depolarization.rst : Converted the "WARNINGS" to rst directives.


Michael Kottas <>
Tue, 25 Oct 2016 13:34:38 +0300
changeset 77
parent 76
child 78

depolarization.rst : Converted the "WARNINGS" to rst directives.

docs/depolarization/depolarization.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/docs/depolarization/depolarization.rst	Tue Oct 25 13:27:38 2016 +0300
+++ b/docs/depolarization/depolarization.rst	Tue Oct 25 13:34:38 2016 +0300
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-.. role:: underline
-   :class: underline
-.. role:: red
 1. Particle Linear Depolarization Ratio Implementation
@@ -72,7 +65,7 @@
 #. In SCC v4.0 the polarization channels are **NOT** labeled on the base of their polarization state (as it was done in the SCC v3.11) but **ALWAYS** as transmitted and reflected channels. So the channels that in SCC v3.11 were labeled as *elCP, elCPnr, elCPfr, elPP, elPPnr elPPfr* will be labeled in SCC v4.0 as *elPR, elPRnr elPRfr elPT, elPTnr elPTfr* where the letter *T* stands from transmitted and the letter *R* for reflected.
-:WARNING: In switching from the SCC v3.11 to SCC v4.0 the following modifications have been made on **ALL** channels of **ALL** registered configurations:
+.. warning:: In switching from the SCC v3.11 to SCC v4.0 the following modifications have been made on **ALL** channels of **ALL** registered configurations:
@@ -261,7 +254,7 @@
       :code:`33` :math:`\rightarrow` :code:`-45elPRfr`
-   :WARNING: It this variable is found in the SCC input file the corresponding settings in the SCC database will be **OVERWRITTEN**. Unless you don't have any valid reason to overwrite the database value this variable should not be used.
+   .. warning:: It this variable is found in the SCC input file the corresponding settings in the SCC database will be **OVERWRITTEN**. Unless you don't have any valid reason to overwrite the database value this variable should not be used.
 3. The variables:
@@ -278,7 +271,7 @@
  To make this change more smooth and to provide the users with the possibility to continue to analyze their data with the SCC v4.0 even if a calibration dataset has not been submitted yet, it will be possible for a **LIMITED** period of time to submit the calibration constant via the SCC web interface. The SCC will keep track of the used calibration method (automatic or manual).
- :WARNING: After this transition period **ONLY** automatic calibration will be allowed!
+ .. warning:: After this transition period **ONLY** automatic calibration will be allowed!
 5. The new **OPTIONAL** variable:
@@ -290,7 +283,7 @@
  The procedure implemented in the SCC v4.0 to recognize the lidar channel within the raw lidar data is fully backward compatible (old format files are accepted as they are by SCC v4.0).
- :WARNING: Please note that the definition of the new string variable requires netCDF-4 format! The type *string* is not supported in netCDF-3 format!
+ .. warning:: Please note that the definition of the new string variable requires netCDF-4 format! The type *string* is not supported in netCDF-3 format!
 3. Real Example
@@ -691,4 +684,4 @@
    **Figure 3.4:** How to link a product to calibrate with a calibration product.
-:WARNING: Please not that also *Raman/Elastic backscatter products* need to be linked to a calibration product because the calibration constant and the corresponding correction factor is needed to calculate the total signal out of the two polarization components even if the *PLDR* is not involved in the product calculation.
\ No newline at end of file
+.. warning:: Please not that also *Raman/Elastic backscatter products* need to be linked to a calibration product because the calibration constant and the corresponding correction factor is needed to calculate the total signal out of the two polarization components even if the *PLDR* is not involved in the product calculation.
\ No newline at end of file
