
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 14:02:20 +0200

Iannis <>
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 14:02:20 +0200
changeset 99
parent 59
child 129

Move format related files to new dir.

ioannis@51 1 Preprocessor exit codes
ioannis@51 2 =======================
ioannis@51 3 After a measurement is processed by the preprocessor, an exit code is provided
ioannis@51 4 that can help you understand if everything went OK, and if not, what was the problem.
ioannis@51 5 The implemented exit codes are the following.
ioannis@51 6
ioannis@51 7 0
ioannis@51 8 Finished without errors
ioannis@51 9
ioannis@51 10 2
ioannis@51 11 Configuration file not found
ioannis@51 12
ioannis@51 13 3
ioannis@51 14 Configuration file error: INPUT_DIR not defined
ioannis@51 15
ioannis@51 16 4
ioannis@51 17 Configuration file error: OUTPUT_DIR not defined
ioannis@51 18
ioannis@51 19 5
ioannis@51 20 Configuration file error: Cannot read in INPUT_DIR
ioannis@51 21
ioannis@51 22 6
ioannis@51 23 Configuration file error: Cannot write on OUTPUT_DIR
ioannis@51 24
ioannis@51 25 7
ioannis@51 26 Configuration file error: Cannot read in SOUNDINGS_DIR
ioannis@51 27
ioannis@51 28 8
ioannis@51 29 Configuration file error: Cannot write on LOG_DIR
ioannis@51 30
ioannis@51 31 9
ioannis@51 32 Unable to use Poisson statistic in Montecarlo simulation. Found not integer values
ioannis@51 33
ioannis@51 34 20
ioannis@51 35 Found mismatch among usecase, product type and given channels
ioannis@51 36
ioannis@51 37 21
ioannis@51 38 Found range resolution in raw lidar data greater than the value in database
ioannis@51 39
ioannis@51 40 22
ioannis@51 41 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'Dead_Time_Corr_Type' in NetCDF file or in SCC_DB
ioannis@51 42
ioannis@51 43 23
ulalume3@59 44 Found negative number of counts in lidar data! Note: This error could also
ulalume3@59 45 result when photocounting values are not compatible with the used dead time
ulalume3@59 46 correction value.
ioannis@51 47
ioannis@51 48 24
ioannis@51 49 Found wrong value(s) in variable 'Raw_Bck_Start_Time' end/or 'Raw_Bck_Stop_Time' and/or in laser repetition rate value
ioannis@51 50
ioannis@51 51 25
ioannis@51 52 Background profiles don't contain the same number of valid data point of the lidar data
ioannis@51 53
ioannis@51 54 26
ioannis@51 55 Natural cubic spline interpolation not possible
ioannis@51 56
ioannis@51 57 27
ioannis@51 58 Cannot calculate errors using Montecarlo simulation within trigger delay correction
ioannis@51 59
ioannis@51 60 28
ioannis@51 61 Linear interpolation not possible
ioannis@51 62
ioannis@51 63 29
ioannis@51 64 lfit: no parameters to be fitted
ioannis@51 65
ioannis@51 66 30
ioannis@51 67 gaussj: Singular Matrix
ioannis@51 68
ioannis@51 69 31
ioannis@51 70 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'Background_Mode' in NetCDF file of in SCC_DB
ioannis@51 71
ioannis@51 72 32
ioannis@51 73 Too few lidar profiles or integration time too mutch small
ioannis@51 74
ioannis@51 75 33
ioannis@51 76 Cannot calculate the errors after time integration
ioannis@51 77
ioannis@51 78 34
ioannis@51 79 Found timescales not synchronized
ioannis@51 80
ioannis@51 81 35
ioannis@51 82 Cannot calculate errors using Montecarlo simulation within interpolation routine
ioannis@51 83
ioannis@51 84 36
ioannis@51 85 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. No suitable overlap region can found
ioannis@51 86
ioannis@51 87 37
ioannis@51 88 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Poor linear correlation
ioannis@51 89
ioannis@51 90 38
ioannis@51 91 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Too noisy signal(s)
ioannis@51 92
ioannis@51 93 39
ioannis@51 94 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Slope test not passed
ioannis@51 95
ioannis@51 96 40
ioannis@51 97 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. No suitable overlap region can found
ioannis@51 98
ioannis@51 99 41
ioannis@51 100 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Poor linear correlation
ioannis@51 101
ioannis@51 102 42
ioannis@51 103 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Too noisy signal(s)
ioannis@51 104
ioannis@51 105 43
ioannis@51 106 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Slope test not passed
ioannis@51 107
ioannis@51 108 44
ioannis@51 109 Found wrong value(s) for scattering type id
ioannis@51 110
ioannis@51 111 45
ioannis@51 112 Found wrong value(s) for detection type id
ioannis@51 113
ioannis@51 114 46
ioannis@51 115 Found wrong value(s) for range type id
ioannis@51 116
ioannis@51 117 47
ioannis@51 118 Too few lidar points to calculate atmospheric background. At least 10 lidar rangebins are required within the background subtraction range
ioannis@51 119
ioannis@51 120 48
ioannis@51 121 Raw time resolution is greater than the selected integration time
ioannis@51 122
ioannis@51 123 49
ioannis@51 124 Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Too large difference between signals in gluing point.
