
Fri, 11 May 2012 13:25:05 +0200

Fri, 11 May 2012 13:25:05 +0200
changeset 11

Restructuring the repository.

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ulalume3@11 15 \title{Single Calculus Chain Documentation}
ulalume3@11 16 \date{March 30, 2012}
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ulalume3@11 108 \makeatother
ulalume3@11 109
ulalume3@11 110 \begin{document}
ulalume3@11 111
ulalume3@11 112 \maketitle
ulalume3@11 113 \tableofcontents
ulalume3@11 114 \phantomsection\label{index::doc}
ulalume3@11 115
ulalume3@11 116
ulalume3@11 117 Contents:
ulalume3@11 118
ulalume3@11 119
ulalume3@11 120 \chapter{Introduction}
ulalume3@11 121 \label{introduction:introduction}\label{introduction:welcome-to-single-calculus-chain-interface-s-documentation}\label{introduction::doc}\begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 122 \item {}
ulalume3@11 123 The Single calculus chain is made of different modules. These modules don't interact directly but only change value in a database.
ulalume3@11 124
ulalume3@11 125 \item {}
ulalume3@11 126 This interface will allow Earlinet memebers to interact with parts of the database.
ulalume3@11 127
ulalume3@11 128 \item {}
ulalume3@11 129 One part of the interface (the ``Station admin'' section) permits registering a new station, registerring new lidar systems and configuration, fill in details for the channels that constitute the system and finnaly define the products (extinction, backscatter e.t.c.) that need to be calculated by the SCC.
ulalume3@11 130
ulalume3@11 131 \item {}
ulalume3@11 132 The second part of the interface is dedicated to the uploading of new measurement files, the configuration of the measurement specific paramters and, finally, the retrieval of the calculated products.
ulalume3@11 133
ulalume3@11 134 \item {}
ulalume3@11 135 Different types of users, with different level of access permissions can have access in the interface. In this way, higher level of flexibility and security can be achived.
ulalume3@11 136
ulalume3@11 137 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 138
ulalume3@11 139
ulalume3@11 140 \chapter{Tutorial}
ulalume3@11 141 \label{tutorial::doc}\label{tutorial:tutorial}
ulalume3@11 142
ulalume3@11 143 \section{Introduction}
ulalume3@11 144 \label{tutorial/introduction:introduction}\label{tutorial/introduction::doc}\begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 145 \item {}
ulalume3@11 146 The Single calculus chain is made of different modules. These modules don't interact directly but only change value in a database.
ulalume3@11 147
ulalume3@11 148 \item {}
ulalume3@11 149 This interface will allow Earlinet memebers to interact with parts of the database.
ulalume3@11 150
ulalume3@11 151 \item {}
ulalume3@11 152 One part of the interface (the ``Station admin'' section) permits registering a new station, registerring new lidar systems and configuration, fill in details for the channels that constitute the system and finnaly define the products (extinction, backscatter e.t.c.) that need to be calculated by the SCC.
ulalume3@11 153
ulalume3@11 154 \item {}
ulalume3@11 155 The second part of the interface is dedicated to the uploading of new measurement files, the configuration of the measurement specific paramters and, finally, the retrieval of the calculated products.
ulalume3@11 156
ulalume3@11 157 \item {}
ulalume3@11 158 Different types of users, with different level of access permissions can have access in the interface. In this way, higher level of flexibility and security can be achived.
ulalume3@11 159
ulalume3@11 160 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 161
ulalume3@11 162
ulalume3@11 163 \section{Adding a station}
ulalume3@11 164 \label{tutorial/adding_station:adding-a-station}\label{tutorial/adding_station::doc}
ulalume3@11 165 You can change all your settings throught the \emph{admin section} of the website.
ulalume3@11 166 To reach it, click on \textbf{Station admin} link at the main menu of the site.
ulalume3@11 167
ulalume3@11 168 \begin{notice}{note}{Note:}
ulalume3@11 169 You will need to have an account with admin access privilages to access this part of the site.
ulalume3@11 170 See {\hyperref[user_management:user-management]{\emph{User management}}} for details.
ulalume3@11 171 \end{notice}
ulalume3@11 172
ulalume3@11 173 The first you have to do to start using the single calculus chain is to register your station.
ulalume3@11 174 To do this, go the the admin section and click on the \textbf{HOI stations} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
ulalume3@11 175 This will take you to a page with a list of all stations that you account has access to. This list should
ulalume3@11 176 be empty if this is the first time you add a station.
ulalume3@11 177
ulalume3@11 178 To add a new station to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI station} at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 179 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. The fields in \textbf{bold}
ulalume3@11 180 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new station.
ulalume3@11 181
ulalume3@11 182 For now you will need to fill in the following fields:
ulalume3@11 183 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 184 \item[{Name}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 185 The name of the station
ulalume3@11 186
ulalume3@11 187 \item[{Id}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 188 The earlinet call sign with exactly 2 characters.
ulalume3@11 189
ulalume3@11 190 \item[{Institute name}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 191 The name of the institute that own the system
ulalume3@11 192
ulalume3@11 193 \item[{Latitude}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 194 In degrees north is the latitude of the station.
ulalume3@11 195
ulalume3@11 196 \item[{Longitude}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 197 In degrees east is the longitude of the station.
ulalume3@11 198
ulalume3@11 199 \item[{Height asl}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 200 The altitude of the station in meters above sea level.
ulalume3@11 201
ulalume3@11 202 \item[{PI}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 203 The name of the Principal Investigator of the station.
ulalume3@11 204
ulalume3@11 205 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 206
ulalume3@11 207 You can leave all the other fields empty. When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
ulalume3@11 208 This will take you back to the list of your stations. If everything went OK your station you just added should appear
ulalume3@11 209 in the list.
ulalume3@11 210
ulalume3@11 211 We don't have to make any more changes in this part, so you can click on \textbf{Home}
ulalume3@11 212 on the top left of the page to return to the starting page of the \emph{admin section}.
ulalume3@11 213
ulalume3@11 214
ulalume3@11 215 \section{Adding a system}
ulalume3@11 216 \label{tutorial/adding_system::doc}\label{tutorial/adding_system:adding-a-system}
ulalume3@11 217 After adding a station to the database, we need to add a new system.
ulalume3@11 218 To do this, click on the \textbf{HOI systems} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
ulalume3@11 219 This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe systems that are connected with your stations. This list should
ulalume3@11 220 be empty if this is the first time you add a system.
ulalume3@11 221
ulalume3@11 222 \begin{notice}{note}{Note:}
ulalume3@11 223 In the Single Calculus Chain, a \emph{HOI System} represents a specific configuration of a lidar system.
ulalume3@11 224 For example, if you are operating a lidar system and you use different channels during daytime and nightime,
ulalume3@11 225 you will need to register \emph{two different} systems in the database, one for each different configuration you use.
ulalume3@11 226 \end{notice}
ulalume3@11 227
ulalume3@11 228 To add a new system to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI system} at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 229 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. As before, the fields in \textbf{bold}
ulalume3@11 230 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new system.
ulalume3@11 231
ulalume3@11 232 \begin{notice}{note}{Note:}
ulalume3@11 233 Not every field that is present in the database is used in the in the Single Calculs Chain.
ulalume3@11 234 Many of them are part of the Handbook of Instruments.
ulalume3@11 235 \end{notice}
ulalume3@11 236
ulalume3@11 237 For now you will need to fill in the following fields:
ulalume3@11 238 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 239 \item[{Name}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 240 The name of your system.
ulalume3@11 241
ulalume3@11 242 \item[{Station (owner)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 243 From the drop-down list, select the station which this system belongs to.
ulalume3@11 244
ulalume3@11 245 \item[{Configuration}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 246 The name of the specific configuration. For example you could specify ``night time'' if the system you are registering
ulalume3@11 247 correspond to the night-time configuration of your system
ulalume3@11 248
ulalume3@11 249 \item[{Pi}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 250 The principle investigator of this system
ulalume3@11 251
ulalume3@11 252 \item[{Height asl}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 253 The altitude of the system above sea level (in meters).
ulalume3@11 254
ulalume3@11 255 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 256
ulalume3@11 257 You can leave all the other fields empty. When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
ulalume3@11 258 This will take you back to the list of your systems. If everything went OK your new system you just added should appear
ulalume3@11 259 in the list.
ulalume3@11 260
ulalume3@11 261 We don't have to make any more changes in this part, so you can click on \textbf{Home}
ulalume3@11 262 on the top left of the page to return to the starting page of the \emph{admin section}.
ulalume3@11 263
ulalume3@11 264
ulalume3@11 265 \section{Adding equipment}
ulalume3@11 266 \label{tutorial/adding_telescopelaser:adding-equipment}\label{tutorial/adding_telescopelaser::doc}
ulalume3@11 267 After adding a system to the database, we need to add at least one telescope and one laser before you add a channel.
ulalume3@11 268
ulalume3@11 269
ulalume3@11 270 \subsection{Telescope}
ulalume3@11 271 \label{tutorial/adding_telescopelaser:telescope}
ulalume3@11 272 To add a new telescope, click on the \textbf{HOI telescopes} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
ulalume3@11 273 This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe telescopes that are connected with your station.
ulalume3@11 274 This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a telescope.
ulalume3@11 275
ulalume3@11 276 To add a new telescope to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI telescope} at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 277 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. Once again, the fields in \textbf{bold}
ulalume3@11 278 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new telescope.
ulalume3@11 279
ulalume3@11 280 The fields you need to add are:
ulalume3@11 281 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 282 \item[{Type}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 283 The telescope type
ulalume3@11 284
ulalume3@11 285 \item[{Diameter}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 286 The diameter of the primary mirror in mm
ulalume3@11 287
ulalume3@11 288 \item[{Focal length}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 289 The equivalent focal length of the telescope in mm
ulalume3@11 290
ulalume3@11 291 \item[{Full overlap height}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 292 The height where the full overlap is achieved.
