giuseppe@116: 1. High Resolution products ioannis@115: ====================================================== ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Connect to ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Log-in with your username and password ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Click on "Station "Admin" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: .. figure:: media/add_hirelpp1.jpg giuseppe@116: :height: 369 giuseppe@116: :width: 1037 giuseppe@116: :scale: 100 % giuseppe@116: :align: center ioannis@115: ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. In "Product settings" tab click on the "+" at the right of "HiRELPP Products" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: .. figure:: media/add_hirelpp2.jpg ioannis@115: :height: 369 ioannis@115: :width: 1037 ioannis@115: :scale: 100 % ioannis@115: :align: center ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Select "Min height" and "Max height" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Select "Product types" and "Station" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Select all the channels involved in the product calculation in the "Product/channel Connection" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: .. IMPORTANT:: giuseppe@116: HiRELPP products are designed to be multi-wavelength products. So do not define different HiRELPP products for different wavelengths but put all the wavelengths (channels) in the same HiRELPP product ioannis@115: ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Select the configuration at which the product should be connected in "System/Product Connection" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. On the base of the emission wavelengths of the channels included in the products, specify the emission wavelengths of the channels that have to be glued (separated by comma). If you leave this field empty the glueing will be NOT performed on any channel. ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. (Optional) If among the channels included in the product, there are cross and parallel channels, select the depolarization calibration product(s) to use for their calibration under "polarization calibration product" and the "polarization option" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: #. Finally press "Save" ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: .. figure:: media/add_hirelpp3.jpg giuseppe@116: :height: 369 giuseppe@116: :width: 1037 ioannis@115: :scale: 100 % ioannis@115: :align: center ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: This is how the HiRELPP product should look like: ioannis@115: giuseppe@116: .. figure:: media/add_hirelpp4.jpg giuseppe@116: :height: 369 giuseppe@116: :width: 1037 ioannis@115: :scale: 100 % ioannis@115: :align: center ioannis@115: ioannis@115: