Move format related files to new dir.


Iannis <>
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 14:02:20 +0200
changeset 99
parent 98
child 100

Move format related files to new dir.

docs/file_formats.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
docs/file_formats/netcdf_file.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/file_formats.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:02:20 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Input/Output file formats
+In this section of the documentation you can find information about the
+input and output files formats of the SCC.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   file_formats/netcdf_file
+   file_formats/low_resolution
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/file_formats/low_resolution.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:02:20 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1519 @@
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Products
+.. warning::
+  This section is still under development.
+The Single Calculus Chain (SCC) is the standard EARLINET tool to perform
+automatic and quality nchecked analysis of raw lidar data. It is
+composed by three different modules:
+-  ELPP (EARLINET Lidar Pre-Processor)
+-  ELDA (EARLINET Lidar Data Analizer)
+-  ELDEC (EARLINET Lidar DEpolarization Calibrator)
+Whenever an input file containing raw lidar data has been submitted to
+the SCC ELPP is automatically ran on it. The ELPP module pre-processes
+the raw data performing all the corrections and data handling needed
+before the optical retrieval algorithms can be applied by ELDA module.
+The ELPP output files contain pre-processed range corrected signals
+corrected for instrumental effects as well as atmospheric molecular
+parameters calculated from standard model or radiosounding. Typically,
+the vertical and temporal resolutions of the pre-processed signals
+included in these files is lower than the raw vertical and temporal
+resolution as in general time/vertical integration is performed by ELPP
+to increase the SNR and allow the calculation of optical products with a
+reduced uncertainties. As a consequence the ELPP output files are called
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Products. Another SCC module (HiRELPP – High
+Resolution EARLINET Lidar Pre-Processor) currently under development
+will produce High Resolution SCC L1 Products in which both time and
+vertical resolution are kept as higher as possible.
+This document provides a detailed description about the structure and
+the format of Low Resolution SCC L1 Product as produced by the SCC v4.0.
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Product: File format
+The Low Resolution SCC L1 Products are files in Network Common Data Form
+(NetCDF) which is a well known self-describing, machine-independent data
+format that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented
+scientific data. For more information about NetCDF format:
+The NetCDF is a binary format that allows the definition of
+multi-dimensional variables of several types (integers, double,
+character, etc). For each variable it is possible to define one or more
+attributes where to specify variable properties like units, long name,
+description, etc.
+It is possible to define global attributes which are not related to a
+specific variable but to the whole file.
+A NetCDF file is composed by four different section:
+-  dimensions
+   this section contains all the dimensions used in the definition of
+   all the variables included in the NetCDF file
+-  variables
+   this section contains all the variables stored in the NetCDF file.
+   Each variable is defined as a multi-dimensional array of a specific
+   type and with all the dimensions defined in the dimensions section
+   global attributes
+   this section lists all the attributes referring to the whole file. As
+   the variable the attributes (global or the one attached to a specific
+   variable) can be of different type
+-  data
+   in this section the data contained in each variable defined in
+   variable section is stored. Attribute values (both global or related
+   to a specific variable) are not reported in data section but directly
+   in variable or global attribute sections.
+Each Low Resolution SCC L1 Product correspond to a single emission
+wavelength. For example it is possible to find in the same file the
+elastic and the Raman channel pre-processed time-series corresponding to
+the same emission wavelength (but to a different detection wavelengths)
+but not two elastic time-series referring to different emission
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Format: dimensions
+The following dimensions are defined in the Low Resolution SCC L1
+-  time
+-  points
+-  channels
+-  scan\_angles
+The dimension *time* specifies the number of RCS (for each channel)
+composing all the pre-processed time-series reported in the file.
+The dimension *points* represents the number of rangebins characterizing
+the pre-processed RCS. In case RCSs corresponding to different channels
+are characterized by different rangebins the dimension time is to the
+the maximum value of rangebins.
+The dimension *channels* indicates the number channels at which the RCS
+time-series included in the file refer to.
+The dimension *scan\_angles* takes into account how many zenith scan
+angles have been used to measure the RCS time-series reported into the
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Format: variables
+In this section all the possible Low Resolution SCC L1 Product variables
+are reported. There are some variables that are mandatory and have to be
+present in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files while there are
+others that have to be present only in specific cases.
+Technical Variables
+    :Type: *double*
+    :Number of dimensions: 1
+    :Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
+    :Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+    :NetCDF definition: *double altitude\_resolution(scan\_angles)*
+    :Description: this variable describes the altitude resolution
+        corresponding to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed
+        to compute the vertical scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan
+        angle which should be calculated as it follow:
+        where *z* is the altitude, ** is the scan angle value and *h* is the
+        value reported by *altitude\_resolution* variable.
+- Variable name: *range\_resolution*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double range\_resolution(scan\_angles)*
+:Description: this variable describes the range resolution corresponding
+to the RCS time-series reported in the file. It is needed to compute the
+range scale of the RCS corresponding to each scan angle which should be
+calculated as it follow:
+where *r* is the range, ** is the scan angle value and *r* is the
+value reported by *range\_resolution* variable. Altitude and range
+resolution are the same if the scan angle is zero (zenith acquisition).
+- Variable name: *laser\_pointing\_angle*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double laser\_pointing\_angle(scan\_angles)*
+:Description: this variable provides the value of the zenith scan angles
+used during the measurement. The value of angle are in degrees with
+respect to the zenith direction.
+- Variable name: *emission\_wavelength*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *channels*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double emission\_wavelength(channels)*
+:Description: this variable provides the value of the emission wavelength
+(in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series.
+- Variable name: *detection\_wavelength*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *channels*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double detection\_wavelength(channels)*
+:Description: this variable provides the value of the detection
+wavelength (in nm) corresponding to each RCS time-series. For elastic
+channels the detection and emission wavelength are the same or slightly
+- Variable name: *laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *time*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)*
+:Description: this variable allows to identify the zenith angle at which
+each single RCS contained in the time-series refer to. In particular,
+for a given time the variable
+*laser\_pointing\_angle\_of\_profiles(time)* provides the scan angle
+index at which all the RCS included in the file refer to at the same
+time. To get the value of the scan angle the variable
+*laser\_pointing\_angle* should be evaluated in correspondence of the
+index returned by the variable
+- Variable name: *shots*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *time*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int shots(time)*
+:Description: this variable report the number of laser shots that have
+been integrated the all the RCS time-series at a given time.
+- Variable name: *start\_time*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *time*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int start\_time(time)*
+:Description: Variable reporting the value of the start time of each RCS
+within all the time-series in seconds since the start of measurement.
