Depolarization draft docs.


Iannis <>
Sun, 23 Oct 2016 23:12:51 +0300
changeset 67
parent 66
child 68

Depolarization draft docs.

docs/depolarization.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/depolarization.rst	Sun Oct 23 23:12:51 2016 +0300
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+.. Single Calculus Chain interface documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb  7 13:17:19 2012.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   depolarization/depolarization
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/depolarization/depolarization.rst	Sun Oct 23 23:12:51 2016 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+**Single Calculus Chain **
+**version: 4.0**
+**date: Date (fixed)**
+This document describes the main changes implemented in the SCC v4.0
+with respect to what already provided in the SCC v3.11. It will be also
+reported the modifications the users need to perform to run the new
+version of SCC.
+Table of Contents
+1. Particle Linear Depolarization Ratio Implementation 3
+1.1 Background 3
+1.2 Polarization calibration 4
+1.3 SCC procedure to calculate the PLDRP 4
+2.Changes of the SCC input format 8
+3.Real Example 10
+3.1 Modification of polarization channel parameters 10
+3.2 Definition of new calibration configuration and product 12
+3.3 Definition of “Raman/Elastic backscatter and linear depolarization
+ratio” 16
+Particle Linear Depolarization Ratio Implementation
+The most important improvement included in the SCC v4.0 is the
+implementation of a new optical product which is the particle linear
+depolarization ratio.
+The calculation of the volume linear depolarization ratio profile
+(*VLDR*) and particle linear depolarization ratio profile (*PLDR*) needs
+two different steps:
+1. the calibration of the polarization sensitive lidar channels;
+2. the calculation of the *VLDR* or *PLDR* itself.
+The SCC allows the user to make both the above points. In particular the
+calibration step is made by a completely new module called
+**scc\_calibrator** which computes the *apparent calibration factor*
+h\ :sup:`\*` out of the pre-processed data provided by the standard
+**ELPP** (Earlinet Lidar Pre-Processor) module and it records it in the
+SCC database (SCC\_DB). Once logged into the SCC\_DB this factor can be
+used whenever it is necessary.
+The raw lidar calibration measurements should be put in a NetCDF file
+which has the same structure as the “standard” raw SCC NetCDF input file
+(for more details see sections 2 and 3.2).
+New signal types have been introduced to take into account special
+channel configurations used for calibration purposes.
+Moreover new product types for both calibration and *PLDR* calculation
+have been defined. As, in principle, it is possible to calculate the
+*PLDR* only when the aerosol backscatter coefficient profile is
+available the following new products have been defined:
+1. *Linear polarization calibration (factor* h) *(product\_type\_id=6);*
+2. *Raman backscatter and linear depolarization ratio
+   (product\_type\_id=7);*
+3. *Elastic backscatter and linear depolarization ratio
+   (product\_type\_id=8).*
+The first product in the above list is used only for calibration while
+the other two are used for the calculation of *PLDR*. Basically, in most
+of the cases, the products 2 and 3 are equivalent to the corresponding
+backscatter product types with the exception that also the following new
+variables are available:
+double VolumeDepol(Length) ;
+double ErrorVolumeDepol(Length) ;
+ErrorVolumeDepol:long\_name = "absolute error of VolumeDepol" ;
+double ParticleDepol(Length) ;
+double ErrorParticleDepol(Length) ;
+ErrorParticleDepol:long\_name = "absolute error of ParticleDepol" ;
+**Polarization calibration**
+An important point is the definition of reliable *PLDR* calibration
+procedures. Within EARLINET the following calibration procedures are
+currently used:
+a) Rayleigh calibration;
+b) +45 calibration method, or D90 calibration method (made by +45 and
+   -45 measurements);
+c) 3 signals (total, cross and parallel).
+It is well known that method a) could produce easily large errors on
+*PLDR* which cannot be controlled. For this reason only the methods b)
+and c) can be used to provide reliable polarization calibrations and so
+only those methods will be implemented in the SCC.
