
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:23:54 +0100

ulalume3 <>
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:23:54 +0100
changeset 27
parent 22

Added usecase image files.

binietoglou@2 1 Adding products
binietoglou@2 2 ===============
binietoglou@22 3
binietoglou@22 4 Depending on the product you need to produce, some of the following tables need to be filled.
binietoglou@22 5
binietoglou@22 6 .. note::
binietoglou@22 7
binietoglou@22 8 This section is not up-to-date to the latest interface version. It will be updated shortly.
binietoglou@22 9
binietoglou@22 10
binietoglou@22 11 Backscatter products
binietoglou@22 12 --------------------
binietoglou@22 13 The following tables need to be filed for the various backscatter products.
binietoglou@22 14
binietoglou@22 15 Backscatter calibrations
binietoglou@22 16 ------------------------
binietoglou@22 17 For backscatter (product types: Raman backscatter, Combined Raman backscatter and extinction, Elastic backscatter retrieval
binietoglou@22 18
binietoglou@22 19 LowestHeight
binietoglou@22 20 in meters, lowest height for reference height search
binietoglou@22 21
binietoglou@22 22 TopHeight
binietoglou@22 23 in meters, maximum height for reference height search
binietoglou@22 24
binietoglou@22 25 WindowWidth
binietoglou@22 26 in meters, width of the reference height interval
binietoglou@22 27
binietoglou@22 28 calValue
binietoglou@22 29 backscatter ratio, e.g. 1 or 1.01
binietoglou@22 30
binietoglou@22 31 calRangeSearchMethod ID:
binietoglou@22 32 always 0
binietoglou@22 33
binietoglou@22 34
binietoglou@22 35 If done, you have to remember the ID for your backscatter calibration options an go the the specific tables below,
binietoglou@22 36
binietoglou@22 37 for product type 0 and 2: Raman_backscatter_options
binietoglou@22 38 ---------------------------------------------------
binietoglou@22 39
binietoglou@22 40 Raman calculation method
binietoglou@22 41 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 42
binietoglou@22 43 bsc cal options
binietoglou@22 44 insert ID from previous step
binietoglou@22 45
binietoglou@22 46 error method ID:
binietoglou@22 47 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 48
binietoglou@22 49 for product type 3: elast_backscatter_options
binietoglou@22 50 -----------------------------------------------
binietoglou@22 51
binietoglou@22 52 elast bsc method ID
binietoglou@22 53 at the moment, only 1 (iterative approach)
binietoglou@22 54
binietoglou@22 55 bsc cal options
binietoglou@22 56 insert ID from previous step
binietoglou@22 57
binietoglou@22 58 error method ID:
binietoglou@22 59 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 60
binietoglou@22 61 lr input id:
binietoglou@22 62 at the moment, only 1 (fixed LR)
binietoglou@22 63
binietoglou@22 64 fixed_lr
binietoglou@22 65 ... in sr, value of the used lidar ratio
binietoglou@22 66
binietoglou@22 67 iter_bsc_options
binietoglou@22 68 if, iterative approach is used, go to table iter_bsc_options and remember ID and insert here
binietoglou@22 69
binietoglou@22 70 iter_bsc_options
binietoglou@22 71 ----------------
binietoglou@22 72
binietoglou@22 73 iter conv crit
binietoglou@22 74 ...e.g. 0.1 (=10%) The iteration is stopped when the RELATIVE difference between the actual and the previous column integrated backscatter coefficients is below this value
binietoglou@22 75
binietoglou@22 76 ram bsc method id
binietoglou@22 77 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 78
binietoglou@22 79 max iteration count:
binietoglou@22 80 maximum number of iteration steps
binietoglou@22 81
binietoglou@22 82 for product type 1: Extinction options
binietoglou@22 83 --------------------------------------
binietoglou@22 84
binietoglou@22 85 Extinction method:
binietoglou@22 86 Standard: 1, (0 weighted linear fit, 1 non-weighted linear fit, 2 difference quotient, 3 polynomial sec order fit, 4 quadratic function, 5 Savitzky-Golay filter, 6 Russo)
binietoglou@22 87
binietoglou@22 88 error method ID:
binietoglou@22 89 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 90
binietoglou@22 91 overlap file ID:
binietoglou@22 92 if overlap file is available, enter ID here
binietoglou@22 93
binietoglou@22 94 angstroem:
binietoglou@22 95 used angström value for the extinction calculation, e.g. 0,1, or 1.5
binietoglou@22 96
binietoglou@22 97 for product type 2: Ext bsc options
binietoglou@22 98 -----------------------------------
binietoglou@22 99
binietoglou@22 100 product ID
binietoglou@22 101 ID of product type 2
binietoglou@22 102
binietoglou@22 103 extinction option product ID
binietoglou@22 104 ID of the extinction product (see table products)
binietoglou@22 105
binietoglou@22 106 raman backscatter options product ID
binietoglou@22 107 ID of the Raman backscatter product (see table products)
binietoglou@22 108
binietoglou@22 109 error method ID:
binietoglou@22 110 at the moment, only 1
binietoglou@22 111
