Mon, 06 Feb 2017 14:02:20 +0200
Move format related files to new dir.
Preprocessor exit codes ======================= After a measurement is processed by the preprocessor, an exit code is provided that can help you understand if everything went OK, and if not, what was the problem. The implemented exit codes are the following. 0 Finished without errors 2 Configuration file not found 3 Configuration file error: INPUT_DIR not defined 4 Configuration file error: OUTPUT_DIR not defined 5 Configuration file error: Cannot read in INPUT_DIR 6 Configuration file error: Cannot write on OUTPUT_DIR 7 Configuration file error: Cannot read in SOUNDINGS_DIR 8 Configuration file error: Cannot write on LOG_DIR 9 Unable to use Poisson statistic in Montecarlo simulation. Found not integer values 20 Found mismatch among usecase, product type and given channels 21 Found range resolution in raw lidar data greater than the value in database 22 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'Dead_Time_Corr_Type' in NetCDF file or in SCC_DB 23 Found negative number of counts in lidar data! Note: This error could also result when photocounting values are not compatible with the used dead time correction value. 24 Found wrong value(s) in variable 'Raw_Bck_Start_Time' end/or 'Raw_Bck_Stop_Time' and/or in laser repetition rate value 25 Background profiles don't contain the same number of valid data point of the lidar data 26 Natural cubic spline interpolation not possible 27 Cannot calculate errors using Montecarlo simulation within trigger delay correction 28 Linear interpolation not possible 29 lfit: no parameters to be fitted 30 gaussj: Singular Matrix 31 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'Background_Mode' in NetCDF file of in SCC_DB 32 Too few lidar profiles or integration time too mutch small 33 Cannot calculate the errors after time integration 34 Found timescales not synchronized 35 Cannot calculate errors using Montecarlo simulation within interpolation routine 36 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. No suitable overlap region can found 37 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Poor linear correlation 38 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Too noisy signal(s) 39 Error: Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Slope test not passed 40 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. No suitable overlap region can found 41 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Poor linear correlation 42 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Too noisy signal(s) 43 Error: Gluing between pc signals not possible. Slope test not passed 44 Found wrong value(s) for scattering type id 45 Found wrong value(s) for detection type id 46 Found wrong value(s) for range type id 47 Too few lidar points to calculate atmospheric background. At least 10 lidar rangebins are required within the background subtraction range 48 Raw time resolution is greater than the selected integration time 49 Gluing between analog and pc signal not possible. Too large difference between signals in gluing point. 50 Gluing between pc signals not possible. Too large difference between signals in gluing point. 70 One or more mandatory datetime field(s) are not set into the database 71 Measurement_ID not unique in the selected database 72 Measurement ID not found in the selected database 73 Failed in fetching query of SCC_DB 74 Integration time must be a positive integer 75 Unknown usecase 76 Unknown product type 77 Found error(s) in SCC_DB for the submitted Measurement_ID. This could occur, for example, if the used system does not have any product associated with. 78 Failed in quering SCC_DB 79 Cannot connect to SCC_DB 80 Overlap file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC 81 Overlap file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC 82 Sounding file not registered in the database. Please register it and then re-run the SCC 100 Raw Data NetCDF input file not found 101 Dimension 'time' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 102 Dimension 'channels' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 103 Dimension 'points' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 104 Dimension 'nb_of_time_scales' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 105 Dimension 'scan_angles' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 106 Global attribute 'Measurement_ID' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 107 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'Measurement_ID' in Raw Data NetCDF input file 108 Global attribute 'RawData_Start_Date' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 109 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Start_Date' in Raw Data NetCDF input file 110 Global attribute 'RawData_Start_Time_UT' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 111 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Start_Time_UT' in Raw Data NetCDF input file 112 Variable 'channel_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 113 Missing one or more channels in NetCDF input file 114 Variable 'Background_Low' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 115 Variable 'Background_High' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 116 Variable 'id_timescale' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 117 Variable 'Raw_Data_Start_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 