+For what it concerns the method c) it, basically, requires to solve the
+in two different of atmospheric layers with considerably different
+*VLDR*. So to calibrate in this way the implementation of automatic
+layer identification in the SCC is required. As at moment this feature
+is not yet available within the SCC *ONLY* the method b) is considered.
+SCC procedure to calculate the PLDRP
+According to what mentioned before the SCC calculates the *PLDR* through
+the following steps:
+1. The user needs to create a new system configuration in the SCC\_DB
+   including only lidar channels used for the calibration. One (or more)
+   *Linear polarization calibration (product\_type\_id=6)* product
+   should be associated to this new configuration (see section 3.2 for
+   more details);
+2. This new system configuration should contain only the polarization
+   channels in the configuration used for the calibration (for example
+   rotated in the polarization plane of +45 degrees). A channel in
+   calibration measurement configuration should have a *DIFFERENT*
+   channel ID from the channel ID corresponding to the same channel in
+   standard measurement configuration. For example, if a system has two
+   polarization channels which in standard measurement configuration
+   correspond to the channel ID=1 and 2 respectively, the same physical
+   channels under calibration measurement configuration should
+   correspond to different channel IDs (let's say ID=3 and 4 for the +45
+   degrees polarization rotated channels and ID=5 and 6 for the -45
+   degrees polarization rotated ones in case D90 calibration method is
+   used). Moreover, the polarization channels should be labeled
+   correctly using the new signal types available (*+45elPT, +45elPR,
+   -45elPT, -45elPR, +45elPTnr, +45elPTfr, +45elPRnr, +45elPRfr,
+   -45elPTnr, -45elPTfr, -45elPRnr, -45elPRfr).* For more details see
+   section 3.2;
+3. In SCC v4.0 the polarization channels are *NOT* labeled on the base
+   of their polarization state (as it was done in the SCC v3.11) but
+   *ALWAYS* as transmitted and reflected channels. So the channels that
+   in SCC v3.11 were labeled as *elCP, elCPnr, elCPfr, elPP, elPPnr
+   elPPfr* will be labeled in SCC v4.0 as *elPR, elPRnr elPRfr elPT,
+   elPTnr elPTfr* where the letter *T* stands from transmitted and the
+   letter *R* for reflected.
+**WARNING:** In switching from the SCC v3.11 to SCC v4.0 the following
+modifications have been made on *ALL* channels of *ALL* registered
+*elPPfr→ elPRfr*
+*elCPnr→ elPTnr*
+*elCPfr→ elPTfr*
+Please be sure these modifications reflect to your actual lidar setup
+(cross channels are transmitted and parallel channels are reflected);
+1. The user needs to submit a file (same format as raw SCC input file)
+   containing the raw data for the lidar channels defined at the point 1
+   (see section 3.2 for more details);
+2. The file at point 2 is pre-processed by **ELPP** module which applies
+   the standard pre-processing procedures applied to “standard” lidar
+   data;
+3. The pre-processed files are then processed by the new modules
+   **scc\_calibrator** which calculates h\ :sup:`\*` *the apparent
+   calibration factor* and logs it into the SCC\_DB;
+4. The user needs to create a new system configuration in the SCC\_DB
+   (which should be different from the one used for the calibration) and
+   associate it the new product *Raman backscatter and linear
+   depolarization ratio (product\_type\_id=7)* or *Elastic backscatter
+   and linear depolarization ratio (product\_type\_id=8).* Alternatively
+   the calculation of those products can be added to an already existing
+   lidar configuration as long as it is different from the calibration
+   one;
+5. The product defined at point 5 should be linked to the product
+   containing the polarization calibration (defined at point 1) in a way
+   that the *apparent calibration factor* can be selected from the
+   SCC\_DB (see section 3.3 and in particular figure 3.4);
+6. The user needs to submit another SCC raw data file containing the
+   “standard” measurements;
+7. Finally **ELPP** and **ELDA** will produce a b-file containing
+   backscatter coefficient profile and *PLDR*. In particular this
+   calculation is made in two different steps: from the pre-processed
+   lidar polarization signals, and taking into account the *apparent
+   calibration factor* and the *calibration factor correction K*
+   (defined as option of *Linear polarization calibration* product\ *)*
+   written into the SCC\_DB, an “apparent” *VLDR* *d\ :sup:`\*`* is
+   calculated. Even if *d\ :sup:`\*`* is a calibrated quantity it can be
+   still affected by possible systematic errors due to not perfect
+   optics or alignment of the system;
+8. To take into account these errors a corrected *VLDR* (*d)* is
+   calculated using the *polarization cross-talk correction parameters*
+   *G* and *H* calculated on the base of Müller matrix formalism. These
+   cross-talk correction parameters (*G* and *H*) are stored in the
+   SCC\_DB for each lidar channels (see section 3.1 in particular figure
+   3.2). Finally the *PLDR* is calculated using the backscatter
+   coefficient profile and the molecular LDRP calculated by ELPP
+   considering the center wavelength and bandwidth of the channels
+   interference filter.