ulalume3@11 293
ulalume3@11 294 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 295
ulalume3@11 296 When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page. If no errors are present, you will return to
ulalume3@11 297 the telescope list page. Your new telescope should appear in the list.
ulalume3@11 298
ulalume3@11 299
ulalume3@11 300 \subsection{Laser}
ulalume3@11 301 \label{tutorial/adding_telescopelaser:laser}
ulalume3@11 302 To add a new laser, click on the \textbf{HOI Laser} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
ulalume3@11 303 This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe lasers that are connected with your station.
ulalume3@11 304 This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a laser.
ulalume3@11 305
ulalume3@11 306 To add a new telescope to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI laser} at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 307 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. The fields in \textbf{bold}
ulalume3@11 308 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new telescope.
ulalume3@11 309
ulalume3@11 310 The fields you need to add are:
ulalume3@11 311 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 312 \item[{Manufacturer}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 313 The manufacturer of the telescope
ulalume3@11 314
ulalume3@11 315 \item[{Model}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 316 The model of the telescope
ulalume3@11 317
ulalume3@11 318 \item[{Repetition rate}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 319 The repetition rate in Hz
ulalume3@11 320
ulalume3@11 321 \item[{Type}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 322 The type of the laser (ex. Nd:YAG)
ulalume3@11 323
ulalume3@11 324 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 325
ulalume3@11 326 When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page. If no errors are present, you will return to
ulalume3@11 327 the laser list page. The new laser you added should be present there.
ulalume3@11 328
ulalume3@11 329
ulalume3@11 330 \section{Adding a channel}
ulalume3@11 331 \label{tutorial/adding_channels::doc}\label{tutorial/adding_channels:adding-a-channel}
ulalume3@11 332 After adding a system, a telescope and a laser to the database, you need to add a new channel.
ulalume3@11 333 To do this, click on the \textbf{HOI channels} in the \emph{System settings} panel.
ulalume3@11 334 This will take you to a page with a list of all availabe channels that are connected with your lidar systems.
ulalume3@11 335 This list should be empty if this is the first time you add a system.
ulalume3@11 336
ulalume3@11 337 To add a new channel to the database click on \textbf{Add HOI channel} at the top right of the screen.
ulalume3@11 338 This will take you to a new page were you can fill in the needed information. As before, the fields in \textbf{bold}
ulalume3@11 339 are mandatory and you will need to fill them before you can save you new system.
ulalume3@11 340
ulalume3@11 341 The fileds you have to fill here are more, as many of these are used during the processing of measurements.
ulalume3@11 342
ulalume3@11 343 \begin{notice}{warning}{Warning:}
ulalume3@11 344 There is a last step, different from the previous cases, when saving a new channel. You need to connect your channel with
ulalume3@11 345 a lidar system before you save, or else all your entry will be lost. Read carefully through this document (or directly
ulalume3@11 346 the {\hyperref[tutorial/adding_channels:connect-channel-to-system]{\emph{last section}}}) to avoid any problems.
ulalume3@11 347 \end{notice}
ulalume3@11 348
ulalume3@11 349
ulalume3@11 350 \subsection{Fill in the fields}
ulalume3@11 351 \label{tutorial/adding_channels:fill-in-the-fields}
ulalume3@11 352 To start using the single calculus chain you will need to fill the following fields:
ulalume3@11 353 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 354 \item[{Name}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 355 The name of the channel ex. ``355'', ``1064 analog'' etc.
ulalume3@11 356
ulalume3@11 357 \item[{Telescope}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 358 The telescope that is used for this channel
ulalume3@11 359
ulalume3@11 360 \item[{Laser}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 361 The laser that is used for this channel
ulalume3@11 362
ulalume3@11 363 \item[{Interference filter center}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 364 The center of the interference filter in nm
ulalume3@11 365
ulalume3@11 366 \item[{Interference filter FWHM}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 367 The FWHM of the interference filter in nm
ulalume3@11 368
ulalume3@11 369 \item[{Emission wavelength}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 370 The emission wavelength of the laser used for this channel
ulalume3@11 371
ulalume3@11 372 \item[{Field of view}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 373 The field of view realated to this channel in mrad
ulalume3@11 374
ulalume3@11 375 \item[{Raw range resolution}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 376 The raw range resolution of the measured data in m
ulalume3@11 377
ulalume3@11 378 \item[{Dead time}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 379 The dead of the detector in ns. You should fill in this in case
ulalume3@11 380 of a photon counting detector.
ulalume3@11 381
ulalume3@11 382 \item[{Trigger delay}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 383 The trigger delay value for the channel in ns. Fill in 0 if not needed.
ulalume3@11 384
ulalume3@11 385 \item[{Scattering mechanism}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 386 The scattering mechanism that is involved in this channel. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list.
ulalume3@11 387
ulalume3@11 388 \item[{Dead time correction type}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 389 The dead time correction type to be applied. Select \emph{Not defined} if none needs to be defined.
ulalume3@11 390
ulalume3@11 391 \item[{Background mode}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 392 The way to calculate the singal background. Select \emph{Not defined} if none needs to be defined.
ulalume3@11 393
ulalume3@11 394 \item[{Signal type}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 395 The type of the singal that is measured, ex. ``elT'' for total elastic, ``vrRN2'' for vibrational-rotational
ulalume3@11 396 Raman signal from Nitrogen melecules etc. See {\hyperref[details/adding_channels:signal-types]{\emph{Signal types}}} for details.
ulalume3@11 397
ulalume3@11 398 \item[{Detection mode}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 399 The detection mode of this channel.
ulalume3@11 400
ulalume3@11 401 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 402
ulalume3@11 403
ulalume3@11 404 \subsection{Connecting to a system}
ulalume3@11 405 \label{tutorial/adding_channels:connect-channel-to-system}\label{tutorial/adding_channels:connecting-to-a-system}
ulalume3@11 406 Before you finish, you need to attach your channel to one of your systems. To do this, go at the bottom of the page and
ulalume3@11 407 select your system from the drop-down list in the \textbf{System channels} area.
ulalume3@11 408
ulalume3@11 409 When you are done, press the \textbf{save} button at the bottom right of the page.
ulalume3@11 410 This will take you back to the list of your channels.
ulalume3@11 411 If everything went OK your new channel you just added should appear in the list.
ulalume3@11 412
ulalume3@11 413
ulalume3@11 414 \section{Adding products}
ulalume3@11 415 \label{tutorial/adding_products:adding-products}\label{tutorial/adding_products::doc}
ulalume3@11 416 Walk-through of adding a product.
ulalume3@11 417
ulalume3@11 418
ulalume3@11 419 \section{Processing data}
ulalume3@11 420 \label{tutorial/processing_data:processing-data}\label{tutorial/processing_data::doc}
ulalume3@11 421 Walk-through of how to upload a file and seeing the results.
ulalume3@11 422
ulalume3@11 423
ulalume3@11 424 \chapter{Detailed documentation}
ulalume3@11 425 \label{interface_details::doc}\label{interface_details:detailed-documentation}
ulalume3@11 426 Contents:
ulalume3@11 427
ulalume3@11 428
ulalume3@11 429 \section{Introduction}
ulalume3@11 430 \label{details/introduction:introduction}\label{details/introduction::doc}
ulalume3@11 431
ulalume3@11 432 \section{Adding stations}
ulalume3@11 433 \label{details/adding_station:adding-stations}\label{details/adding_station::doc}
ulalume3@11 434 You can add the definition of new systems that belong to the station by clicking on the Hoi System blue line that
ulalume3@11 435 appears bollow the main station fields. For more details on the filed you need to fill in see the {\hyperref[details/adding_system:add-new-system]{\emph{Adding systems}}} section.
ulalume3@11 436 You can add more stations by clicking on the ``Add another Hoi System'' option.
ulalume3@11 437
ulalume3@11 438 \begin{notice}{note}{Note:}
ulalume3@11 439 You need to have \emph{Javascript} enebled to add a new station from this page.
ulalume3@11 440 \end{notice}
ulalume3@11 441
ulalume3@11 442
ulalume3@11 443 \section{Adding systems}
ulalume3@11 444 \label{details/adding_system:add-new-system}\label{details/adding_system:adding-systems}\label{details/adding_system::doc}
ulalume3@11 445
ulalume3@11 446 \section{Adding channels}
ulalume3@11 447 \label{details/adding_channels::doc}\label{details/adding_channels:adding-channels}
ulalume3@11 448
ulalume3@11 449 \subsection{Signal types}
ulalume3@11 450 \label{details/adding_channels:signal-types}\label{details/adding_channels:id1}
ulalume3@11 451 (explain here all the signal type abreviations).
