
Mon, 12 Dec 2022 12:12:10 +0100

Giuseppe D'Amico <>
Mon, 12 Dec 2022 12:12:10 +0100
changeset 145
parent 127

Fixed a typo in depol docs

binietoglou@23 1 Frequently asked questions
binietoglou@23 2 ==========================
binietoglou@23 3
ioannis@39 4
ioannis@39 5 Using an ancillary file
ioannis@39 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 7
binietoglou@83 8 Q: I use the "Quick upload" to submit a measurement file together with an ancillary
ioannis@40 9 file. Will this ancillary file be used in the processing of my measurement.
ioannis@39 10
ioannis@39 11 A: No. Which ancillary file is used when processing a measurement is defined in the
ioannis@39 12 measurement netcdf file. If your new ancillary file is not mentioned in the measurement
ioannis@39 13 file, it will not be used.
ioannis@39 14
ioannis@39 15
ioannis@39 16 Reusing an ancillary file
ioannis@39 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 18
ioannis@39 19 Q: I want to use one ancillary file (ex. an overlap file) in the processing of multiple
ioannis@39 20 measurements. Do I need to submit it multiple times?
ioannis@39 21
ioannis@39 22 A: No. You just need to define the file name of the file to use in the measurements
ioannis@39 23 netcdf file.
ioannis@39 24
ioannis@39 25
ioannis@39 26 Deleting an ancillary file
ioannis@39 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@39 28
ioannis@39 29 Q: I want to delete an uploaded ancillary file but in the "Admin" interface I can't
ioannis@39 30 find a "Delete" button.
ioannis@39 31
ioannis@39 32 A: Probably the ancillary file you are trying to delete is needed by some uploaded
ioannis@39 33 measurement, and for this reason you are not allowed to delete it. You will need
ioannis@39 34 to delete the corresponding measurements first, before deleting the ancillary file.
ioannis@39 35
ioannis@39 36
ioannis@39 37
binietoglou@24 38 Clouds in the data
binietoglou@24 39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@23 40
binietoglou@29 41 Q: Is it necessary to provide only measurement periods with cloud free conditions and
binietoglou@29 42 homogeneous atmosphere or is this part of ELDA or the pre-processing of the data?
binietoglou@24 43 For example in cases with scattered low cumulus clouds.
binietoglou@24 44
binietoglou@24 45 A: At moment you should provide cloud free data because the automatic cloud screening
binietoglou@23 46 is not yet implemented in the SCC. We are working on this issue and hopefully the new
ioannis@39 47 module will be implemented at the end of ACTRIS project.
binietoglou@23 48
binietoglou@23 49
ulalume3@79 50 Minimum number of analog files to submit
ulalume3@79 51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ulalume3@79 52
ulalume3@79 53 Q: Is it possible to submit a single analog profile for processing?
ulalume3@79 54
ulalume3@79 55
ulalume3@79 56 A: It depepends on the type of product you ar trying to calculate.
ulalume3@79 57
ulalume3@79 58 * If the product is a linear polarization calibration, it is possible to submit a timeseries containing
ulalume3@80 59 one single analog profile. This is allowed because some stations are performing depolarization calibration measurements using
ulalume3@80 60 single profiles. If the errors are present they will be taken into account for the calculation of the error on calibration constant.
ulalume3@80 61 If they are not the error on calibration constant is calculate as the standard deviation withing the calibration range.
ulalume3@79 62
ulalume3@79 63 * If the product to calculate is NOT a linear polarization calibration, if the raw analog error have not been provided we need at
ulalume3@80 64 least 3 raw profile in order to compute the statistical error
ulalume3@79 65
ulalume3@79 66
binietoglou@24 67 High/low range channels
binietoglou@24 68 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 69 Q: What is the definition of low range, ultra near range and high range channels?
binietoglou@24 70 Are there any threshold values?
binietoglou@24 71
binietoglou@24 72 A: There are no threshold values defined for the different range types. This information
binietoglou@23 73 is used only in the gluing procedures just to identify which channel should be taken
binietoglou@23 74 as low range and which one as far range. If no gluing is applied by the SCC the range
binietoglou@23 75 id flags are not taken into account.
binietoglou@23 76
binietoglou@23 77
binietoglou@24 78 Extra netcdf parameters
binietoglou@24 79 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 80 Q: Is it possible for documentation purposes to put own parameters in the SCC-NetCDF file?
