
changeset 11
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/_build/latex/sphinx.sty	Fri May 11 13:25:05 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+% sphinx.sty
+% Adapted from the old python.sty, mostly written by Fred Drake,
+% by Georg Brandl.
+\ProvidesPackage{sphinx}[2010/01/15 LaTeX package (Sphinx markup)]
+\RequirePackage{amsmath} % for \text
+% For highlighted code.
+% For table captions.
+% Handle footnotes in tables.
+% For floating figures in the text.
+% Separate paragraphs by space by default.
+% Redefine these colors to your liking in the preamble.
+% Redefine these colors to something not white if you want to have colored
+% background and border for code examples.
+% Uncomment these two lines to ignore the paper size and make the page 
+% size more like a typical published manual.
+%\renewcommand{\paperwidth}{8.5in}   % typical squarish manual
+%\renewcommand{\paperwidth}{7in}     % O'Reilly ``Programmming Python''
+% For graphicx, check if we are compiling under latex or pdflatex.
+  \usepackage{graphicx}
+  \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
+% for PDF output, use colors and maximal compression
+  \let\py@NormalColor\relax
+  \let\py@TitleColor\relax
+  \sphinxpdfoutputtrue
+  \input{pdfcolor}
+  \def\py@NormalColor{\color[rgb]{0.0,0.0,0.0}}
+  \def\py@TitleColor{\color{TitleColor}}
+  \pdfcompresslevel=9
+% XeLaTeX can do colors, too
+  \def\py@NormalColor{\color[rgb]{0.0,0.0,0.0}}
+  \def\py@TitleColor{\color{TitleColor}}
+% Increase printable page size (copied from fullpage.sty)
+\topmargin 0pt
+\advance \topmargin by -\headheight
+\advance \topmargin by -\headsep
+% attempt to work a little better for A4 users
+\textheight \paperheight
+\advance\textheight by -2in
+\oddsidemargin 0pt
+\evensidemargin 0pt
+%\evensidemargin -.25in  % for ``manual size'' documents
+\marginparwidth 0.5in
+\textwidth \paperwidth
+\advance\textwidth by -2in
+% Style parameters and macros used by most documents here
+\hbadness = 5000                % don't print trivial gripes
+\pagestyle{empty}               % start this way; change for
+\pagenumbering{roman}           % ToC & chapters
+% Use this to set the font family for headers and other decor:
+% Redefine the 'normal' header/footer style when using "fancyhdr" package:
+  % Use \pagestyle{normal} as the primary pagestyle for text.
+  \fancypagestyle{normal}{
+    \fancyhf{}
+    \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}}
+    \fancyfoot[LO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\rightmark}}}
+    \fancyfoot[RE]{{\py@HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\leftmark}}}
+    \fancyhead[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily \@title, \py@release}}
+    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+    \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+  }
+  % Update the plain style so we get the page number & footer line,
+  % but not a chapter or section title.  This is to keep the first
+  % page of a chapter and the blank page between chapters `clean.'
+  \fancypagestyle{plain}{
+    \fancyhf{}
+    \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}}
+    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
+    \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+  }
+% Some custom font markup commands.
+\newcommand{\strong}[1]{{\bf #1}}
+% Redefine the Verbatim environment to allow border and background colors.
+% The original environment is still used for verbatims within tables.
+% Play with vspace to be able to keep the indentation.
+  \setlength\distancetoright{\linewidth}%
+  \advance\distancetoright -\@totalleftmargin %
+  \fcolorbox{VerbatimBorderColor}{VerbatimColor}{%
+  \begin{minipage}{\distancetoright}%
+    #1
+  \end{minipage}%
+  }%
+  % list starts new par, but we don't want it to be set apart vertically
+  \bgroup\parskip=0pt%
+  \smallskip%
+  % The list environement is needed to control perfectly the vertical
+  % space.
