Format update of low resolution file.


Ioannis <>
Fri, 17 Feb 2017 15:31:15 +0200
changeset 102
parent 101
child 103

Format update of low resolution file.

docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:37:16 2017 +0200
+++ b/docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst	Fri Feb 17 15:31:15 2017 +0200
@@ -126,13 +126,14 @@
     :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
     :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
     :Definition: ``double altitude_resolution(scan_angles)``
     This variable describes the altitude resolution
     corresponding to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed
     to compute the vertical scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan
     angle which should be calculated as it follow:
     .. math::
         H(\alpha, z)= \Delta h(\alpha)\left(z + \frac{1}{2}\right)
     where *z* is the altitude, :math:`\alpha` is the scan angle value and :math:`\Delta h` is the
@@ -143,1201 +144,1064 @@
     :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
     :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
     :Definition: ``double range_resolution(scan_angles)``
     This variable describes the range resolution corresponding
     to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed to compute the
     range scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan angle which should be
     calculated as it follow:
     .. math::
             R(\alpha, z)= \Delta r(\alpha)\left(r + \frac{1}{2}\right)
     where *r* is the range, :math:`\alpha` is the scan angle value and :math:`\Delta r` is the
     value reported by *range\_resolution* variable. Altitude and range
     resolution are the same if the scan angle is zero (zenith acquisition).
-- Variable name: *laser\_pointing\_angle*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double laser_pointing_angle(scan_angles)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double laser\_pointing\_angle(scan\_angles)*
-:Description: this variable provides the value of the zenith scan angles
-used during the measurement. The value of angle are in degrees with
-respect to the zenith direction.
+    This variable provides the value of the zenith scan angles
+    used during the measurement. The value of angle are in degrees with
+    respect to the zenith direction.
-- Variable name: *emission\_wavelength*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *channels*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double emission_wavelength(channels)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *channels*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double emission\_wavelength(channels)*
-:Description: this variable provides the value of the emission wavelength
-(in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series.
+    This variable provides the value of the emission wavelength
+    (in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series.
-- Variable name: *detection\_wavelength*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *channels*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double detection_wavelength(channels)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *channels*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double detection\_wavelength(channels)*
-:Description: this variable provides the value of the detection
-wavelength (in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series. For elastic
-channels the detection and emission wavelength are the same or slightly
+    This variable provides the value of the detection
+    wavelength (in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series. For elastic
+    channels the detection and emission wavelength are the same or slightly
+    different.
-- Variable name: *laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles*
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: *time*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles(time)``
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *time*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)*
-:Description: this variable allows to identify the zenith angle at which
-each single RCS contained in the time-series refer to. In particular,
-for a given time the variable
-*laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)* provides the scan angle
-index at which all the RCS included in the file refer to at the same
-time. To get the value of the scan angle the variable
-*laser\_pointing\_angle* should be evaluated in correspondence of the
-index returned by the variable
+    This variable allows to identify the zenith angle at which
+    each single RCS contained in the time-series refer to. In particular,
+    for a given time the variable
+    *laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)* provides the scan angle
+    index at which all the RCS included in the file refer to at the same
+    time. To get the value of the scan angle the variable
+    *laser\_pointing\_angle* should be evaluated in correspondence of the
+    index returned by the variable
+    *laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)*.
-- Variable name: *shots*
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: *time*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int shots(time)``
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *time*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int shots(time)*
-:Description: this variable report the number of laser shots that have
-been integrated the all the RCS time-series at a given time.
+    This variable report the number of laser shots that have
+    been integrated the all the RCS time-series at a given time.
-- Variable name: *start\_time*
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: *time*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int start_time(time)``
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *time*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int start\_time(time)*
-:Description: Variable reporting the value of the start time of each RCS
-within all the time-series in seconds since the start of measurement.
-- Variable name: *stop\_time*
+    Variable reporting the value of the start time of each RCS
+    within all the time-series in seconds since the start of measurement.
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 1
-:Dimensions: *time*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int stop\_time(time)*
-:Description:Variables reporting the value of the stop time of each RCS
-within all the time-series in seconds since the start of the
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: *time*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int stop_time(time)``
-- Variable name: *LR\_Input*
+    Variables reporting the value of the stop time of each RCS
+    within all the time-series in seconds since the start of the
+    measurement.
