
Fri, 11 May 2012 13:25:05 +0200

Fri, 11 May 2012 13:25:05 +0200
changeset 11

Restructuring the repository.

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\title{Single Calculus Chain Documentation}
\date{March 30, 2012}
\author{SCC team}

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\item {} 
The Single calculus chain is made of different modules. These modules don't interact directly but only change value in a database.

\item {} 
This interface will allow Earlinet memebers to interact with parts of the database.

\item {} 
One part of the interface (the ``Station admin'' section) permits registering a new station, registerring new lidar systems and configuration, fill in details for the channels that constitute the system and finnaly define the products (extinction, backscatter e.t.c.) that need to be calculated by the SCC.

\item {} 
The second part of the interface is dedicated to the uploading of new measurement files, the configuration of the measurement specific paramters and, finally, the retrieval of the calculated products.

\item {} 
Different types of users, with different level of access permissions can have access in the interface. In this way, higher level of flexibility and security can be achived.



\item {} 
The Single calculus chain is made of different modules. These modules don't interact directly but only change value in a database.

\item {} 
This interface will allow Earlinet memebers to interact with parts of the database.

\item {} 
One part of the interface (the ``Station admin'' section) permits registering a new station, registerring new lidar systems and configuration, fill in details for the channels that constitute the system and finnaly define the products (extinction, backscatter e.t.c.) that need to be calculated by the SCC.

\item {} 
The second part of the interface is dedicated to the uploading of new measurement files, the configuration of the measurement specific paramters and, finally, the retrieval of the calculated products.

\item {} 
Different types of users, with different level of access permissions can have access in the interface. In this way, higher level of flexibility and security can be achived.


\section{Adding a station}
You can change all your settings throught the \emph{admin section} of the website.
To reach it, click on \textbf{Station admin} link at the main menu of the site.

You will need to have an account with admin access privilages to access this part of the site.
See {\hyperref[user_management:user-management]{\emph{User management}}} for details.

The first you have to do to start using the single calculus chain is to register your station.
To do this, go the the admin section and click on the \textbf{HOI stations} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
This will take you to a page with a list of all stations that you account has access to. This list should
be empty if this is the first time you add a station.

To add a new station to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI station} at the top right of the screen.
This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. The fields in \textbf{bold}
are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new station.

For now you will need to fill in the following fields:
\item[{Name}] \leavevmode
The name of the station

\item[{Id}] \leavevmode
The earlinet call sign with exactly 2 characters.

\item[{Institute name}] \leavevmode
The name of the institute that own the system

\item[{Latitude}] \leavevmode
In degrees north is the latitude of the station.

\item[{Longitude}] \leavevmode
In degrees east is the longitude of the station.

\item[{Height asl}] \leavevmode
The altitude of the station in meters above sea level.

\item[{PI}] \leavevmode
The name of the Principal Investigator of the station.


You can leave all the other fields empty. When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
This will take you back to the list of your stations. If everything went OK your station you just added should appear
in the list.

We don't have to make any more changes in this part, so you can click on \textbf{Home}
on the top left of the page to return to the starting page of the \emph{admin section}.

\section{Adding a system}
After adding a station to the database, we need to add a new system.
To do this, click on the \textbf{HOI systems} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe systems that are connected with your stations. This list should
be empty if this is the first time you add a system.

In the Single Calculus Chain, a \emph{HOI System} represents a specific configuration of a lidar system.
For example, if you are operating a lidar system and you use different channels during daytime and nightime,
you will need to register \emph{two different} systems in the database, one for each different configuration you use.

To add a new system to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI system} at the top right of the screen.
This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. As before, the fields in \textbf{bold}
are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new system.

Not every field that is present in the database is used in the in the Single Calculs Chain.
Many of them are part of the Handbook of Instruments.

For now you will need to fill in the following fields:
\item[{Name}] \leavevmode
The name of your system.

\item[{Station (owner)}] \leavevmode
From the drop-down list, select the station which this system belongs to.

\item[{Configuration}] \leavevmode
The name of the specific configuration. For example you could specify ``night time'' if the system you are registering
correspond to the night-time configuration of your system

\item[{Pi}] \leavevmode
The principle investigator of this system

\item[{Height asl}] \leavevmode
The altitude of the system above sea level (in meters).


You can leave all the other fields empty. When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
This will take you back to the list of your systems. If everything went OK your new system you just added should appear
in the list.

We don't have to make any more changes in this part, so you can click on \textbf{Home}
on the top left of the page to return to the starting page of the \emph{admin section}.

