ioannis@37: .. _viewing_measurements: ioannis@37: ioannis@49: Browse uploaded measurements ioannis@49: ============================ ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Search measurements ioannis@49: ------------------- ioannis@49: ioannis@49: You can browse already submitted measurements using the "Search Measurements" ioannis@49: link in the data processing submenu. All the fields in the form are optional. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Form fields ioannis@49: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Station ioannis@49: The EARLINET station call sign that performed measurement. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: System ioannis@49: The system that was used to process the measurement. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Start date ioannis@49: The search start date. All measurements before that date will be ioannis@49: filtered. The correct format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Stop date ioannis@49: The search stop date. All measurements after that date will be ioannis@49: filtered. The correct format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Upload status ioannis@49: The measurement upload status. Four choices are possible (0, 1, -127, 127). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Preprocessing status ioannis@49: The measurement preprocessing status. Four choices are ioannis@49: possible (0, 1, -127, 127). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Optical processing status ioannis@49: The measurement optical processing status. Four choices are ioannis@49: possible (0, 1, -127, 127). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Categories ioannis@49: The measurement categories. Only measurements that belong to all categories ioannis@49: will be returned. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Results ioannis@49: ~~~~~~~ ioannis@49: ioannis@49: You can filter the results of the list using the **Filter** box above the form. ioannis@49: The filter searches for matches in all columns of the table, i.e you can use it ioannis@49: to filter the results by id, system, start time and duration. You can also ioannis@49: filter by status using a comma separated exit codes (ex. 127,127,-127). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: The results can be sorted by clicking on the table labels. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: View Measurement details ioannis@49: ------------------------ ioannis@49: In the measurement status page you can view more detailed information about ioannis@49: the selected file. The following info are provided. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Measurement info ioannis@49: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ioannis@49: ioannis@49: System ioannis@49: The system that was used to process the measurement. You can change the ioannis@49: system used in the processing of the measurement in the admin section ioannis@49: following the "Edit in admin" link in the File actions sub menu. If ioannis@49: you change the selected system, the measurement will be reprocessed ioannis@49: automatically, and all old output files will be deleted. ioannis@37: ioannis@49: Start ioannis@49: The start time of the measurement. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Stop ioannis@49: The stop time of the measurement. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Sounding file ioannis@49: The sounding file that will be used in processing the measurement. The ioannis@49: status of the file is also provided (see the :ref:`ancillary_details` section ioannis@49: for further info). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Overlap file ioannis@49: The overlap file file that will be used in processing the measurement. The ioannis@49: status of the file is also provided (see the :ref:`ancillary_details` section ioannis@49: for further info). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Lidar ratio file ioannis@49: The lidar ratio file that will be used in processing the measurement. The ioannis@49: status of the file is also provided (see the :ref:`ancillary_details` section ioannis@49: for further info). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Categories ioannis@49: The selected categories for this measurement. You can change the ioannis@49: selected categories in the admin section following the "Edit in admin" ioannis@49: link in the File actions sub menu. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Created on ioannis@49: The date and time that the file was first submitted on the SCC. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Last update ioannis@49: The date and time that this file was last updated. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Comment ioannis@49: User comments for this file. You can add / modify the comment in the admin ioannis@49: section following the "Edit in admin" link in the File actions sub menu. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: The status of the measurement is represented by three icons. The icons have ioannis@49: different colors depending on the status of each process. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Uploading (up arrow icon) ioannis@49: It indicates if everything needed for processing is provided; practically ioannis@49: this indicates if the measurement file and all needed ancillary files have ioannis@49: been uploaded. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Preprocessing (gear icon) ioannis@49: This indicates the progress of the preprocessor module. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Optical processing (graph icon) ioannis@49: This indicates if progress of the optical processing module (ELDA). ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: These three indicators currently support four states: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Gray (Not started) ioannis@49: A gray indicator means that the process did not start yet. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Orange (In progress) ioannis@49: An orange indicator means that the process is currently performed. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Green (Success) ioannis@49: A green indicator means that the process finished successfully. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Red (Fail) ioannis@49: A red indicator means that the process failed. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: ioannis@49: File actions ioannis@49: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ioannis@49: ioannis@49: The following actions are available, depending on the state of the processing. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Reprocess ioannis@49: The preprocessed and optical products will be recalculated. All previously ioannis@49: produced files will be deleted. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Rerun optical module ioannis@49: Only the optical products will be recalculated. All previously ioannis@49: produced optical files will be deleted. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Download pre-processed files ioannis@49: Download all preprocessed files in a zip file. The action is available ioannis@49: only if the preprocessor finished successfully. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Download optical products ioannis@49: Download all optical files in a zip file. The action is available ioannis@49: only if the optical module (ELDA) finished successfully. ioannis@49: ioannis@49: Download plots ioannis@49: Download all optical files plots in a zip file. The action is available ioannis@49: only if the optical module (ELDA) finished successfully. ioannis@49: