
changeset 14
parent 13
child 15
--- a/docs/_build/latex/tabulary.sty	Fri May 11 14:11:05 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tabulary.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tabulary.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% File `tabulary.dtx'.
-%% Copyright (C) 1995 1996 2003 David Carlisle
-%% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LPPL.
-%% See 00readme.txt for details.
-          [2007/10/02 v0.9 tabulary package (DPC)]
-  \unskip\ifhmode\nobreak\fi\vrule\@width\z@\@height\z@\@depth\dp#1}
-  \let\TY@final\tabular
-  \let\endTY@final\endtabular
-  \TY@tabular}
-  \edef\TY@{\@currenvir}%
-  {\ifnum0=`}\fi
-  \@ovxx\TY@linewidth
-  \@ovyy\TY@tablewidth
-  \count@\z@
-  \@tempswatrue
-  \@whilesw\if@tempswa\fi{%
-  \advance\count@\@ne
-  \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\relax
-    \@tempswafalse
-  \else
-    \expandafter\let\csname TY@SF\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
-                     \csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\relax
-    \expandafter\let\csname TY@S\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
-                     \csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
-  \fi}%
-    \global\TY@count\@ne
-    \TY@width\xdef{0pt}%
-    \global\TY@tablewidth\z@
-    \global\TY@linewidth#1\relax
-Z        Target Width: \the\TY@linewidth^^J%
-Z        \string\tabcolsep: \the\tabcolsep\space
-Z        \string\arrayrulewidth: \the\arrayrulewidth\space
-Z        \string\doublerulesep: \the\doublerulesep^^J%
-Z        \string\tymin: \the\tymin\space
-Z        \string\tymax: \the\tymax^^J}%
-    \let\@classz\TY@classz
-    \let\verb\TX@verb
-    \toks@{}\TY@get@body}
-    \def\@addamp{%
-      \if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else
-      \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
-      \edef\@preamble{\@preamble &}\fi
-      \TY@width\xdef{0pt}}%
-    \def\@acol{%
-      \TY@subwidth\col@sep
-      \@addtopreamble{\hskip\col@sep}}%
-    \let\@arrayrule\TY@arrayrule
-    \let\@classvi\TY@classvi
-    \def\@classv{\save@decl
-      \expandafter\NC@ecs\@nextchar\extracolsep{}\extracolsep\@@@
-      \sbox\z@{\d@llarbegin\@nextchar\d@llarend}%
-      \TY@subwidth{\wd\z@}%
-      \@addtopreamble{\d@llarbegin\the@toks\the\count@\relax\d@llarend}%
-      \prepnext@tok}%
-  \global\let\@mkpream\TY@@mkpream
-  \TY@@mkpream}
-  \TY@subwidth\arrayrulewidth
-  \@addtopreamble \vline}
-\def\TY@classvi{\ifcase \@lastchclass
-  \@acol \or
-  \TY@subwidth\doublerulesep
-  \@addtopreamble{\hskip \doublerulesep}\or
-  \@acol \or
-  \@classvii
-  \fi}
-  \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup
-  \let\[$\let\]$%
-  \let\equation$\let\endequation$%
-    \col@sep\tabcolsep
-    \let\d@llarbegin\begingroup\let\d@llarend\endgroup
-    \let\@mkpream\TY@mkpream
-      \def\multicolumn##1##2##3{\multispan##1\relax}%
-    \CT@start\TY@tabarray}
-  \expandafter#1\csname TY@\the\TY@count\endcsname}
-  \TY@width\dimen@
-  \advance\dimen@-#1\relax
-  \TY@width\xdef{\the\dimen@}%
-  \global\advance\TY@linewidth-#1\relax}
-  \gdef\@halignto{}%
-  \let\TY@footnote\footnote%
-  \def\footnote{}% prevent footnotes from doing anything
-  \expandafter\TY@tab\the\toks@
-  \crcr\omit
-  {\xdef\TY@save@row{}%
-     \loop
-    \advance\TY@count\m@ne
-    \ifnum\TY@count>\z@
-    \xdef\TY@save@row{\TY@save@row&\omit}%
-    \repeat}\TY@save@row
-  \endarray\global\setbox1=\lastbox\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox1
-    \unskip\global\setbox1=\lastbox}\egroup
-  \dimen@\TY@linewidth
-  \divide\dimen@\TY@count
-  \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
-    \TY@warn{tymin too large (\the\tymin), resetting to \the\dimen@}%
-    \tymin\dimen@
-  \fi
-  \setbox\tw@=\hbox{\unhbox\@ne
-    \loop
-Z   \message{ecs=\the\@tempdima^^J}%
-   \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\@tempdima
-    \unskip
-    \setbox\tw@=\lastbox
-    \ifhbox\tw@
-Z     \message{Col \the\TY@count: Initial=\the\wd\tw@\space}%
-      \ifdim\wd\tw@>\tymax
-        \wd\tw@\tymax
-Z       \message{> max\space}%
-Z     \else
-Z       \message{ \@spaces\space}%
-      \fi
-  \TY@width\dimen@
-Z \message{\the\dimen@\space}%
-  \advance\dimen@\wd\tw@
-Z \message{Final=\the\dimen@\space}%
-   \TY@width\xdef{\the\dimen@}%
-      \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
-Z        \message{< tymin}%
