
Fri, 29 May 2020 23:37:07 +0200

Volker Freudenthaler
Fri, 29 May 2020 23:37:07 +0200
changeset 40

Script version GHK_O.9.8e4_Py3.7 with two input files

From  C:\Projects\Earlinet-Asos\Lidarsystems\calc_lidar_correction_parameters
Running  GHK_0.9.8e4_Py3.7.py
Reading input file  optic_input_example_lidar_ver0.9.8e.py
for Lidar system:  xx ,  example lidar
 --- Input parameters: value ±error / ±steps  ----------------------
Laser: Qin =             0.9950± 0.0050/ 1
       Vin =             0.0000± 0.0000/ 0
       Rotation alpha =  0.0000± 2.0000/ 1
       => DOP            0.9950  (degree of polarisation)
Optic:        Diatt.,                 Tunpol,   Retard.,   Rotation (deg)
Emitter       0.0000  ± 0.1000  / 0,  1.0000,   0±180/ 0,  0.0000± 1.0000/ 0
Receiver      0.0000  ± 0.2000  / 1,  1.0000,   0±180/ 0,  0.0000± 0.1000/ 0
Calibrator    0.999800± 0.000190/ 1,  0.4000,   0±180/ 3,  0.0000± 0.1000/ 0
 Pol.-filter ------ 
ERT, RotT       : 0.0010± 0.0010/ 0,  0.0000± 1.0000/ 0
ERR, RotR       : 0.0010± 0.0010/ 1, 90.0000± 1.0000/ 1
 PBS ------ 
TP,TS           : 0.9500± 0.0100/ 1,  0.0050± 0.0010/ 1
RP,RS           : 0.0500± 0.0000/ 0,  0.9950± 0.0000/ 0
DT,TT,DR,TR,Y   : 0.9895, 0.4775, -0.9043, 0.5225, 1
 Combined PBS + Pol.-filter ------ 
DT,TT,DR,TR     : 1.0000, 0.4750, -0.9999, 0.4975
LDRCal during calibration in calibration range:  0.200± 0.150/ 1
 --- Additional ND filter attenuation (transmission) during the calibration ---
TCalT,TCalR      : 1.0000± 0.0100/ 0,  0.1000± 0.0010/ 0

Rotation Error Epsilon For Normal Measurements =  False
linear polarizer before receiver
PBS incidence plane is  parallel to reference plane and polarisation in reference plane is finally transmitted
Parallel laser polarisation is detected in transmitted channel
RS_RP_depend_on_TS_TP =  True

 GR     , GT     , HR     , HT     ,  K(0.000),  K(0.004), K(0.02) ,  K(0.1) ,  K(0.2) ,  K(0.3) ,  K(0.45)
 1.00000, 1.00000,-0.99490, 0.99499,  0.96098,  0.96129,  0.96248,  0.96796,  0.97382,  0.97880,  0.98502

Errors from neglecting GHK corrections and/or calibration:
   LDRtrue, LDRunCorr,1/LDRunCorr,   LDRsimx, 1/LDRsimx,   LDRCorr
   0.00400,   0.00673, 148.53471,   0.00687, 145.62357,   0.00400
   0.02000,   0.02316,  43.17641,   0.02362,  42.33019,   0.02000
   0.10000,   0.10528,   9.49823,   0.10739,   9.31207,   0.10000
   0.30000,   0.31044,   3.22120,   0.31665,   3.15806,   0.30000
   0.45000,   0.46418,   2.15434,   0.47346,   2.11212,   0.45000
LDRsimx = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals without  calibration and GHK-corrections
LDRunCorr = LDR of the nominal system directly from measured signals with calibration but without  GHK-corrections; electronic amplifications = 1 assumed
LDRCorr = LDR calibrated and GHK-corrected

Errors from signal noise:
Signal counts: NI, NCalT, NCalR, NILfac, nNCal, nNI, stdev(NI)/NI =     100000,     50000,     50000,  2, 0, 0, 0.00316

Lidar ID: example lidar

minimum and maximum values of the distributions of possibly measured LDR for different LDRtrue
LDRtrue  , LDRmin, LDRmax
 0.0040, 0.0011, 0.0085
 0.0200, 0.0160, 0.0249
 0.1000, 0.0901, 0.1067
 0.3000, 0.2754, 0.3111
 0.4500, 0.4145, 0.4642

