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55 <h1>Introduction<a class="headerlink" href="#introduction" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
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57 <li>The Single calculus chain is made of different modules. These modules don&#8217;t interact directly but only change value in a database.</li>
58 <li>This interface will allow Earlinet memebers to interact with parts of the database.</li>
59 <li>One part of the interface (the &#8220;Station admin&#8221; section) permits registering a new station, registerring new lidar systems and configuration, fill in details for the channels that constitute the system and finnaly define the products (extinction, backscatter e.t.c.) that need to be calculated by the SCC.</li>
60 <li>The second part of the interface is dedicated to the uploading of new measurement files, the configuration of the measurement specific paramters and, finally, the retrieval of the calculated products.</li>
61 <li>Different types of users, with different level of access permissions can have access in the interface. In this way, higher level of flexibility and security can be achived.</li>
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