ulalume3@11 452
ulalume3@11 453
ulalume3@11 454 \section{Adding products}
ulalume3@11 455 \label{details/adding_products:adding-products}\label{details/adding_products::doc}
ulalume3@11 456
ulalume3@11 457 \section{Adding other equipment}
ulalume3@11 458 \label{details/adding_otherequipment:adding-other-equipment}\label{details/adding_otherequipment::doc}
ulalume3@11 459
ulalume3@11 460 \section{The Handbook of instruments}
ulalume3@11 461 \label{details/handbook_of_instruments:the-handbook-of-instruments}\label{details/handbook_of_instruments::doc}
ulalume3@11 462
ulalume3@11 463 \section{Uploading measuremnents}
ulalume3@11 464 \label{details/uploading_measurements:uploading-measuremnents}\label{details/uploading_measurements::doc}
ulalume3@11 465 123
ulalume3@11 466
ulalume3@11 467
ulalume3@11 468 \section{View processing results}
ulalume3@11 469 \label{details/viewing_measurements:view-processing-results}\label{details/viewing_measurements::doc}
ulalume3@11 470 123
ulalume3@11 471
ulalume3@11 472
ulalume3@11 473 \chapter{The SCC netCDF file format}
ulalume3@11 474 \label{netcdf_file:the-scc-netcdf-file-format}\label{netcdf_file::doc}
ulalume3@11 475
ulalume3@11 476 \section{Rationale}
ulalume3@11 477 \label{netcdf_file:rationale}
ulalume3@11 478 The Single Calculus Chain (SCC) is composed by two different modules:
ulalume3@11 479 \begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 480 \item {}
ulalume3@11 481 pre-processing module ( scc\_preprocessing)
ulalume3@11 482
ulalume3@11 483 \item {}
ulalume3@11 484 optical processing module ( ELDA)
ulalume3@11 485
ulalume3@11 486 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 487
ulalume3@11 488 To perfom aerosol optical retrievals the SCC needs not only the raw
ulalume3@11 489 lidar data but also a certain number of parameters to use in both
ulalume3@11 490 pre-processing and optical processing stages. The SCC gets these
ulalume3@11 491 parameters looking at two different locations:
ulalume3@11 492 \begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 493 \item {}
ulalume3@11 494 Single Calculus Chain relational database (SCC\_DB)
ulalume3@11 495
ulalume3@11 496 \item {}
ulalume3@11 497 Input files
ulalume3@11 498
ulalume3@11 499 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 500
ulalume3@11 501 There are some paramenters that can be found only in the input files
ulalume3@11 502 (those ones changing from measurement to measurement), others that can
ulalume3@11 503 be found only in the SCC\_DB and other ones that can be found in both
ulalume3@11 504 these locations. In the last case, if a particular parameter is needed,
ulalume3@11 505 the SCC will search first in the input files and then in SCC\_DB. If the
ulalume3@11 506 parameter is found in the input files the SCC will keep it without
ulalume3@11 507 looking into SCC\_DB.
ulalume3@11 508
ulalume3@11 509 The input files have to be submitted to the SCC in NetCDF format. At the
ulalume3@11 510 present the SCC can handle four different types of input files:
ulalume3@11 511 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 512 \item {}
ulalume3@11 513 Raw Lidar Data
ulalume3@11 514
ulalume3@11 515 \item {}
ulalume3@11 516 Sounding Data
ulalume3@11 517
ulalume3@11 518 \item {}
ulalume3@11 519 Overlap
ulalume3@11 520
ulalume3@11 521 \item {}
ulalume3@11 522 Lidar Ratio
ulalume3@11 523
ulalume3@11 524 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 525
ulalume3@11 526 As already mentioned, the Raw Lidar Data file contains not only the
ulalume3@11 527 raw lidar data but also other parameters to use to perform the
ulalume3@11 528 pre-processing and optical processing. The Sounding Data file
ulalume3@11 529 contains the data coming from a correlative radiosounding and it is used
ulalume3@11 530 by the SCC for molecular density calculation. The Overlap file
ulalume3@11 531 contains the measured overlap function. The Lidar Ratio file contains
ulalume3@11 532 a lidar ratio profile to use in elastic backscatter retrievals. The
ulalume3@11 533 Raw Lidar Data file is of course mandatory and the Sounding Data,
ulalume3@11 534 Overlap and Lidar Ratio files are optional. If Sounding Data file
ulalume3@11 535 is not submitted by the user, the molecular density will be calculated
ulalume3@11 536 by the SCC using the “US Standard Atmosphere 1976”. If the Overlap
ulalume3@11 537 file is not submitted by the user, the SCC will get the full overlap
ulalume3@11 538 height from SCC\_DB and it will produce optical results starting from
ulalume3@11 539 this height. If Lidar Ratio file is not submitted by the user, the
ulalume3@11 540 SCC will consider a fixed value for lidar ratio got from SCC\_DB.
ulalume3@11 541
ulalume3@11 542 The user can decide to submit all these files or any number of them (of
ulalume3@11 543 course the file Raw Lidar Data is mandatory). For example the user
ulalume3@11 544 can submit together with the Raw Lidar Data file only the Sounding
ulalume3@11 545 Data file or only the Overlap file.
ulalume3@11 546
ulalume3@11 547 This document provides a detailed explanation about the structure of the
ulalume3@11 548 NetCDF input files to use for SCC data submission. All Earlinet groups
ulalume3@11 549 should read it carefully because they have to produce such kind of input
ulalume3@11 550 files if they want to use the SCC for their standard lidar retrievals.
ulalume3@11 551 Every comments or suggestions regarding this document can be sent to
ulalume3@11 552 Giuseppe D’Amico by e-mail at \code{}
ulalume3@11 553
ulalume3@11 554 This document is available for downloading at \code{}
ulalume3@11 555
ulalume3@11 556 In table tab:rawdata is reported a list of dimensions, variables and
ulalume3@11 557 global attributes that can be used in the NetCDF Raw Lidar Data input
ulalume3@11 558 file. For each of them it is indicated:
ulalume3@11 559 \begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 560 \item {}
ulalume3@11 561 The name. For the multidimensional variables also the corresponding
ulalume3@11 562 dimensions are reported
ulalume3@11 563
ulalume3@11 564 \item {}
ulalume3@11 565 A description explaining the meaning
ulalume3@11 566
ulalume3@11 567 \item {}
ulalume3@11 568 The type
ulalume3@11 569
ulalume3@11 570 \item {}
ulalume3@11 571 If it is mandatory or optional
ulalume3@11 572
ulalume3@11 573 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 574
ulalume3@11 575 As already mentioned, the SCC can get some parameters looking first in
ulalume3@11 576 the Raw Lidar Data input file and then into SCC\_DB. This means that
ulalume3@11 577 to use the parameters stored in SCC\_DB the optional variables or
ulalume3@11 578 optional global attributes must not appear within Raw Lidar Data
ulalume3@11 579 file. This is the suggested and recommended way to use the SCC. Please
ulalume3@11 580 include optional parameters in the Raw Lidar Data only as an
ulalume3@11 581 exception.
ulalume3@11 582
ulalume3@11 583 In table tab:sounding, tab:overlap and tab:lr are reported all the
ulalume3@11 584 information about the structure of Sounding Data, Overlap and
ulalume3@11 585 Lidar Ratio input files respectively.
ulalume3@11 586
ulalume3@11 587
ulalume3@11 588 \section{Example}
ulalume3@11 589 \label{netcdf_file:example}
ulalume3@11 590 Let’s now consider an example of Raw Lidar Data input file. Suppose
ulalume3@11 591 we want to generate NetCDF input file corresponding to a measurement
ulalume3@11 592 with the following properties:
ulalume3@11 593
ulalume3@11 594 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 595 \hline
ulalume3@11 596
ulalume3@11 597 Start Date
ulalume3@11 598 &
ulalume3@11 599 $30^{th}$ January 2009
ulalume3@11 600 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 601
ulalume3@11 602 Start Time UT
ulalume3@11 603 &
ulalume3@11 604 00:00:01
ulalume3@11 605 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 606
ulalume3@11 607 Stop Time UT
ulalume3@11 608 &
ulalume3@11 609 00:05:01
ulalume3@11 610 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 611
ulalume3@11 612 Station Name
ulalume3@11 613 &
ulalume3@11 614 Dummy station
ulalume3@11 615 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 616
ulalume3@11 617 Earlinet call-sign
ulalume3@11 618 &
ulalume3@11 619 cc
ulalume3@11 620 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 621
ulalume3@11 622 Pointing angle
ulalume3@11 623 &
ulalume3@11 624 5 degrees with respect to the zenith
ulalume3@11 625 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 626 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 627
ulalume3@11 628
ulalume3@11 629 Moreover suppose that this measurement is composed by the following
ulalume3@11 630 lidar channels:
ulalume3@11 631 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 632 \item {}
ulalume3@11 633 1064 lidar channel
ulalume3@11 634
ulalume3@11 635 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 636 \hline
ulalume3@11 637
ulalume3@11 638 Emission wavelength=1064nm
ulalume3@11 639 &
ulalume3@11 640 Detection wavelength=1064nm
ulalume3@11 641 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 642
ulalume3@11 643 Time resolution=30s
ulalume3@11 644 &
ulalume3@11 645 Number of laser shots=1500
ulalume3@11 646 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 647
ulalume3@11 648 Number of bins=3000
ulalume3@11 649 &
ulalume3@11 650 Detection mode=analog
ulalume3@11 651 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 652
ulalume3@11 653 Range resolution=7.5m
ulalume3@11 654 &
ulalume3@11 655 Polarization state=total
ulalume3@11 656 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 657 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 658
ulalume3@11 659
ulalume3@11 660 \item {}
ulalume3@11 661 532 cross lidar channel
ulalume3@11 662
ulalume3@11 663 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 664 \hline
ulalume3@11 665
ulalume3@11 666 Emission wavelength=532nm
ulalume3@11 667 &
ulalume3@11 668 Detection wavelength=532nm
ulalume3@11 669 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 670
ulalume3@11 671 Time resolution=60s
ulalume3@11 672 &
ulalume3@11 673 Number of laser shots=3000
ulalume3@11 674 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 675
ulalume3@11 676 Number of bins=5000
ulalume3@11 677 &
ulalume3@11 678 Detection mode=photoncounting
ulalume3@11 679 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 680
ulalume3@11 681 Range resolution=15m
ulalume3@11 682 &
ulalume3@11 683 Polarization state=cross
ulalume3@11 684 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 685 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 686
ulalume3@11 687
ulalume3@11 688 \item {}
ulalume3@11 689 532 parallel lidar channel
ulalume3@11 690
ulalume3@11 691 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 692 \hline
ulalume3@11 693
ulalume3@11 694 Emission wavelength=532nm
ulalume3@11 695 &
ulalume3@11 696 Detection wavelength=532nm
ulalume3@11 697 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 698
ulalume3@11 699 Time resolution=60s
ulalume3@11 700 &
ulalume3@11 701 Number of laser shots=3000
ulalume3@11 702 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 703
ulalume3@11 704 Number of bins=5000
ulalume3@11 705 &
ulalume3@11 706 Detection mode=photoncounting
ulalume3@11 707 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 708
ulalume3@11 709 Range resolution=15m
ulalume3@11 710 &
ulalume3@11 711 Polarization state=parallel
ulalume3@11 712 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 713 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 714
ulalume3@11 715
ulalume3@11 716 \item {}
ulalume3@11 717 607 $N_2$ vibrational Raman channel
ulalume3@11 718
ulalume3@11 719 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 720 \hline
ulalume3@11 721
ulalume3@11 722 Emission wavelength=532nm
ulalume3@11 723 &
ulalume3@11 724 Detection wavelength=607nm
ulalume3@11 725 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 726
ulalume3@11 727 Time resolution=60s
ulalume3@11 728 &
ulalume3@11 729 Number of laser shots=3000
ulalume3@11 730 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 731
ulalume3@11 732 Number of bins=5000
ulalume3@11 733 &
ulalume3@11 734 Detection mode=photoncounting
ulalume3@11 735 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 736 \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{
ulalume3@11 737 Range resolution=15m
ulalume3@11 738 }\\\hline
ulalume3@11 739 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 740
ulalume3@11 741
ulalume3@11 742 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 743
ulalume3@11 744 Finally let’s assume we have also performed dark measurements before the
ulalume3@11 745 lidar measurements from the 23:50:01 UT up to 23:53:01 UT of
ulalume3@11 746 29:math:\emph{\textasciicircum{}mathrmth} January 2009.