+- Variable name: *stop\_time*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 1
+:Dimensions: *time*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int stop\_time(time)*
+:Description:Variables reporting the value of the stop time of each RCS
+within all the time-series in seconds since the start of the
+- Variable name: *LR\_Input*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present only if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product corresponds
+to an elastic only product
+:NetCDF definition: *int LR\_Input*
+:Description: this variable is only used by ELDA module in the elastic
+only retrieval to know which value of particle lidar ratio assume in the
+retrieval. A value of 1 means to use a fixed value stored in the SCC
+database for each product. A value of 0 means to use a profile of lidar
+ratio provided by the user as external file.
+- Variable name: *overlap\_correction*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int overlap\_correction*
+:Description: this variable provides information on the overlap
+correction of all the RCS time-series included in the file. If it is set
+to 1 the overlap correction has been applied if it is set to null value
+the overlap correction has not been applied.
+- Variable name: *cloud\_flag*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *int cloud\_flag(time, points)*
+:Description: variable reporting the cloud mask on the RCS time-series
+included in the file. A value of 1 means no cloud any other values
+different from 1 correspond to the presence of cloud.
+Atmospheric Molecular Variables
+- Variable name: *Elastic\_Mol\_Extinction*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double Elastic\_Mol\_Extinction(scan\_angles,
+:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular extinction
+coefficient at elastic wavelength in m\ :sup:`-1` at a given scan angle
+and altitude (points). The values are calculated from standard models or
+from radiosounding (submitted to the SCC as external input files)
+- Variable name: *LR\_Mol*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double LR\_Mol*
+:Description: The value of calculated molecular lidar ratio in sr.
+- Variable name: *Emission\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+Emission\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity(scan\_angles, points)*
+:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
+at emission wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
+- Variable name: *Detection\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles, points*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+Detection\_Wave\_Mol\_Trasmissivity(scan\_angles, points)*
+:Description: this variable provides the value of molecular trasmissitivy
+at detection wavelength at a given scan angle and altitude (*points*).
+Aerosol Related Variables
+- Variable name: *elT*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+single elastic channel not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elT(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to an elastic channel. The RCS may correspond to a single
+physical lidar channel or to two physical channels (one optimized for
+the near range and the other for the far range) that have been glued by
+ELPP module.
+- Variable name: *elT\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+single elastic channel not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elT\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elT*.
+- elTnr
+:Variable name: *elTnr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+           range elastic channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double elTnr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+    corresponding to a near range elastic channel. If this variable is
+    present also the corresponding *elTfr* variable should be present in
+    the file.
+- Variable name: *elTnr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+range elastic channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double elTnr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elTnr*.
+- Variable name: *elTfr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+range elastic channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to a far range elastic channel. If this variable is
+present also the corresponding *elTnr *\ variable should be present in
+the file.
+- Variable name: *elTfr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+range elastic channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elTfr*.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2*
+:Type:\ * double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble vrRN2(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to a vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel. The RCS may
+correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves one
+vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *vrRN2*.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2nr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2nr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to a near range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
+is present also the corresponding *vrRN2fr *\ variable should be present
+in the file.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2nr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a near
+range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2nr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *vrRN2nr*.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2fr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2fr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to a far range vibro-rotationl N2 Raman. If this variable
+is present also the corresponding *vrRN2nr *\ variable should be present
+in the file.
+- Variable name: *vrRN2fr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves a far
+range vibro-rotational N2 Raman channel
+:NetCDF definition: *double vrRN2fr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *vrRN2fr*.
+Polarization related variables
+- Variable name: *elPT*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPT(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is transmitted
+by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
+correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
+depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
+correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
+- Variable name: *elPT\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+spolarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPT\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPT*.
+- Variable name: *elPTnr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
+transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+variable is present also the corresponding *elPTfr* variable should be
+present in the file.
+- Variable name: *elPTnr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPTnr*.
+- Variable name: *elPTfr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elTfr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
+transmitted by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+variable is present also the corresponding elPTnr variable should be
+present in the file.
+- Variable name: *elPTfr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPTfr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPTfr*.
+- Variable name: *elPR*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPR(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the elastic polarization component which is reflected
+by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This component may
+correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization component
+depending on the particular system configuration. Moreover the RCS may
+correspond to a single physical lidar channel or to two physical
+channels (one optimized for the near range and the other for the far
+range) that have been glued by ELPP module.
+- Variable name: *elPR\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels not split in near and far range
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPR\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPR*.
+- Variable name: *elPRnr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: * time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPTnr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the near range elastic polarization component which is
+reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+variable is present also the corresponding *elPRfr* variable should be
+present in the file.
+- Variable name: *elPRnr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: * double elPRnr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPRnr*.
+- Variable name: *elPRfr*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPRfr(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable contains the time-series of the RCS
+corresponding to the far range elastic polarization component which is
+reflected by the polarization sensitive optical subsystem. This
+component may correspond to a total, cross or parallel polarization
+component depending on the particular system configuration. If this
+variable is present also the corresponding *elPRnr* variable should be
+present in the file.
+- Variable name: *elPRfr\_err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *time, points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double elPRfr\_err(time, points)*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *elPRfr*.
+- Variable name: *G\_T*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: * double G\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R*.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Statistical\_Err
+  *
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Systematic\_Err
+  *
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
+gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: * double
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+near range polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+near range polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+near range polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Near\_Range*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+near range polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: * double H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Near\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+near range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
+near range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition:\ **
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Near\_Range\_Systematic\_Err
+  *
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves near
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition:
+ *double
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+far range polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Far\_Range*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+far range polarization transmitted channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble H\_T\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_T\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range*
+:Description: G polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+far range polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double G\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *G\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range*
+:Description: H polarization cross-talk factor value corresponding to the
+far range polarization reflected channel.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double H\_R\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable *H\_R\_Far\_Range*.
+- Variable name: *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the gain ratio of the
+far range reflected and transmitted polarization channels.
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   P\ *olarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: d\ *ouble
+:Description: this variable reports the value of the correction to the
+far range gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted polarization
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range\_Statistical\_Err
+  *
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition:
+d\ *ouble
+:Description: this variable describes the statistical uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name:
+   *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction\_Far\_Range\_Systematic\_Err
+  *
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves far
+range polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition:
+:Description: this variable describes the systematic uncertainties
+corresponding to the variable
+- Variable name: *Depolarization\_Calibration\_Type*
+:Type: *integer*
+:Number of dimensions: 0
+:Dimensions: N/A
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: * int Depolarization\_Calibration\_Type*
+:Description: this variable describes the type of depolarization
+calibration that has been performed. A value of 1 means automatic
+calibration made the the SCC, a value of 2 means manual calibration
+inserted into the SCC database.