LDRtrue ,  mean  ,  median,    max-mean,  min-mean, std,   excess_kurtosis, skewness
 0.00400, 0.00461, 0.00479,     0.00452,-0.00285, 0.00208,   -1.26193, 0.00235
 0.02000, 0.02015, 0.02021,     0.00489,-0.00404, 0.00213,   -1.15133, 0.02018
 0.10000, 0.09780, 0.09779,     0.00672,-0.00995, 0.00294,   -0.34059, 0.06304
 0.30000, 0.29187, 0.29180,     0.01110,-0.02461, 0.00646,   -0.13664, 0.07559
 0.45000, 0.43739, 0.43739,     0.01418,-0.03548, 0.00939,   -0.14466, 0.07811

minimum and maximum values of the distributions of signal ratios and calibration factors for different LDRtrue
LDRtrue  , LDRsim, (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  0.00816,  0.00702,  0.86085
 0.02000,  0.02584,  0.01421,  0.54972
 0.10000,  0.11424,  0.05009,  0.43846
 0.30000,  0.33503,  0.13953,  0.41647
 0.45000,  0.50042,  0.20635,  0.41235
LDRtrue  , Etax   , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  1.10946,  0.50801,  0.45789
 0.02000,  1.10946,  0.50801,  0.45789
 0.10000,  1.10946,  0.50801,  0.45789
 0.30000,  1.10946,  0.50801,  0.45789
 0.45000,  1.10946,  0.50801,  0.45789
LDRtrue  , Etapx  , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.02000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.10000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.30000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.45000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
LDRtrue  , Etamx  , (max-min)/2, relerr
 0.00400,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.02000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.10000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.30000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873
 0.45000,  1.10948,  0.52005,  0.46873

LDRCorr: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin           662   546   290   125    79       33    26    11     2     1
RotL          161   133    70    30    19      109    89    45    17    10
DiO             7     5     3     1     1       19    15     8     3     2
DiC             4    11    25    34    37       28    73   173   237   254
RetC           46   121   287   394   423        0     0     0     0     0
TP              3     3     1     1     0        9     7     4     1     1
TS              0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
ERaR           14    11     6     2     1        9     7     4     1     1
RotaR           2     2     1     1     0       53    43    22     8     5
LDRCal          2     5    11    15    16       27    68   161   220   237
Sum           901   837   694   602   577      287   330   426   490   510

LDRsim: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin           395   195    55    18    11      161    80    22     7     4
RotL           96    47    13     4     3      119    59    16     5     2
DiO           455   716   900   948   957      244   127    45    24    20
DiC             0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
RetC            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
TP             14    20    24    25    26       15    12    11    11    10
TS              1     2     2     2     2        1     1     1     1     1
ERaR            8     4     1     0     0        2     1     0     0     0
RotaR           1     0     0     0     0       28    13     3     1     0
LDRCal          0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
Sum           970   985   996   999   999      569   293    99    48    38

EtaX, D90: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin             0     0     0     0     0        1     1     1     1     1
RotL            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
DiO           862   862   862   862   862       64    64    64    64    64
DiC             5     5     5     5     5       33    33    33    33    33
RetC           52    52    52    52    52       51    51    51    51    51
TP             23    23    23    23    23       10    10    10    10    10
TS              2     2     2     2     2        1     1     1     1     1
ERaR            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
RotaR           0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
LDRCal          3     3     3     3     3       31    31    31    31    31
Sum           948   948   948   948   948      191   191   191   191   191

Etapx, +45°: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin             0     0     0     0     0        1     1     1     1     1
RotL            0     0     0     0     0        7     7     7     7     7
DiO           842   842   842   842   842       69    69    69    69    69
DiC             5     5     5     5     5       34    34    34    34    34
RetC           51    51    51    51    51       54    54    54    54    54
TP             22    22    22    22    22       12    12    12    12    12
TS              2     2     2     2     2        1     1     1     1     1
ERaR            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
RotaR          16    16    16    16    16        5     5     5     5     5
LDRCal          3     3     3     3     3       33    33    33    33    33
Sum           942   942   942   942   942      217   217   217   217   217

Etamx -45°: contribution to the total error (per mill)
          of individual parameter errors        of combined parameter errors
 at LDRtrue 0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450    0.004 0.020 0.100 0.300 0.450

Qin             0     0     0     0     0        1     1     1     1     1
RotL            0     0     0     0     0        7     7     7     7     7
DiO           842   842   842   842   842       69    69    69    69    69
DiC             5     5     5     5     5       34    34    34    34    34
RetC           51    51    51    51    51       54    54    54    54    54
TP             22    22    22    22    22       12    12    12    12    12
TS              2     2     2     2     2        1     1     1     1     1
ERaR            0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0     0     0
RotaR          16    16    16    16    16        5     5     5     5     5
LDRCal          3     3     3     3     3       33    33    33    33    33
Sum           942   942   942   942   942      217   217   217   217   217