ulalume3@11 747
ulalume3@11 748
ulalume3@11 749 \subsection{Dimensions}
ulalume3@11 750 \label{netcdf_file:dimensions}
ulalume3@11 751 Looking at table tab:rawdata we have to fix the following dimensions:
ulalume3@11 752
ulalume3@11 753 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 754 \PYG{n}{points}
ulalume3@11 755 \PYG{n}{channels}
ulalume3@11 756 \PYG{n}{time}
ulalume3@11 757 \PYG{n}{nb\PYGZus{}of\PYGZus{}time\PYGZus{}scales}
ulalume3@11 758 \PYG{n}{scan\PYGZus{}angles}
ulalume3@11 759 \PYG{n}{time\PYGZus{}bck}
ulalume3@11 760 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 761
ulalume3@11 762 The dimension \code{time} is unlimited so we don’t have to fix it.
ulalume3@11 763
ulalume3@11 764 We have 4 lidar channels so:
ulalume3@11 765
ulalume3@11 766 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 767 \PYG{n}{channels}\PYG{o}{=}\PYG{l+m+mi}{4}
ulalume3@11 768 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 769
ulalume3@11 770 Regarding the dimension \code{points} we have only one channel with a
ulalume3@11 771 number of vertical bins equal to 3000 (the 1064nm) and all other
ulalume3@11 772 channels with 5000 vertical bins. In cases like this the dimension
ulalume3@11 773 \code{points} has to be fixed to the maximum number of vertical bins so:
ulalume3@11 774
ulalume3@11 775 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 776 \PYG{n}{points}\PYG{o}{=}\PYG{l+m+mi}{5000}
ulalume3@11 777 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 778
ulalume3@11 779 Moreover only one channel (1064nm) is acquired with a time resolution of
ulalume3@11 780 30 seconds, all the other channels have a time resolution of 60 seconds.
ulalume3@11 781 This means that we have to define two different time scales. We have to
ulalume3@11 782 set:
ulalume3@11 783
ulalume3@11 784 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 785 \PYG{n}{nb\PYGZus{}of\PYGZus{}time\PYGZus{}scales}\PYG{o}{=}\PYG{l+m+mi}{2}
ulalume3@11 786 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 787
ulalume3@11 788 The measurement is performed only at one scan angle (5 degrees with
ulalume3@11 789 respect to the zenith) so:
ulalume3@11 790
ulalume3@11 791 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 792 \PYG{n}{scan\PYGZus{}angles}\PYG{o}{=}\PYG{l+m+mi}{1}
ulalume3@11 793 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 794
ulalume3@11 795 We have 3 minutes of dark measurements and two different time scales one
ulalume3@11 796 with 60 seconds time resolution and the other one with 30 seconds time
ulalume3@11 797 resolution. So we will have 3 different dark profiles for the channels
ulalume3@11 798 acquired with the first time scale and 6 for the lidar channels acquired
ulalume3@11 799 with the second time scale. We have to fix the dimension \code{time\_bck} as
ulalume3@11 800 the maximum between these values:
ulalume3@11 801
ulalume3@11 802 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 803 \PYG{n}{time\PYGZus{}bck}\PYG{o}{=}\PYG{l+m+mi}{6}
ulalume3@11 804 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 805
ulalume3@11 806
ulalume3@11 807 \subsection{Variables}
ulalume3@11 808 \label{netcdf_file:variables}
ulalume3@11 809 In this section it will be explained how to fill all the possible
ulalume3@11 810 variables either mandatory or optional of Raw Lidar Data input file.
ulalume3@11 811 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 812 \item[{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 813 This 2 dimensional mandatory array has to contain the acquisition
ulalume3@11 814 start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
ulalume3@11 815 \code{RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT}) of each lidar profile. In this example we
ulalume3@11 816 have two different time scales: one is characterized by steps of 30
ulalume3@11 817 seconds (the 1064nm is acquired with this time scale) the other by
ulalume3@11 818 steps of 60 seconds (532cross, 532parallel and 607nm). Moreover the
ulalume3@11 819 measurement start time is 00:00:01 UT and the measurement stop time
ulalume3@11 820 is 00:05:01 UT. In this case we have to define:
ulalume3@11 821
ulalume3@11 822 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 823 Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 824 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 825 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 826 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 827 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 828 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 829 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 830 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 831 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 832 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 833 \_, 270 ;
ulalume3@11 834 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 835
ulalume3@11 836 The order used to fill this array defines the correspondence between
ulalume3@11 837 the different time scales and the time scale index. In this example
ulalume3@11 838 we have a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps of 60
ulalume3@11 839 seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one.
ulalume3@11 840
ulalume3@11 841 \item[{Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 842 The same as previous item but for the data acquisition stop time.
ulalume3@11 843 Following a similar procedure we have to define:
ulalume3@11 844
ulalume3@11 845 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 846 Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 847 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 848 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 849 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 850 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 851 300, 150,
ulalume3@11 852 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 853 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 854 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 855 \_, 270,
ulalume3@11 856 \_, 300 ;
ulalume3@11 857 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 858
ulalume3@11 859 \item[{Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 860 This 3 dimensional mandatory array has to be filled with the
ulalume3@11 861 time-series of raw lidar data. The photoncounting profiles have to
ulalume3@11 862 submitted in counts (so as integers) while the analog ones in mV. The
ulalume3@11 863 order the user chooses to fill this array defines the correspondence
ulalume3@11 864 between channel index and lidar data.
ulalume3@11 865
ulalume3@11 866 For example if we fill this array in such way that:
ulalume3@11 867
ulalume3@11 868 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 869 \hline
ulalume3@11 870
ulalume3@11 871 Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time,0,points
ulalume3@11 872 &
ulalume3@11 873 $\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 1064 nm
ulalume3@11 874 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 875
ulalume3@11 876 Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time,1,points
ulalume3@11 877 &
ulalume3@11 878 $\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 532 cross
ulalume3@11 879 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 880
ulalume3@11 881 Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time,2,points
ulalume3@11 882 &
ulalume3@11 883 $\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 532 parallel
ulalume3@11 884 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 885
ulalume3@11 886 Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time,3,points
ulalume3@11 887 &
ulalume3@11 888 $\rightarrow$ is the time-series of 607 nm
ulalume3@11 889 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 890 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 891
ulalume3@11 892
ulalume3@11 893 from now on the channel index 0 is associated to the 1064 channel,
ulalume3@11 894 1 to the 532 cross, 2 to the 532 parallel and 3 to the 607nm.
ulalume3@11 895
ulalume3@11 896 \item[{Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 897 This 2 dimensional optional array has to contain the acquisition
ulalume3@11 898 start time (in seconds from the time given by the global attribute
ulalume3@11 899 \code{RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT}) of each dark measurements profile.
ulalume3@11 900 Following the same procedure used for the variable
ulalume3@11 901 \code{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time} we have to define:
ulalume3@11 902
ulalume3@11 903 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 904 Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 905 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 906 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 907 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 908 \_, 90,
ulalume3@11 909 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 910 \_, 150;
ulalume3@11 911 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 912
ulalume3@11 913 \item[{Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 914 The same as previous item but for the dark acquisition stop time.
ulalume3@11 915 Following a similar procedure we have to define:
ulalume3@11 916
ulalume3@11 917 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 918 Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 919 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 920 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 921 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 922 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 923 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 924 \_, 180 ;
ulalume3@11 925 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 926
ulalume3@11 927 \item[{Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 928 This 3 dimensional optional array has to be filled with the
ulalume3@11 929 time-series of the dark measurements data. The photoncounting
ulalume3@11 930 profiles have to submitted in counts (so as integers) while the
ulalume3@11 931 analog ones in mV. The user has to fill this array following the same
ulalume3@11 932 order used in filling the array \code{Raw\_Lidar\_Data}:
ulalume3@11 933
ulalume3@11 934 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 935 \hline
ulalume3@11 936
ulalume3@11 937 Background\_Profile(time\_bck,0,points
ulalume3@11 938 &
ulalume3@11 939 $\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 1064 nm
ulalume3@11 940 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 941
ulalume3@11 942 Background\_Profile(time\_bck,1,points
ulalume3@11 943 &
ulalume3@11 944 $\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 532 cross
ulalume3@11 945 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 946
ulalume3@11 947 Background\_Profile(time\_bck,2,points
ulalume3@11 948 &
ulalume3@11 949 $\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 532 parallel
ulalume3@11 950 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 951
ulalume3@11 952 Background\_Profile(time\_bck,3,points
ulalume3@11 953 &
ulalume3@11 954 $\rightarrow$ dark time-series at 607 nm
ulalume3@11 955 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 956 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 957
ulalume3@11 958
ulalume3@11 959 \item[{channel\_ID(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 960 This mandatory array provides the link between the channel index
ulalume3@11 961 within the Raw Lidar Data input file and the channel ID in
ulalume3@11 962 SCC\_DB. To fill this variable the user has to know which channel IDs
ulalume3@11 963 in SCC\_DB correspond to his lidar channels. For this purpose the
ulalume3@11 964 SCC, in its final version will provide to the user a special tool to
ulalume3@11 965 get these channel IDs through a Web interface. At the moment this
ulalume3@11 966 interface is not yet available and these channel IDs will be
ulalume3@11 967 communicated directly to the user by the NA5 people.