+The *apparent calibration factor* h\ :sup:`\*` is calculated by the
+**scc\_calibrator** module as the geometrical mean of the ratio of the
++/-45 degrees reflected to the +/- 45 degrees transmitted signals within
+an altitude calibration range defined by the users in the raw data input
+In case of +45 calibration method h\ :sup:`\*` is calculated by:
+While in case of D90 calibration method:
+**ELDA** module calculates the “apparent” *VLDR*:
+the *VLDR*
+and the *PLDR*
+-  h\ :sup:`\*` is the *apparent calibration factor* calculated by
+   **scc\_calibrator**
+-  *K* is the *calibration factor correction* defined as polarization
+   product option
+-  *I\ :sub:`T`* and I\ *:sub:`R`* are the transmitted and the reflected
+   signals in the polarization detection set-up
+-  *G\ :sub:`T,R`* and *H\ :sub:`T,R`* are *polarization cross-talk
+   correction parameters* for the transmitted and reflected signals used
+   to correct for systematic errors. Both these factors are defined in
+   the SCC\_DB for each lidar channel.
+-  *d\ :sub:`m`* is the molecular linear depolarization ratio calculated
+   by ELPP
+-  *R* is the backscatter ratio
+Please note once again that the polarization channels are described in
+terms of transmitted and reflected signals. This means that according to
+different lidar instrumental configurations, the transmitted or the
+reflected channel can contain total, perpendicular or parallel polarized
+In order to retrieve the backscatter profile the total signal must be
+obtained combining the transmitted and reflected polarized signals. The
+following formula is used:
+The formulas above are general and can be adapted to all possible
+polarization lidar configurations selecting the right polarization
+cross-talk correction parameters (see Table 1.1).
+Let's suppose, for example, we have the perpendicular polarized lidar
+signal on the transmitted channel and the parallel polarized on
+reflected channel. For an ideal system (no diattenuation and cross-talk)
+we have:
+If, on the other hands, we have the perpendicular polarized lidar signal
+on reflected channel and the total polarized on the transmitted for and
+ideal system we have:
+**Table 1.1:** Polarization cross-talk correction parameters for ideal
+| Laser polarization   | Detected in lidar channel                                                         |
+|                      | Transmitted                                   | Reflected                         |
+|                      | *G\ :sub:`T`*               | *H\ :sub:`T`*   | *G\ :sub:`R`*   | *H\ :sub:`R`*   |
+| total                | 1                           | 0               | 1               | 0               |
+| parallel             | 1                           | 1               | 1               | 1               |
+| cross                | 1                           | -1              | 1               | -1              |
+The *apparent calibration factor* (h:sup:`\*`), *the calibration factor
+correction* (*K*) and the *polarization cross-talk correction
+parameters* are stored by **ELPP** module in the intermediate NetCDF
+files using the following variables:
+-  *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor (apparent calibration factor* –
+   h\ :sup:`\*`)
+-  *Polarization\_Channel\_Gain\_Factor\_Correction (calib. factor
+   corr.* – *K*)
+-  *G\_T*
+-  *H\_T*
+-  *G\_R*
+-  *H\_R*
+Finally new usecases have been defined to take into account all the
+possible lidar configurations. The details on that are provided as a
+separate file.
