Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:57:08 +0200
New version and structure for the docs.
Adding products =============== Depending on the product you need to produce, some of the following tables need to be filled. .. note:: This section is not up-to-date to the latest interface version. It will be updated shortly. Backscatter products -------------------- The following tables need to be filed for the various backscatter products. Backscatter calibrations ------------------------ For backscatter (product types: Raman backscatter, Combined Raman backscatter and extinction, Elastic backscatter retrieval LowestHeight in meters, lowest height for reference height search TopHeight in meters, maximum height for reference height search WindowWidth in meters, width of the reference height interval calValue backscatter ratio, e.g. 1 or 1.01 calRangeSearchMethod ID: always 0 If done, you have to remember the ID for your backscatter calibration options an go the the specific tables below, for product type 0 and 2: Raman_backscatter_options --------------------------------------------------- Raman calculation method at the moment, only 1 bsc cal options insert ID from previous step error method ID: at the moment, only 1 for product type 3: elast_backscatter_options ----------------------------------------------- elast bsc method ID at the moment, only 1 (iterative approach) bsc cal options insert ID from previous step error method ID: at the moment, only 1 lr input id: at the moment, only 1 (fixed LR) fixed_lr ... in sr, value of the used lidar ratio iter_bsc_options if, iterative approach is used, go to table iter_bsc_options and remember ID and insert here iter_bsc_options ---------------- iter conv crit ...e.g. 0.1 (=10%) The iteration is stopped when the RELATIVE difference between the actual and the previous column integrated backscatter coefficients is below this value ram bsc method id at the moment, only 1 max iteration count: maximum number of iteration steps for product type 1: Extinction options -------------------------------------- Extinction method: Standard: 1, (0 weighted linear fit, 1 non-weighted linear fit, 2 difference quotient, 3 polynomial sec order fit, 4 quadratic function, 5 Savitzky-Golay filter, 6 Russo) error method ID: at the moment, only 1 overlap file ID: if overlap file is available, enter ID here angstroem: used angström value for the extinction calculation, e.g. 0,1, or 1.5 for product type 2: Ext bsc options ----------------------------------- product ID ID of product type 2 extinction option product ID ID of the extinction product (see table products) raman backscatter options product ID ID of the Raman backscatter product (see table products) error method ID: at the moment, only 1