ulalume3@11 968
ulalume3@11 969 Anyway to continue the example let’s suppose that the four lidar
ulalume3@11 970 channels taken into account are mapped into SCC\_DB with the
ulalume3@11 971 following channel IDs:
ulalume3@11 972
ulalume3@11 973 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 974 \hline
ulalume3@11 975
ulalume3@11 976 1064 nm
ulalume3@11 977 &
ulalume3@11 978 $\rightarrow$ channel ID=7
ulalume3@11 979 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 980
ulalume3@11 981 532 cross
ulalume3@11 982 &
ulalume3@11 983 $\rightarrow$ channel ID=5
ulalume3@11 984 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 985
ulalume3@11 986 532 parallel
ulalume3@11 987 &
ulalume3@11 988 $\rightarrow$ channel ID=6
ulalume3@11 989 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 990
ulalume3@11 991 607 nm
ulalume3@11 992 &
ulalume3@11 993 $\rightarrow$ channel ID=8
ulalume3@11 994 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 995 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 996
ulalume3@11 997 \begin{quote}
ulalume3@11 998
ulalume3@11 999 In this case we have to define:
ulalume3@11 1000 \end{quote}
ulalume3@11 1001
ulalume3@11 1002 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1003 \PYG{n}{channel\PYGZus{}ID} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{7}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{5}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{6}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{8} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1004 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1005
ulalume3@11 1006 \item[{id\_timescale(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1007 This mandatory array is introduced to determine which time scale is
ulalume3@11 1008 used for the acquisition of each lidar channel. In particular this
ulalume3@11 1009 array defines the link between the channel index and the time scale
ulalume3@11 1010 index. In our example we have two different time scales. Filling the
ulalume3@11 1011 arrays \code{Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time} and \code{Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time} we have
ulalume3@11 1012 defined a time scale index of 0 for the time scale with steps of 60
ulalume3@11 1013 seconds and a time scale index of 1 for the other one with steps of
ulalume3@11 1014 30 seconds. In this way this array has to be set as:
ulalume3@11 1015
ulalume3@11 1016 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1017 \PYG{n}{id\PYGZus{}timescale} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1018 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1019
ulalume3@11 1020 \item[{Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1021 This mandatory array contains all the scan angles used in the
ulalume3@11 1022 measurement. In our example we have only one scan angle of 5 degrees
ulalume3@11 1023 with respect to the zenith, so we have to define:
ulalume3@11 1024
ulalume3@11 1025 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1026 \PYG{n}{Laser\PYGZus{}Pointing\PYGZus{}Angle} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{5} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1027 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1028
ulalume3@11 1029 \item[{Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1030 This mandatory array is introduced to determine which scan angle is
ulalume3@11 1031 used for the acquisition of each lidar profile. In particular this
ulalume3@11 1032 array defines the link between the time and time scales indexes and
ulalume3@11 1033 the scan angle index. In our example we have a single scan angle that
ulalume3@11 1034 has to correspond to the scan angle index 0. So this array has to be
ulalume3@11 1035 defined as:
ulalume3@11 1036
ulalume3@11 1037 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1038 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
ulalume3@11 1039 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1040 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1041 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1042 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1043 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1044 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1045 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1046 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1047 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1048 \_, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1049 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1050
ulalume3@11 1051 \item[{Laser\_Shots(time, channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1052 This mandatory array stores the laser shots accumulated at each time
ulalume3@11 1053 for each channel. In our example the number of laser shots
ulalume3@11 1054 accumulated is 1500 for the 1064nm channels and 3000 for all the
ulalume3@11 1055 other channels. Moreover the laser shots do not change with the time.
ulalume3@11 1056 So we have to define this array as:
ulalume3@11 1057
ulalume3@11 1058 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1059 Laser\_Shots =
ulalume3@11 1060 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1061 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1062 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1063 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1064 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1065 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1066 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1067 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1068 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1069 1500, \_, \_, \_ ;
ulalume3@11 1070 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1071
ulalume3@11 1072 \item[{Emitted\_Wavelength(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1073 This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
ulalume3@11 1074 the emission wavelength for each lidar channel. The wavelength has to
ulalume3@11 1075 be expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
ulalume3@11 1076 In our example we have:
ulalume3@11 1077
ulalume3@11 1078 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1079 \PYG{n}{Emitted\PYGZus{}Wavelength} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1064}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1080 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1081
ulalume3@11 1082 \item[{Detected\_Wavelength(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1083 This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
ulalume3@11 1084 the detected wavelength for each lidar channel. Here detected
ulalume3@11 1085 wavelength means the value of center of interferential filter
ulalume3@11 1086 expressed in nm. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In
ulalume3@11 1087 our example we have:
ulalume3@11 1088
ulalume3@11 1089 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1090 \PYG{n}{Detected\PYGZus{}Wavelength} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1064}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{532}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{607} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1091 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1092
ulalume3@11 1093 \item[{Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1094 This optional array defines the link between the channel index and
ulalume3@11 1095 the raw range resolution for each channel. If the scan angle is
ulalume3@11 1096 different from zero this quantity is different from the vertical
ulalume3@11 1097 resolution. More precisely if $\alpha$ is the scan angle used
ulalume3@11 1098 and $\Delta z$ is the range resolution the vertical
ulalume3@11 1099 resolution is calculated as $\Delta
ulalume3@11 1100 z'=\Delta z \cos\alpha$. This array has to be filled with
ulalume3@11 1101 $\Delta z$ and not with $\Delta z'$. The unit is
ulalume3@11 1102 meters. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our
ulalume3@11 1103 example we have:
ulalume3@11 1104
ulalume3@11 1105 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1106 \PYG{n}{Raw\PYGZus{}Data\PYGZus{}Range\PYGZus{}Resolution} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mf}{7.5}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mf}{15.0} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1107 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1108
ulalume3@11 1109 \item[{ID\_Range(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1110 This optional array defines if a particular channel is configured as
ulalume3@11 1111 high, low or ultranear range channel. In particular a value 0
ulalume3@11 1112 indicates a low range channel, a value 1 a high range channel and a
ulalume3@11 1113 value of 2 an ultranear range channel. If for a particular channel
ulalume3@11 1114 you don’t separate between high and low range channel, please set the
ulalume3@11 1115 corresponding value to 1. This information can be also taken from
ulalume3@11 1116 SCC\_DB. In our case we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1117
ulalume3@11 1118 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1119 \PYG{n}{ID\PYGZus{}Range} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1120 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1121
ulalume3@11 1122 \item[{Scattering\_Mechanism(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1123 This optional array defines the scattering mechanism involved in
ulalume3@11 1124 each lidar channel. In particular the following values are adopted:
ulalume3@11 1125
ulalume3@11 1126 \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{|L|L|}
ulalume3@11 1127 \hline
ulalume3@11 1128
ulalume3@11 1129 0
ulalume3@11 1130 &
ulalume3@11 1131 $\rightarrow$ Total elastic backscatter
ulalume3@11 1132 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1133
ulalume3@11 1134 1
ulalume3@11 1135 &
ulalume3@11 1136 $\rightarrow$ $N_2$ vibrational Raman backscatter
ulalume3@11 1137 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1138
ulalume3@11 1139 2
ulalume3@11 1140 &
ulalume3@11 1141 $\rightarrow$ Cross polarization elastic backscatter
ulalume3@11 1142 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1143
ulalume3@11 1144 3
ulalume3@11 1145 &
ulalume3@11 1146 $\rightarrow$ Parallel polarization elastic backscatter
ulalume3@11 1147 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1148
ulalume3@11 1149 4
ulalume3@11 1150 &
ulalume3@11 1151 $\rightarrow$ $H_2O$ vibrational Raman backscatter
ulalume3@11 1152 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1153
ulalume3@11 1154 5
ulalume3@11 1155 &
ulalume3@11 1156 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes line close to elastic line
ulalume3@11 1157 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1158
ulalume3@11 1159 6
ulalume3@11 1160 &
ulalume3@11 1161 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes line far from elastic line
ulalume3@11 1162 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1163
ulalume3@11 1164 7
ulalume3@11 1165 &
ulalume3@11 1166 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman anti-Stokes line close to elastic line
ulalume3@11 1167 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1168
ulalume3@11 1169 8
ulalume3@11 1170 &
ulalume3@11 1171 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman anti-Stokes line far from elastic line
ulalume3@11 1172 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1173
ulalume3@11 1174 9
ulalume3@11 1175 &
ulalume3@11 1176 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes lines close to elastic line
ulalume3@11 1177 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1178
ulalume3@11 1179 10
ulalume3@11 1180 &
ulalume3@11 1181 $\rightarrow$ Rotational Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes lines far from elastic line
ulalume3@11 1182 \\\hline
ulalume3@11 1183 \end{tabulary}
ulalume3@11 1184
ulalume3@11 1185
ulalume3@11 1186 This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we have:
ulalume3@11 1187
ulalume3@11 1188 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1189 \PYG{n}{Scattering\PYGZus{}Mechanism} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{2}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{3}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1190 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1191
ulalume3@11 1192 \item[{Acquisition\_Mode(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1193 This optional array defines the acquisition mode (analog or
ulalume3@11 1194 photoncounting) involved in each lidar channel. In particular a value
ulalume3@11 1195 of 0 means analog mode and 1 photoncounting mode. This information
ulalume3@11 1196 can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example we have:
ulalume3@11 1197
ulalume3@11 1198 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1199 \PYG{n}{Acquisition\PYGZus{}Mode} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1200 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1201
ulalume3@11 1202 \item[{Laser\_Repetition\_Rate(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1203 This optional array defines the repetition rate in Hz used to
ulalume3@11 1204 acquire each lidar channel. This information can be also taken from
ulalume3@11 1205 SCC\_DB. In our example we are supposing we have only one laser with
ulalume3@11 1206 a repetition rate of 50 Hz so we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1207
ulalume3@11 1208 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1209 \PYG{n}{Laser\PYGZus{}Repetition\PYGZus{}Rate} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1210 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1211
ulalume3@11 1212 \item[{Dead\_Time(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1213 This optional array defines the dead time in ns associated to each
ulalume3@11 1214 lidar channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to
ulalume3@11 1215 correct the photoncounting signals for dead time. Of course for
ulalume3@11 1216 analog signals no dead time correction will be applied (for analog
ulalume3@11 1217 channels the corresponding dead time values have to be set to
ulalume3@11 1218 undefined value). This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In
ulalume3@11 1219 our example the 1064 nm channel is acquired in analog mode so the
ulalume3@11 1220 corresponding dead time value has to be undefined. If we suppose a
ulalume3@11 1221 dead time of 10 ns for all other channels we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1222
ulalume3@11 1223 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1224 \PYG{n}{Dead\PYGZus{}Time} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{10} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1225 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1226
ulalume3@11 1227 \item[{Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type(channels}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1228 This optional array defines which kind of dead time correction has
ulalume3@11 1229 to be applied on each photoncounting channel. The SCC will correct
ulalume3@11 1230 the data supposing a not-paralyzable channel if a value of 0 is found
ulalume3@11 1231 while a paralyzable channel is supposed if a value of 1 is found. Of
ulalume3@11 1232 course for analog signals no dead time correction will be applied and
ulalume3@11 1233 so the corresponding values have to be set to undefined value. This
ulalume3@11 1234 information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. In our example the 1064
ulalume3@11 1235 nm channel is acquired in analog mode so the corresponding has to be
ulalume3@11 1236 undefined. If we want to consider all the photoncounting signals as
ulalume3@11 1237 not-paralyzable ones: we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1238
ulalume3@11 1239 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1240 \PYG{n}{Dead\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}Corr\PYGZus{}Type} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1241 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1242
ulalume3@11 1243 \item[{Trigger\_Delay(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1244 This optional array defines the delay (in ns) of the middle of the
ulalume3@11 1245 first rangebin with respect to the output laser pulse for each lidar
ulalume3@11 1246 channel. The SCC will use the values given by this array to correct
ulalume3@11 1247 for trigger delay. This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB.