+- Variable name: *Molecular\_Linear\_Depolarization\_Ratio*
+:Type: *double*
+:Number of dimensions: 2
+:Dimensions: *scan\_angles,points*
+:Location: Present if the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product involves
+polarization sensitive elastic channels
+:NetCDF definition: *double
+Molecular\_Linear\_Depolarization\_Ratio(scan\_angles, points)*
+:Description: this variable report the value of molecular linear
+depolarization ration for at given scan angles and at given altitude
+(*points*). This profile is calculated on the base of the atmospheric
+data from standard models or radiosonding submitted by the user as
+separate file.
+The altitude scale at which each RCS within the time-series reported by
+the variables *elT, elTnr, elTfr, vrRN2, vrRN2nr, vrRN2fr, elPT, elPTnr,
+elPTfr, elPR, elPRnr, elPRfr*, refer to can be obtained as:
+The total signal (*I*\ :sub:`*total*`) and the volume depolarization
+ratio (**) can be calculated out of reflected (*I*\ :sub:`*R*`) and
+transmitted (*I*\ :sub:`*T*`) polarization component intensities using
+the following equations:
+where *\** is the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
+polarization channels (variable *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor*);
+*K* is the correction to the gain ratio of the reflected and transmitted
+polarization channels (variable
+*Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction*); *I*\ :sub:`*R*` is
+the intensity of the reflected polarization component (variable *elPR*);
+*I*\ :sub:`*T*` is the intensity of the transmitted polarization
+component (variable *elPT*); and *G*\ :sub:`*T*`, *H*\ :sub:`*T*`,
+*G*\ :sub:`*R*` and *H*\ :sub:`*R*` are the polarization cross-talk
+parameters (variables *G\_T, H\_T, G\_R* and *H\_R*).
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Format: global attributes
+In this section all the possible Low Resolution SCC L1 Product global
+attributes are reported. There are some global attributes that are
+mandatory and have to be present in all the Low Resolution SCC L1
+Product files while there are others that have to be present only in
+specific cases.
+1. Attribute name: *Location*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the name of site where the measurements have been performed
+1. Attribute name: *System*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the name of the lidar system used to perform the
+1. Attribute name: *Latitude\_degrees\_north*
+:Type: *double*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the latitude (in degrees North) of the measurement site
+1. Attribute name: *Longitude\_degrees\_east*
+:Type: *double*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the longitude (in degrees East) of the measurement site
+1. Attribute name: *Altitude\_meter\_asl*
+:Type: *double*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the altitude (in m above see level) of the measurement site
+1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_ID*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: within the SCC all the measurement sessions is identified
+by a string called *Measurement\_ID* uniquely. This gobal attributes
+provides this string.
+1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Start\_Date*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the start date of the measurements. The format in which
+this date is written is specified in the gobal attribute
+1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Date\_Format*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the format in which the global attribute
+*Measurement\_Start\_Date* is given.
+1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Start\_Time\_UT*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the start time (UT) of the measurements. The format in
+which this time is written is specified in the global attribute
+1. Attribute name: *Measurement\_Time\_Format*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the format in which the global attribute
+*Measurement\_Start\_Time\_U*\ T is given.
+1. Attribute name: *Comments*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: this string can contain comments of the measurement session
+1. Attribute name: *Overlap\_File\_Name*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files for
+which an overlap file has been submitted by the data originator.
+:Description: The name of the overlap file to use for overlap correction.
+1. Attribute name: *LR\_File\_Name*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+corresponding to elastic only retrieval and for which an lidar ratio
+profile file has been submitted by the data originator.
+:Description: The name of the lidar ratio file containing the profile of
+particle lidar ratio values to use as input in the elastic only
+1. Attribute name: *SCCPreprocessingVersion*
+:Type: *string*
+:Location: Included in all the Low Resolution SCC L1 Product files
+:Description: the version of SCC used to produce the current Low
+Resolution SCC L1 Product
+Low Resolution SCC L1 Product Filename
+The filename of the Low Resolution SCC L1 Products has the following
+The *measurementid* is a 12 characters alphanumeric string identifying
+the measurement session at which the product refers to. The
+*measurementid* (which is unique for a given measurement session) allows
+to fully trance the SCC analysis performed on the current product. This
+can be done because each measurement session is recorded in a SCC
+database using the same string. In the same database the measurement
+session is linked to the lidar configuration used to analyze the data
+(which is recorded and fully characterized in the SCC database providing
+all the channel details) and to a set of optical products to calculate.
+The *prodid* is a numeric string identifying the optical product that
+has to be calculated by SCC (in particular ELDA module) by applying the
+optical retrieval algorithm on the current pre-processed L1 product.
+Different product types are defined within the SCC. The contents of a
+Low Resolution SCC L1 product depends on the type of the product
+specified in the its filename by prodid string. In particular only the
+**Aerosol Related Variables **\ and\ ** Polarization related variables**
+specified in the section 2.2 can change depending on product type. In
+Tab. 3.1 are reported the product-type related variables for each
+optical product type.
+To link the *prodid* string with the corresponding product type the SCC
+database a proper query to the SCC database should be addressed.
+**Table 3.1:** Possible variables that can be found in the SCC L1
+Products for each optical product type
+| Product type                                                 | Possible variables in Low Resolution L1 Product   |
+| Extinction only                                              | vrRN2, vrRN2nr, vrRN2fr                           |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | vrRN2\_err, vrRN2nr\_err, vrRN2fr\_err            |
+| Elastic Backscatter                                          | elT, elTnr, elTfr                                 |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+| Elastic Backscatter + Particle Linear Depolarization Ratio   | elT\_err, elTnr\_err, elTfr\_err                  |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPR, elPRnr, elPRfr                              |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPR\_err, elPRnr\_err, elPRfr\_err               |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPT, elPTnr, elPTfr                              |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPT\_err, elPTnr\_err, elPTfr\_err               |
+| Raman Backscatter                                            | elT, elTnr, elTfr                                 |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+| Raman Backscatter + Particle Linear Depolarization Ratio     | elT\_err, elTnr\_err, elTfr\_err                  |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+| Lidar Ratio                                                  | elPR, elPRnr, elPRfr                              |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPR\_err, elPRnr\_err, elPRfr\_err               |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPT, elPTnr, elPTfr                              |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | elPT\_err, elPTnr\_err, elPTfr\_err               |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | vrRN2, vrRN2nr, vrRN2fr                           |
+|                                                              |                                                   |
+|                                                              | vrRN2\_err, vrRN2nr\_err, vrRN2fr\_err            |
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/file_formats/netcdf_file.rst	Mon Feb 06 14:02:20 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@
+.. _netcdf_file:
+The SCC input netCDF file format
+A more detailed version of this document can be found in this :download:`pdf file <../files/NetCDF_input_file_v3.pdf>`.
+.. note::
+   You can check the format of the files you create using the linked `script <>`_ .