\section{Adding equipment}
After adding a system to the database, we need to add at least one telescope and one laser before you add a channel.

To add a new telescope, click on the \textbf{HOI telescopes} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe telescopes that are connected with your station.
This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a telescope.

To add a new telescope to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI telescope} at the top right of the screen.
This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. Once again, the fields in \textbf{bold}
are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new telescope.

The fields you need to add are:
\item[{Type}] \leavevmode
The telescope type

\item[{Diameter}] \leavevmode
The diameter of the primary mirror in mm

\item[{Focal length}] \leavevmode
The equivalent focal length of the telescope in mm

\item[{Full overlap height}] \leavevmode
The height where the full overlap is achieved.


When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page. If no errors are present, you will return to
the telescope list page. Your new telescope should appear in the list.

To add a new laser, click on the \textbf{HOI Laser} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe lasers that are connected with your station.
This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a laser.

To add a new telescope to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI laser} at the top right of the screen.
This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. The fields in \textbf{bold}
are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new telescope.

The fields you need to add are:
\item[{Manufacturer}] \leavevmode
The manufacturer of the telescope

\item[{Model}] \leavevmode
The model of the telescope

\item[{Repetition rate}] \leavevmode
The repetition rate in Hz

\item[{Type}] \leavevmode
The type of the laser (ex. Nd:YAG)


When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page. If no errors are present,  you will return to
the laser list page. The new laser you added should be present there.

\section{Adding a channel}
After adding a system, a telescope and a laser to the database, you need to add a new channel.
To do this, click on the \textbf{HOI channels} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe channels that are connected with your lidar systems.
This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a system.

To add a new channel to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI channel} at the top right of the screen.
This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. As before, the fields in \textbf{bold}
are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new system.

The fileds you have to fill here are more, as many of these are used during the processing of measurements.

There is a last step, different from the previous cases, when saving a new channel. You need to connect your  channel with
a lidar system before you save, or else all your entry will be lost. Read carefully through this document (or directly
the {\hyperref[tutorial/adding_channels:connect-channel-to-system]{\emph{last section}}}) to avoid any problems.

\subsection{Fill in the fields}
To start using the single calculus chain you will need to fill the following fields:
\item[{Name}] \leavevmode
The name of the channel ex. ``355'', ``1064 analog'' etc.

\item[{Telescope}] \leavevmode
The telescope that is used for this channel

\item[{Laser}] \leavevmode
The laser that is used for this channel

\item[{Interference filter center}] \leavevmode
The center of the interference filter in nm

\item[{Interference filter FWHM}] \leavevmode
The FWHM of the interference filter in nm

\item[{Emission wavelength}] \leavevmode
The emission wavelength of the laser used for this channel

\item[{Field of view}] \leavevmode
The field of view realated to this channel in mrad

\item[{Raw range resolution}] \leavevmode
The raw range resolution of the measured data in m

\item[{Dead time}] \leavevmode
The dead of the detector in ns. You should fill in this in case
of a photon counting detector.

\item[{Trigger delay}] \leavevmode
The trigger delay value for the channel in ns. Fill in 0 if not needed.

\item[{Scattering mechanism}] \leavevmode
The scattering mechanism that is involved in this channel. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list.

\item[{Dead time correction type}] \leavevmode
The dead time correction type to be applied. Select \emph{Not defined} if none needs to be defined.

\item[{Background mode}] \leavevmode
The way to calculate the singal background. Select \emph{Not defined} if none needs to be defined.

\item[{Signal type}] \leavevmode
The type of the singal that is measured, ex. ``elT'' for total elastic, ``vrRN2'' for vibrational-rotational
Raman signal from Nitrogen melecules etc. See {\hyperref[details/adding_channels:signal-types]{\emph{Signal types}}} for details.

\item[{Detection mode}] \leavevmode
The detection mode of this channel.


\subsection{Connecting to a system}
Before you finish, you need to attach your channel to one of your systems. To do this, go at the bottom of the page and
select your system from the drop-down list in the \textbf{System channels} area.

When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
This will take you back to the list of your channels.
If everything went OK your new channel you just added should appear in the list.

\section{Adding products}
Walk-through of adding a product.

\section{Processing data}
Walk-through of how to upload a file and seeing the results.

\chapter{Detailed documentation}


\section{Adding stations}
You can add the definition of new systems that belong to the station by clicking on the Hoi System blue line that
appears bollow the main station fields. For more details on the filed you need to fill in see the {\hyperref[details/adding_system:add-new-system]{\emph{Adding systems}}} section.
You can add more stations by clicking on the ``Add another Hoi System'' option.