binietoglou@24 81 For example who created the file.... Are there any reasons against this?
binietoglou@23 82
binietoglou@24 83 A: Technically as long as you use not standard SCC variables for your own parameters there are
binietoglou@23 84 no problems for the SCC. It will just ignore these not standard variables.
binietoglou@23 85
binietoglou@23 86
binietoglou@24 87 Netcdf version
binietoglou@24 88 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 89 Q: Which NetCDF version is to use? NetCDF3, NetCDF3 Classic, NetCDF4, NetCDF4 Classic?
binietoglou@24 90
binietoglou@24 91 A: The NetCDF libraries 4.1.3 are used in all the SCC modules. So all the NetCDF formats you
binietoglou@23 92 have indicated should be compatible with the SCC (we have tested NetCDF3 and NetCDF4).
binietoglou@23 93
binietoglou@81 94
binietoglou@24 95 Lidar ratio
binietoglou@24 96 ~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 97 Q: What are the values for the lidar ratio used in the SCC_DB?
binietoglou@23 98
binietoglou@24 99 A: The values of (fixed) lidar ratio used by the SCC in the elastic retrieval can be set by
binietoglou@23 100 the user using the SCC web interface. In particular you can define a lidar ratio value for
binietoglou@24 101 each elastic backscatter product: in the product page there is the section "Elastic Backscatter
binietoglou@24 102 options" in which there is the field "Fixed lr". In case you want to use a lidar ratio profile
binietoglou@23 103 you should set LR_Input accordingly and provide an external LR profile NetCDF file
binietoglou@23 104 (see documentation on SCC file format).
binietoglou@23 105
binietoglou@29 106 Calculation of Raman and elastic backscatter
binietoglou@29 107 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@24 108 Q: In cases of measurements where Raman channels are available, the SCC will calculate the Raman
binietoglou@24 109 backscatter profile. If I want to retrieve Klett-retrievals for this channel, too (e.g 532nm)
binietoglou@24 110 is it sufficient to set the value in LR_input(channels) to 1 or 0 plus a LR-profile to get
binietoglou@24 111 both retrievals?
binietoglou@23 112
binietoglou@24 113 A: No. In general, for each lidar configuration you can define a set of optical products to be calculated
binietoglou@23 114 for that configuration using the SCC web interface. So suppose you have a system with 532nm and 607nm
binietoglou@23 115 channels. In this case you have 2 options:
binietoglou@24 116
binietoglou@24 117 1. Raman backscatter and extinction in the e532 file and Raman backscatter (full resolution) in the b532
binietoglou@24 118 file. In this case you should associate to the configuration a product of type "lidar ratio and will
binietoglou@24 119 produce the e532 file and a product of type "Raman backscatter" which will produce the b532 file
binietoglou@24 120 2. Raman backscatter and extinction in the e532 file and elastic backscatter in the b532 file.
binietoglou@24 121 In this case you should associate to the configuration a product of type "lidar ratio and extinction"
binietoglou@24 122 which will produce the e532 file and a product of type "elastic backscatter" which will produce the b532 file
binietoglou@23 123
binietoglou@23 124 Note: you cannot calculate a b532 file containing the Raman and elastic backscatters at the same time.
binietoglou@23 125 The reason is that the 2 products will produce an output file with the same name (according to the EARLINET rules).
binietoglou@23 126 Moreover in general, it makes no sense to calculate the elastic backscatter when you can calculate the Raman
binietoglou@23 127 one which usually is better.
binietoglou@23 128
binietoglou@81 129
binietoglou@24 130 Filename conventions
binietoglou@24 131 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ioannis@54 132 Q: What are the conventions for the filenames for the various files that need to be uploaded?
binietoglou@23 133
ioannis@54 134 A: The following definitions apply:
binietoglou@23 135
binietoglou@29 136 SCC raw lidar data file
binietoglou@29 137 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@29 138
ioannis@55 139 In the current version of the SCC there is not limit in the name of the raw
ioannis@55 140 data file. We suggest, however, that this file is named <measurement_id>.nc.