+The Single Calculus Chain (SCC) is composed by three different modules:
+-  pre-processing module (*ELPP*)
+-  optical processing module (*ELDA*)
+-  depolarization calibrator module (*ELDEC*)
+To perfom aerosol optical retrievals the SCC needs not only the raw
+lidar data but also a certain number of parameters to use in both
+pre-processing and optical processing stages. The SCC gets these
+parameters looking at two different locations:
+-  Single Calculus Chain relational database (SCC\_DB)
+-  Input files
+There are some paramenters that can be found only in the input files
+(those ones changing from measurement to measurement), others that can
+be found only in the SCC\_DB and other ones that can be found in both
+these locations. In the last case, if a particular parameter is needed,
+the SCC will search first in the input files and then in SCC\_DB. If the
+parameter is found in the input files, the SCC will keep it without
+looking into SCC\_DB.
+The input files have to be submitted to the SCC in NetCDF format. At 
+present the SCC can handle four different types of input files:
+1. Raw Lidar Data
+2. Sounding Data
+3. Overlap
+4. Lidar Ratio
+As already mentioned, the *Raw lidar data* file contains not only the
+raw lidar data but also other parameters to use to perform the
+pre-processing and optical processing. The *Sounding Data* file contains
+the data coming from a correlative radiosounding and it is used by the
+SCC for molecular density calculation. The *Overlap* file contains the
+measured overlap function. The *Lidar Ratio* file contains a lidar ratio
+profile to use in elastic backscatter retrievals. The *Raw Lidar Data*
+file is of course mandatory and the *Sounding Data*, *Overlap* and
+*Lidar Ratio* files are optional. If *Sounding Data* file is not
+submitted by the user, the molecular density will be calculated by the
+SCC using the "US Standard Atmosphere 1976". If the *Overlap* file is
+not submitted by the user, the SCC will get the full overlap height from
+SCC\_DB and it will produce optical results starting from this height.
+If *Lidar Ratio* file is not submitted by the user, the SCC will
+consider a fixed value for lidar ratio got from SCC\_DB.
+The user can decide to submit all these files or any number of them (of
+course the file *Raw Lidar Data* is mandatory). For example the user can
+submit together with the *Raw Lidar Data* file only the *Sounding Data*
+file or only the *Overlap* file.
+This document provides a detailed example about the structure of
+the NetCDF input files to use for SCC data submission. All Earlinet
+groups should read it carefully because they have to produce such kind
+of input files if they want to use the SCC for their standard lidar
+Additionaly, the linked :download:`pdf file <../files/NetCDF_input_file_v3.pdf>` contains
+tables with all mandatory and optional variables for the netcdf files
+accepted by the SCC. Table 1 contains a list of dimensions, variables and
+global attributes that can be used in the NetCDF *Raw Lidar Data*
+input file. For each of them it is indicated:
+-  The name. For the multidimensional variables also the corresponding
+   dimensions are reported
+-  A description explaining the meaning
+-  The type
+-  If it is mandatory or optional
+As already mentioned, the SCC can get some parameters looking first in
+the *Raw Lidar Data* input file and then into SCC\_DB. This means that
+to use the parameters stored in SCC\_DB the optional variables or
+optional global attributes must not appear within *Raw Lidar Data* file.
+This is the suggested and recommended way to use the SCC. Please include
+optional parameters in the *Raw Lidar Data* only as an exception.
+Tables 2, 3, and 4 report all the
+information about the structure of *Sounding Data*, *Overlap* and *Lidar
+Ratio* input files respectively.
+Let's now consider an example of *Raw Lidar Data* input file. Suppose
+we want to generate NetCDF input file corresponding to a measurement
+with the following properties:
+| Start Date           | 30\ :sup:`th` January 2009                |
+| Start Time UT        | 00:00:01                                  |
+| Stop Time UT         | 00:05:01                                  |
+| Station Name         | Dummy station                             |
+| Earlinet call-sign   | cc                                        |
+| Pointing angle       | 5 degrees with respect to the zenith      |
+Moreover suppose that this measurement is composed by the following
+lidar channels:
+#. 1064 lidar channel
+   +------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+   | Emission wavelength=1064nm   | Detection wavelength=1064nm   |
+   +------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+   | Time resolution=30s          | Number of laser shots=1500    |
+   +------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+   | Number of bins=3000          | Detection mode=analog         |
+   +------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+   | Range resolution=7.5m        | Polarization state=total      |
+   +------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+#. 532 cross lidar channel
+   +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Emission wavelength=532nm   | Detection wavelength=532nm               |
+   +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Time resolution=60s         | Number of laser shots=3000               |
+   +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Number of bins=5000         | Detection mode=photoncounting            |
+   +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Range resolution=15m        | Polarization state=cross (transmitted)   |
+   +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
+#. 532 parallel lidar channel
+   +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+   | Emission wavelength=532nm   | Detection wavelength=532nm                |
+   +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+   | Time resolution=60s         | Number of laser shots=3000                |
+   +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+   | Number of bins=5000         | Detection mode=photoncounting             |
+   +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+   | Range resolution=15m        | Polarization state=parallel (reflected)   |
+   +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+#. | 607 :math:`N_2` vibrational Raman channel
+   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+
+   | Emission wavelength=532nm   | Detection wavelength=607nm      |
+   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+
+   | Time resolution=60s         | Number of laser shots=3000      |
+   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+
+   | Number of bins=5000         | Detection mode=photoncounting   |
+   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+
+   | Range resolution=15m        |                                 |
+   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+
+Finally let's assume we have also performed dark measurements before the
+lidar measurements from the 23:50:01 UT up to 23:53:01 UT of
+29\ :sup:`th` January 2009.
+Looking at table 1 of the pdf file we have to fix the following dimensions:
+    points
+    channels
+    time
+    nb_of_time_scales
+    scan_angles
+    time_bck
+The dimension ``time`` is unlimited so we don’t have to fix it.
+We have 4 lidar channels so:
+    channels=4
+Regarding the dimension ``points`` we have only one channel with a
+number of vertical bins equal to 3000 (the 1064nm) and all other
+channels with 5000 vertical bins. In cases like this the dimension
+``points`` has to be fixed to the maximum number of vertical bins so:
+    points=5000
+Moreover only one channel (1064nm) is acquired with a time resolution of
+30 seconds, all the other channels have a time resolution of 60 seconds.
+This means that we have to define two different time scales. We have to
+    nb_of_time_scales=2
+The measurement is performed only at one scan angle (5 degrees with
+respect to the zenith) so:
+    scan_angles=1
+We have 3 minutes of dark measurements and two different time scales one
+with 60 seconds time resolution and the other one with 30 seconds time
+resolution. So we will have 3 different dark profiles for the channels
+acquired with the first time scale and 6 for the lidar channels acquired
+with the second time scale. We have to fix the dimension ``time_bck`` as
+the maximum between these values:
+    time_bck=6
+In this section it will be explained how to fill all the possible
+variables either mandatory or optional of *Raw Lidar Data* input file.
