Typos correction


Giuseppe D'Amico <giuseppe.damico@imaa.cnr.it>
Thu, 21 Oct 2021 12:50:53 +0200
changeset 134
parent 133
child 135

Typos correction

docs/administration/product_channel_connections.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/docs/administration/product_channel_connections.rst	Thu Oct 21 12:37:45 2021 +0200
+++ b/docs/administration/product_channel_connections.rst	Thu Oct 21 12:50:53 2021 +0200
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@
 :Polarization calibration channels:
 	:+45elPR: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) reflected polariazion component of elastic lidar channel
- 	:+45elPRnr: plus 45 degress rotated (in the polarization plane) near range reflected polarization component of elastic lidar channel 
+ 	:+45elPRnr: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) near range reflected polarization component of elastic lidar channel 
 	:+45elPRfr: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) far range reflected polarization component of elastic lidar channel
 	:+45elPT: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polariation plane) transmitted component of elastic lidar channel*
-	:+45elPTnr: plus 45 degree rotated (in the polarization plane) near range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
-	:+45elPTfr: plus 45 degree rotated (in the polarization plane) far range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
+	:+45elPTnr: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) near range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
+	:+45elPTfr: plus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) far range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
         :-45elPR: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) reflected polariazion component of elastic lidar channel
-        :-45elPRnr: minus 45 degress rotated (in the polarization plane) near range reflected polarization component of elastic lidarchannel
+        :-45elPRnr: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) near range reflected polarization component of elastic lidarchannel
         :-45elPRfr: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) far range reflected polarization component of elastic lidar channel
         :-45elPT: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polariation plane) transmitted component of elastic lidar channel
-        :-45elPTnr: minus 45 degree rotated (in the polarization plane) near range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
-        :-45elPTfr: minus 45 degree rotated (in the polarization plane) far range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidarchannel
+        :-45elPTnr: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) near range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidar channel
+        :-45elPTfr: minus 45 degrees rotated (in the polarization plane) far range transmitted polarization component of elastic lidarchannel
 Elastic channels are requested for the definition of product types:
