
Tue, 09 Mar 2021 22:03:58 +0200

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 22:03:58 +0200
changeset 123
parent 58

Updated config

ioannis@56 1 Products
ioannis@56 2 ========
ioannis@37 3
ulalume3@58 4 There are two ways that a product can be related to a system: *directly* or *indirectly*.
ulalume3@58 5
ulalume3@58 6 A **directly** connected product (or **primary** product) is linked to a
ulalume3@58 7 system. When a measurement is processed, a file will be created containing the
ulalume3@58 8 retrieved quantities of this product.
ulalume3@58 9
ulalume3@58 10 A **indirectly** connected product (or **secondary** product) is used in the
ulalume3@58 11 definition of a composite, more complex, product. For example, an "extinction" product
ulalume3@58 12 can be used to define a "lidar ratio and extinction" product. In this case the
ulalume3@58 13 "lidar ratio and extinction" product is the *primary* product (directly linked
ulalume3@58 14 to a system), and the "extinction" product is the *secondary* product (only liked to
ulalume3@58 15 the "lidar ratio and extinction" product). The output of a secondary product is not stored in a
ulalume3@58 16 file.
ulalume3@58 17
ulalume3@58 18 .. warning::
ulalume3@58 19 You should avoid linking a product both *directly* and *indirectly* to the
ulalume3@58 20 same system. If you link a *secondary* product directly to a system,
ulalume3@58 21 the output of the SCC could be wrong, as two products could attempt to write
ulalume3@58 22 their output on the same file.
ulalume3@58 23
ulalume3@58 24 In the product list view, these information are summarized in two columns, labeled
ulalume3@58 25 "Directly connected" and "Parent products".
ulalume3@58 26
ulalume3@58 27 Directly connected
ulalume3@58 28 Will be green for **primary** products, i.e. if the product is directly
ulalume3@58 29 linked to a system.
ulalume3@58 30
ulalume3@58 31 Parent products
ulalume3@58 32 If the product is a **secondary** product (i.e. it is part of a composite product)
ulalume3@58 33 this column will have a links to the related *primary* products.
ulalume3@58 34
ulalume3@58 35 .. note::
ulalume3@58 36 **For administrators**: These two columns can be used to quickly spot "orphan"
ulalume3@58 37 products, i.e. products that are neither linked to a system nor to a composite
ulalume3@58 38 product. These products will not be available to any user to use, and should
ulalume3@58 39 be either connected to a system, or deleted. Orphan products will have *red*
ulalume3@58 40 in the *Directly connected* column and "-" in the *Parent products* column.
ulalume3@58 41
ulalume3@58 42 Adding a product
ulalume3@58 43 ----------------
ulalume3@58 44
ioannis@56 45 Depending on the product you need to produce, some of the following tables need to be filled.
ioannis@56 46
ioannis@37 47
ioannis@37 48 .. note::
ioannis@37 49
ioannis@56 50 This section is not up-to-date to the latest interface version.
ioannis@37 51
ioannis@56 52 .. note::
ioannis@56 53
ulalume3@58 54 Each product should be connected to a system, either directly or indirectly,
ulalume3@58 55 before being saved.
ioannis@56 56
ioannis@37 57
ioannis@37 58 Backscatter products
ulalume3@58 59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 60 The following tables need to be filed for the various backscatter products.
ioannis@37 61
ioannis@37 62 Backscatter calibrations
ulalume3@58 63 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 64 For backscatter (product types: Raman backscatter, Combined Raman backscatter and extinction, Elastic backscatter retrieval
ioannis@37 65
ioannis@37 66 LowestHeight
ioannis@37 67 in meters, lowest height for reference height search
ioannis@37 68
ioannis@37 69 TopHeight
ioannis@37 70 in meters, maximum height for reference height search
ioannis@37 71
ioannis@37 72 WindowWidth
ioannis@37 73 in meters, width of the reference height interval
ioannis@37 74
ioannis@37 75 calValue
ioannis@37 76 backscatter ratio, e.g. 1 or 1.01
ioannis@37 77
ioannis@37 78 calRangeSearchMethod ID:
ioannis@37 79 always 0
ioannis@37 80
ioannis@37 81
ioannis@37 82 If done, you have to remember the ID for your backscatter calibration options an go the the specific tables below,
ioannis@37 83
ioannis@37 84 for product type 0 and 2: Raman_backscatter_options
ulalume3@58 85 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 86
ioannis@37 87 Raman calculation method
ioannis@37 88 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 89
ioannis@37 90 bsc cal options
ioannis@37 91 insert ID from previous step
ioannis@37 92
ioannis@37 93 error method ID:
ioannis@37 94 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 95
ioannis@37 96 for product type 3: elast_backscatter_options
ulalume3@58 97 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 98
ioannis@37 99 elast bsc method ID
ioannis@37 100 at the moment, only 1 (iterative approach)
ioannis@37 101
ioannis@37 102 bsc cal options
ioannis@37 103 insert ID from previous step
ioannis@37 104
ioannis@37 105 error method ID:
ioannis@37 106 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 107
ioannis@37 108 lr input id:
ioannis@37 109 at the moment, only 1 (fixed LR)
ioannis@37 110
ioannis@37 111 fixed_lr
ioannis@37 112 ... in sr, value of the used lidar ratio
ioannis@37 113
ioannis@37 114 iter_bsc_options
ioannis@37 115 if, iterative approach is used, go to table iter_bsc_options and remember ID and insert here
ioannis@37 116
ioannis@37 117 iter_bsc_options
ulalume3@58 118 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 119
ioannis@37 120 iter conv crit
ioannis@37 121 ...e.g. 0.1 (=10%) The iteration is stopped when the RELATIVE difference between the actual and the previous column integrated backscatter coefficients is below this value
ioannis@37 122
ioannis@37 123 ram bsc method id
ioannis@37 124 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 125
ioannis@37 126 max iteration count:
ioannis@37 127 maximum number of iteration steps
ioannis@37 128
ioannis@37 129 for product type 1: Extinction options
ulalume3@58 130 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 131
ioannis@37 132 Extinction method:
ioannis@37 133 Standard: 1, (0 weighted linear fit, 1 non-weighted linear fit, 2 difference quotient, 3 polynomial sec order fit, 4 quadratic function, 5 Savitzky-Golay filter, 6 Russo)
ioannis@37 134
ioannis@37 135 error method ID:
ioannis@37 136 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 137
ioannis@37 138 overlap file ID:
ioannis@37 139 if overlap file is available, enter ID here
ioannis@37 140
ioannis@37 141 angstroem:
ioannis@37 142 used angström value for the extinction calculation, e.g. 0,1, or 1.5
ioannis@37 143
ioannis@37 144 for product type 2: Ext bsc options
ulalume3@58 145 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@37 146
ioannis@37 147 product ID
ioannis@37 148 ID of product type 2
ioannis@37 149
ioannis@37 150 extinction option product ID
ioannis@37 151 ID of the extinction product (see table products)
ioannis@37 152
ioannis@37 153 raman backscatter options product ID
ioannis@37 154 ID of the Raman backscatter product (see table products)
ioannis@37 155
ioannis@37 156 error method ID:
ioannis@37 157 at the moment, only 1
ioannis@37 158
