Reformating low_resoltuion


Iannis <>
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 14:37:16 +0200
changeset 101
parent 100
child 102

Reformating low_resoltuion

docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:02:43 2017 +0200
+++ b/docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:37:16 2017 +0200
@@ -56,25 +56,21 @@
 A NetCDF file is composed by four different section:
--  dimensions
    this section contains all the dimensions used in the definition of
    all the variables included in the NetCDF file
--  variables
    this section contains all the variables stored in the NetCDF file.
    Each variable is defined as a multi-dimensional array of a specific
    type and with all the dimensions defined in the dimensions section
-   global attributes
+global attributes
    this section lists all the attributes referring to the whole file. As
    the variable the attributes (global or the one attached to a specific
    variable) can be of different type
--  data
    in this section the data contained in each variable defined in
    variable section is stored. Attribute values (both global or related
    to a specific variable) are not reported in data section but directly
@@ -127,33 +123,38 @@
     :Type: *double*
-    :Number of dimensions: 1
     :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
     :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-    :NetCDF definition: *double altitude\_resolution(scan\_angles)*
-    :Description: this variable describes the altitude resolution
-        corresponding to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed
-        to compute the vertical scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan
-        angle which should be calculated as it follow:
-        where *z* is the altitude, ** is the scan angle value and *h* is the
-        value reported by *altitude\_resolution* variable.
-- Variable name: *range\_resolution*
+    :Definition: ``double altitude_resolution(scan_angles)``
+    This variable describes the altitude resolution
+    corresponding to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed
+    to compute the vertical scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan
+    angle which should be calculated as it follow:
+    .. math::
+        H(\alpha, z)= \Delta h(\alpha)\left(z + \frac{1}{2}\right)
+    where *z* is the altitude, :math:`\alpha` is the scan angle value and :math:`\Delta h` is the
+    value reported by *altitude\_resolution* variable.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double range\_resolution(scan\_angles)*
-:Description: this variable describes the range resolution corresponding
-to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed to compute the
-range scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan angle which should be
-calculated as it follow:
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double range_resolution(scan_angles)``
+    This variable describes the range resolution corresponding
+    to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed to compute the
+    range scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan angle which should be
+    calculated as it follow:
-where *r* is the range, ** is the scan angle value and *r* is the
-value reported by *range\_resolution* variable. Altitude and range
-resolution are the same if the scan angle is zero (zenith acquisition).
+    .. math::
+            R(\alpha, z)= \Delta r(\alpha)\left(r + \frac{1}{2}\right)
+    where *r* is the range, :math:`\alpha` is the scan angle value and :math:`\Delta r` is the
+    value reported by *range\_resolution* variable. Altitude and range
+    resolution are the same if the scan angle is zero (zenith acquisition).
 - Variable name: *laser\_pointing\_angle*