118 Variable 'Raw_Data_Stop_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 119 Variable 'Raw_Lidar_Data' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 120 Variable 'Laser_Pointing_Anlge' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 121 Variable 'Laser_Pointing_Angle_of_Profiles' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 122 Variable 'Laser_Shots' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 123 Variable 'Molecular_Calc' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 124 Global attribute 'Sounding_File_Name' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 125 Variable 'Molecular_Calc' has not valid value 126 Variable 'Pressure_at_Lidar_Station' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 127 Variable 'Temperature_at_Lidar_Station' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 128 Laser pointing angle cannot be undefined 129 Cannot found variable 'LR_Input' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for elastic backscatter retrievals 130 Found invalid value(s) for Variable 'LR_Input' 131 Global attribute 'LR_File_Name' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 132 Variable 'Raw_Bck_Start_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 133 Variable 'Raw_Bck_Stop_Time' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 134 Global attribute 'RawBck_Start_Date' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 135 Global attribute 'RawBck_Start_Time_UT' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 136 Global attribute 'RawBck_Stop_Time_UT' not found in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 137 Global attribute 'RawData_Stop_Time_UT' not found in Raw Data NetCDF input file 138 Incorrect definition of global attribute 'RawData_Stop_Time_UT' in Raw Data NetCDF input file 139 Sounding NetCDF input file not found 140 Dimension 'points' not found in Sounding NetCDF input file 141 Global attribute 'Sounding_Start_Date' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file 142 Global attribute 'Sounding_Start_Time' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file 143 Global attribute 'Latitude_degrees_north' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file 144 Global attribute 'Longitude_degrees_east' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file 145 Global attribute 'Altitude_meter_asl' not found in the Sounding NetCDF input file 146 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file 147 Variable 'Temperature' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file 148 Variable 'Pressure' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Souding NetCDF input file 149 Overlap NetCDF input file not found 150 Dimension 'points' not found in Overlap NetCDF input file 151 Dimension 'channels' not found in Overlap NetCDF input file 152 Global attribute 'Lidar_Station_Name' not found in the Overlap NetCDF input file 153 Global attribute 'Overlap_Measurement_Date' not found in the Overlap NetCDF input file 154 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file 155 Variable 'channel_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file 156 Variable 'Overlap_Function' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Overlap NetCDF input file 157 Lidar ratio NetCDF input file not found 158 Dimension 'points' not found in lidar ratio NetCDF input file 159 Dimension 'products' not found in lidar ratio NetCDF input file 160 Global attribute 'Lidar_Station_Name' not found in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file 161 Variable 'Altitude' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file 162 Variable 'product_ID' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file 163 Variable 'Lidar_Ratio' not found and/or not defined correctly in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file 164 Variable 'product_id' in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file contains data that are not consistent with the SCC database values 165 Variable 'Lidar_Ratio' in the lidar ratio NetCDF input file contains undefined values within the valid altitude range defined by the corresponding product. Please remove them. 166 Found negative or not defined value in 'Laser_Shots' array 167 Variable 'DAQ_Range' not found and/or not defined correctly in the Raw Data NetCDF input file 169 Cannot find variable 'Depolarization_Factor' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for Raman and elastic backscatter retrievals if only cross and parallel elastic components are given 170 Wrong or undefined value for variable 'Depolarization_Factor' within NetCDF input file. This variable is mandatory for Raman and elastic backscatter retrievals if only cross and parallel elastic components are given 171 Found wrong value(s) for variable 'First_Signal_Rangebin' 172 Found wrong value(s) in variable 'Background_Low' end/or 'Background_High' 173 Cannot write intermediate NetCDF file 174 Sounding file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one) 175 Overlap file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one) 176 Lidarratio file error: 'Altitude' array should contain altitudes in ascending order (from the lowest point to the highest one) 177 Found not integer values in photoncounting signal 178 Dimension 'time' cannot be zero 179 Dimension 'channel' cannot be zero 180 Dimension 'points' cannot be zero 255 Timeout