+Changes of the SCC input format
+The following minor changes have been applied to raw SCC data format:
+1. The optional variable *ID\_Range* has been *REMOVED*;
+2. The *OPTIONAL* variable *int Signal\_Type(channels)* has been added.
+   The possible values are the same available in the SCC\_DB:
+0 *→* elT
+1 *→* elTnr
+2 *→* elTfr
+3 *→* vrRN2
+4 *→* vrRN2nr
+5 *→* vrRN2fr
+6 *→* elPR
+7 *→* elPT
+8 *→* pRRlow
+9 *→* pRRhigh
+10 *→* elPRnr
+11 *→* elPRfr
+12 *→* elPTnr
+13 *→* elPTfr
+14 *→* vrRH2O
+15 *→* pRRhighnr
+16 *→* pRRhighfr
+17 *→* pRRlownr
+18 *→* pRRlowfr
+19 *→* vrRH2Onr
+20 *→* vrRH2Ofr
+21 *→* elTunr
+*22 → +45elPT*
+*23 → +45elPR*
+*24 → -45elPT*
+*25 → -45elPR*
+*26 → +45elPTnr*
+*27 → +45elPTfr*
+*28 → +45elPRnr*
+*29 → +45elPRfr*
+*30 → -45elPTnr*
+*31 → -45elPTfr*
+*32 → -45elPRnr*
+*33 → -45elPRfr*
+**WARNING:** It this variable is found in the SCC input file the
+corresponding settings in the SCC database will be *overwritten*. Unless
+you don't have any valid reason to overwrite the database value this
+variable should not be used.
+1. The variables:
+*double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Min(channels)*
+*double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Max(channels) *
+have been added. Both these variable are *mandatory* for any calibration
+raw dataset.
+These variable should be included only the polarization calibration
+measurements and should specify the altitude range (meters) in which the
+polarization calibration should be made. For more details see section
+1. The variable *Depolarization\_Factor* has been *removed*.
+The SCC v3.11 used this variable to get polarization calibration factor
+for the calculation of the total signal out of cross and parallels ones.
+As the SCC v4.0 is able to calculate the same parameter by itself, the
+use of this variable is *NOT* possible anymore. The recommended way to
+get a valid and quality assured depolarization calibration factor is to
+submit to the SCC v4.0 a polarization calibration dataset and let the
+SCC to calculate such factor.
+To make this change more smooth and to provide the users with the
+possibility to continue to analyze their data with the SCC v4.0 even if
+a calibration dataset has not been submitted yet, it will be possible
+for a *LIMITED* period of time to submit the calibration constant via
+the SCC web interface. The SCC will keep track of the used calibration
+method (automatic or manual).
+**WARNING:** After this transition period *only* automatic calibration
+will be allowed!
+1. The new *optional* variable:
+*string channel\_string\_ID(channels)*
+has been introduced.
+Starting from SCC v4.0 the lidar channel can be identified not only by
+using integers (as it happened until SCC v3.11) but also by using
+The procedure implemented in the SCC v4.0 to recognize the lidar channel
+within the raw lidar data is fully backward compatible (old format files
+are accepted as they are by SCC v4.0).
+**WARNING:** Please note that the definition of the new string variable
+requires netCDF-4 format! The type *string* is not supported in netCDF-3
+Real Example
+This section describes all the practical steps the users need to follow
+to switch from SCC v3.11 to new SCC v4.0.
+If your lidar system is not equipped with any polarization channels *NO*
+changes are required. In this case, the SCC v4.0 should work using the
+same input files and the same database configurations you have used with
+the SCC v3.11. Anyway as in the SCC v4.0 several bugs have been fixed,
+it is recommended to re-run all the measurement IDs you have submitted.