You need to have \emph{Javascript} enebled to add a new station from this page.

\section{Adding systems}

\section{Adding channels}

\subsection{Signal types}
(explain here all the signal type abreviations).

\section{Adding products}

\section{Adding other equipment}

\section{The Handbook of instruments}

\section{Uploading measuremnents}

\section{View processing results}

\chapter{The SCC netCDF file format}

The Single Calculus Chain (SCC) is composed by two different modules:
\item {} 
pre-processing module ( scc\_preprocessing)

\item {} 
optical processing module ( ELDA)


To perfom aerosol optical retrievals the SCC needs not only the raw
lidar data but also a certain number of parameters to use in both
pre-processing and optical processing stages. The SCC gets these
parameters looking at two different locations:
\item {} 
Single Calculus Chain relational database (SCC\_DB)

\item {} 
Input files


There are some paramenters that can be found only in the input files
(those ones changing from measurement to measurement), others that can
be found only in the SCC\_DB and other ones that can be found in both
these locations. In the last case, if a particular parameter is needed,
the SCC will search first in the input files and then in SCC\_DB. If the
parameter is found in the input files the SCC will keep it without
looking into SCC\_DB.

The input files have to be submitted to the SCC in NetCDF format. At the
present the SCC can handle four different types of input files:
\item {} 
Raw Lidar Data

\item {} 
Sounding Data

\item {} 

\item {} 
Lidar Ratio


As already mentioned, the  Raw Lidar Data file contains not only the
raw lidar data but also other parameters to use to perform the
pre-processing and optical processing. The  Sounding Data file
contains the data coming from a correlative radiosounding and it is used
by the SCC for molecular density calculation. The  Overlap file
contains the measured overlap function. The  Lidar Ratio file contains
a lidar ratio profile to use in elastic backscatter retrievals. The
Raw Lidar Data file is of course mandatory and the  Sounding Data,
Overlap and  Lidar Ratio files are optional. If  Sounding Data file
is not submitted by the user, the molecular density will be calculated
by the SCC using the “US Standard Atmosphere 1976”. If the  Overlap
file is not submitted by the user, the SCC will get the full overlap
height from SCC\_DB and it will produce optical results starting from
this height. If  Lidar Ratio file is not submitted by the user, the
SCC will consider a fixed value for lidar ratio got from SCC\_DB.

The user can decide to submit all these files or any number of them (of
course the file  Raw Lidar Data is mandatory). For example the user
can submit together with the  Raw Lidar Data file only the  Sounding
Data file or only the  Overlap file.

This document provides a detailed explanation about the structure of the
NetCDF input files to use for SCC data submission. All Earlinet groups
should read it carefully because they have to produce such kind of input
files if they want to use the SCC for their standard lidar retrievals.
Every comments or suggestions regarding this document can be sent to
Giuseppe D’Amico by e-mail at \code{}

This document is available for downloading at \code{}

In table tab:rawdata is reported a list of dimensions, variables and
global attributes that can be used in the NetCDF  Raw Lidar Data input
file. For each of them it is indicated:
\item {} 
The name. For the multidimensional variables also the corresponding
dimensions are reported

\item {} 
A description explaining the meaning

\item {} 
The type

\item {} 
If it is mandatory or optional


As already mentioned, the SCC can get some parameters looking first in
the  Raw Lidar Data input file and then into SCC\_DB. This means that
to use the parameters stored in SCC\_DB the optional variables or
optional global attributes must not appear within  Raw Lidar Data
file. This is the suggested and recommended way to use the SCC. Please
include optional parameters in the  Raw Lidar Data only as an

In table tab:sounding, tab:overlap and tab:lr are reported all the
information about the structure of  Sounding Data,  Overlap and
Lidar Ratio input files respectively.