ulalume3@11 1248 Let’s suppose that in our example all the photoncounting channels are
ulalume3@11 1249 not affected by this delay and only the analog channel at 1064nm is
ulalume3@11 1250 acquired with a delay of 50ns. In this case we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1251
ulalume3@11 1252 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1253 \PYG{n}{Trigger\PYGZus{}Delay} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1254 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1255
ulalume3@11 1256 \item[{Background\_Mode(channels}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1257 This optional array defines how the atmospheric background has to be
ulalume3@11 1258 subtracted from the lidar channel. Two options are available for the
ulalume3@11 1259 calculation of atmospheric background:
ulalume3@11 1260 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1261 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1262 Average in the far field of lidar channel. In this case the value
ulalume3@11 1263 of this variable has to be 1
ulalume3@11 1264
ulalume3@11 1265 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1266 Average within pre-trigger bins. In this case the value of this
ulalume3@11 1267 variable has to be 0
ulalume3@11 1268
ulalume3@11 1269 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1270
ulalume3@11 1271 This information can be also taken from SCC\_DB. Let’s suppose in our
ulalume3@11 1272 example we use the pre-trigger for the 1064nm channel and the far
ulalume3@11 1273 field for all other channels. In this case we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1274
ulalume3@11 1275 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1276 \PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}Mode} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1277 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1278
ulalume3@11 1279 \item[{Background\_Low(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1280 This mandatory array defines the minimum altitude (in meters) to
ulalume3@11 1281 consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each channel.
ulalume3@11 1282 In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value has to be
ulalume3@11 1283 set to the rangebin to be used as lower limit (within pre-trigger
ulalume3@11 1284 region) for background calculation. In our example, if we want to
ulalume3@11 1285 calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters for all
ulalume3@11 1286 photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500 pre-trigger
ulalume3@11 1287 bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm channel we have to
ulalume3@11 1288 set:
ulalume3@11 1289
ulalume3@11 1290 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1291 \PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}Low}\PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{30000} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1292 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1293
ulalume3@11 1294 \item[{Background\_High(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1295 This mandatory array defines the maximum altitude (in meters) to
ulalume3@11 1296 consider in calculating the atmospheric background for each channel.
ulalume3@11 1297 In case pre-trigger mode is used the corresponding value has to be
ulalume3@11 1298 set to the rangebin to be used as upper limit (within pre-trigger
ulalume3@11 1299 region) for background calculation. In our example, if we want to
ulalume3@11 1300 calculate the background between 30000 and 50000 meters for all
ulalume3@11 1301 photoncounting channels and we want to use the first 500 pre-trigger
ulalume3@11 1302 bins for the background calculation for the 1064nm channel we have to
ulalume3@11 1303 set:
ulalume3@11 1304
ulalume3@11 1305 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1306 \PYG{n}{Background\PYGZus{}High} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{500}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000}\PYG{p}{,} \PYG{l+m+mi}{50000} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1307 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1308
ulalume3@11 1309 \item[{Molecular\_Calc}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1310 This mandatory variable defines the way used by SCC to calculate the
ulalume3@11 1311 molecular density profile. At the moment two options are available:
ulalume3@11 1312 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1313 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1314 US Standard Atmosphere 1976. In this case the value of this
ulalume3@11 1315 variable has to be 0
ulalume3@11 1316
ulalume3@11 1317 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1318 Radiosounding. In this case the value of this variable has to be 1
ulalume3@11 1319
ulalume3@11 1320 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1321
ulalume3@11 1322 If we decide to use the option 1. we have to provide also the
ulalume3@11 1323 measured pressure and temperature at lidar station level. Indeed if
ulalume3@11 1324 we decide to use the option 2. a radiosounding file has to be
ulalume3@11 1325 submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
ulalume3@11 1326 summarized in table tab:sounding). Let’s suppose we want to use the
ulalume3@11 1327 option 1. so:
ulalume3@11 1328
ulalume3@11 1329 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1330 \PYG{n}{Molecular\PYGZus{}Calc} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1331 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1332
ulalume3@11 1333 \item[{Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1334 Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation of
ulalume3@11 1335 the molecular density profile we have to give the pressure in hPa at
ulalume3@11 1336 lidar station level:
ulalume3@11 1337
ulalume3@11 1338 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1339 \PYG{n}{Pressure\PYGZus{}at\PYGZus{}Lidar\PYGZus{}Station} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1010} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1340 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1341
ulalume3@11 1342 \item[{Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1343 Because we have chosen the US Standard Atmosphere for calculation of
ulalume3@11 1344 the molecular density profile we have to give the temperature in C at
ulalume3@11 1345 lidar station level:
ulalume3@11 1346
ulalume3@11 1347 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1348 \PYG{n}{Temperature\PYGZus{}at\PYGZus{}Lidar\PYGZus{}Station} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mf}{19.8} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1349 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1350
ulalume3@11 1351 \item[{Depolarization\_Factor(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1352 This array is required only for lidar systems that use the two
ulalume3@11 1353 depolarization channels for the backscatter retrieval. It represents
ulalume3@11 1354 the factor $f$ to calculate the total backscatter signal
ulalume3@11 1355 $S_t$ combining its cross $S_c$ and parallel
ulalume3@11 1356 $S_p$ components: $S_t=S_p+fS_c$. This factor is
ulalume3@11 1357 mandatory only for systems acquiring $S_c$ and $S_p$
ulalume3@11 1358 and not $S_t$. For systems acquiring $S_c$,
ulalume3@11 1359 $S_p$ and $S_t$ this factor is optional and it will
ulalume3@11 1360 be used only for depolarizaton ratio calculation. Moreover only the
ulalume3@11 1361 values of the array corresponding to cross polarization channels will
ulalume3@11 1362 be considered; all other values will be not taken into account and
ulalume3@11 1363 should be set to undefined value. In our example for the wavelength
ulalume3@11 1364 532nm we have only the cross and the parallel components and not the
ulalume3@11 1365 total one. So we have to give the value of this factor only in
ulalume3@11 1366 correspondence of the 532nm cross polarization channel that
ulalume3@11 1367 corresponds to the channel index 1. Suppose that this factor is 0.88.
ulalume3@11 1368 Moreover, because we don’t have any other depolarization channels we
ulalume3@11 1369 have also to set all other values of the array to undefined value.
ulalume3@11 1370
ulalume3@11 1371 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1372 \PYG{n}{Depolarization\PYGZus{}Factor} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{l+m+mf}{0.88}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1373 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1374
ulalume3@11 1375 \item[{LR\_Input(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1376 This array is required only for lidar channels for which elastic
ulalume3@11 1377 backscatter retrieval has to be performed. It defines the lidar ratio
ulalume3@11 1378 to be used within this retrieval. Two options are available:
ulalume3@11 1379 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1380 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1381 The user can submit a lidar ratio profile. In this case the value
ulalume3@11 1382 of this variable has to be 0.
ulalume3@11 1383
ulalume3@11 1384 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1385 A fixed value of lidar ratio can be used. In this case the value
ulalume3@11 1386 of this variable has to be 1.