+  \list{}{%
+  \setlength\parskip{0pt}%
+  \setlength\itemsep{0ex}%
+  \setlength\topsep{0ex}%
+  \setlength\partopsep{0pt}%
+  \setlength\leftmargin{0pt}%
+  }%
+  \item\MakeFramed {\FrameRestore}%
+     \small%
+    \OriginalVerbatim[#1]%
+    \endOriginalVerbatim%
+  \endMakeFramed%
+  \endlist%
+  % close group to restore \parskip
+  \egroup%
+% \moduleauthor{name}{email}
+% \sectionauthor{name}{email}
+% Augment the sectioning commands used to get our own font family in place,
+% and reset some internal data items:
+            {\py@TitleColor\thesection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor}
+            {\py@TitleColor\thesubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor}
+            {\py@TitleColor\thesubsubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor}
+            {\py@TitleColor}{0em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor}
+% {fulllineitems} is the main environment for object descriptions.
+  \@tempdima\linewidth%
+  \advance\@tempdima \leftmargin\makebox[\@tempdima][l]{#1}%
+  \begin{list}{}{\labelwidth \leftmargin \labelsep 0pt
+                 \rightmargin 0pt \topsep -\parskip \partopsep \parskip
+                 \itemsep -\parsep
+                 \let\makelabel=\py@itemnewline}
+% \optional is used for ``[, arg]``, i.e. desc_optional nodes.
+  {\textnormal{\Large[}}{#1}\hspace{0.5mm}{\textnormal{\Large]}}}
+  \parbox[t]{\py@argswidth}{#1\code{)}#2}}
+  \settowidth{\py@argswidth}{#1\code{(}}%
+  \addtolength{\py@argswidth}{-2\py@argswidth}%
+  \addtolength{\py@argswidth}{\linewidth}%
+  \item[#1\code{(}\py@sigparams{#2}{#3}]}
+% Production lists
+%  \def\optional##1{{\Large[}##1{\Large]}}
+  \def\production##1##2{\\\code{##1}&::=&\code{##2}}
+  \def\productioncont##1{\\& &\code{##1}}
+  \parindent=2em
+  \indent
+  \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+  \end{tabular}
+% Notices / Admonitions
+  \setlength{\fboxrule}{1pt}
+  \setlength{\fboxsep}{6pt}
+  \setlength{\py@noticelength}{\linewidth}
+  \addtolength{\py@noticelength}{-2\fboxsep}
+  \addtolength{\py@noticelength}{-2\fboxrule}
+  %\setlength{\shadowsize}{3pt}
+  \Sbox
+  \minipage{\py@noticelength}
+  \endminipage
+  \endSbox
+  \fbox{\TheSbox}
+  \setlength\parskip{0pt}\par
+  \rule[0ex]{\linewidth}{0.5pt}%
+  \par\vspace{-0.5ex}%
+  }}
+  \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
+  \par\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{0.5pt}%
+  \par\vspace{-0.5ex}%
+  }}
+% Some are quite plain:
+% Others gets more visible distinction:
+  \def\py@noticetype{#1}
+  \csname py@noticestart@#1\endcsname
+  \strong{#2}
+}{\csname py@noticeend@\py@noticetype\endcsname}
+% Allow the release number to be specified independently of the
+% \date{}.  This allows the date to reflect the document's date and
+% release to specify the release that is documented.
+  \renewcommand{\py@release}{\releasename\space\version}%
+  \renewcommand{\version}{#1}}
+  \renewcommand{\shortversion}{#1}}
+  \renewcommand{\releaseinfo}{#1}}
+% Allow specification of the author's address separately from the
+% author's name.  This can be used to format them differently, which
+% is a good thing.
+% This sets up the fancy chapter headings that make the documents look
+% at least a little better than the usual LaTeX output.