Let’s now consider an example of  Raw Lidar Data input file. Suppose
we want to generate NetCDF input file corresponding to a measurement
with the following properties:


Start Date
$30^{th}$ January 2009

Start Time UT

Stop Time UT

Station Name
Dummy station

Earlinet call-sign

Pointing angle
5 degrees with respect to the zenith

Moreover suppose that this measurement is composed by the following
lidar channels:
\item {} 
1064 lidar channel


Emission wavelength=1064nm
Detection wavelength=1064nm

Time resolution=30s
Number of laser shots=1500

Number of bins=3000
Detection mode=analog

Range resolution=7.5m
Polarization state=total

\item {} 
532 cross lidar channel


Emission wavelength=532nm
Detection wavelength=532nm

Time resolution=60s
Number of laser shots=3000

Number of bins=5000
Detection mode=photoncounting

Range resolution=15m
Polarization state=cross

\item {} 
532 parallel lidar channel


Emission wavelength=532nm
Detection wavelength=532nm

Time resolution=60s
Number of laser shots=3000

Number of bins=5000
Detection mode=photoncounting

Range resolution=15m
Polarization state=parallel

\item {} 
607 $N_2$ vibrational Raman channel


Emission wavelength=532nm
Detection wavelength=607nm

Time resolution=60s
Number of laser shots=3000

Number of bins=5000
Detection mode=photoncounting
Range resolution=15m


Finally let’s assume we have also performed dark measurements before the
lidar measurements from the 23:50:01 UT up to 23:53:01 UT of
29:math:\emph{\textasciicircum{}mathrmth} January 2009.

Looking at table tab:rawdata we have to fix the following dimensions:


The dimension \code{time} is unlimited so we don’t have to fix it.

We have 4 lidar channels so:


Regarding the dimension \code{points} we have only one channel with a
number of vertical bins equal to 3000 (the 1064nm) and all other
channels with 5000 vertical bins. In cases like this the dimension
\code{points} has to be fixed to the maximum number of vertical bins so:


Moreover only one channel (1064nm) is acquired with a time resolution of
30 seconds, all the other channels have a time resolution of 60 seconds.
This means that we have to define two different time scales. We have to


The measurement is performed only at one scan angle (5 degrees with
respect to the zenith) so:


We have 3 minutes of dark measurements and two different time scales one
with 60 seconds time resolution and the other one with 30 seconds time
resolution. So we will have 3 different dark profiles for the channels
acquired with the first time scale and 6 for the lidar channels acquired
with the second time scale. We have to fix the dimension \code{time\_bck} as
the maximum between these values:


In this section it will be explained how to fill all the possible
variables either mandatory or optional of  Raw Lidar Data input file.
\item[{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
This 2 dimensional mandatory array has to contain the acquisition
start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
\code{RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT}) of each lidar profile. In this example we
have two different time scales: one is characterized by steps of 30
seconds (the 1064nm is acquired with this time scale) the other by
steps of 60 seconds (532cross, 532parallel and 607nm). Moreover the
measurement start time is 00:00:01 UT and the measurement stop time
is 00:05:01 UT. In this case we have to define:

Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270 ;

The order used to fill this array defines the correspondence between
the different time scales and the time scale index. In this example
we have a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps of 60
seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one.

\item[{Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
The same as previous item but for the data acquisition stop time.
Following a similar procedure we have to define:

Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  300, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270,
  \_, 300 ;

\item[{Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points)}] \leavevmode
This 3 dimensional mandatory array has to be filled with the
time-series of raw lidar data. The photoncounting profiles have to
submitted in counts (so as integers) while the analog ones in mV. The
order the user chooses to fill this array defines the correspondence
between channel index and lidar data.

For example if we fill this array in such way that:


$\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 1064 nm

$\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 532 cross

$\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 532 parallel

$\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 607 nm

from now on the channel index 0 is associated to the 1064 channel,
1 to the 532 cross, 2 to the 532 parallel and 3 to the 607nm.

\item[{Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
This 2 dimensional optional array has to contain the acquisition
start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
\code{RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT}) of each dark measurements profile.
Following the same procedure used for the variable
\code{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time} we have to define:

Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  \_, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150;

\item[{Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
The same as previous item but for the dark acquisition stop time.
Following a similar procedure we have to define:

Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180 ;

\item[{Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points)}] \leavevmode
This 3 dimensional optional array has to be filled with the
time-series of the dark measurements data. The photoncounting
profiles have to submitted in counts (so as integers) while the
analog ones in mV. The user has to fill this array following the same
order used in filling the array \code{Raw\_Lidar\_Data}:


$\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 1064 nm

$\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 532 cross

$\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 532 parallel

$\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 607 nm

\item[{channel\_ID(channels)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array provides the link between the channel index
within the  Raw Lidar Data input file and the channel ID in
SCC\_DB. To fill this variable the user has to know which channel IDs
in SCC\_DB correspond to his lidar channels. For this purpose the
SCC, in its final version will provide to the user a special tool to
get these channel IDs through a Web interface. At the moment this
interface is not yet available and these channel IDs will be
communicated directly to the user by the NA5 people.

