Initial description about the handbook if instruments.


Ioannis <>
Thu, 17 Mar 2016 11:54:31 +0200
changeset 64
parent 63
child 65

Initial description about the handbook if instruments.

docs/handbook/handbook_of_instruments.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/docs/handbook/handbook_of_instruments.rst	Wed Jan 28 12:53:20 2015 +0200
+++ b/docs/handbook/handbook_of_instruments.rst	Thu Mar 17 11:54:31 2016 +0200
@@ -1,2 +1,41 @@
 The Handbook of instruments
+The SCC database contains all the information needed to complete the handbook of instruments. We hope
+that this method of updating system information will be more efficient than exchanging traditional excel files.
+Describing your systems
+Unfortunately, the SCC does not contain the concept of a system, but only of System Configuration.
+This means that a station can have a single physical system, but use several configuration in the database
+(daytime channels, Raman channels, etc).For example, the Alomar station,  could have three system configuration
+but only one system, the "ALOMAR Troposphere Lidar".
+To construct the HOI we groupd different configurations based on the **name** of the system. In the previous example,
+we need to combine all three configuration of ALOMAR in one system. To do this:
+1. Group all system configurations with the same name as one system.
+2. Get all distinct channels connected with any of these systems.
+3. Get all lasers, telescopes, and emission lines for all channels.
+4. Show all of these to the HOI as one system.
+Excluding system configurations or channels
+It is possible that you create some system configuration or channel just for testing purposes. It is possible
+to exclude these from the handbook of instruments. To do this:
+1. Login to the admin section.
+2. Go to the page of the system/channel you want to exclude
+3. Check the "Exclude from HOI" checkbox.
+System from and to dates
+If you had several old systems that are no longer working, or if you have performed a major upgrade to your system,
+it is a good idea to include this information to the HOI. Each system configuration includes the
+fields **Configuration from** and **Configuration to** that define the time period that the system was active.