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present only if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product corresponds
-to an elastic only product
-:NetCDF definition: *int LR\_Input*
-:Description: this variable is only used by ELDA module in the elastic
-only retrieval to know which value of particle lidar ratio assume in the
-retrieval. A value of 1 means to use a fixed value stored in the SCC
-database for each product. A value of 0 means to use a profile of lidar
-ratio provided by the user as external file.
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present only if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product corresponds
+               to an elastic only product
+    :Definition: ``int LR_Input``
-- Variable name: *overlap\_correction*
+    This variable is only used by ELDA module in the elastic
+    only retrieval to know which value of particle lidar ratio assume in the
+    retrieval. A value of 1 means to use a fixed value stored in the SCC
+    database for each product. A value of 0 means to use a profile of lidar
+    ratio provided by the user as external file.
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int overlap\_correction*
-:Description: this variable provides information on the overlap
-correction of all the RCS time-series included in the file. If it is set
-to 1 the overlap correction has been applied if it is set to null value
-the overlap correction has not been applied.
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int overlap_correction``
-- Variable name: *cloud\_flag*
+    This variable provides information on the overlap
+    correction of all the RCS time-series included in the file. If it is set
+    to 1 the overlap correction has been applied if it is set to null value
+    the overlap correction has not been applied.
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *int cloud\_flag(time, points)*
-:Description: variable reporting the cloud mask on the RCS time-series
-included in the file. A value of 1 means no cloud any other values
-different from 1 correspond to the presence of cloud.
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``int cloud_flag(time, points)``
+    variable reporting the cloud mask on the RCS time-series
+    included in the file. A value of 1 means no cloud any other values
+    different from 1 correspond to the presence of cloud.
 Atmospheric Molecular Variables
-- Variable name: *Elastic\_Mol\_Extinction*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: *double Elastic\_Mol\_Extinction(scan\_angles, points)*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double Elastic\_Mol\_Extinction(scan\_angles,
-:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular extinction
-coefficient at elastic wavelength in m\ :sup:`-1` at a given scan angle
-and altitude (points). The values are calculated from standard models or
-from radiosounding (submitted to the SCC as external input files)
+    This variable provides the value of molecular extinction
+    coefficient at elastic wavelength in m\ :sup:`-1` at a given scan angle
+    and altitude (points). The values are calculated from standard models or
+    from radiosounding (submitted to the SCC as external input files)
-- Variable name: *LR\_Mol*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double LR\_Mol*
-:Description: The value of calculated molecular lidar ratio in sr.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double LR_Mol``
-- Variable name: *Emission\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity*
+    The value of calculated molecular lidar ratio in sr.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-Emission\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity(scan\_angles, points)*
-:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
-at emission wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double Emission_Wave_Mol_Trasmissivity(scan_angles, points)``
-- Variable name: *Detection\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity*
+    This variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
+    at emission wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-Detection\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity(scan\_angles, points)*
-:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
-at detection wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :Definition: ``double Detection_Wave_Mol_Trasmissivity(scan_angles, points)``
+    This variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
+    at detection wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
 Aerosol Related Variables
-- Variable name: *elT*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+               single elastic channel not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elT(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
-single elastic channel not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elT(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to an elastic channel. The RCS may correspond to a single
-physical lidar channel or to two physical channels (one optimized for
-the near range and the other for the far range) that have been glued by
-ELPP module.
-- Variable name: *elT\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to an elastic channel. The RCS may correspond to a single
+    physical lidar channel or to two physical channels (one optimized for
+    the near range and the other for the far range) that have been glued by
+    ELPP module.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
-single elastic channel not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elT\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elT*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+               single elastic channel not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elT_err(time, points)``
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elT*.
-- elTnr
-:Variable name: *elTnr*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
-           range elastic channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double elTnr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    :Variable name: *elTnr*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+               range elastic channel
+    :Definition: ``double elTnr(time, points)``
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
     corresponding to a near range elastic channel. If this variable is
     present also the corresponding *elTfr* variable should be present in
     the file.
-- Variable name: *elTnr\_err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+               range elastic channel
+    :Definition: ``double elTnr_err(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
-range elastic channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double elTnr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elTnr*.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elTnr*.
-- Variable name: *elTfr*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+               range elastic channel
+    :Definition: ``double elTfr(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
-range elastic channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to a far range elastic channel. If this variable is
-present also the corresponding *elTnr *\ variable should be present in
-the file.
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to a far range elastic channel. If this variable is
+    present also the corresponding *elTnr* variable should be present in
+    the file.
-- Variable name: *elTfr\_err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+               range elastic channel
+    :Definition: ``double elTfr_err(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
-range elastic channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elTfr*.