Anyway to continue the example let’s suppose that the four lidar
channels taken into account are mapped into SCC\_DB with the
following channel IDs:


1064 nm
$\rightarrow$ channel ID=7

532 cross
$\rightarrow$ channel ID=5

532 parallel
$\rightarrow$ channel ID=6

607 nm
$\rightarrow$ channel ID=8


In this case we have to define:

\PYG{n}{channel\PYGZus{}ID} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{7}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{5}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{6}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{8} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{id\_timescale(channels)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array is introduced to determine which time scale is
used for the acquisition of each lidar channel. In particular this
array defines the link between the channel index and the time scale
index. In our example we have two different time scales. Filling the
arrays \code{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time} and \code{Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time} we have
defined a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps of 60
seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one with steps of
30 seconds. In this way this array has to be set as:

\PYG{n}{id\PYGZus{}timescale} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array contains all the scan angles used in the
measurement. In our example we have only one scan angle of 5 degrees
with respect to the zenith, so we have to define:

\PYG{n}{Laser\PYGZus{}Pointing\PYGZus{}Angle} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{5} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array is introduced to determine which scan angle is
used for the acquisition of each lidar profile. In particular this
array defines the link between the time and time scales indexes and
the scan angle index. In our example we have a single scan angle that
has to correspond to the scan angle index 0. So this array has to be
defined as:

Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0 ;

\item[{Laser\_Shots(time, channels)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array stores the laser shots accumulated at each time
for each channel. In our example the number of laser shots
accumulated is 1500 for the 1064nm channels and 3000 for all the
other channels. Moreover the laser shots do not change with the time.
So we have to define this array as:

Laser\_Shots =
 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
 1500, \_, \_, \_,
 1500, \_, \_, \_,
 1500, \_, \_, \_,
 1500, \_, \_, \_,
 1500, \_, \_, \_ ;

\item[{Emitted\_Wavelength(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
the emission wavelength for each lidar channel. The wavelength has to
be expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
In our example we have:

\PYG{n}{Emitted\PYGZus{}Wavelength} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1064}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Detected\_Wavelength(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
the detected wavelength for each lidar channel. Here detected
wavelength means the value of center of interferential filter
expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In
our example we have:

\PYG{n}{Detected\PYGZus{}Wavelength} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1064}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{607} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
the raw range resolution for each channel. If the scan angle is
different from zero this quantity is different from the vertical
resolution. More precisely if $\alpha$ is the scan angle used
and $\Delta z$ is the range resolution the vertical
resolution is calculated as $\Delta
z'=\Delta z \cos\alpha$. This array has to be filled with
$\Delta z$ and not with $\Delta z'$. The unit is
meters. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our
example we have:

\PYG{n}{Raw\PYGZus{}Data\PYGZus{}Range\PYGZus{}Resolution} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mf}{7.5}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{ID\_Range(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines if a particular channel is configured as
high, low or ultranear range channel. In particular a value 0
indicates a low range channel, a value 1 a high range channel and a
value of 2 an ultranear range channel. If for a particular channel
you don’t separate between high and low range channel, please set the
corresponding value to 1. This information can be also taken from
SCC\_DB. In our case we have to set:

\PYG{n}{ID\PYGZus{}Range} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Scattering\_Mechanism(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the scattering mechanism involved in
each lidar channel. In particular the following values are adopted:


$\rightarrow$ Total elastic backscatter

$\rightarrow$ $N_2$ vibrational Raman backscatter

$\rightarrow$ Cross polarization elastic backscatter

$\rightarrow$ Parallel polarization elastic backscatter

$\rightarrow$ $H_2O$ vibrational Raman backscatter

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes line close to elastic line

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes line far from elastic line

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman anti-Stokes line close to elastic line

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman anti-Stokes line far from elastic line

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes lines close to elastic line

$\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes lines far from elastic line

This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we have:

\PYG{n}{Scattering\PYGZus{}Mechanism} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{2}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{3}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Acquisition\_Mode(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the acquisition mode (analog or
photoncounting) involved in each lidar channel. In particular a value
of 0 means analog mode and 1 photoncounting mode. This information
can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we have:

\PYG{n}{Acquisition\PYGZus{}Mode} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Laser\_Repetition\_Rate(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the repetition rate in Hz used to
acquire each lidar channel. This information can be also taken from
SCC\_DB. In our example we are supposing we have only one laser with
a repetition rate of 50 Hz so we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Laser\PYGZus{}Repetition\PYGZus{}Rate} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Dead\_Time(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the dead time in ns associated to each
lidar channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to
correct the photoncounting signals for dead time. Of course for
analog signals no dead time correction will be applied (for analog
channels the corresponding dead time values have to be set to
undefined value). This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In
our example the 1064 nm channel is acquired in analog mode so the
corresponding dead time value has to be undefined. If we suppose a
dead time of 10 ns for all other channels we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Dead\PYGZus{}Time} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type(channels}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines which kind of dead time correction has
to be applied on each photoncounting channel. The SCC will correct
the data supposing a not-paralyzable channel if a value of 0 is found
while a paralyzable channel is supposed if a value of 1 is found. Of
course for analog signals no dead time correction will be applied and
so the corresponding values have to be set to undefined value. This
information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example the 1064
nm channel is acquired in analog mode so the corresponding has to be
undefined. If we want to consider all the photoncounting signals as
not-paralyzable ones: we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Dead\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}Corr\PYGZus{}Type} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Trigger\_Delay(channels)}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines the delay (in ns) of the middle of the
first rangebin with respect to the output laser pulse for each lidar
channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to correct
for trigger delay. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
Let’s suppose that in our example all the photoncounting channels are
not affected by this delay and only the analog channel at 1064nm is
acquired with a delay of 50ns. In this case we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Trigger\PYGZus{}Delay} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Background\_Mode(channels}] \leavevmode
This optional array defines how the atmospheric background has to be
subtracted from the lidar channel. Two options are available for the
calculation of atmospheric background:
\item {} 
Average in the far field of lidar channel. In this case the value
of this variable has to be 1

\item {} 
Average within pre-trigger bins. In this case the value of this
variable has to be 0


This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. Let’s suppose in our
example we use the pre-trigger for the 1064nm channel and the far
field for all other channels. In this case we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}Mode} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Background\_Low(channels)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array defines the minimum altitude (in meters) to
consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each channel.
In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value has to be
set to the rangebin to be used as lower limit (within pre-trigger
region) for background calculation. In our example, if we want to
calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters for all
photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500 pre-trigger
bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm channel we have to

\PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}Low}\PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Background\_High(channels)}] \leavevmode
This mandatory array defines the maximum altitude (in meters) to
consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each channel.
In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value has to be
set to the rangebin to be used as upper limit (within pre-trigger
region) for background calculation. In our example, if we want to
calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters for all
photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500 pre-trigger
bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm channel we have to

\PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}High} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{500}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Molecular\_Calc}] \leavevmode
This mandatory variable defines the way used by SCC to calculate the
molecular density profile. At the moment two options are available:
\item {} 
US Standard Atmosphere 1976. In this case the value of this
variable has to be 0

\item {} 
Radiosounding. In this case the value of this variable has to be 1


If we decide to use the option 1. we have to provide also the
measured pressure and temperature at lidar station level. Indeed if
we decide to use the option 2. a radiosounding file has to be
submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
summarized in table tab:sounding). Let’s suppose we want to use the
option 1. so:

\PYG{n}{Molecular\PYGZus{}Calc} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station}] \leavevmode
Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation of
the molecular density profile we have to give the pressure in hPa at
lidar station level:

\PYG{n}{Pressure\PYGZus{}at\PYGZus{}Lidar\PYGZus{}Station} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1010} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station}] \leavevmode
Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation of
the molecular density profile we have to give the temperature in C at
lidar station level:

\PYG{n}{Temperature\PYGZus{}at\PYGZus{}Lidar\PYGZus{}Station} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mf}{19.8} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{Depolarization\_Factor(channels)}] \leavevmode
This array is required only for lidar systems that use the two
depolarization channels for the backscatter retrieval. It represents
the factor $f$ to calculate the total backscatter signal
$S_t$ combining its cross $S_c$ and parallel
$S_p$ components: $S_t=S_p+fS_c$. This factor is
mandatory only for systems acquiring $S_c$ and $S_p$
and not $S_t$. For systems acquiring $S_c$,
$S_p$ and $S_t$ this factor is optional and it will
be used only for depolarizaton ratio calculation. Moreover only the
values of the array corresponding to cross polarization channels will
be considered; all other values will be not taken into account and
should be set to undefined value. In our example for the wavelength
532nm we have only the cross and the parallel components and not the
total one. So we have to give the value of this factor only in
correspondence of the 532nm cross polarization channel that
corresponds to the channel index 1. Suppose that this factor is 0.88.
Moreover, because we don’t have any other depolarization channels we
have also to set all other values of the array to undefined value.