+For doing that you just need to reprocess all your data without the need
+to submit raw data files already uploaded on the server.
+The practical example reported below describes the modifications
+required to use the SCC v4.0 for lidar systems equipped with
+polarization channels.
+Modification of polarization channel parameters
+In what it follows it is assumed you already have registered one or more
+lidar configurations in the SCC database and that such configurations
+have been already used to produce optical products (aerosol extinction
+and/or backscatter coefficients) by means of the SCC v3.11.
+Let's assume your 3+2 system is registered in the SCC database and the
+settings used by the SCC v3.11 are the ones summarized in table 3.1.
+**Table 3.1:** Example of configuration in SCC v3.11
+| Channel Name   | Channel ID   | Channel Type   | nighttime   | daytime   |
+| 355            | 1            | elT            | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 387            | 2            | vrRN2          | ï‚´           |           |
+| 532 cross      | 3            | elCP           | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 532 parallel   | 4            | elPP           | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 607            | 5            | vrRN2          | ï‚´           |           |
+| 1064           | 6            | elT            | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+We assume there are 2 system configurations called “nighttime” and
+“daytime”. The nighttime configuration contains all the available lidar
+channels (in order to calculate, for example, the aerosol extinction at
+355 and 532nm and the aerosol backscatter at 355, 532 and 1064nm) while
+in daytime conditions only elastic channels are used (only elastic
+backscatter coefficients are generated).
+To make these settings working with SCC v4.0 it is needed to modify
+*ONLY* the products properties involving the polarization channels (532
+cross and parallel). All the products not involving the polarization
+channels *DO NOT* need any modification and should work in the SCC v4.0
+exactly as they did in SCC v3.11. In the example above the aerosol
+extinction and backscatter coefficient at 355nm, the extinction at 532nm
+as well as the backscatter coefficient at 1064nm do not required any
+modification. Let's focus on the modifications needed for the
+calculation of backscatter at 532nm.
+|image0| How to select signal types
+The first modification concerns the settings of the channel type for the
+532 cross and 532 parallel polarization channels. Starting from SCC v4.0
+polarization channels are identified as transmitted and reflected
+polarization channels and not on the base of their polarization state.
+So suppose if we suppose the cross polarized channel is transmitted by a
+polarizer beam splitter cube and the parallel is reflected the value
+reported in table 3.1 should be modified as they appear in table 3.2. So
+using the SCC web interface, the signal type of the 532 cross channel
+should be changed from elCP to elPT and and in the same way the 532
+parallel channel should be changed from elPP to elPR (see figure 3.1).
+**Table 3.2:** The same of table 3.1 but with new channel types
+introduced in SCC v4.0
+| Channel Name   | Channel ID   | Channel Type   | nighttime   | daytime   |
+| 355            | 1            | elT            | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 387            | 2            | vrRN2          | ï‚´           |           |
+| 532 cross      | 3            | **elPT**       | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 532 parallel   | 4            | **elPR**       | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+| 607            | 5            | vrRN2          | ï‚´           |           |
+| 1064           | 6            | elT            | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+The other change about the polarization channels required to run the SCC
+v4.0 is the definition of the polarization crosstalk parameters for all
+the polarization channels available. Such parameters can be defined for
+each polarization channel using the SCC web interface (see figure 3.2).
+In particular among the channel parameters there is a new tab called
+*Polarization crosstalk parameters* where it is possible to insert the
+values from for the parameters *G* and *H* and the corresponding
+statistical and systematic errors if available. In case you have
+measured *G* and *H* for your polarization channels please insert the
+corresponding values there. Otherwise you can insert the ideal values as
+reported in table 1.1.
+|image1| *Polarization crosstalk parameters* tab in channel properties
+(SCC v4.0).
+Definition of new calibration configuration and product
+In this section we will see how to set the polarization calibration
+parameters: the calibration constant (called h\ :sup:`\*` in section
+1.3) and the correction to calibration constant (called K in section
+In order to provide such parameters you need to define a new system
+configuration to be used *only* for calibration purposes. Such new
+configuration should include the polarization channels in the
+measurement configuration used for the calibration. Let's suppose we
+want to use the D90 calibration method.