ioannis@51 125
ioannis@51 126 50
ioannis@51 127 Gluing between pc signals not possible. Too large difference between signals in gluing point.
ioannis@51 128
ioannis@51 129 70
ioannis@51 130 One or more mandatory datetime field(s) are not set into the database
ioannis@51 131
ioannis@51 132 71
ioannis@51 133 Measurement_ID not unique in the selected database
ioannis@51 134
ioannis@51 135 72
ioannis@51 136 Measurement ID not found in the selected database
ioannis@51 137
ioannis@51 138 73
ioannis@51 139 Failed in fetching query of SCC_DB
ioannis@51 140
ioannis@51 141 74
ioannis@51 142 Integration time must be a positive integer
ioannis@51 143
ioannis@51 144 75
ioannis@51 145 Unknown usecase
ioannis@51 146
ioannis@51 147 76
ioannis@51 148 Unknown product type
ioannis@51 149
ioannis@51 150 77
ioannis@53 151 Found error(s) in SCC_DB for the submitted Measurement_ID. This could occur,
ioannis@53 152 for example, if the used system does not have any product associated with.
ioannis@51 153
ioannis@51 154 78
ioannis@51 155 Failed in quering SCC_DB
ioannis@51 156
ioannis@51 157 79
ioannis@51 158 Cannot connect to SCC_DB
ioannis@51 159
ioannis@51 160 80
ioannis@51 161 Overlap file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC
ioannis@51 162
ioannis@51 163 81
ioannis@51 164 Overlap file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC
ioannis@51 165
ioannis@51 166 82
ioannis@51 167 Sounding file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC
ioannis@51 168
ioannis@51 169 100
ioannis@51 170 Raw Data NetCDF input file not found
ioannis@51 171
ioannis@51 172 101
ioannis@51 173 Dimension 'time' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 174
ioannis@51 175 102
ioannis@51 176 Dimension 'channels' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 177
ioannis@51 178 103
ioannis@51 179 Dimension 'points' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 180
ioannis@51 181 104
ioannis@51 182 Dimension 'nb_of_time_scales' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 183
ioannis@51 184 105
ioannis@51 185 Dimension 'scan_angles' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 186
ioannis@51 187 106
ioannis@51 188 Global attribute 'Measurement_ID' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 189
ioannis@51 190 107
ioannis@51 191 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'Measurement_ID' in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 192
ioannis@51 193 108
ioannis@51 194 Global attribute 'RawData_Start_Date' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 195
ioannis@51 196 109
ioannis@51 197 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Start_Date' in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 198
ioannis@51 199 110
ioannis@51 200 Global attribute 'RawData_Start_Time_UT' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 201
ioannis@51 202 111
ioannis@51 203 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Start_Time_UT' in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 204
ioannis@51 205 112
ioannis@51 206 Variable 'channel_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 207
ioannis@51 208 113
ioannis@51 209 Missing one or more channels in NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 210
ioannis@51 211 114
ioannis@51 212 Variable 'Background_Low' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 213
ioannis@51 214 115
ioannis@51 215 Variable 'Background_High' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 216
ioannis@51 217 116
ioannis@51 218 Variable 'id_timescale' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 219
ioannis@51 220 117
ioannis@51 221 Variable 'Raw_Data_Start_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 222
ioannis@51 223 118
ioannis@51 224 Variable 'Raw_Data_Stop_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 225
ioannis@51 226 119
ioannis@51 227 Variable 'Raw_Lidar_Data' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 228
ioannis@51 229 120
ioannis@51 230 Variable 'Laser_Pointing_Anlge' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 231
ioannis@51 232 121
ioannis@51 233 Variable 'Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 234
ioannis@51 235 122
ioannis@51 236 Variable 'Laser_Shots' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 237
ioannis@51 238 123
ioannis@51 239 Variable 'Molecular_Calc' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 240
ioannis@51 241 124
ioannis@51 242 Global attribute 'Sounding_File_Name' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 243
ioannis@51 244 125
ioannis@51 245 Variable 'Molecular_Calc' has not valid value
ioannis@51 246
ioannis@51 247 126
ioannis@51 248 Variable 'Pressure_at_Lidar_Station' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 249
ioannis@51 250 127
ioannis@51 251 Variable 'Temperature_at_Lidar_Station' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 252
ioannis@51 253 128
ioannis@51 254 Laser pointing angle cannot be undefined
ioannis@51 255
ioannis@51 256 129
ioannis@51 257 Cannot found variable 'LR_Input' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for elastic backscatter retrievals
ioannis@51 258
ioannis@51 259 130
ioannis@51 260 Found invalid value(s) for Variable 'LR_Input'
ioannis@51 261
ioannis@51 262 131
ioannis@51 263 Global attribute 'LR_File_Name' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 264
ioannis@51 265 132
ioannis@51 266 Variable 'Raw_Bck_Start_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 267
ioannis@51 268 133
ioannis@51 269 Variable 'Raw_Bck_Stop_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 270
ioannis@51 271 134
ioannis@51 272 Global attribute 'RawBck_Start_Date' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 273
ioannis@51 274 135
