
Fri, 19 Mar 2021 13:43:18 +0100

Giuseppe D'Amico <>
Fri, 19 Mar 2021 13:43:18 +0100
changeset 125

Update part concerning SCC data product file format description. Added also general section on basic lidar equations.

SCC Bitmask/flag description

In this section a description of all the SCC bitmask or flag fields is provided. 
Bitmask fields

**Table A1:** SCC product type bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | experimental       |
| 2nd | operational        |
**Table A2:** Range type bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | ultra\_near\_range |
| 2nd | near\_range        |
| 3rd | far\_range         |

**Table A3:** Scatteters type bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | particle           |
| 2nd | nitrogen           |
| 3rd | oxygen             |
| 4th | water\_vapour      |

**Table A4:** Detection mode bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | analog             |
| 2nd | photoncountin      |

**Table A5:** Cloudmask bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | unknown cloud      |
| 2nd | cirrus             |
| 3rd | mixed-phase cloud  |

**Table A6:** Cloudmask type bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | manual cloudmask   |
| 2nd | automatic cloudmask|

**Table A.7:** Polarization channel geometry bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | transmitted signal |
| 2nd | reflected signal   |

**Table A.8:** Polarization channel configuration bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st |  0  degrees        |
| 2nd |  90 degrees        |
| 3rd | +45 degree         |
| 4th | -45 degrees        |

**Table A.9:** Polarization calibration type bitmask description

| Bit | Description        |
| 1st | automatic          |
| 2nd | manual             |

**Table A.10:** User defind category bitmask description

| Bit  | Description           |
| 1st  | cirrus                |
| 2nd  | climatol              |
| 3rd  | dicucles              |
| 4th  | volcanic              |
| 5th  | forfires              |
| 6th  | photosmog             |
| 7th  | rurban                |
| 8th  | sahadust              |
| 9th  | stratos               |
| 10th | satallite\_overpasses |

Flag fields

**Table B.1:** Molecular calculation source flag description

| Value | Description              |
| 0     | US standard atmosphere   |
| 1     | Radiosounding            |
| 2     | ECMWF forecast           |
| 3     | ICON-IGLO-12-13 forecast |
| 4     | ICON-IGLO-24-25 forecast |
| 5     | ICON-IGLO-36-47 forecast |
| 6     | GDAS forecast            |
| 7     | ERA5-1-12                |
| 8     | ERA5-7-18                |

**Table B.2:** Cirrus contamination flag description

| Value | Description              |
| 0     | not available            |
| 1     | no cirrus                |
| 2     | cirrus detecte           |

**Table B.3:** Cirrus contamination source flag description

| Value | Description              |
| 0     | not available            |
| 1     | user provid              |
| 2     | automatic calculate      |

**Table B.4:** Error retrieval method flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | Monte Carlo                |
| 1     | Standard error propagation |
| 2     | automatic calculate        |

**Table B.5:** Backscatter evaluation method flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | Raman                      |
| 1     | Elastic                    |

**Table B.6:** Elastic backscatter algorithm flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | Klett-Fernald              |
| 1     | Iterative                  |

**Table B.7:** Earlinet product type flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 1     | e0355                      |
| 2     | b0355                      |
| 3     | e0351                      |
| 4     | b0351                      |
| 5     | e0532                      |
| 6     | b0532                      |
| 7     | e1064                      |
| 8     | b1064                      |
| 9     | b0253                      |
| 10    | b0313                      |
| 11    | b0335                      |
| 12    | b0511                      |
| 13    | b0694                      |
| 14    | b0817                      |
**Table B.8:** Backscatter calibration range search algorithm flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | minimum of signal ratio    |
| 1     | minimum of elastic signal  |
| 2     | Rayleigh fit               |
**Table B.9:** Raman backscatter algorithm flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | Ansmann method             |
| 1     | via backscatter ratio      |
**Table B.10:** Extinction evaluation algorithm flag description

| Value | Description                |
| 0     | weighted linear fit        |
| 1     | non weighted linear fi     |