-- Variable name: *vrRN2*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elTfr*.
-:Type:\ * double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
-vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble vrRN2(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to a vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel. The RCS may
-correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
-channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
-range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
+    :Type: * double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+               vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *vrRN2\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to a vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel. The RCS may
+    correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+    channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+    range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
-vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *vrRN2*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+               vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2_err(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *vrRN2nr*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *vrRN2*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
-range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2nr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to a near range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
-is present also the corresponding *vrRN2fr *\ variable should be present
-in the file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+               range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2nr(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *vrRN2nr\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to a near range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
+    is present also the corresponding *vrRN2fr* variable should be present
+    in the file.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
-range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2nr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *vrRN2nr*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+               range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2nr_err(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *vrRN2fr*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *vrRN2nr*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
-range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2fr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to a far range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
-is present also the corresponding *vrRN2nr *\ variable should be present
-in the file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+               range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2fr(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *vrRN2fr\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to a far range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
+    is present also the corresponding *vrRN2nr* variable should be present
+    in the file.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
-range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
-:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2fr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *vrRN2fr*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+               range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+    :Definition: ``double vrRN2fr_err(time, points)``
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *vrRN2fr*.
 Polarization related variables
-- Variable name: *elPT*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elPT(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPT(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is transmitted
-by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
-correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
-depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
-correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
-channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
-range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
-- Variable name: *elPT\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is transmitted
+    by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
+    correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
+    depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
+    correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+    channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+    range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-spolarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPT\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPT*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               spolarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elPT_err(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *elPTnr*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPT*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
-transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
-component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
-component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
-variable is present also the corresponding *elPTfr* variable should be
-present in the file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPTnr(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *elPTnr\_err*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
+    transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+    component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+    component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+    variable is present also the corresponding *elPTfr* variable should be
+    present in the file.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPTnr*.
-- Variable name: *elPTfr*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPTnr_err(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
-transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
-component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
-component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
-variable is present also the corresponding elPTnr variable should be
-present in the file.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPTnr*.
-- Variable name: *elPTfr\_err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elTfr(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPTfr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPTfr*.
-- Variable name: *elPR*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
+    transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+    component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+    component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+    variable is present also the corresponding elPTnr variable should be
+    present in the file.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPR(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is reflected
-by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
-correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
-depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
-correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
-channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
-range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPTfr_err(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *elPR\_err*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPTfr*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elPR(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPR\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPR*.
-- Variable name: *elPRnr*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is reflected
+    by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
+    correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
+    depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
+    correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+    channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+    range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: * time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
-reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
-component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
-component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
-variable is present also the corresponding *elPRfr* variable should be
-present in the file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+    :Definition: ``double elPR_err(time, points)``
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPR*.
-- Variable name: *elPRnr\_err*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: * double elPRnr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPRnr*.
-- Variable name: *elPRfr*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: * time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPTnr(time, points)``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPRfr(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
-corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
-reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
-component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
-component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
-variable is present also the corresponding *elPRnr* variable should be
-present in the file.
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
+    reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+    component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+    component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+    variable is present also the corresponding *elPRfr* variable should be
+    present in the file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: `` double elPRnr_err(time, points)``
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPRnr*.
-- Variable name: *elPRfr\_err*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *time, points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double elPRfr\_err(time, points)*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *elPRfr*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPRfr(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *G\_T*
+    This variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
+    reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+    component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+    component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+    variable is present also the corresponding *elPRnr* variable should be
+    present in the file.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-polarization transmitted channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *time, points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double elPRfr_err(time, points)``
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *elPRfr*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T``
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    polarization transmitted channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_T*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-polarization transmitted channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T``
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    polarization transmitted channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name: *G\_R*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-polarization reflected channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R``
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: * double G\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_R*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-polarization reflected channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: `` double G_R_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
-reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Statistical\_Err
-  *
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor``
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Systematic\_Err
-  *
+    This variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+    reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
-gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: * double
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction``
+    This variable reports the value of the correction to the
+    gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Statistical_Err``
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range*
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-near range polarization transmitted channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Near_Range``
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    near range polarization transmitted channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-near range polarization transmitted channel.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Near_Range``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    near range polarization transmitted channel.
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-near range polarization reflected channel.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Near_Range``
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    near range polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Near\_Range*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-near range polarization reflected channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: * double H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Near_Range``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    near range polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
-near range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Near_Range``
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    This variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+    near range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Near\_Range\_Factor*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
-near range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range*.