+In this case we need to define a new configuration (called for example
+“depol\_calibration”) as reported in the table 3.3. As you can see the
+configuration “depol\_calibration” includes 4 “new” channels. Actually
+the channels “532 cross +45 degrees” (channel ID=10) and “532 cross -45
+degrees” (channel ID=12) refer to the same physical channel “532 cross”
+reported with channel ID=3 in table 3.2. Anyway we need to define two
+new channel IDs to identify the “532 cross” channel in the two
+polarization rotated configurations (+45 and -45 degrees) needed to
+apply the D90 calibration method. The same is true for the “532
+parallel” channel. The polarization rotated channels should be labeled
+with the corresponding signal type as reported in table 3.3 (see figure
+**Table 3.3:** Polarization calibration configurations assuming D90
+calibration method
+| Channel Name               | Channel ID   | Channel Type   | depol\_calibration   |
+| 532 cross +45 degrees      | 10           | +45elPT        | ï‚´                    |
+| 532 parallel +45 degrees   | 11           | +45elPR        | ï‚´                    |
+| 532 cross -45 degrees      | 12           | -45elPT        | ï‚´                    |
+| 532 parallel -45 degrees   | 13           | -45elPR        | ï‚´                    |
+Finally we should add to the configuration “depol\_calibration” a
+product “\ *Linear polarization calibration”* to be used for the
+calibration. According to the example given above and to the usecase
+document attached we should use an usecase=4 for this example.
+Other “\ *Linear polarization calibration”* options to be specified are
+reported in figure 3.3. The most important factor you should insert here
+is the *Pol calibration correction factor* (K). The ideal value for this
+parameter is 1. Anyway if you have measured the parameter K please fill
+in the measured value and the corresponding measurement errors.
+|image2| Options for *Linear polarization calibration product*.
+As you can see it is possible to fill in only the K correction factor
+and not the calibration constant h\ :sup:`\*`.
+Actually for a *LIMITED* period of time it will be possible to fill in
+also the constant h\ :sup:`\*` using a temporary tab called
+*Polarization calibration constant*. This has been done to provide the
+users with the possibility to continue to use the SCC even if an
+automatic calibration made by the SCC was not submitted yet. Anyway
+after a transition period it will be *not* possible to provide
+calibration constant using this procedure and the parameter h\ :sup:`\*`
+can be calculated *ONLY* by the SCC as result of the submission of a
+proper calibration raw input dataset. The format of this input file is
+the same as the standard SCC input file. The only difference is that is
+should contain calibration measurements instead of standard
+measurements. Following our example, such file should contain the
+measurement performed at +45 and -45 degrees at 532nm. Also the channel
+IDs in the file should reflect the ones reported in table 3.3.
+Moreover this raw input file has to contain the variables:
+*double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Min(channels)*
+*double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Max(channels) *
+where to specify the altitude ranges in meters in which the polarization
+calibration should be done.