ulalume3@11 1387
ulalume3@11 1388 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1389
ulalume3@11 1390 If we decide to use the option 1. a lidar ratio file has to be
ulalume3@11 1391 submitted separately in NetCDF format (the structure of this file is
ulalume3@11 1392 summarized in table tab:lr). If we decide to use the option 2. the
ulalume3@11 1393 fixed value of lidar ratio will be taken from SCC\_DB. In our example
ulalume3@11 1394 we have to give a value of this array only for the 1064nm lidar
ulalume3@11 1395 channel because for the 532nm we will be able to retrieve a Raman
ulalume3@11 1396 backscatter coefficient. In case we want to use the fixed value
ulalume3@11 1397 stored in SCC\_DB we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1398
ulalume3@11 1399 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1400 \PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}Input} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1401 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1402
ulalume3@11 1403 \item[{DAQ\_Range(channels)}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1404 This array is required only if one or more lidar signals are
ulalume3@11 1405 acquired in analog mode. It gives the analog scale in mV used to
ulalume3@11 1406 acquire the analog signals. In our example we have only the 1064nm
ulalume3@11 1407 channel acquired in analog mode. If we have used a 100mV analog scale
ulalume3@11 1408 to acquire this channel we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1409
ulalume3@11 1410 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1411 \PYG{n}{DAQ\PYGZus{}Range} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{100}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1412 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1413
ulalume3@11 1414 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 1415
ulalume3@11 1416
ulalume3@11 1417 \subsection{Global attributes}
ulalume3@11 1418 \label{netcdf_file:global-attributes}\begin{description}
ulalume3@11 1419 \item[{Measurement\_ID}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1420 This mandatory global attribute defines the measurement ID
ulalume3@11 1421 corresponding to the actual lidar measurement. It is a string
ulalume3@11 1422 composed by 12 characters. The first 8 characters give the start date
ulalume3@11 1423 of measurement in the format YYYYMMDD. The next 2 characters give the
ulalume3@11 1424 Earlinet call-sign of the station. The last 2 characters are used to
ulalume3@11 1425 distinguish between different time-series within the same date. In
ulalume3@11 1426 our example we have to set:
ulalume3@11 1427
ulalume3@11 1428 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1429 \PYG{n}{Measurement\PYGZus{}ID}\PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090130cc00}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1430 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1431
ulalume3@11 1432 \item[{RawData\_Start\_Date}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1433 This mandatory global attribute defines the start date of lidar
ulalume3@11 1434 measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1435
ulalume3@11 1436 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1437 \PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Date} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090130}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1438 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1439
ulalume3@11 1440 \item[{RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1441 This mandatory global attribute defines the UT start time of lidar
ulalume3@11 1442 measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1443
ulalume3@11 1444 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1445 \PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{000001}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1446 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1447
ulalume3@11 1448 \item[{RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT{}`{}`}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1449 This mandatory global attribute defines the UT stop time of lidar
ulalume3@11 1450 measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1451
ulalume3@11 1452 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1453 \PYG{n}{RawData\PYGZus{}Stop\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{000501}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1454 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1455
ulalume3@11 1456 \item[{RawBck\_Start\_Date}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1457 This optional global attribute defines the start date of dark
ulalume3@11 1458 measurements in the format YYYYMMDD. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1459
ulalume3@11 1460 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1461 \PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Date} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{20090129}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1462 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1463
ulalume3@11 1464 \item[{RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1465 This optional global attribute defines the UT start time of dark
ulalume3@11 1466 measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1467
ulalume3@11 1468 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1469 \PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Start\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{235001}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1470 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1471
ulalume3@11 1472 \item[{RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1473 This optional global attribute defines the UT stop time of dark
ulalume3@11 1474 measurements in the format HHMMSS. In our case we have:
ulalume3@11 1475
ulalume3@11 1476 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1477 \PYG{n}{RawBck\PYGZus{}Stop\PYGZus{}Time\PYGZus{}UT} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{235301}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1478 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1479
ulalume3@11 1480 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 1481
ulalume3@11 1482
ulalume3@11 1483 \section{Example of file (CDL format)}
ulalume3@11 1484 \label{netcdf_file:example-of-file-cdl-format}
ulalume3@11 1485 To summarize we have the following NetCDF Raw Lidar Data file (in CDL
ulalume3@11 1486 format):
ulalume3@11 1487
ulalume3@11 1488 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1489 dimensions:
ulalume3@11 1490 points = 5000 ;
ulalume3@11 1491 channels = 4 ;
ulalume3@11 1492 time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
ulalume3@11 1493 nb\_of\_time\_scales = 2 ;
ulalume3@11 1494 scan\_angles = 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1495 time\_bck = 6 ;
ulalume3@11 1496 variables:
ulalume3@11 1497 int channel\_ID(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1498 int Laser\_Repetition\_Rate(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1499 double Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles) ;
ulalume3@11 1500 int ID\_Range(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1501 int Scattering\_Mechanism(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1502 double Emitted\_Wavelength(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1503 double Detected\_Wavelength(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1504 double Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1505 int Background\_Mode(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1506 double Background\_Low(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1507 double Background\_High(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1508 int Molecular\_Calc ;
ulalume3@11 1509 double Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
ulalume3@11 1510 double Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
ulalume3@11 1511 int id\_timescale(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1512 double Dead\_Time(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1513 int Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1514 int Acquisition\_Mode(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1515 double Trigger\_Delay(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1516 int LR\_Input(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1517 int Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1518 int Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1519 int Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1520 int Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1521 int Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1522 int Laser\_Shots(time, channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1523 double Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points) ;
ulalume3@11 1524 double Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points) ;
ulalume3@11 1525 double DAQ\_Range(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1526
ulalume3@11 1527 // global attributes:
ulalume3@11 1528 :Measurement\_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
ulalume3@11 1529 :RawData\_Start\_Date = "20090130" ;
ulalume3@11 1530 :RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT = "000001" ;
ulalume3@11 1531 :RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "000501" ;
ulalume3@11 1532 :RawBck\_Start\_Date = "20090129" ;
ulalume3@11 1533 :RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT = "235001" ;
ulalume3@11 1534 :RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "235301" ;
ulalume3@11 1535
ulalume3@11 1536 data:
ulalume3@11 1537
ulalume3@11 1538 channel\_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;
ulalume3@11 1539
ulalume3@11 1540 Laser\_Repetition\_Rate = 50, 50, 50, 50 ;
ulalume3@11 1541
ulalume3@11 1542 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle = 5 ;
ulalume3@11 1543
ulalume3@11 1544 ID\_Range = 1, 1, 1, 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1545
ulalume3@11 1546 Scattering\_Mechanism = 0, 2, 3, 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1547
ulalume3@11 1548 Emitted\_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 532 ;
ulalume3@11 1549
ulalume3@11 1550 Detected\_Wavelength = 1064, 532, 532, 607 ;
ulalume3@11 1551
ulalume3@11 1552 Raw\_Data\_Range\_Resolution = 7.5, 15, 15, 15 ;
ulalume3@11 1553
ulalume3@11 1554 Background\_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1555
ulalume3@11 1556 Background\_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
ulalume3@11 1557
ulalume3@11 1558 Background\_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
ulalume3@11 1559
ulalume3@11 1560 Molecular\_Calc = 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1561
ulalume3@11 1562 Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 1010 ;
ulalume3@11 1563
ulalume3@11 1564 Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 19.8 ;
ulalume3@11 1565
ulalume3@11 1566 id\_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1567
ulalume3@11 1568 Dead\_Time = \_, 10, 10, 10 ;
ulalume3@11 1569
ulalume3@11 1570 Dead\_Time\_Corr\_Type = \_, 0, 0, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1571
ulalume3@11 1572 Acquisition\_Mode = 0, 1, 1, 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1573
ulalume3@11 1574 Trigger\_Delay = 50, 0, 0, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1575
ulalume3@11 1576 LR\_Input = 1,\_,\_,\_ ;
ulalume3@11 1577
ulalume3@11 1578 DAQ\_Range = 100,\_,\_,\_ ;
ulalume3@11 1579
ulalume3@11 1580 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
ulalume3@11 1581 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1582 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1583 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1584 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1585 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1586 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1587 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1588 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1589 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1590 \_, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1591
ulalume3@11 1592
ulalume3@11 1593 Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1594 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1595 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1596 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1597 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1598 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 1599 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 1600 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 1601 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 1602 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 1603 \_, 270 ;
ulalume3@11 1604
ulalume3@11 1605 Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1606 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1607 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1608 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1609 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 1610 300, 150,
ulalume3@11 1611 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 1612 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 1613 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 1614 \_, 270,
ulalume3@11 1615 \_, 300 ;
ulalume3@11 1616
ulalume3@11 1617
ulalume3@11 1618 Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1619 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1620 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1621 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1622 \_, 90,
ulalume3@11 1623 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 1624 \_, 150;
ulalume3@11 1625
ulalume3@11 1626
ulalume3@11 1627 Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1628 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1629 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1630 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1631 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 1632 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 1633 \_, 180 ;
ulalume3@11 1634
ulalume3@11 1635
ulalume3@11 1636 Laser\_Shots =
ulalume3@11 1637 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1638 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1639 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1640 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1641 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1642 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1643 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1644 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1645 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1646 1500, \_, \_, \_ ;
ulalume3@11 1647
ulalume3@11 1648
ulalume3@11 1649 Raw\_Lidar\_Data = ...
ulalume3@11 1650
ulalume3@11 1651 Background\_Profile = ...