+-  | ``Raw_Data_Start_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales)``
+   | This 2 dimensional mandatory array has to contain the acquisition
+     start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
+     ``RawData_Start_Time_UT``) of each lidar profile. In this example
+     we have two different time scales: one is characterized by steps of
+     30 seconds (the 1064nm is acquired with this time scale) the other
+     by steps of 60 seconds (532cross, 532parallel and 607nm). Moreover
+     the measurement start time is 00:00:01 UT and the measurement stop
+     time is 00:05:01 UT. In this case we have to define:
+   ::
+       Raw_Data_Start_Time =
+         0, 0,
+         60, 30,
+         120, 60,
+         180, 90,
+         240, 120,
+         _, 150,
+         _, 180,
+         _, 210,
+         _, 240,
+         _, 270 ;
+   The order used to fill this array defines the correspondence between
+   the different time scales and the time scale index. In this example
+   we have a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps of 60
+   seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one.
+-  | ``Raw_Data_Stop_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales)``
+   | The same as previous item but for the data acquisition stop time.
+     Following a similar procedure we have to define:
+   ::
+       Raw_Data_Stop_Time =
+         60, 30,
+         120, 60,
+         180, 90,
+         240, 120,
+         300, 150,
+         _, 180,
+         _, 210,
+         _, 240,
+         _, 270,
+         _, 300 ;
+-  | ``Raw_Lidar_Data(time, channels, points)``
+   | This 3 dimensional mandatory array has to be filled with the
+     time-series of raw lidar data. The photoncounting profiles have to
+     submitted in counts (so as integers) while the analog ones in mV.
+     The order the user chooses to fill this array defines the
+     correspondence between channel index and lidar data.
+   | For example if we fill this array in such way that:
+   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+   | ``Raw_Lidar_Data(time,0,points)``   |  is the time-series of 1064 nm        |
+   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+   | ``Raw_Lidar_Data(time,1,points)``   |  is the time-series of 532 cross      |
+   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+   | ``Raw_Lidar_Data(time,2,points)``   |  is the time-series of 532 parallel   |
+   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+   | ``Raw_Lidar_Data(time,3,points)``   |  is the time-series of 607 nm         |
+   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+   | 
+   | from now on the channel index 0 is associated to the 1064 channel,
+     1 to the 532 cross, 2 to the 532 parallel and 3 to the 607nm.
+-  | ``Raw_Bck_Start_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales)``
+   | This 2 dimensional optional array has to contain the acquisition
+     start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
+     ``RawBck_Start_Time_UT``) of each dark measurements profile.
+     Following the same procedure used for the variable
+     ``Raw_Data_Start_Time`` we have to define:
+   ::
+       Raw_Bck_Start_Time =
+         0, 0,
+         60, 30,
+         120, 60,
+         _, 90,
+         _, 120,
+         _, 150;
+-  | ``Raw_Bck_Stop_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales)``
+   | The same as previous item but for the dark acquisition stop time.
+     Following a similar procedure we have to define:
+   ::
+       Raw_Bck_Stop_Time =
+         60, 30,
+         120, 60,
+         180, 90,
+         _, 120,
+         _, 150,
+         _, 180 ;
+-  | ``Background_Profile(time_bck, channels, points)``
+   | This 3 dimensional optional array has to be filled with the
+     time-series of the dark measurements data. The photoncounting
+     profiles have to submitted in counts (so as integers) while the
+     analog ones in mV. The user has to fill this array following the
+     same order used in filling the array ``Raw_Lidar_Data``:
+   +---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+   | ``Background_Profile(time_bck,0,points)``   |  dark time-series at 1064 nm        |
+   +---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+   | ``Background_Profile(time_bck,1,points)``   |  dark time-series at 532 cross      |
+   +---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+   | ``Background_Profile(time_bck,2,points)``   |  dark time-series at 532 parallel   |
+   +---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+   | ``Background_Profile(time_bck,3,points)``   |  dark time-series at 607 nm         |
+   +---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
+   | 
+-  | ``channel_ID(channels)``
+   | This mandatory array provides the link between the channel index
+     within the *Raw Lidar Data* input file and the channel ID in
+     SCC\_DB. To fill this variable the user has to know which channel
+     IDs in SCC\_DB correspond to his lidar channels. For this purpose
+     the SCC, in its final version will provide to the user a special
+     tool to get these channel IDs through a Web interface. At the
+     moment this interface is not yet available and these channel IDs
+     will be communicated directly to the user by the NA5 people.