-         \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\dimen@
-         \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
-                                                        {\the\dimen@}%
-       \else
-      \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
-Z        \message{***}%
-         \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\dimen@
-         \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
-                                                        {\the\dimen@}%
-        \else
-Z        \message{> tymin}%
-         \global\advance\TY@tablewidth\dimen@
-         \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname
-                                                               \maxdimen
-       \fi\fi
-       \advance\TY@count\m@ne
-    \repeat}%
-    \TY@checkmin
-    \TY@checkmin
-    \TY@checkmin
-    \TY@checkmin
-    \TY@count\z@
-    \let\TY@box\TY@box@v
-    \let\footnote\TY@footnote % restore footnotes
-  {\expandafter\TY@final\the\toks@\endTY@final}%
-  \count@\z@
-  \@tempswatrue
-  \@whilesw\if@tempswa\fi{%
-  \advance\count@\@ne
-  \expandafter\ifx\csname TY@SF\the\count@\endcsname\relax
-    \@tempswafalse
-  \else
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
-                   \csname TY@SF\the\count@\endcsname
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
-                   \csname TY@S\the\count@\endcsname
-  \fi}%
-  \TY@linewidth\@ovxx
-  \TY@tablewidth\@ovyy
-    \ifnum0=`{\fi}}
-  \let\TY@checkmin\relax
-  \Gscale@div\TY@ratio\TY@linewidth\TY@tablewidth
- \ifdim\TY@tablewidth <\linewidth
-   \def\TY@ratio{1}%
- \fi
-  \TY@warn{No suitable columns!}%
-  \def\TY@ratio{1}%
-Z \message{^^JLine Width: \the\TY@linewidth,
-Z             Natural Width: \the\TY@tablewidth,
-Z             Ratio: \TY@ratio^^J}%
-  \ifdim\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname>\tymin
-    \dimen@\csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
-    \dimen@\TY@ratio\dimen@
-    \ifdim\dimen@<\tymin
-Z     \message{Column \the\count@\space ->}%
-      \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\tymin
-      \global\advance\TY@linewidth-\tymin
-      \global\advance\TY@tablewidth-\csname TY@\the\count@\endcsname
-      \let\TY@checkmin\TY@@checkmin
-    \else
-      \expandafter\xdef\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname{\the\dimen@}%
-      \advance\@tempdima\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname
-    \fi
-  \fi
-Z \dimen@\csname TY@F\the\count@\endcsname\message{\the\dimen@, }%
-Z \message{^^JTotal:\the\@tempdima^^J}%
- \ifnum \@lastchclass=6 \@ne \@chnum \@ne \else
-  \ifnum \@lastchclass=7 5 \else
-   \ifnum \@lastchclass=8 \tw@ \else
-    \ifnum \@lastchclass=9 \thr@@
-   \else \z@
-   \ifnum \@lastchclass = 10 \else
-   \edef\@nextchar{\expandafter\string\@nextchar}%
-   \@chnum
-   \if \@nextchar c\z@ \else
-    \if \@nextchar l\@ne \else
-     \if \@nextchar r\tw@ \else
-   \if \@nextchar C7 \else
-    \if \@nextchar L8 \else
-     \if \@nextchar R9 \else
-     \if \@nextchar J10 \else
-   \z@ \@chclass
-   \if\@nextchar |\@ne \else
-    \if \@nextchar !6 \else
-     \if \@nextchar @7 \else
-      \if \@nextchar <8 \else
-       \if \@nextchar >9 \else
-  10
-  \@chnum
-  \if \@nextchar m\thr@@\else
-   \if \@nextchar p4 \else
-    \if \@nextchar b5 \else
-   \z@ \@chclass \z@ \@preamerr \z@ \fi \fi \fi \fi\fi \fi \fi\fi \fi
-     \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi}
-  \@classx
-  \@tempcnta\count@
-  \ifx\TY@box\TY@box@v
-    \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
-  \fi
-  \let\centering c%
-  \let\raggedright\noindent
-  \let\raggedleft\indent
-  \let\arraybackslash\relax
-  \prepnext@tok
-  \ifnum\@chnum<4
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
-  \fi
-  \ifnum\@chnum=6
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
-  \fi
-  \@addtopreamble{%
-    \ifcase\@chnum
-      \hfil \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend \hfil \or
-      \kern\z@
-       \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \or
-      \hfil\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
-      $\vcenter\@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or
-      \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
-      \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
-      \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or% dubious "s" case
-      \TY@box\centering\or
