou@29 190
binietoglou@29 191 A: This means that the preprocessor crushed unexpectedly! Sorry for that! Report the problem in the forum and it will be fixed
binietoglou@29 192 soon.
ioannis@54 193
ioannis@54 194 Optical processing (ELDA) failed but no Exit code is provided
ioannis@54 195 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@54 196 Q: The optical processing of one of my measurements failed (I get a status -127). However, when I check the Exit codes
ioannis@54 197 to see the description of the problem, there is none. What does this mean?
ioannis@54 198
ioannis@54 199 A: The reason for which ELDA failed it's not currently easy to find because
ioannis@54 200 this module does not implement yet the setting of a specific error code for a
ioannis@54 201 specific error. Based of past experience, when something like that happens is
ioannis@54 202 due to a poor S/N ratio of the pre-processed signals. What you could try to do
ioannis@54 203 to debug the problem is:
ioannis@54 204
ioannis@54 205 * try to increase the S/N ratio of the pre-processed signals, for example by increasing
ioannis@54 206 the pre-processing vertical resolution or/and the pre-processing integration time.
ioannis@54 207
ioannis@54 208 * look at the pre-processed signals produced for this measurement and see if
ioannis@54 209 there is something wrong in them.