+   | Anyway to continue the example let’s suppose that the four lidar
+     channels taken into account are mapped into SCC\_DB with the
+     following channel IDs:
+   +----------------+-----------------+
+   | 1064 nm        |  channel ID=7   |
+   +----------------+-----------------+
+   | 532 cross      |  channel ID=5   |
+   +----------------+-----------------+
+   | 532 parallel   |  channel ID=6   |
+   +----------------+-----------------+
+   | 607 nm         |  channel ID=8   |
+   +----------------+-----------------+
+   | 
+   | In this case we have to define:
+   ::
+       channel_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;
+-  | ``id_timescale(channels)``
+   | This mandatory array is introduced to determine which time scale is
+     used for the acquisition of each lidar channel. In particular this
+     array defines the link between the channel index and the time scale
+     index. In our example we have two different time scales. Filling
+     the arrays ``Raw_Data_Start_Time`` and ``Raw_Data_Stop_Time`` we
+     have defined a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps
+     of 60 seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one with
+     steps of 30 seconds. In this way this array has to be set as:
+   ::
+       id_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;
+-  | ``Laser_Pointing_Angle(scan_angles)``
+   | This mandatory array contains all the scan angles used in the
+     measurement. In our example we have only one scan angle of 5
+     degrees with respect to the zenith, so we have to define:
+   ::
+       Laser_Pointing_Angle = 5 ;
+-  | ``Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles(time, nb_of_time_scales)``
+   | This mandatory array is introduced to determine which scan angle is
+     used for the acquisition of each lidar profile. In particular this
+     array defines the link between the time and time scales indexes and
+     the scan angle index. In our example we have a single scan angle
+     that has to correspond to the scan angle index 0. So this array has
+     to be defined as:
+   ::
+       Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles =
+         0, 0,
+         0, 0,
+         0, 0,
+         0, 0,
+         0, 0,
+         _, 0,
+         _, 0,
+         _, 0,
+         _, 0,
+         _, 0 ;
+-  | ``Laser_Shots(time, channels)``
+   | This mandatory array stores the laser shots accumulated at each
+     time for each channel. In our example the number of laser shots
+     accumulated is 1500 for the 1064nm channels and 3000 for all the
+     other channels. Moreover the laser shots do not change with the
+     time. So we have to define this array as:
+   ::
+        Laser_Shots =
+         1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+         1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+         1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+         1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+         1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+         1500, _, _, _, 
+         1500, _, _, _, 
+         1500, _, _, _, 
+         1500, _, _, _, 
+         1500, _, _, _ ;
+-  | ``Emitted_Wavelength(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
+     the emission wavelength for each lidar channel. The wavelength has
+     to be expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from
+     SCC\_DB. In our example we have:
+   ::
+       Emitted_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 532 ;
+-  | ``Detected_Wavelength(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
+     the detected wavelength for each lidar channel. Here detected
+     wavelength means the value of center of interferential filter
+     expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
+     In our example we have:
+   ::
+       Detected_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 607 ;
+-  | ``Raw_Data_Range_Resolution(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
+     the raw range resolution for each channel. If the scan angle is
+     different from zero this quantity is different from the vertical
+     resolution. More precisely if :math:`\alpha` is the scan angle used
+     and :math:`\Delta z` is the range resolution the vertical
+     resolution is calculated as :math:`\Delta
+      z'=\Delta z \cos\alpha`. This array has to be filled with
+     :math:`\Delta z` and not with :math:`\Delta z'`. The unit is
+     meters. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our
+     example we have:
+   ::
+       Raw_Data_Range_Resolution = 7.5, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0 ;
+-  | ``Scattering_Mechanism(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the scattering mechanism involved in
+     each lidar channel. In particular the following values are adopted:
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 0   |  Total elastic backscatter                        |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 1   |  N\ :math:`_2` vibrational Raman backscatter      |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 2   |  Cross polarization elastic backscatter           |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 3   |  Parallel polarization elastic backscatter        |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 4   |  H\ :math:`_2`\ O vibrational Raman backscatter   |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 5   |  Rotational Raman low quantum number              |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 6   |  Rotational Raman high quantum number             |
+   +-----+---------------------------------------------------+
+   | 
+   | This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we
+     have:
+   ::
+        Scattering_Mechanism = 0, 2, 3, 1 ;
+-  | ``Signal_Type(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the type of signal involved in each
+     lidar channel. In particular the following values are adopted:
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 0    |  Total elastic                                               |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 1    |  Total elastic near range                                    |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 2    |  Total elastic far range                                     |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 3    |  N\ :math:`_2` vibrational Raman                             |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 4    |  N\ :math:`_2` vibrational Raman near range                  |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 5    |  N\ :math:`_2` vibrational Raman far range                   |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 6    |  Elastic polarization reflected                              |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 7    |  Elastic polarization transmitted                            |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 8    |  Rotational Raman line close to elastic line                 |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 9    |  Rotational Raman line far from elastic line                 |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 10   |  Elastic polarization reflected near range                   |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 11   |  Elastic polarization reflected far range                    |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 12   |  Elastic polarization transmitted near range                 |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 13   |  Elastic polarization transmitted far range                  |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 14   |  H\ :math:`_2`\ O vibrational Raman backscatter              |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 15   |  Rotational Raman line far from elastic line near range      |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 16   |  Rotational Raman line far from elastic line far range       |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 17   |  Rotational Raman line close to elastic line near range      |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 18   |  Rotational Raman line close to elastic line far range       |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 19   |  H\ :math:`_2`\ O vibrational Raman backscatter near range   |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 20   |  H\ :math:`_2`\ O vibrational Raman backscatter far range    |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 21   |  Total elastic ultra near range                              |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 22   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted                |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 23   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization reflected                  |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 24   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted                |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 25   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization reflected                  |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 26   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted near range     |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 27   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted far range      |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 28   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization reflected near range       |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 29   |  +45 rotated elastic polarization reflected far range        |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 30   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted near range     |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 31   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization transmitted far range      |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 32   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization reflected near range       |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 33   |  -45 rotated elastic polarization reflected far range        |
+   +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | 
+   | This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we
+     have:
+   ::
+        Signal_Type = 0, 7, 6, 3 ;
+-  | ``Acquisition_Mode(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the acquisition mode (analog or
+     photoncounting) involved in each lidar channel. In particular a
+     value of 0 means analog mode and 1 photoncounting mode. This
+     information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we have:
+   ::
+        Acquisition_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
+-  | ``Laser_Repetition_Rate(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the repetition rate in Hz used to
+     acquire each lidar channel. This information can be also taken from
+     SCC\_DB. In our example we are supposing we have only one laser
+     with a repetition rate of 50 Hz so we have to set:
+   ::
+       Laser_Repetition_Rate = 50, 50, 50, 50 ;
+-  | ``Dead_Time(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the dead time in ns associated to each
+     lidar channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to
+     correct the photoncounting signals for dead time. Of course for
+     analog signals no dead time correction will be applied (for analog
+     channels the corresponding dead time values have to be set to
+     undefined value). This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
+     In our example the 1064 nm channel is acquired in analog mode so
+     the corresponding dead time value has to be undefined. If we
+     suppose a dead time of 10 ns for all other channels we have to set:
+   ::
+        Dead_Time = _, 10, 10, 10 ;
+-  | ``Dead_Time_Corr_Type(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines which kind of dead time correction has