+According to the table 3.3 this file should be something similar to:
+channels = 4 ;
+nb\_of\_time\_scales = 1 ;
+points = 16380 ;
+scan\_angles = 1 ;
+time = UNLIMITED ; // (3 currently)
+int channel\_ID(channels) ;
+double Background\_Low(channels) ;
+double Background\_High(channels) ;
+int id\_timescale(channels) ;
+double Laser\_Pointing\_Angle(scan\_angles) ;
+int Molecular\_Calc ;
+int Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
+int Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
+int Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time(time, nb\_of\_time\_scales) ;
+int Laser\_Shots(time, channels) ;
+double Raw\_Lidar\_Data(time, channels, points) ;
+double Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
+double Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station ;
+double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Min(channels) ;
+double Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Max(channels) ;
+// global attributes:
+:System = "mysystem" ;
+:Longitude\_degrees\_east = 15.723771 ;
+:RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT = "220000" ;
+:RawData\_Start\_Date = "20130620" ;
+:Measurement\_ID = "20130620po00" ;
+:Altitude\_meter\_asl = 760. ;
+:RawData\_Stop\_Time\_UT = "230333" ;
+:Latitude\_degrees\_north = 40.601039 ;
+channel\_ID = 10, 11, 12, 13 ;
+Background\_Low = 30000, 30000, 30000, 30000 ;
+Background\_High = 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000 ;
+id\_timescale = 0, 0, 0, 0 ;
+Laser\_Pointing\_Angle = 0 ;
+Molecular\_Calc = 0 ;
+Laser\_Pointing\_Angle\_of\_Profiles =
+0 ;
+Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time =
+600 ;
+Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time =
+810 ;
+Laser\_Shots =
+1200, 1200, 1200, 1200,
+1200, 1200, 1200, 1200,
+1200, 1200, 1200, 1200 ;
+Pressure\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 1010 ;
+Temperature\_at\_Lidar\_Station = 14 ;
+Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Min = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 ;
+Pol\_Calib\_Range\_Min = 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000 ;
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data = …...;
+The file above assume the following calibration measurements have been
+1. First +45 degrees acquisition followed by a corresponding -45 degrees
+   acquisition
+   a. Measurement at +45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:00:00
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:01:00
+Shots: 1200
+a. Measurement at -45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:02:30
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:03:30
+Shots: 1200
+1. Second +45 degrees acquisition followed by a corresponding -45
+   degrees acquisition
+   a. Measurement at +45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:05:00
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:06:00
+Shots: 1200
+a. Measurement at -45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:07:30
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:08:30
+Shots: 1200
+1. Third +45 degrees acquisition followed by a corresponding -45 degrees
+   acquisition
+   a. Measurement at +45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:10:00
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:11:00
+Shots: 1200
+a. Measurement at -45 degrees
+Start Time: 20130620 22:12:30
+Stop Time: 20130620 22:13:30
+Shots: 1200
+As you can see there are 3 cycles of consecutive measurements at +45 and
+-45 degrees. That's way the dimension time is set to 3.
+The first +/-45 degrees measurement starts at “20130620 22:00:00” (start
+time of the first +45 measurement) and stops at “20130620 22:03:30”
+(stop time of the fist -45 measurement). As a consequence, according to
+the values of the global attributes RawData\_Start\_Date and
+RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT we have to set:
+Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time[0]=0 (start of the first +45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time[0]=210 (stop of the first -45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Following a similar procedure for the other 2 cycles we have:
+Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time[1]=300 (start of the second +45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time[1]=510 (stop of the second -45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Raw\_Data\_Start\_Time[2]=600 (start of the third +45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Raw\_Data\_Stop\_Time[2]=810 (stop of the third -45 measurement in
+seconds since RawData\_Start\_Time\_UT)
+Moreover, according to the order of the channels in the channel\_ID
+variable, the Raw\_Lidar\_Data array should be filled as it follows:
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[0][0][points] → 1\ :sup:`st` measured transmitted
+signal at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[0][1][points] → 1\ :sup:`st` measured reflected signal
+at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[0][2][points] → 1\ :sup:`st` measured transmitted
+signal at -45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[0][3][points] → 1\ :sup:`st` measured reflected signal
+at -45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[1][0][points] → 2\ :sup:`nd` measured transmitted
+signal at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[1][1][points] → 2\ :sup:`nd` measured reflected signal
+at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[1][2][points] → 2\ :sup:`nd` measured transmitted
+signal at -45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[1][3][points] → 2\ :sup:`nd` measured reflected signal
+at -45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[2][0][points] → 3\ :sup:`rd` measured transmitted
+signal at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[2][1][points] → 3\ :sup:`rd` measured reflected signal
+at +45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[2][2][points] → 3\ :sup:`rd` measured transmitted
+signal at -45 degrees
+Raw\_Lidar\_Data[2][3][points] → 3\ :sup:`rd` measured reflected signal
+at -45 degrees
+Once this file has been created it needs to be submitted to the SCC and
+linked to the configuration “depol\_calibration”. The result of the SCC
+analysis on this file will be the calculation of the calibration
+constant h\ :sup:`\*` that will be logged into the SCC database and can
+be used to calibrate Raman/Elastic backscat ter products (see section
+**Definition of “Raman/Elastic backscatter and linear depolarization ratio”**
+In order to calculate the *PLDR* we need to modify the polarization
+related products linked to the “standard” measurement configurations
+(the configuration called “nighttime” and/or “daytime” in table 3.2).