ioannis@51 275 Global attribute 'RawBck_Start_Time_UT' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 276
ioannis@51 277 136
ioannis@51 278 Global attribute 'RawBck_Stop_Time_UT' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 279
ioannis@51 280 137
ioannis@51 281 Global attribute 'RawData_Stop_Time_UT' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 282
ioannis@51 283 138
ioannis@51 284 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Stop_Time_UT' in Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 285
ioannis@51 286 139
ioannis@51 287 Sounding NetCDF input file not found
ioannis@51 288
ioannis@51 289 140
ioannis@51 290 Dimension 'points' not found in Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 291
ioannis@51 292 141
ioannis@51 293 Global attribute 'Sounding_Start_Date' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 294
ioannis@51 295 142
ioannis@51 296 Global attribute 'Sounding_Start_Time' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 297
ioannis@51 298 143
ioannis@51 299 Global attribute 'Latitude_degrees_north' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 300
ioannis@51 301 144
ioannis@51 302 Global attribute 'Longitude_degrees_east' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 303
ioannis@51 304 145
ioannis@51 305 Global attribute 'Altitude_meter_asl' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 306
ioannis@51 307 146
ioannis@51 308 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 309
ioannis@51 310 147
ioannis@51 311 Variable 'Temperature' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 312
ioannis@51 313 148
ioannis@51 314 Variable 'Pressure' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 315
ioannis@51 316 149
ioannis@51 317 Overlap NetCDF input file not found
ioannis@51 318
ioannis@51 319 150
ioannis@51 320 Dimension 'points' not found in Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 321
ioannis@51 322 151
ioannis@51 323 Dimension 'channels' not found in Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 324
ioannis@51 325 152
ioannis@51 326 Global attribute 'Lidar_Station_Name' not found in the Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 327
ioannis@51 328 153
ioannis@51 329 Global attribute 'Overlap_Measurement_Date' not found in the Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 330
ioannis@51 331 154
ioannis@51 332 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 333
ioannis@51 334 155
ioannis@51 335 Variable 'channel_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 336
ioannis@51 337 156
ioannis@51 338 Variable 'Overlap_Function' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 339
ioannis@51 340 157
ioannis@51 341 Lidar ratio NetCDF input file not found
ioannis@51 342
ioannis@51 343 158
ioannis@51 344 Dimension 'points' not found in lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 345
ioannis@51 346 159
ioannis@51 347 Dimension 'products' not found in lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 348
ioannis@51 349 160
ioannis@51 350 Global attribute 'Lidar_Station_Name' not found in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 351
ioannis@51 352 161
ioannis@51 353 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 354
ioannis@51 355 162
ioannis@51 356 Variable 'product_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 357
ioannis@51 358 163
ioannis@51 359 Variable 'Lidar_Ratio' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 360
ioannis@51 361 164
ioannis@51 362 Variable 'product_id' in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file contains data that are not consistent with the SCC database values
ioannis@51 363
ioannis@51 364 165
ioannis@51 365 Variable 'Lidar_Ratio' in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file contains undefined values within the valid altitude range defined by the corresponding product. Please remove them.
ioannis@51 366
ioannis@51 367 166
ioannis@51 368 Found negative or not defined value in 'Laser_Shots' array
ioannis@51 369
ioannis@51 370 167
ioannis@51 371 Variable 'DAQ_Range' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file
ioannis@51 372
ioannis@51 373 169
ioannis@51 374 Cannot find variable 'Depolarization_Factor' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for Raman and elastic backscatter retrievals if only cross and parallel elastic components are given
ioannis@51 375
ioannis@51 376 170
ioannis@51 377 Wrong or undefined value for variable 'Depolarization_Factor' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for Raman and elastic backscatter retrievals if only cross and parallel elastic components are given
ioannis@51 378
ioannis@51 379
ioannis@51 380 171
ioannis@51 381 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'First_Signal_Rangebin'
ioannis@51 382
ioannis@51 383 172
ioannis@51 384 Found wrong value(s) in variable 'Background_Low' end/or 'Background_High'
ioannis@51 385
ioannis@51 386 173
ioannis@51 387 Cannot write intermediate NetCDF file
ioannis@51 388
ioannis@51 389 174
ioannis@51 390 Sounding file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one)
ioannis@51 391
ioannis@51 392 175
ioannis@51 393 Overlap file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one)
ioannis@51 394
ioannis@51 395 176
ioannis@51 396 Lidarratio file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one)
ioannis@51 397
ioannis@51 398 177
ioannis@51 399 Found not integer values in photoncounting signal
ioannis@51 400
ioannis@51 401 178
ioannis@51 402 Dimension 'time' cannot be zero
ioannis@51 403
ioannis@51 404 179
ioannis@51 405 Dimension 'channel' cannot be zero
ioannis@51 406
ioannis@51 407 180
ioannis@51 408 Dimension 'points' cannot be zero
ioannis@51 409
ioannis@51 410 255
ioannis@51 411 Timeout
ioannis@51 412