ioannis@55 141 For example, if your measurement had a measurement ID of 20130101cc00 the
ioannis@55 142 corresponding NetCDF file should be named
binietoglou@23 143
binietoglou@24 144 Sounding file
binietoglou@24 145 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 146
binietoglou@23 147 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 148
binietoglou@29 149 In this case you should also set the global attribute Sounding_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@23 150
binietoglou@29 151
binietoglou@23 152
binietoglou@24 153 Lidar ratio file
binietoglou@24 154 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 155 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 156
binietoglou@29 157 In this case you should also set the global attribute LR_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@23 158
binietoglou@29 159
binietoglou@23 160
binietoglou@24 161 Overlap file
binietoglou@24 162 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
binietoglou@23 163 The file should be named as Considering the above example the sounding file should be named
binietoglou@23 164
binietoglou@29 165 In this case you should also set the global attribute Overlap_File_Name in the raw lidar data file as::
binietoglou@29 166
binietoglou@29 167
binietoglou@29 168
binietoglou@29 169
binietoglou@29 170 Photocounting values should be integers
binietoglou@29 171 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@29 172 Q: In one of my measurements I get an error concerning the photoncounting values::
binietoglou@29 173
binietoglou@29 174 Pre processing (177): Found no integer values in photoncounting signal
binietoglou@29 175
binietoglou@29 176 The Raw_Lidar_Data variable in the NetCDF-file is defined as double. So is it necessary for Photoncounting signals to only provide integer values?
binietoglou@29 177
binietoglou@29 178 A: Two important considerations:
binietoglou@23 179
binietoglou@29 180 1. The Raw_Lidar_Data array should contain your *real* raw data.
binietoglou@29 181 This means that *no corrections/operations* should be made on your signals
binietoglou@29 182 before filling the Raw_Lidar_Data array. This is particularly important because *all*
binietoglou@29 183 the operations and corrections should be applied by the SCC and not by the user before
binietoglou@29 184 the submission. In this way we can keep track of all the operations made on the signals
binietoglou@29 185 (for QA purposes) and moreover we are sure that all the corrections are applied in a
binietoglou@29 186 correct order (this is particularly important for non linear operations, think for example to the dead time correction).
binietoglou@29 187
binietoglou@29 188 2. The analog signals should be expressed in mV and the photoncounting signals in raw counts
binietoglou@29 189
binietoglou@29 190 So if your photoncounting values are not integers they are not expressed in raw counts (which of course should be integers).
binietoglou@29 191 So the point here is not how to convert them in integers but to submit the right quantity in the right units.
binietoglou@29 192
binietoglou@29 193 So please check carefully your converter and be sure to really submit raw counts for photoncounting channels and raw mV for the analog ones.
binietoglou@29 194
binietoglou@29 195
binietoglou@29 196 Preprocessing failed but no Exit code is provided
binietoglou@29 197 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
binietoglou@29 198 Q: The preprocessing of one of my measurements failed (I get a status -127). However, when I check the Exit codes
binietoglou@29 199 to see the description of the problem, I get an empty value (-). What does this mean?
binietoglou@29 200
binietoglou@29 201 A: This means that the preprocessor crushed unexpectedly! Sorry for that! Report the problem in the forum and it will be fixed
binietoglou@29 202 soon.
giuseppe@127 203
giuseppe@127 204
giuseppe@127 205 Force cloud-free conditions
giuseppe@127 206 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
giuseppe@127 207 Q: The SCC misclassifies dense aerosol layers contents as cloud. What can I do if I'm sure the corresponding measurement is not affected by clouds.
giuseppe@127 208
giuseppe@127 209 A: It is possible to set as cloud-free any measurement submitted to the SCC. If this is done the automatic cloud mask will be always produced and stored in the corresponding CloudScreen product but it will be in the further SCC data processing. In this case, the corresponding SCC products requiring as input the cloud mask will be labelled as manual cloud-screened.
giuseppe@127 210 There are three equivalent ways to set as cloud-free an already submitted (and processed) measurements:
giuseppe@127 211
giuseppe@127 212 1. From "Data processing", click on the measurementID corresponding to the measurement you want to set as cloud-free, then clock on "Edit in Admin" and finally check "Manually Assumed Cloud Free"
giuseppe@127 213
giuseppe@127 214 2. From "Admin", click on "Measurements", click on the measurementID corresponding to the measurement you want to set as cloud-free an finally check "Manually Assumed Cloud Free"
giuseppe@127 215
giuseppe@127 216 3. From "Admin", click on "Measurements", select one or more measurments you want to set as cloud-free, select "Manually Assumed Cloud Free/Not Cloud Free and Reprocess selected measurements" in the action list located at the page bottom and finally click on "Go".
giuseppe@127 217
giuseppe@127 218 In all the cases the processing on the corresponding measurementID(s) will be restarted automatically.