+Let's suppose we have defined the following products (defined already in
+SCC v3.11):
+**Table 3.4:** Example of products configuration in SCC v3.11
+| Product Name          | Product ID   | Product Type          | nighttime   | daytime   |
+| Raman backscatter     | 1            | Raman backscatter     | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 355nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Extinction            | 2            | Extinction            | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 387nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Raman backscatter     | 3            | Raman backscatter     | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Extinction            | 4            | Extinction            | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 5            | Elastic backscatter   |             | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 355nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 6            | Elastic backscatter   |             | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                       |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 7            | Elastic backscatter   | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                       |             |           |
+| 1064nm                |              |                       |             |           |
+Product ID=1, 2, 4, 5, 7 do not need any modification as they do not
+involve polarization channels. The only product that need to be modified
+are the Product ID=3 and 6. To produce b532 files containing also *PLDR*
+we need to modify the “nighttime” and “daytime” configurations to
+include a product of type “Raman bakscatter and linear depolarization
+ratio” or “Elastic bakscatter and linear depolarization ratio”
+respectively. So the configuration reported in table 3.4 should be
+changed to match what is included in table 3.5.
+**Table 3.5:** The same of table 3.4 but with new product types
+introduced in SCC v4.0
+| Product Name          | Product ID   | Product Type                                              | nighttime   | daytime   |
+| Raman backscatter     | 1            | Raman backscatter                                         | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 355nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Extinction            | 2            | Extinction                                                | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 387nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Raman backscatter     | 10           | **Raman backscatter and linear depolarization ratio**     | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Extinction            | 4            | Extinction                                                | ï‚´           |           |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 5            | Elastic backscatter                                       |             | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 355nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 11           | **Elastic backscatter and linear depolarization ratio**   |             | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 532nm                 |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| Elastic backscatter   | 7            | Elastic backscatter                                       | ï‚´           | ï‚´         |
+|                       |              |                                                           |             |           |
+| 1064nm                |              |                                                           |             |           |
+As you can see in table 3.5, the old product IDs=3 and 6 (present in
+table 3.4) have been replaced with the new product ID=10 and 11 to
+guarantee the calculation of *PLDR*.
+It is important to set among the product options of the product ID=10
+and 11 which calibration product we want to use for calibration (see
+section 3.2). This can be done using the SCC web interface setting the
+appropriate setting in the tab *Polarization calibration products* (see
+figure 3.4). According to the current example you should set here the
+calibration product defined in section 3.2.
+|image3| How to link a product to calibrate with a calibration product.
+**WARNING:** Please not that also *Raman/Elastic backscatter products*
+need to be linked to a calibration product because the calibration
+constant and the corresponding correction factor is needed to calculate
+the total signal out of the two polarization components even if the
+*PLDR* is not involved in the product calculation.
+.. |image0| image:: ./media/image1.png
+   :width: 6.69514in
+   :height: 2.40764in
+.. |image1| image:: ./media/image2.png
+   :width: 6.69306in
+   :height: 1.71458in
+.. |image2| image:: ./media/image3.png
+   :width: 6.69306in
+   :height: 1.77431in
+.. |image3| image:: ./media/image4.png
+   :width: 6.69306in
+   :height: 0.36389in
Binary file docs/depolarization/media/image1.png has changed
Binary file docs/depolarization/media/image2.png has changed
Binary file docs/depolarization/media/image3.png has changed
Binary file docs/depolarization/media/image4.png has changed