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Near_Range``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition:\ **
+    This variable reports the value of the correction to the
+    near range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+    channels.
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err
-  *
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Near_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition:
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Near_Range_Systematic_Err``
- *double
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-far range polarization transmitted channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Far_Range``
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    far range polarization transmitted channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_T_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Far\_Range*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-far range polarization transmitted channel.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Far_Range``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    far range polarization transmitted channel.
-- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_T_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range*
-:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-far range polarization reflected channel.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Far_Range``
+    G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    far range polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double G_R_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range*
-:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
-far range polarization reflected channel.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Far_Range``
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+    far range polarization reflected channel.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double H_R_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
-far range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Far_Range``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    This variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+    far range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
-- Variable name:
-   P\ *olarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range*
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable
+    *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Far\_Range\_Factor*.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble
-:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
-far range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err
-  *
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range*.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Far_Range``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition:
-d\ *ouble
+    This variable reports the value of the correction to the
+    far range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+    channels.
-:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
-- Variable name:
-   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err
-  *
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Far_Range_Statistical_Err``
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
-range polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition:
+    This variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range*.
-:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
-corresponding to the variable
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+               range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Polarization_Channel_Gain_Factor_Correction_Far_Range_Systematic_Err``
-- Variable name: *Depolarization\_Calibration\_Type*
+    This variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+    corresponding to the variable
+    *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range*.
+    :Type: *integer*
+    :Dimensions: N/A
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``int Depolarization_Calibration_Type``
-:Type: *integer*
-:Number of dimensions: 0
-:Dimensions: N/A
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: * int Depolarization\_Calibration\_Type*
-:Description: this variable describes the type of depolarization
-calibration that has been performed. A value of 1 means automatic
-calibration made the the SCC, a value of 2 means manual calibration
-inserted into the SCC database.
-- Variable name: *Molecular\_Linear\_Depolarization\_Ratio*
+    This variable describes the type of depolarization
+    calibration that has been performed. A value of 1 means automatic
+    calibration made the the SCC, a value of 2 means manual calibration
+    inserted into the SCC database.
-:Type: *double*
-:Number of dimensions: 2
-:Dimensions: *scan\_angles,points*
-:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
-polarization sensitive elastic channels
-:NetCDF definition: *double
-Molecular\_Linear\_Depolarization\_Ratio(scan\_angles, points)*
-:Description: this variable report the value of molecular linear
-depolarization ration for at given scan angles and at given altitude
-(*points*). This profile is calculated on the base of the atmospheric
-data from standard models or radiosonding submitted by the user as
-separate file.
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles,points*
+    :Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+               polarization sensitive elastic channels
+    :Definition: ``double Molecular_Linear_Depolarization_Ratio(scan_angles, points)``
+    This variable report the value of molecular linear
+    depolarization ration for at given scan angles and at given altitude
+    (*points*). This profile is calculated on the base of the atmospheric
+    data from standard models or radiosonding submitted by the user as
+    separate file.
 The altitude scale at which each RCS within the time-series reported by
 the variables *elT, elTnr, elTfr, vrRN2, vrRN2nr, vrRN2fr, elPT, elPTnr,
-elPTfr, elPR, elPRnr, elPRfr*, refer to can be obtained as:
+elPTfr, elPR, elPRnr, elPRfr*, refer to can be obtained as::
+    H(laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time),points)
-The total signal (*I*\ :sub:`*total*`) and the volume depolarization
-ratio (**) can be calculated out of reflected (*I*\ :sub:`*R*`) and
-transmitted (*I*\ :sub:`*T*`) polarization component intensities using
+The total signal (:math:`I_{total}`) and the volume depolarization
+ratio (:math:`\delta`) can be calculated out of reflected (:math:`I_{R}`) and
+transmitted (:math:`I_{T}`) polarization component intensities using
 the following equations:
-where *\** is the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
+.. math::
+   \delta^{*} = \frac{K}{\eta^{*}}\frac{I_R}{I_T}
+.. math::
+   \delta = \frac{\delta^{*} (G_T + H_T) - (G_R + H_R)}{(G_R - H_R) - \delta_{*}(G_T - H_T)}
+.. math::
+   I_{total} \propto \frac{\eta^{*}}{K} H_R I_T - H_T I_R
+where :math:`\eta^{*}` is the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
 polarization channels (variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*);
-*K* is the correction to the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
-polarization channels (variable
-*Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*); *I*\ :sub:`*R*` is
-the intensity of the reflected polarization component (variable *elPR*);
-*I*\ :sub:`*T*` is the intensity of the transmitted polarization
-component (variable *elPT*); and *G*\ :sub:`*T*`, *H*\ :sub:`*T*`,
-*G*\ :sub:`*R*` and *H*\ :sub:`*R*` are the polarization cross-talk
-parameters (variables *G\_T, H\_T, G\_R* and *H\_R*).