+     to be applied on each photoncounting channel. The SCC will correct
+     the data supposing a not-paralyzable channel if a value of 0 is
+     found while a paralyzable channel is supposed if a value of 1 is
+     found. Of course for analog signals no dead time correction will be
+     applied and so the corresponding values have to be set to undefined
+     value. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our
+     example the 1064 nm channel is acquired in analog mode so the
+     corresponding has to be undefined. If we want to consider all the
+     photoncounting signals as not-paralyzable ones: we have to set:
+   ::
+        Dead_Time_Corr_Type = _, 0, 0, 0 ;
+-  | ``Trigger_Delay(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines the delay (in ns) of the middle of the
+     first rangebin with respect to the output laser pulse for each
+     lidar channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to
+     correct for trigger delay. This information can be also taken from
+     SCC\_DB. Let’s suppose that in our example all the photoncounting
+     channels are not affected by this delay and only the analog channel
+     at 1064nm is acquired with a delay of 50ns. In this case we have to
+     set:
+   ::
+       Trigger_Delay = 50, 0, 0, 0 ;
+-  | ``Background_Mode(channels)``
+   | This optional array defines how the atmospheric background has to
+     be subtracted from the lidar channel. Two options are available for
+     the calculation of atmospheric background:
+   #. Average in the far field of lidar channel. In this case the value
+      of this variable has to be 1
+   #. Average within pre-trigger bins. In this case the value of this
+      variable has to be 0
+   This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. Let’s suppose in our
+   example we use the pre-trigger for the 1064nm channel and the far
+   field for all other channels. In this case we have to set:
+   ::
+       Background_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
+-  | ``Background_Low(channels)``
+   | This mandatory array defines the minimum altitude (in meters) to
+     consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each
+     channel. In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value
+     has to be set to the rangebin to be used as lower limit (within
+     pre-trigger region) for background calculation. In our example, if
+     we want to calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters
+     for all photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500
+     pre-trigger bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm
+     channel we have to set:
+   ::
+        Background_Low= 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
+-  | ``Background_High(channels)``
+   | This mandatory array defines the maximum altitude (in meters) to
+     consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each
+     channel. In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value
+     has to be set to the rangebin to be used as upper limit (within
+     pre-trigger region) for background calculation. In our example, if
+     we want to calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters
+     for all photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500
+     pre-trigger bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm
+     channel we have to set:
+   ::
+       Background_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
+-  | ``Molecular_Calc``
+   | This mandatory variable defines the way used by SCC to calculate
+     the molecular density profile. At the moment two options are
+     available:
+   #. US Standard Atmosphere 1976. In this case the value of this
+      variable has to be 0
+   #. Radiosounding. In this case the value of this variable has to be 1
+   If we decide to use the option 1. we have to provide also the
+   measured pressure and temperature at lidar station level. Indeed if
+   we decide to use the option 2. a radiosounding file has to be
+   submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
+   summarized in table 2 of the pdf file). Let’s suppose we want to use the
+   option 1. so:
+   ::
+       Molecular_Calc = 0 ;
+-  | ``Pressure_at_Lidar_Station``
+   | Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation
+     of the molecular density profile we have to give the pressure in
+     hPa at lidar station level:
+   ::
+       Pressure_at_Lidar_Station = 1010 ;
+-  | ``Temperature_at_Lidar_Station``
+   | Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation
+     of the molecular density profile we have to give the temperature in
+     C at lidar station level:
+   ::
+       Temperature_at_Lidar_Station = 19.8 ;
+-  | ``LR_Input(channels)``
+   | This array is required only for lidar channels for which elastic
+     backscatter retrieval has to be performed. It defines the lidar
+     ratio to be used within this retrieval. Two options are available:
+   #. The user can submit a lidar ratio profile. In this case the value
+      of this variable has to be 0.
+   #. A fixed value of lidar ratio can be used. In this case the value
+      of this variable has to be 1.
+   If we decide to use the option 1. a lidar ratio file has to be
+   submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
+   summarized in table ). If we decide to use the option 2. the
+   fixed value of lidar ratio will be taken from SCC\_DB. In our example
+   we have to give a value of this array only for the 1064nm lidar
+   channel because for the 532nm we will be able to retrieve a Raman
+   backscatter coefficient. In case we want to use the fixed value
+   stored in SCC\_DB we have to set:
+   ::
+       LR_Input = 1,_,_,_ ;
+-  | ``DAQ_Range(channels)``
+   | This array is required only if one or more lidar signals are
+     acquired in analog mode. It gives the analog scale in mV used to
+     acquire the analog signals. In our example we have only the 1064nm
+     channel acquired in analog mode. If we have used a 100mV analog
+     scale to acquire this channel we have to set:
+   ::
+       DAQ_Range = 100,_,_,_ ;
+Global attributes
+-  | ``Measurement_ID``
+   | This mandatory global attribute defines the measurement ID
+     corresponding to the actual lidar measurement. It is a string
+     composed by 12 characters. The first 8 characters give the start
+     date of measurement in the format YYYYMMDD. The next 2 characters
+     give the Earlinet call-sign of the station. The last 2 characters
+     are used to distinguish between different time-series within the
+     same date. In our example we have to set:
+   ::
+        Measurement_ID= "20090130cc00" ;
+-  | ``RawData_Start_Date``
+   | This mandatory global attribute defines the start date of lidar
+     measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawData_Start_Date = "20090130" ;
+-  | ``RawData_Start_Time_UT``
+   | This mandatory global attribute defines the UT start time of lidar
+     measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawData_Start_Time_UT = "000001" ;
+-  | ``RawData_Stop_Time_UT``
+   | This mandatory global attribute defines the UT stop time of lidar
+     measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawData_Stop_Time_UT = "000501" ;
+-  | ``RawBck_Start_Date``
+   | This optional global attribute defines the start date of dark
+     measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawBck_Start_Date = "20090129" ;
+-  | ``RawBck_Start_Time_UT``
+   | This optional global attribute defines the UT start time of dark
+     measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawBck_Start_Time_UT = "235001" ;
+-  | ``RawBck_Stop_Time_UT``
+   | This optional global attribute defines the UT stop time of dark
+     measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
+   ::
+        RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = "235301" ;
+Example of file (CDL format)
+To summarize we have the following NetCDF *Raw Lidar Data* file (in CDL
+    dimensions:
+            points = 5000 ;
+            channels = 4 ;
+            time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
+            nb_of_time_scales = 2 ;
+            scan_angles = 1 ;
+            time_bck = 6 ;
+    variables:
+            int channel_ID(channels) ;
+            int Laser_Repetition_Rate(channels) ;
+            double Laser_Pointing_Angle(scan_angles) ;
+            int Signal_Type(channels);
+            double Emitted_Wavelength(channels) ;
+            double Detected_Wavelength(channels) ;
+            double Raw_Data_Range_Resolution(channels) ;
+            int Background_Mode(channels) ;
+            double Background_Low(channels) ;
+            double Background_High(channels) ;
+            int Molecular_Calc ;
+            double Pressure_at_Lidar_Station ;
+            double Temperature_at_Lidar_Station ;
+            int id_timescale(channels) ;
+            double Dead_Time(channels) ;
+            int Dead_Time_Corr_Type(channels) ;
+            int Acquisition_Mode(channels) ;
+            double Trigger_Delay(channels) ;
+            int LR_Input(channels) ;
+            int Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Data_Start_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Data_Stop_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Bck_Start_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Bck_Stop_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Laser_Shots(time, channels) ;
+            double Raw_Lidar_Data(time, channels, points) ;
+            double Background_Profile(time_bck, channels, points) ;
+            double DAQ_Range(channels) ;
+    // global attributes:
+                    :Measurement_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
+                    :RawData_Start_Date = "20090130" ;
+                    :RawData_Start_Time_UT = "000001" ;
+                    :RawData_Stop_Time_UT = "000501" ;
+                    :RawBck_Start_Date = "20090129" ;
+                    :RawBck_Start_Time_UT = "235001" ;
+                    :RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = "235301" ;
+    data:
+     channel_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;
+     Laser_Repetition_Rate = 50, 50, 50, 50 ;
+     Laser_Pointing_Angle = 5 ;
+     Signal_Type = 0, 7, 6, 3 ;
+     Emitted_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 532 ;
+     Detected_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 607 ;
+     Raw_Data_Range_Resolution = 7.5, 15, 15, 15 ;
+     Background_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
+     Background_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
+     Background_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
+     Molecular_Calc = 0 ;
+     Pressure_at_Lidar_Station = 1010 ;
+     Temperature_at_Lidar_Station = 19.8 ;
+     id_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;
+     Dead_Time = _, 10, 10, 10 ;
+     Dead_Time_Corr_Type = _, 0, 0, 0 ;
+     Acquisition_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
+     Trigger_Delay = 50, 0, 0, 0 ;
+     LR_Input = 1,_,_,_ ;
+     DAQ_Range = 100,_,_,_ ;
+     Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles =
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0 ;
+     Raw_Data_Start_Time =
+      0, 0,
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      240, 120,
+      _, 150,
+      _, 180,
+      _, 210,
+      _, 240,
+      _, 270 ;
+     Raw_Data_Stop_Time =
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      240, 120,
+      300, 150,
+      _, 180,
+      _, 210,
+      _, 240,
+      _, 270,
+      _, 300 ;
+     Raw_Bck_Start_Time =
+      0, 0,
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      _, 90,
+      _, 120,
+      _, 150;
+    Raw_Bck_Stop_Time =
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      _, 120,
+      _, 150,
+      _, 180 ;
+     Laser_Shots =
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _ ;
+     Raw_Lidar_Data = ... 