ulalume3@11 1652 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1653
ulalume3@11 1654 Please keep in mind that in case you submit a file like the previous one
ulalume3@11 1655 all the parameters present in it will be used by the SCC even if you
ulalume3@11 1656 have different values for the same parameters within the SCC\_DB. If you
ulalume3@11 1657 want to use the values already stored in SCC\_DB (this should be the
ulalume3@11 1658 usual way to use SCC) the Raw Lidar Data input file has to be
ulalume3@11 1659 modified as follows:
ulalume3@11 1660
ulalume3@11 1661 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1662 dimensions:
ulalume3@11 1663 points = 5000 ;
ulalume3@11 1664 channels = 4 ;
ulalume3@11 1665 time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
ulalume3@11 1666 nb\_of\_time\_scales = 2 ;
ulalume3@11 1667 scan\_angles = 1 ;
ulalume3@11 1668 time\_bck = 6 ;
ulalume3@11 1669 variables:
ulalume3@11 1670 int channel\_ID(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1671 double Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles) ;
ulalume3@11 1672 double Background\_Low(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1673 double Background\_High(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1674 int Molecular\_Calc ;
ulalume3@11 1675 double Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
ulalume3@11 1676 double Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
ulalume3@11 1677 int id\_timescale(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1678 int Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1679 int Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1680 int Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1681 int Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1682 int Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time(time\_bck, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
ulalume3@11 1683 int LR\_Input(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1684 int Laser\_Shots(time, channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1685 double Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points) ;
ulalume3@11 1686 double Background\_Profile(time\_bck, channels, points) ;
ulalume3@11 1687 double DAQ\_Range(channels) ;
ulalume3@11 1688
ulalume3@11 1689 // global attributes:
ulalume3@11 1690 :Measurement\_ID = "20090130cc00" ;
ulalume3@11 1691 :RawData\_Start\_Date = "20090130" ;
ulalume3@11 1692 :RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT = "000001" ;
ulalume3@11 1693 :RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "000501" ;
ulalume3@11 1694 :RawBck\_Start\_Date = "20090129" ;
ulalume3@11 1695 :RawBck\_Start\_Time\_UT = "235001" ;
ulalume3@11 1696 :RawBck\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "235301" ;
ulalume3@11 1697
ulalume3@11 1698 data:
ulalume3@11 1699
ulalume3@11 1700 channel\_ID = 7, 5, 6, 8 ;
ulalume3@11 1701
ulalume3@11 1702 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle = 5 ;
ulalume3@11 1703
ulalume3@11 1704 Background\_Low = 0, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
ulalume3@11 1705
ulalume3@11 1706 Background\_High = 500, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
ulalume3@11 1707
ulalume3@11 1708 Molecular\_Calc = 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1709
ulalume3@11 1710 Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 1010 ;
ulalume3@11 1711
ulalume3@11 1712 Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 19.8 ;
ulalume3@11 1713
ulalume3@11 1714 id\_timescale = 1, 0, 0, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1715
ulalume3@11 1716 LR\_Input = 1,\_,\_,\_ ;
ulalume3@11 1717
ulalume3@11 1718 DAQ\_Range = 100,\_,\_,\_ ;
ulalume3@11 1719
ulalume3@11 1720 Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
ulalume3@11 1721 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1722 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1723 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1724 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1725 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1726 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1727 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1728 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1729 \_, 0,
ulalume3@11 1730 \_, 0 ;
ulalume3@11 1731
ulalume3@11 1732
ulalume3@11 1733 Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1734 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1735 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1736 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1737 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1738 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 1739 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 1740 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 1741 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 1742 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 1743 \_, 270 ;
ulalume3@11 1744
ulalume3@11 1745 Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1746 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1747 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1748 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1749 240, 120,
ulalume3@11 1750 300, 150,
ulalume3@11 1751 \_, 180,
ulalume3@11 1752 \_, 210,
ulalume3@11 1753 \_, 240,
ulalume3@11 1754 \_, 270,
ulalume3@11 1755 \_, 300 ;
ulalume3@11 1756
ulalume3@11 1757
ulalume3@11 1758 Raw\_Bck\_Start\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1759 0, 0,
ulalume3@11 1760 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1761 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1762 \_, 90,
ulalume3@11 1763 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 1764 \_, 150;
ulalume3@11 1765
ulalume3@11 1766
ulalume3@11 1767 Raw\_Bck\_Stop\_Time =
ulalume3@11 1768 60, 30,
ulalume3@11 1769 120, 60,
ulalume3@11 1770 180, 90,
ulalume3@11 1771 \_, 120,
ulalume3@11 1772 \_, 150,
ulalume3@11 1773 \_, 180 ;
ulalume3@11 1774
ulalume3@11 1775
ulalume3@11 1776 Laser\_Shots =
ulalume3@11 1777 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1778 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1779 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1780 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1781 1500, 3000, 3000, 3000,
ulalume3@11 1782 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1783 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1784 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1785 1500, \_, \_, \_,
ulalume3@11 1786 1500, \_, \_, \_ ;
ulalume3@11 1787
ulalume3@11 1788
ulalume3@11 1789 Raw\_Lidar\_Data = ...
ulalume3@11 1790
ulalume3@11 1791 Background\_Profile = ...
ulalume3@11 1792 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1793
ulalume3@11 1794 This example file contains the minimum collection of mandatory
ulalume3@11 1795 information that has to be found within the Raw Lidar Data input
ulalume3@11 1796 file. If it is really necessary, the user can decide to add to these
ulalume3@11 1797 mandatory parameters any number of additional parameters considered in
ulalume3@11 1798 the previous example.
ulalume3@11 1799
ulalume3@11 1800 Finally, suppose we want to make the following changes with respect to
ulalume3@11 1801 the previous example:
ulalume3@11 1802 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1803 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1804 use a sounding file for molecular density calculation instead of “US
ulalume3@11 1805 Standar Atmosphere 1976”
ulalume3@11 1806
ulalume3@11 1807 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1808 supply a lidar ratio profile to use in elastic backscatter retrieval
ulalume3@11 1809 instead of a fixed value
ulalume3@11 1810
ulalume3@11 1811 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1812 provide a overlap function for overlap correction
ulalume3@11 1813
ulalume3@11 1814 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1815
ulalume3@11 1816 In this case we have to generate the following NetCDF additional files:
ulalume3@11 1817 \begin{description}
ulalume3@11 1818 \item[{rs\}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1819 The name of Sounding Data file has to be computed as follows:
ulalume3@11 1820 \code{"rs\_"{}`{}`+{}`{}`Measurement\_ID}
ulalume3@11 1821 The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:sounding.
ulalume3@11 1822
ulalume3@11 1823 \item[{ov\}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1824 The name of Overlap file has to be computed as follows:
ulalume3@11 1825 \code{"ov\_"{}`{}`+{}`{}`Measurement\_ID}
ulalume3@11 1826 The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:overlap.
ulalume3@11 1827
ulalume3@11 1828 \item[{lr\}] \leavevmode
ulalume3@11 1829 The name of Lidar Ratio file has to be computed as follows:
ulalume3@11 1830 \code{"lr\_"{}`{}`+{}`{}`Measurement\_ID}
ulalume3@11 1831 The structure of this file is summarized in table tab:lr.
ulalume3@11 1832
ulalume3@11 1833 \end{description}
ulalume3@11 1834
ulalume3@11 1835 Moreover we need to apply the following changes to the Raw Lidar Data
ulalume3@11 1836 input file:
ulalume3@11 1837 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1838 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1839 Change the value of the variable \code{Molecular\_Calc} as follows:
ulalume3@11 1840
ulalume3@11 1841 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1842 \PYG{n}{Molecular\PYGZus{}Calc} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{1} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1843 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1844
ulalume3@11 1845 Of course the variables \code{Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station} and
ulalume3@11 1846 \code{Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station} are not necessary anymore.
ulalume3@11 1847
ulalume3@11 1848 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1849 Change the values of the array \code{LR\_Input} as follows:
ulalume3@11 1850
ulalume3@11 1851 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1852 \PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}Input} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+m+mi}{0}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}}\PYG{p}{,}\PYG{n}{\PYGZus{}} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1853 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1854
ulalume3@11 1855 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1856 Add the global attribute \code{Sounding\_File\_Name}
ulalume3@11 1857
ulalume3@11 1858 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1859 \PYG{n}{Sounding\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{rs\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1860 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1861
ulalume3@11 1862 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1863 \begin{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1864 \setcounter{enumi}{4}
ulalume3@11 1865 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1866 Add the global attribute \code{LR\_File\_Name}
ulalume3@11 1867
ulalume3@11 1868 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1869 \PYG{n}{LR\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{lr\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1870 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1871
ulalume3@11 1872 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1873 Add the global attribute \code{Overlap\_File\_Name}
ulalume3@11 1874
ulalume3@11 1875 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
ulalume3@11 1876 \PYG{n}{Overlap\PYGZus{}File\PYGZus{}Name} \PYG{o}{=} \PYG{l+s}{"}\PYG{l+s}{ov\PYGZus{}}\PYG{l+s}{"} \PYG{p}{;}
ulalume3@11 1877 \end{Verbatim}
ulalume3@11 1878
ulalume3@11 1879 \end{enumerate}
ulalume3@11 1880
ulalume3@11 1881
ulalume3@11 1882 \chapter{User management}
ulalume3@11 1883 \label{user_management:user-management}\label{user_management::doc}\label{user_management:id1}
ulalume3@11 1884
ulalume3@11 1885 \section{Acount types}
ulalume3@11 1886 \label{user_management:acount-types}
ulalume3@11 1887
ulalume3@11 1888 \section{Requesting a new account}
ulalume3@11 1889 \label{user_management:requesting-a-new-account}
ulalume3@11 1890
ulalume3@11 1891 \section{User account security}
ulalume3@11 1892 \label{user_management:user-account-security}
ulalume3@11 1893
ulalume3@11 1894 \chapter{Indices and tables}
ulalume3@11 1895 \label{index:indices-and-tables}\begin{itemize}
ulalume3@11 1896 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1897 \emph{genindex}
ulalume3@11 1898
ulalume3@11 1899 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1900 \emph{modindex}
ulalume3@11 1901
ulalume3@11 1902 \item {}
ulalume3@11 1903 \emph{search}
ulalume3@11 1904
ulalume3@11 1905 \end{itemize}
ulalume3@11 1906
ulalume3@11 1907
ulalume3@11 1908
ulalume3@11 1909 \renewcommand{\indexname}{Index}
ulalume3@11 1910 \printindex
ulalume3@11 1911 \end{document}