\PYG{n}{Depolarization\PYGZus{}Factor} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{l+m+mf}{0.88}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{LR\_Input(channels)}] \leavevmode
This array is required only for lidar channels for which elastic
backscatter retrieval has to be performed. It defines the lidar ratio
to be used within this retrieval. Two options are available:
\item {} 
The user can submit a lidar ratio profile. In this case the value
of this variable has to be 0.

\item {} 
A fixed value of lidar ratio can be used. In this case the value
of this variable has to be 1.


If we decide to use the option 1. a lidar ratio file has to be
submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
summarized in table tab:lr). If we decide to use the option 2. the
fixed value of lidar ratio will be taken from SCC\_DB. In our example
we have to give a value of this array only for the 1064nm lidar
channel because for the 532nm we will be able to retrieve a Raman
backscatter coefficient. In case we want to use the fixed value
stored in SCC\_DB we have to set:

\PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}Input} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{DAQ\_Range(channels)}] \leavevmode
This array is required only if one or more lidar signals are
acquired in analog mode. It gives the analog scale in mV used to
acquire the analog signals. In our example we have only the 1064nm
channel acquired in analog mode. If we have used a 100mV analog scale
to acquire this channel we have to set:

\PYG{n}{DAQ\PYGZus{}Range} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{100}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}


\subsection{Global attributes}
\item[{Measurement\_ID}] \leavevmode
This mandatory global attribute defines the measurement ID
corresponding to the actual lidar measurement. It is a string
composed by 12 characters. The first 8 characters give the start date
of measurement in the format YYYYMMDD. The next 2 characters give the
Earlinet call-sign of the station. The last 2 characters are used to
distinguish between different time-series within the same date. In
our example we have to set:

\PYG{n}{Measurement\PYGZus{}ID}\PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090130cc00}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawData\_Start\_Date}] \leavevmode
This mandatory global attribute defines the start date of lidar
measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Date} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090130}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
This mandatory global attribute defines the UT start time of lidar
measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{000001}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT{}`{}`}] \leavevmode
This mandatory global attribute defines the UT stop time of lidar
measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Stop\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{000501}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawBck\_Start\_Date}] \leavevmode
This optional global attribute defines the start date of dark
measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Date} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090129}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
This optional global attribute defines the UT start time of dark
measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{235001}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item[{RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
This optional global attribute defines the UT stop time of dark
measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:

\PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Stop\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{235301}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}


\section{Example of file (CDL format)}
To summarize we have the following NetCDF  Raw Lidar Data file (in CDL

        points = 5000 ;
        channels = 4 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
        nb\_of\_time\_scales = 2 ;
        scan\_angles = 1 ;
        time\_bck = 6 ;
        int channel\_ID(channels) ;
        int Laser\_Repetition\_Rate(channels) ;
        double Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles) ;
        int ID\_Range(channels) ;
        int Scattering\_Mechanism(channels) ;
        double Emitted\_Wavelength(channels) ;
        double Detected\_Wavelength(channels) ;
        double Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution(channels) ;
        int Background\_Mode(channels) ;
        double Background\_Low(channels) ;
        double Background\_High(channels) ;
        int Molecular\_Calc ;
        double Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
        double Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
        int id\_timescale(channels) ;
        double Dead\_Time(channels) ;
        int Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type(channels) ;
        int Acquisition\_Mode(channels) ;
        double Trigger\_Delay(channels) ;
        int LR\_Input(channels) ;
        int Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Laser\_Shots(time, channels) ;
        double Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points) ;
        double Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points) ;
        double DAQ\_Range(channels) ;

// global attributes:
                :Measurement\_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
                :RawData\_Start\_Date = "20090130" ;
                :RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT = "000001" ;
                :RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "000501" ;
                :RawBck\_Start\_Date = "20090129" ;
                :RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT = "235001" ;
                :RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "235301" ;


 channel\_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;

 Laser\_Repetition\_Rate = 50, 50, 50, 50 ;

 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle = 5 ;

 ID\_Range = 1, 1, 1, 1 ;

 Scattering\_Mechanism = 0, 2, 3, 1 ;

 Emitted\_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 532 ;

 Detected\_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 607 ;

 Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution = 7.5, 15, 15, 15 ;

 Background\_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;

 Background\_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;

 Background\_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;

 Molecular\_Calc = 0 ;

 Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 1010 ;

 Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 19.8 ;

 id\_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;

 Dead\_Time = \_, 10, 10, 10 ;

 Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type = \_, 0, 0, 0 ;

 Acquisition\_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;

 Trigger\_Delay = 50, 0, 0, 0 ;

 LR\_Input = 1,\_,\_,\_ ;

 DAQ\_Range = 100,\_,\_,\_ ;

 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0 ;

 Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270 ;

 Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  300, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270,
  \_, 300 ;

 Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  \_, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150;

Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180 ;

 Laser\_Shots =
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_ ;

 Raw\_Lidar\_Data = ...

