
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 16:31:41 +0200

ulalume3 <binietoglou@imaa.cnr.it>
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 16:31:41 +0200
changeset 2
child 7

New doc structure

Adding stations

Not every field that is present in the database is used in the in the Single Calculs Chain. 
Many of them are part of the Handbook of Instruments. 

Hoi stations
In the **HOI stations** section you can control the main parameters of the statino you have access to.
From here you can edit the existing station or add a new one. 

Adding a new station
When adding a new station you need to specify the following fields

   The name of the station 

   The earlinet call sign with exactrly 2 caracters.

   In degrees north is the latitude of the station.
   In degrees east is the longitude of the station.

Height asl
   The altitude of the station in meters above sea level.

   The name of the Principal Investigator of the station. 

You can add the definition of new systems that belong to the station by clicking on the Hoi System blue line that 
appears bollow the main station fields. For more details on the filed you need to fill in see the :ref:`add_new_system` section.
You can add more stations by clicking on the "Add another Hoi System" option.

.. note::

   You need to have *Javascript* enebled to add a new station from this page.

Updating an existing station

Deleting a station

System configuration

.. _add_new_system:

Adding a new system configuration

Updating an existing system 

Deleting a system
