Small correction.


Form validation


Upload progress

Quickstart for measurement processing.


Ancillary faq

New version and structure for the docs.

Added files for the new doc structure.

Removing old files

Removed tag 1.0

Added tag 1.0.0 for changeset b747e9fcd2b1

Added tag 1.0 for changeset b747e9fcd2b1


Added link to netcdf structure pdf file. 1.0.0

Netcdf format pdf file.

New questions added in the FAQ

Added usecase links to the details TOC and the tutorial page.

Added usecase image files.

Added missing faq file.

New hgignore for output html files

Corrected the format of the FAQ, added it in index.rst

Added a basic FAQ (not checked for format, not added to index.rst)

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