 Background\_Profile = ...

Please keep in mind that in case you submit a file like the previous one
all the parameters present in it will be used by the SCC even if you
have different values for the same parameters within the SCC\_DB. If you
want to use the values already stored in SCC\_DB (this should be the
usual way to use SCC) the  Raw Lidar Data input file has to be
modified as follows:

        points = 5000 ;
        channels = 4 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
        nb\_of\_time\_scales = 2 ;
        scan\_angles = 1 ;
        time\_bck = 6 ;
        int channel\_ID(channels) ;
        double Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles) ;
        double Background\_Low(channels) ;
        double Background\_High(channels) ;
        int Molecular\_Calc ;
        double Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
        double Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
        int id\_timescale(channels) ;
        int Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
        int LR\_Input(channels) ;
        int Laser\_Shots(time, channels) ;
        double Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points) ;
        double Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points) ;
        double DAQ\_Range(channels) ;

// global attributes:
                :Measurement\_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
                :RawData\_Start\_Date = "20090130" ;
                :RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT = "000001" ;
                :RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "000501" ;
                :RawBck\_Start\_Date = "20090129" ;
                :RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT = "235001" ;
                :RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "235301" ;


 channel\_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;

 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle = 5 ;

 Background\_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;

 Background\_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;

 Molecular\_Calc = 0 ;

 Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 1010 ;

 Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 19.8 ;

 id\_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;

 LR\_Input = 1,\_,\_,\_ ;

 DAQ\_Range = 100,\_,\_,\_ ;

 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  0, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0,
  \_, 0 ;

 Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270 ;

 Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  240, 120,
  300, 150,
  \_, 180,
  \_, 210,
  \_, 240,
  \_, 270,
  \_, 300 ;

 Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
  0, 0,
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  \_, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150;

 Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
  60, 30,
  120, 60,
  180, 90,
  \_, 120,
  \_, 150,
  \_, 180 ;

 Laser\_Shots =
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_,
  1500, \_, \_, \_ ;

 Raw\_Lidar\_Data = ...

 Background\_Profile = ...

This example file contains the minimum collection of mandatory
information that has to be found within the  Raw Lidar Data input
file. If it is really necessary, the user can decide to add to these
mandatory parameters any number of additional parameters considered in
the previous example.

Finally, suppose we want to make the following changes with respect to
the previous example:
\item {} 
use a sounding file for molecular density calculation instead of “US
Standar Atmosphere 1976”

\item {} 
supply a lidar ratio profile to use in elastic backscatter retrieval
instead of a fixed value

\item {} 
provide a overlap function for overlap correction


In this case we have to generate the following NetCDF additional files:
\item[{rs\}] \leavevmode
The name of  Sounding Data file has to be computed as follows:
The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:sounding.

\item[{ov\}] \leavevmode
The name of  Overlap file has to be computed as follows:
The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:overlap.

\item[{lr\}] \leavevmode
The name of  Lidar Ratio file has to be computed as follows:
The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:lr.


Moreover we need to apply the following changes to the  Raw Lidar Data
input file:
\item {} 
Change the value of the variable \code{Molecular\_Calc} as follows:

\PYG{n}{Molecular\PYGZus{}Calc} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}

Of course the variables \code{Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station} and
\code{Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station} are not necessary anymore.

\item {} 
Change the values of the array \code{LR\_Input} as follows:

\PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}Input} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}

\item {} 
Add the global attribute \code{Sounding\_File\_Name}

\PYG{n}{Sounding\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{rs\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item {} 
Add the global attribute \code{LR\_File\_Name}

\PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{lr\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}

\item {} 
Add the global attribute \code{Overlap\_File\_Name}

\PYG{n}{Overlap\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{ov\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}


\chapter{User management}

\section{Acount types}

\section{Requesting a new account}

\section{User account security}

\chapter{Indices and tables}
\item {} 

\item {} 

\item {} 