+:math:`K` is the correction to the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
+polarization channels (variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*);
+:math:`I_{R}` is the intensity of the reflected polarization component (variable *elPR*);
+:math:`I_{T}` is the intensity of the transmitted polarization
+component (variable *elPT*); and :math:`G_{T}`, :math:`H_{T}`,
+:math:`G_{R}`, and :math:`H_{R}` are the polarization cross-talk
+parameters (variables *G\_T*, *H\_T*, *G\_R*, and *H\_R*).
 Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Format: global attributes
@@ -1348,112 +1212,112 @@
 Product files while there are others that have to be present only in
 specific cases.
-1. Attribute name: *Location*
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the name of site where the measurements have been performed
+    The name of site where the measurements have been performed
-1. Attribute name: *System*
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the name of the lidar system used to perform the
+    The name of the lidar system used to perform the
+    measurements
-1. Attribute name: *Latitude\_degrees\_north*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *double*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the latitude (in degrees North) of the measurement site
+    The latitude (in degrees North) of the measurement site
-1. Attribute name: *Longitude\_degrees\_east*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *double*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the longitude (in degrees East) of the measurement site
+    The longitude (in degrees East) of the measurement site
-1. Attribute name: *Altitude\_meter\_asl*
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *double*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the altitude (in m above see level) of the measurement site
+    The altitude (in m above see level) of the measurement site
-1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_ID*
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: within the SCC all the measurement sessions is identified
-by a string called *Measurement\_ID* uniquely. This gobal attributes
-provides this string.
-1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Start\_Date*
+    Within the SCC all the measurement sessions is identified
+    by a string called *Measurement\_ID* uniquely. This gobal attributes
+    provides this string.
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the start date of the measurements. The format in which
-this date is written is specified in the gobal attribute
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Date\_Format*
+    The start date of the measurements. The format in which
+    this date is written is specified in the gobal attribute
+    *Measurement\_Date\_Format*.
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the format in which the global attribute
-*Measurement\_Start\_Date* is given.
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Start\_Time\_UT*
+    The format in which the global attribute
+    *Measurement\_Start\_Date* is given.
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the start time (UT) of the measurements. The format in
-which this time is written is specified in the global attribute
+    The start time (UT) of the measurements. The format in
+    which this time is written is specified in the global attribute
+    *Measurement\_Time\_Format*.
-1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Time\_Format*
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the format in which the global attribute
-*Measurement\_Start\_Time\_U*\ T is given.
+    The format in which the global attribute
+    *Measurement\_Start\_Time\_U*\ T is given.
-1. Attribute name: *Comments*
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: this string can contain comments of the measurement session
-1. Attribute name: *Overlap\_File\_Name*
+    This string can contain comments of the measurement session
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files for
-which an overlap file has been submitted by the data originator.
-:Description: The name of the overlap file to use for overlap correction.
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files for
+               which an overlap file has been submitted by the data originator.
-1. Attribute name: *LR\_File\_Name*
+    The name of the overlap file to use for overlap correction.
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-corresponding to elastic only retrieval and for which an lidar ratio
-profile file has been submitted by the data originator.
-:Description: The name of the lidar ratio file containing the profile of
-particle lidar ratio values to use as input in the elastic only
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+               corresponding to elastic only retrieval and for which an lidar ratio
+               profile file has been submitted by the data originator.
-1. Attribute name: *SCCPreprocessingVersion*
+    The name of the lidar ratio file containing the profile of
+    particle lidar ratio values to use as input in the elastic only
+    retrieval.
-:Type: *string*
-:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
-:Description: the version of SCC used to produce the current Low
-Resolution SCC L1 Product
+    :Type: *string*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    The version of SCC used to produce the current Low
+    Resolution SCC L1 Product
 Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Filename
 The filename of the Low Resolution SCC L1 Products has the following
+    measurementid\
 The *measurementid* is a 12 characters alphanumeric string identifying
 the measurement session at which the product refers to. The