-      \TY@box\raggedright\or
-      \TY@box\raggedleft\or
-      \TY@box\relax
-    \fi}\prepnext@tok}
-  \ifx\centering#1%
-      \hfil \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend \hfil \else
-  \ifx\raggedright#1%
-        \kern\z@%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-      \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \else
-  \ifx\raggedleft#1%
-      \hfil\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \else
-  \ifx\relax#1%
-       \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend
-  \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi}
-      \vtop \@startpbox{\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname}%
-              #1\arraybackslash\tyformat
-                              \insert@column\@endpbox}
-  \setlength\dimen@{#3}%
-  \ifdim\dimen@=\z@
-    \PackageError{graphics}{Division by 0}\@eha
-    \dimen@#2%
-  \fi
-  \edef\@tempd{\the\dimen@}%
-  \setlength\dimen@{#2}%
-  \count@65536\relax
-  \ifdim\dimen@<\z@
-    \dimen@-\dimen@
-    \count@-\count@
-  \fi
-  \loop
-    \ifdim\dimen@<8192\p@
-      \dimen@\tw@\dimen@
-      \divide\count@\tw@
-  \repeat
-  \dimen@ii=\@tempd\relax
-  \divide\dimen@ii\count@
-  \divide\dimen@\dimen@ii
-  \edef#1{\strip@pt\dimen@}}
-  {\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}\TY@find@end}
-  \def\@tempa{#1}%
-  \ifx\@tempa\TY@\def\@tempa{\end{#1}}\expandafter\@tempa
-  \else\toks@\expandafter
-    {\the\toks@\end{#1}}\expandafter\TY@get@body\fi}
-  \PackageWarning{tabulary}}
-  \expandafter{%
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@setup\expandafter\relax
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@color\expandafter\relax
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@do@color\expandafter\relax
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\color\expandafter\relax
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@column@color\expandafter\relax
-    \expandafter\let\expandafter\CT@row@color\expandafter\relax
-    \@mkpream{#1}}
-  \@classx
-  \@tempcnta\count@
-  \ifx\TY@box\TY@box@v
-    \global\advance\TY@count\@ne
-  \fi
-  \let\centering c%
-  \let\raggedright\noindent
-  \let\raggedleft\indent
-  \let\arraybackslash\relax
-  \prepnext@tok
-  \ifnum\@chnum<4
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
-  \fi
-  \ifnum\@chnum=6
-    \global\expandafter\let\csname TY@F\the\TY@count\endcsname\z@
-  \fi
-  \@addtopreamble{%
-    \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup\bgroup
-    \ifcase\@chnum
-      \hskip\stretch{.5}\kern\z@
-      \d@llarbegin\insert@column\d@llarend\hskip\stretch{.5}\or
-      \kern\z@%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-       \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfill \or
-      \hfill\kern\z@ \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
-      $\vcenter\@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or
-      \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
-      \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
-      \d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or% dubious s case
-      \TY@box\centering\or
-      \TY@box\raggedright\or
-      \TY@box\raggedleft\or
-      \TY@box\relax
-    \fi
- \egroup\egroup
-  \CT@setup
-  \CT@column@color
-  \CT@row@color
-  \CT@do@color
-        \@tempdima\ht\z@
-        \advance\@tempdima\minrowclearance
-        \vrule\@height\@tempdima\@width\z@
-    \def\TY@arrayrule{%
-      \TY@subwidth\arrayrulewidth
-      \@addtopreamble{{\CT@arc@\vline}}}%
-    \def\TY@classvi{\ifcase \@lastchclass
-      \@acol \or
-      \TY@subwidth\doublerulesep
-      \ifx\CT@drsc@\relax
-        \@addtopreamble{\hskip\doublerulesep}%
-      \else
-        \@addtopreamble{{\CT@drsc@\vrule\@width\doublerulesep}}%
-      \fi\or
-      \@acol \or
-      \@classvii
-      \fi}%
-{\uccode`\*=`\ %
-  \leavevmode\null\TX@vwarn
-  {\ifnum0=`}\fi\ttfamily\let\\\ignorespaces
-  \@ifstar{\let~*\TX@vb}{\TX@vb}}}}
-    \expandafter\TX@v\meaning\@tempa\\ \\\ifnum0=`{\fi}}\@tempa!}
-\def\TX@v#1!{\afterassignment\TX@vfirst\let\@tempa= }
-  \if\@tempa#%
-    \def\@tempb{\TX@v@#}%
-  \else
-    \let\@tempb\TX@v@
-    \if\@tempa\space~\else\@tempa\fi
-  \fi
-  \@tempb}
-\gdef\TX@v@*1 *2{%
-  \TX@v@hash*1##\relax\if*2\\\else~\expandafter\TX@v@\fi*2}
-  \@warning{\noexpand\verb may be unreliable inside tabularx/y}%
-  \global\let\TX@vwarn\@empty}
-%% End of file `tabulary.sty'.