+     Background_Profile = ...
+The name of the input file should have the following format:
+| so in the example the filename should be
+Please keep in mind that in case you submit a file like the previous
+one all the parameters present in it will be used by the SCC even if
+you have different values for the same parameters within the SCC\_DB.
+If you want to use the values already stored in SCC\_DB (this should
+be the usual way to use SCC) the *Raw Lidar Data* input file has to be
+modified as follows:
+    dimensions:
+            points = 5000 ;
+            channels = 4 ;
+            time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
+            nb_of_time_scales = 2 ;
+            scan_angles = 1 ;
+            time_bck = 6 ;
+    variables:
+            int channel_ID(channels) ;
+            double Laser_Pointing_Angle(scan_angles) ;
+            double Background_Low(channels) ;
+            double Background_High(channels) ;
+            int Molecular_Calc ;
+            double Pressure_at_Lidar_Station ;
+            double Temperature_at_Lidar_Station ;
+            int id_timescale(channels) ;
+            int Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Data_Start_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Data_Stop_Time(time, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Bck_Start_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int Raw_Bck_Stop_Time(time_bck, nb_of_time_scales) ;
+            int LR_Input(channels) ;
+            int Laser_Shots(time, channels) ;
+            double Raw_Lidar_Data(time, channels, points) ;
+            double Background_Profile(time_bck, channels, points) ;
+            double DAQ_Range(channels) ;
+    // global attributes:
+                    :Measurement_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
+                    :RawData_Start_Date = "20090130" ;  
+                    :RawData_Start_Time_UT = "000001" ;
+                    :RawData_Stop_Time_UT = "000501" ;
+                    :RawBck_Start_Date = "20090129" ;
+                    :RawBck_Start_Time_UT = "235001" ;
+                    :RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = "235301" ;
+    data:
+     channel_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;
+     Laser_Pointing_Angle = 5 ;
+     Background_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
+     Background_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
+     Molecular_Calc = 0 ;
+     Pressure_at_Lidar_Station = 1010 ;
+     Temperature_at_Lidar_Station = 19.8 ;
+     id_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;
+     LR_Input = 1,_,_,_ ;
+     DAQ_Range = 100,_,_,_ ;
+     Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles =
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      0, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0,
+      _, 0 ;
+     Raw_Data_Start_Time =
+      0, 0,
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      240, 120,
+      _, 150,
+      _, 180,
+      _, 210,
+      _, 240,
+      _, 270 ;
+     Raw_Data_Stop_Time =
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      240, 120,
+      300, 150,
+      _, 180,
+      _, 210,
+      _, 240,
+      _, 270,
+      _, 300 ;
+     Raw_Bck_Start_Time =
+      0, 0,
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      _, 90,
+      _, 120,
+      _, 150;
+     Raw_Bck_Stop_Time =
+      60, 30,
+      120, 60,
+      180, 90,
+      _, 120,
+      _, 150,
+      _, 180 ;
+     Laser_Shots =
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, 3000, 3000, 3000, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _, 
+      1500, _, _, _ ;
+     Raw_Lidar_Data = ...
+     Background_Profile = ... 
+This example file contains the minimum collection of mandatory
+information that has to be found within the *Raw Lidar Data* input file.
+If it is really necessary, the user can decide to add to these mandatory
+parameters any number of additional parameters considered in the
+previous example.
+Finally, suppose we want to make the following changes with respect to
+the previous example:
+#. use a sounding file for molecular density calculation instead of “US
+   Standar Atmosphere 1976”
+#. supply a lidar ratio profile to use in elastic backscatter retrieval
+   instead of a fixed value
+#. provide a overlap function for overlap correction
+In this case we have to generate the following NetCDF additional files:
+-  | ````
+   | The name of *Sounding Data* file has to be computed as follows:
+   | ``"rs_"``\ +\ ``Measurement_ID``
+   | The structure of this file is summarized in table 2 of the pdf.
+-  | ````
+   | The name of *Overlap* file has to be computed as follows:
+   | ``"ov_"``\ +\ ``Measurement_ID``
+   | The structure of this file is summarized in table 3 of the pdf.
+-  | ````
+   | The name of *Lidar Ratio* file has to be computed as follows:
+   | ``"lr_"``\ +\ ``Measurement_ID``
+   | The structure of this file is summarized in table 4 of the pdf.
+Moreover we need to apply the following changes to the *Raw Lidar Data*
+input file:
+#. Change the value of the variable ``Molecular_Calc`` as follows:
+   ::
+       Molecular_Calc = 1 ;
+   Of course the variables ``Pressure_at_Lidar_Station`` and
+   ``Temperature_at_Lidar_Station`` are not necessary anymore.
+#. Change the values of the array ``LR_Input`` as follows:
+   ::
+       LR_Input = 0,_,_,_ ;
+#. Add the global attribute ``Sounding_File_Name``
+   ::
+       Sounding_File_Name = "" ;
+#. Add the global attribute ``LR_File_Name``
+   ::
+       LR_File_Name = "" ;
+#. Add the global attribute ``Overlap_File_Name``
+   ::
+       Overlap_File_Name = "" ;