+  \ChNameVar{\raggedleft\normalsize\py@HeaderFamily}
+  \ChNumVar{\raggedleft \bfseries\Large\py@HeaderFamily}
+  \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft \rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily}
+  % This creates chapter heads without the leading \vspace*{}:
+  \def\@makechapterhead#1{%
+    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
+      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+        \DOCH
+      \fi
+      \interlinepenalty\@M
+      \DOTI{#1}
+    }
+  }
+% Redefine description environment so that it is usable inside fulllineitems.
+  \list{}{\labelwidth\z@%
+          \itemindent-\leftmargin%
+	  \labelsep5pt%
+          \let\makelabel=\descriptionlabel}}
+% Definition lists; requested by AMK for HOWTO documents.  Probably useful
+% elsewhere as well, so keep in in the general style support.
+  \begin{description}%
+  \def\term##1{\item[##1]\mbox{}\\*[0mm]}
+  \end{description}%
+% Tell TeX about pathological hyphenation cases:
+% The following is stuff copied from docutils' latex writer.
+\newcommand{\optionlistlabel}[1]{\bf #1 \hfill}
+  {\setlength{\labelwidth}{#1}
+   \setlength{\rightmargin}{1cm}
+   \setlength{\leftmargin}{\rightmargin}
+   \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}
+   \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}
+   \renewcommand{\makelabel}{\optionlistlabel}}
+  {\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip}
+   \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip}
+   \topsep0pt\itemsep0.15\baselineskip\parsep0pt
+   \leftmargin#1}
+ \raggedright}
+% Redefine includgraphics for avoiding images larger than the screen size
+% If the size is not specified.
+  \ifx#1\@empty%
+    \setbox\image@box=\hbox{\py@Oldincludegraphics{#2}}%
+    \image@width\wd\image@box%
+    \ifdim \image@width>\linewidth%
+      \setbox\image@box=\hbox{\py@Oldincludegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#2}}%
+      \box\image@box%
+    \else%
+      \py@Oldincludegraphics{#2}%
+    \fi%
+  \else%
+    \py@Oldincludegraphics[#1]{#2}%
+  \fi%
+% Fix the index and bibliography environments to add an entry to the Table of
+% Contents; this is much nicer than just having to jump to the end of the book
+% and flip around, especially with multiple indexes.
+  \cleardoublepage
+  \phantomsection
+  \py@OldTheindex
+  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}
+  \cleardoublepage
+  \phantomsection
+  \py@OldThebibliography{1}
+  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}
+% Include hyperref last.
+                linkcolor=InnerLinkColor,filecolor=OuterLinkColor,
+                menucolor=OuterLinkColor,urlcolor=OuterLinkColor,
+                citecolor=InnerLinkColor]{hyperref}
+% Fix anchor placement for figures with captions.
+% (Note: we don't use a package option here; instead, we give an explicit
+% \capstart for figures that actually have a caption.)
+% From docutils.writers.latex2e
+  {% group ("span") to limit the scope of styling commands
+    \@for\node@class@name:=#1\do{%
+    \ifcsname docutilsrole\node@class@name\endcsname%
+      \csname docutilsrole\node@class@name\endcsname%
+    \fi%
+    }%
+    {#2}% node content
+  }% close "span"
+  \ifthenelse{\isundefined{#1}}{\newlength{#1}\setlength{#1}{#2}}{}
+  \newenvironment{DUlineblock}[1]{%
+    \list{}{\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip}
+            \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip}
+            \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}
+            \setlength{\itemsep}{0.15\baselineskip}
+            \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}
+            \setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}}
+    \raggedright
+  }
+  {\endlist}
+% From footmisc.sty: allows footnotes in titles
+    \expandafter\FN@sf@@footnote
+  \else
+    \expandafter\FN@sf@gobble@opt
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\noexpand\csname FN@sf@gobble@opt \endcsname}
+\expandafter\def\csname FN@sf@gobble@opt \endcsname{%
+  \@ifnextchar[%]
+    \FN@sf@gobble@twobracket
+    \@gobble
